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blockbuster just checking in domino's pizza you and i used to have some wild friday nights back in the day hey look there are good and happy things on twitter up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk in today's fight against 2020 we have another fresh episode of r made me smile so close your eyes lean back and soak up some lovely wholesomeness unless you're standing up in which case go find a chair then close your eyes lean back and enjoy some wilsonness this indian man and i have an identical commute but we have never spoken to each other like we get onto the same platform spot and everything i worked from home yesterday and today he jokingly said where were you i was lonely it was a joke but i almost cried i too have a few of these people on my commuter train i wonder if they missed that weird pink-haired girl on the train when lockdown started i voluntarily went to a psych hospital program for two weeks i told myself that if i gave it my all i would reward myself with this necklace today said necklace arrived but i hadn't ordered it my little sister did this is what a good family unit looks like this was written by lego in the 70s they had the right idea two parents the urge to create is equally strong in all children boys and girls it's imagination that counts not skill you build whatever comes into your head the way you want it a better a truck a doll's house or a spaceship a lot of boys like dolls houses they're more human than spaceships a lot of girls prefer spaceships they're more exciting than doll's houses the most important thing is to put the right material in their hands and let them create whatever appeals to them lego in line with this the company name lego actually comes from leg goat which i totally butchered which is a danish phrase meaning play well seriously if you want an example of a good wholesome company lego it's it's one of the reasons it's one of my favorite hobbies my mom and her friends have been best friends for 40 years now they call themselves the sensational six they planned this trip to florida for the six of them unfortunately one of them passed due to cancer in april this is the type of friendship i want to have oh hot damn y'all are lucky i hope you all know just how awesome your friendship is my 90 year old neighbor hasn't walked her dog in years so i volunteered to do it for her so proud of buddy's weight loss look at buddy buddy's left eye is a little distracted but he's really cute and definitely looking way more in shape if my son is gay when he's older i don't want him to tell me i don't want him to feel like he's announcing news i don't want him to be scared or nervous i want him to just bring a boy home and say mom this is my boyfriend just like he would with a girl mk logo then i shall make them both a cuppa and a sandwich and i'll ask them how they met because that's exactly what i would do with a girlfriend so why should a boyfriend be any different this one right here knows how to pair it why does any of this need to be said ever since my niece saw toy story she shouts i'm leaving and then peeks at her room like this oh my god when i was a kid i had a really hard time separating movie reality from actual reality so i'd see a movie and be convinced that everything i just saw was real this is 175 something i would do my daughter and her grandad had a tea party today and this man even put a suit jacket on for her this is an excellent grandfather i only hope to be half as good of a grandparent as this if and when i ever grow up i am 74 years young had this done to my hair today i love it what do you all think and be honest in my profession i had to be conservative and never could have had anything like this tiny story the first time i had my hair like really professionally died i was considering a bunch of options some were streaks some were single color stuff like that and one of the options on the table was galaxy hair which is a triple color blue purple and pink and i was gonna choose a very conservative like you know fade look and somebody at work told me if you're gonna get your hair dyed go nuts and at the last minute i decided to get galaxy hair and i've had crazy hair ever since and i fully recommend it i bet you people will not care as much as you think they will unless your work policy specifically forbids it go for it i got my dog when i had major depression taught him to get me out of bed every day the depression is long gone but he still wakes me up today he wedged himself between me and my pillow because i slept in a little bit couldn't ask for a better friend oh my god we don't deserve dogs i'm sorry um sorry yes professional oh my god y'all do not understand how much lexi loves animals well you probably do you've all seen blessed images a shark can hear a struggling fish from up to 800 feet away honey we can't afford groceries this week but at least we could afford your father's pills hi i'm bruce and i brought groceries michelle and barack are nothing but relationship goals that is all thank you for your time oh my god every morning he waits for her and they go out for a walk okay um this is very cute and i kind of can't handle it at 16 my guidance counselor told me i wasn't good enough at math to go into the space field just receives my undergrad diploma in applied mathematics and in two weeks i start working on my master's in space sciences and engineering follow your gut and do the thing yes i mainly believe in this because my birth parents did similar crap i wanted to go into robotics or computer engineering they thought i wouldn't be able to see well enough because of my vision impairment and now i work in network engineering and infrastructure design so that is my very mature response anyway enough story times for me opie is awesome congratulations and absolutely go kick it in space when i was 12 i babysat this girl for a few years and she would come to me and show me her art dragged me by the wrists and pointed the pieces she'd made during the week and she'd be like do the voice and i'd put on a sports announcer olympic style voice and be like such form this level of coloring why i haven't seen such perfection in crayola in a long time and what