r/Awwducational | death newt kinda cute

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a rough skin newt in a defensive posture called uncan reflex never mind that these nudes produce a toxin ten thousand times deadlier than cyanide okay is that defensive or is that um is that presenting let me make your heart race [Music] hey hey hey everybody welcome back to mk thanks for stopping by did you get the money yet you didn't that's okay we'll just let's get steve to cut off another of your toes in the meanwhile let's contrast your punishment with something a bit adorable in a slash or educational the perfect method for teaching people with the focus of a goldfish which i mean scientifically is actually pretty normal considering goldfishes actually don't have three second memory they're actually quite smart and intelligent but let's just ignore that for the sake of the joke cute things learning stuff yay at a mere 13 centimeters in length the critically endangered pink fairy armadillo oh i love the name is the smallest of the armadillo species in fact they're so endangered that not much is known about them oh my god it's like a pig with battle armor a very very tiny pig with batalama storm the castle boys let's get that bacon the ii is an endangered lemur being killed on site due to superstition the ii is the world's largest nocturnal primate it fills the ecological niche of a woodpecker using its unique elongated middle finger to tap on trees to detect food within their ears allow them to echolocate okay all right no yes it's cute i understand that okay but imagine this thing being in like the corner of your ceiling late at night when you wake up tell me please how the hell would you not freak the hell out and try and kill it this thing looks like a vampire bat but with fingers the bumblebee bat or kitty hognose bat is the world's smallest mammal they only travel one kilometer from the caves throughout their lives pocket bat a bat for your pocket oh my god you could wrap him around your pencil at school i want one how do i obtain a legal license to have it the rare commodity mode kermode uh or spirit bears are blonde bears found only on the coast of bc they're actually black bears with a rare recessive gene so they're albino just just say they're albino bears goddamn why do we have to call them such weird names spirit bears too fancy of a word they're just they're albinos they're joker bears that fell into a vat of acid wallace's giant bee has a wingspan of 2.5 inches and large jaws almost like those of a stag beetle which it uses to scoop up tree resin to line its nests oh oh that is nightmare excuse me b what the hell are you doing on this subreddit you are not all educational you're educational but more like educational there needs to be a suburb like that you belong there b get out of here go on out the door no not the window the door like i've opened the door wide open how can you knock it through male orchid bees perfume the forest with their bottoms creating their own unique flowery scent to lure impossible mates damn boy you a warm colorful bee it's definitely an appealing look until you reread the sentence and realize that it's possible that they attract mates by farting i mean the farts smell nice but it's it's still farting that and the fact that they use their butts to attract each other which i guess is no different to humans the bush tit is that legit it's actually an animal all right all right i'm i'm older than 10. the bush did i either think of a bush with a nipple on the top or just a very hairy boob okay the bush tit is a tiny social bird that rolls in a flock that's 10 to 40 members deep it's the only member of its family to be found in the americas okay okay okay i can see why it's called a bush tit it's oh god this is worse than when i found out that the words boobies are a name of an actual bird the rusty spotted cat one of the smallest scat species in the world found in india and sri lanka it grows to only 35 to 48 centimeters 14 to 19 inches in length with a 15 to 30 centimeter 5.9 to 11.8 inches tail and weighs only 0.9 to 1.6 gs it's all these measurements 2.0 to 3.5 pounds the bushy tail is about half the length of the body oh hello hello there no no the eyes that's too good no how can you give us a photo of the kitty without the bushy tail that you've been going on about for like two whole sentences in that post dude come on you're just such a tease cute kitty but this black-footed cat is the deadliest cat in the world it catches more prey in one night than a leopard does in six months plot twist it's a domestic house cat boom that was my inception horn thank you yes i'm very talented miniature cattle are found in various parts of the world some such as the dexter of ireland and the virtue of kerala india are traditional breeds others have been recently created by selective breeding the australian lowline is the unexpected result of a scientific experiment a scientific experiment gone right i say oh look at your floofs you are indeed the fluffiest of fluffy lipstick now if you floof look how fluffy you are you're flying think