r/Mademesmile | SPACE BUBBLE DOG

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i can't believe i was lucky enough to get the best dog it's true we don't deserve dogs they're just eternally happy and too good for this world what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today's story smorgasbord includes r made me smile but first as always we got some fan art for you today's fan art is brought to you by contribution lumpy if your head is a hand your hands are your head i ah excuse me i think we got the thanks i hate it one no but this is actually a really good drawing i'm just staring at my palm waiting for a mouth to form won't be sleeping tonight thank you so much contribution lumpy and now for our future presentation our slash made me smile this single dad adopted a teen abandoned at the hospital i knew i had to take him this man looks so amazingly wholesome and wonderful and also who abandons a child at a hospital i hope whoever abandoned this child ends up in a hot oh no actually no no i'm gonna keep this wholesome after one year living in a truck i got an apartment life is good oh good job friend welcome home i'm a teacher and my students noticed that i wasn't myself for a while i was in a bad place emotionally they knew that i was a fan of billy eilish and one of them drew this masterpiece i would love for her amazing art to be seen by as many people as possible as it still makes me smile holy crap that is amazing that is some real fracking talent if there's anybody listening to this video in the background flip over to this tab and look at the screen it's worth it i promise this is nelly she's an astronaut please don't interrupt her spacewalk 13 out of 10. that's one small poop for the pup one giant boop for pup kind so cute two of my favorite things space and cute animals my brother is a low-functioning downsy he used to love to hold babies but it's rare someone lets him now my wife and i let him hold our baby today and here is the luck when we gave her to him and then the way he held her without movement for five minutes i almost cried oh you can tell from the look on his face i'm sorry you're going to be hearing that noise a lot i was nine years old waiting for the school bus in wisconsin winter i had a thin coat no hat or gloves a woman driving past saw me and stopped giving me a blanket from the back of her car it was a long skinny one so she wrapped it around my head and shoulders like a big scarf i remember thanking her but being confused i told her i didn't know how i would give it back when i was done borrowing it she hugged me and said not to worry i still have that blanket had a bob ross painting party for my birthday love my friends best day ever this sounds like some wonderful freaking wholesome party stuff and you definitely have some perfectly happy little friends this is incredible mother passed away 9 years ago and she mentioned she'd be a yellow butterfly one day for nine years i've been mesmerized every time i see one but i have never been close enough to touch one today this happened happy mother's day mama oh it's just like hanging out and it happened on mother's day that's so freaking adorable this dude a total stranger went to advanced auto parts with me and is fixing it for me oh that is a mechanic road warrior if i have ever seen one to the woman in the parking lot that just asked me if i was carry underwood you officially made my day your day that lady just made my whole life i love the celebrity wholesome stories i don't know why they just make me make me happy this is carter he knocked on my door to ask if he could have a banana then left i think this depends on where you live because if you're in new york city and someone knocks on your door asking for food you would probably initially be a little bit suspicious but if you're out in the suburbs or out in the middle of nowhere and someone comes to your door craving potassium yeah sure here's a banana how can people say cats don't have feelings like when my cat got deadly sick she refused to eat a single thing and it had been days but when i started crying she just a little bit and upon seeing how happy it made me kept doing it whenever she could now whenever i'm sad or crying she finds wherever i am with a mouth full of food and eats the pieces one by one every time looking up at me making sure i was watching her eat it all because she knew it made me happy and it does make me happy oh god the separate is gonna make me cry after almost two years of dealing with trauma and depression i finally got the motivation to clean my room entirely it almost took nine hours and two trash bags full with plastic bottles pizza boxes and other trash i'm proud of my work as you should be man this is good work i've been in this exact situation before and believe me i it's rough this is an awesome job well done a couple in taiwan who own a dry cleaning company pose with clothes never picked up becoming viral sensation this is freaking adorable oh my god i love it my son found a 1914 wheat penny under some old concrete i removed i posted a picture of it on r coins to share our excitement fellow redditors offered to send in some of their personal treasures to inspire him to keep hunting we are absolutely speechless oh look how happy he looks that's so cute oh i really hope this kid takes this as like a lifelong hobby that is awesome i had a man come to me and he said bob i could never paint because i'm color blind so i thought today we do a picture in grey just to show you that anyone can paint as a legally blind person i could not approve of this more people who have been in a coma what was your perception of time while in it i was in a coma for a week after surgery to me it was instant the odd part my mom talked to me while i was in the coma and i remember the things she said she talked about raising me the funny things i did etc when my mom passed away in 2007 she fell asleep first we knew she wouldn't wake up again so i talked to her about how amazing she was as a mom i talked for hours until she took her last breath i hope she heard me i wasn't always a good son okay all right lexi is not going to cry while reading the rest of these lexi is not going to cry the first time i ever did stand up in the high school talent show my teacher was like i'm gonna see you on the tonight show one day so i flew him out comedian josh johnson black pride free blog for the teachers who believe in you treasure both these men so my friend's vet has a comfort dog assistant that helps sick patients know that everything will be all right and this is really all you need to see today oh my god yeah i'm not going oh my god no yeah i'm not getting through this without crying look at the face i know nobody else cares but i've always struggled with self-confidence and self-esteem issues because of my looks six months ago i started facial and jaw exercises and i'm finally confident in