is this why jeff now this is a true risk it seems she's made a monochrome pink canvas i haven't seen this attempted since winter of 1932 and i gotta say jeff it is absolutely splendid and she'd fall back giggling at the end of every night she checked with me did you really like it and i'd say yes and talk about something i noticed and tucked her in she was just accepted into three major art schools she wrote me a letter inside was a picture from when she was younger monochrome pink thank you it said to somebody who saw the best in me oh my heart this is just pure parental pride 99 happy one percent jealous two guys were bothering me while i was pumping gas and an older man walked up pretending to be my dad told me to get in the car and finish pumping my gas for me when the guys left he told me he hoped someone would do the same for his daughter that man is an angel we need more of him in the world and we need less of the two guys i don't know what the original post is but the file name alone is just meeting a hero and that just makes me so warm and fuzzy my teenager made me so proud tonight with a simple gesture i have four boys ranging from ages three to fourteen tonight the three-year-old was very tired which of course makes him resistant to bedtime child logic as i was carrying him past my oldest door which is perpetually closed he has to see his big brother i knocked and asked my oldest if he would talk to his baby brother this aloof too cool for everything teenager got up and held his baby brother and comforted him rocking and talking to him until he was calm enough to accept his own bed in a house normally full of chaos and bickering i saw in this small gesture that there is real love between these brothers despite the significant age gap dr patricia bath restored sight to millions of people suffering from cataracts thanks to her invention of a laser fako probe sure we're going with that she was also the first african-american to complete a residency in ophthalmology and the first african-american female doctor to receive a medical patent look it's yuko good for you the legally blind community salutes you salute to the doctors who do some amazing freaking work i will always be impressed by and have nothing but respect for doctors and i will always be slightly scared of them in hospitals i'm so sorry pictures of my son looking at me are primarily my favorite i'll fight to protect this smile that is a cute little grin dad can i use your tools you bet that that's going to end poorly i disagree i think it will start poorly but who knows how it will end smash band crash just finished fixing the roof dad thanks sweetie i've actually seen this before and i still love it every single time i see it i just finished this fort for my son so he could look at trucks out the window now i can hang out with his best friend oh my god for a second i thought the the windows were like normal size that dog was massive still a pretty big taco baby elephant cuddling with an ostrich baby elephant coloring with an ostrich baby elephant cuddling with an ostrich that's all you need to know that's it that's that's it that's the whole that's the post go forth with this image and be happy steve irwin's daughter bindi is expecting i hope i got that name right oh my god that's an adorable way to announce it that's really cute oh hello just two friends after giving birth during the explosion in beirut mama and his son are healthy oh my oh my god that is that's horrifying oh god i'm rather okay i just wow oh my god he's so cute this involuntarily made me smile reddit you did your job well done i 24 males straight painted my nails for the first time two weeks ago loved it so much i've been keeping them painted since then i know how to feel handsome attractive when i want to but this is the first time i've ever felt pretty look at you rocking that i approve the painted nails should not be like a gendered thing also get gels the last at least two weeks is that well done well done to whatever a museum employee snuck this in the difference a day can make for a rescue dog again we do not deserve dogs they're just so happy and forgiving and just wonderful creatures a man took his cat camping for the first time and gave it the full experience oh my god the kid looks so happy oh that's a tiny campfire my human calls me hugo my human calls me huxley get down huxley trumpet huxley i'm serious stop it huxley be gentle huxlery well we clearly know which one is the favorite here 10 years later they met again after the pick went viral that is absolutely glorious dude from comcast fell asleep during my install and i deadass let him sleep because bro needed it man you are a legend i hope he didn't get in trouble for like taking too much time on that call but i know that feeling i've fallen asleep on my keyboard like it is currently 2 32 am sometimes there's just a lot going on what's your dirty little secret i secretly watch my friend's streams and support him without him knowing by using a different account he gets very few viewers so i talk to him throughout the stream to keep his spirits up i used to run a bunch of twitch communities mainly focusing on getting new streamers off the ground and this this is this is true friendship this is this is amazingly wholesome frankie on 6 29 17 and frankie two years later oh he looks so much happier why why are y'all digging stuff no wholesome video we're gonna leave that look you may think you're cool but you're not kid with a llama both wearing sunglasses cool personal win before in 2012 as a drug addict and after 2018 as a college graduate with a major in chemistry you can do it look at you rocking that so proud of you man now go rock science things chemistry yes i know muchly about the no i really don't and that brings us to the end of our slash made me smile if you would like some more wholesome stuff in your youtube subscriptions go ahead and that red subscribe button if you enjoyed any of these posts smack the like button as always my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 233,480
Rating: 4.9483109 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: 3jv2DiWJMgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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