the way i look wow look did you go i didn't even know those were a thing that's awesome excellent work i'm so proud of all of you dear sarah this is a little bit awkward but i've waited a really long time to pass this on to you my wife and i came in for haircuts shortly before christmas of last year my wife was suffering from dementia and you treated her as if you've been working with dementia patients all your life you let us sit next to each other and when it came time for her cut you turned her chair towards me so i could watch her expression as you cut her hair it turned out even better than i thought it would sadly she died in march and that haircut was one of the best best moments of her life she felt so pretty she visited the mirror in her bathroom several times during the day and would come out beaming to see her so happy was priceless looking back it was likely one of dozens of haircuts you gave that day but one which revitalized a woman's sense of self and her singular beauty i hope you always realize the power of your profession it's so easy to take things like that for granted sincerely a grateful customer i know i said best twice but i i can't i can't re-record that this is just so wonderful and heartwarming and sad and ah i'm very glad this person felt pretty uh before they unfortunately passed away single mom dresses as dad so her son wouldn't miss donuts with dad day at school that is the best kind of parent drug dealers have read it what is the strangest thing you have been offered in compensation for drugs ex-user of opiates here my dealer would only give me the drugs if i gave him my blades and allowed him to check me for any cuts i was in a seriously dark time and he helped me in a lot of ways eventually once i started to get better he refused to sell me any drugs and also made it clear to his friend dealers that i was blacklisted one of the reasons i turned my life around not something i expected but i'll take it that's amazing i just remembered that when i got my first dog i was seven and he was one seven in dog years and i cried when he turned two because i didn't think a 14 year old dog would want to hang out with me this is less made me smile and more made me cry the human has been working from home the last couple of days and every so often they let me participate in the video calls all the other humans cheer when they see me i am the only thing holding their company together oh this one's gonna be a hard one the left one is my art found the drawing on the right in my little brother's room one day oh my god that's too freaking adorable i love it there are two drunk men outside my window and all they're saying is no you're my best friend in the whole world back and forth drunken holes on chaos i can get behind this currently staying with my parents they have eggs for breakfast on wednesday and sunday these days are now both known as egg day they plan for egg day days in advance the night before an egg day they talk about how excited they are for egg day they've been married 35 years and this is how you run a relationship that is true love did you know that when ella fitzgerald couldn't get booked by clubs and tv because she was black marilyn monroe offered to come to the nightclub every night and sit in the front row if they let ella sing that's how you use your privilege for good oh my god this is an amazing history through ids worked at kfc became a manager at kfc did housekeeping at mill creek nursing assistant licensed practical nurse and a registered nurse look at you go i'm so proud of all of you 1939 kansas wheat when they realized women were using their sacks to make clothes for their children the mills started using floured fabric for their sacks so the kids would have pretty clothes pure kindness the label would wash out oh that's kind of sweet i like this i'm on a plane and the entire flight sat still so that a man in the last seat at the back of the plane could get off and run to his next flight to try to make it to his twin daughter's first father-daughter dance everyone rooted him on and clapped as he rushed down the aisle johnny depp hugs fan who gave him flowers outside court after day six of libel trial oh that's really sweet my son and his best friend both told their survival rate would be around two percent never walk and live in a vegetative state if they made it past seven years both walked a stage and graduated tonight left pick is from the first day of school the right is from graduation this evening oh that's so good look at them go the amount of pride i have for you people you guys are freaking rocking it well done some people don't understand that sitting in your own house alone in peace eating snacks and minding your business is fracking priceless yes this exactly i have a confession when my hubby gets stuck on a part of a video game for a long period of time i will look up the solution on my phone and then give him vague suggestions to push him in the right direction i've been doing this for six years that is an amazing wife this guy doesn't know how secretly amazing his wife is so last supper i randomly met this 80 year old woman on words with friends we played 300 plus games together and she actually ended up becoming a good friend of mine today i got to go to florida and meet her in person oh that's the best thing ever i met my best friend and basically internet twin through discord and one day i will get to go to europe and meet up with her my buddy cosplaying jasmine and the genie with his daughter oh my god the amount of wholesome parenting in this this this is how you parent this is exactly how you do it i kissed my girlfriend on the cheek while waiting to cash out at walmart and this little girl stared at us in amazement and said no one told me girls can kiss girls that's so cool oh my god that's too freaking cute i got kiwi a little goth girlfriend oh my god that's amazing i thought that was a filter for a second remember kiwi and his goth girlfriend well now she says goth wife and they have four beautiful half goth babies oh my god they're almost exactly half that's beautiful they look so happy and that's so adorable this proud aboriginal elder traveled 1864 miles just to be at his granddaughter's graduation okay this is even more next level parenting this is amazing i love this so much and that brings us to the end of our slash made me smile which basically turned into r slash made lexi cry several times if your heart hurt at all during this or if it just made your soul happy go ahead and give this video a like if you want some more wholesomely delicious content aggressively throw stuffed animals at the subscribe button my name is thelexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 186,190
Rating: 4.9405751 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: jyNBhBV-fn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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