that fluffy list is giving my fluffy brain flip and tumor vegas native to the andis are extremely social rodents and like to stay near each other at all times to save energy and keep warm in cooler temperatures they huddle tightly together there is no hierarchy involved in this behavior any member of the group can instigate the huddle oh bro i need body heat i got you bro sure bro let me turn in bro oh bro you guys doing a huddle bro dumbo octopuses are the deepest dwelling of all octopuses they can live in depths of up to 13 100 feet and potentially even deeper despite living in such extreme depths dumbo octopuses and their habitat are polluted by throwaway plastics you know those things wouldn't actually be ears i'm pretty sure so it wouldn't make sense to call him a dumbo octopus though i feel it's a bit ridiculous of me anyway to be criticizing the anatomy design of an octopus when things like jellyfish exist seriously they don't even have brains how do they function apple snail lays brightly colored pink and poisonous eggs oh that's that's nice the worst part of that kind of information is that you know you just know the only way they could be determining that is if someone tried it though i mean i don't blame them just look at those things they look like some sort of sherbet treats the black-footed ferret i'm not going to attempt the scientific name was declared extinct in 1979 due to decline in prairie dog populations and the sylvatic plague however a remnant population was found on a farm in wyoming all wild populations today are descended from 18 individuals captured and bred in captivity are you telling me we nearly had a world where these guys didn't exist my god i am glad we are in this reality suck it alternate universe shelter cats with fiv feline immunodeficiency virus have long been euthanized due to widespread misinformation about the virus in reality fiv positive cats can co-exist alongside fib negative cats and generally live long happy lives oh my god one of the most deadliest predators on the planet look how just evil and violent and aggressive it is flat-headed cat a semi-aquatic carnivore found in borneo sumatra and malaysia they have backward-facing teeth that help it catch and hold fish and frogs sadly ninety percent of its habitat has been converted to plantations making it an endangered wild cat oh dude it is just so fascinating seeing wild cats that aren't you know leopards and tigers you just expect anything smaller than that to be domestic i'm sure whoever first discovered this kind of cat and being semi-aquatic was just like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] nah that's not a cat that can't be a cat the red fox is vulpers vulpes okay that's easy to learn i can say that one is the largest of the true foxes and is easily one of the most well-known members of the kennett family its sheer adaptability in a wide variety of habitats including suburban and urban areas has made it the most wildly distributed wildland animal so basically foxes are playing minecraft in our real world reality giraffes only need five to thirty minutes of sleep a day they nap only a minute or two at a time how do what is how why what no you know what that explains why they look so damn dopey from the face like that oh who am i kidding you're still adorable buddy i still love you but seriously if you could give me your ability to only need to sleep for five to thirty minutes a day my god the amount of time you are saving that could be an extra six hours of your day you could be procrastinating i mean just think of the opportunities kalugos are one of the closest living relatives to primates they're able to glide over 200 feet in one swoop yo dude why couldn't we evolve from them i want to be able to glide everywhere stairs are exhausting dude i just wanna i just want a flap once bred to hunt wild boar great danes are known to be loyal and gentle family dogs weighing anywhere from 120 to 220 pounds male and surpassing six feet when standing on hind legs these gentle giants are the world's largest lap dogs okay that's cute but ooh don't let your dog lick your face that is not i've seen the photos of infections people get from th the dogs do that that's not a good choice try to cross purse from user unicorn glittery blood i i love that name okay i'm just can we just admire this name for a second okay moving on the kia is the world's only alpine parrot it is omnivorous mainly roots leaves berries nectar and insects in 1986 it received full protection under the wildlife act and thank god it did damn boy you are so attractive i mean i've always loved the idea of having a pet cockatoo one day but okay you are you are slowly gonna possibly take over that opportunity spot i probably can't for legal reasons but i'll just get a normal parrot and just paint it it'll be fine a little spray paint never hurt no bird axolotls are one of the only salamanders to never exit the larvae stage this gives them their impressive gills and awesome regenerative powers you know god's given up on ideas when he's literally copying the creatures from minecraft like just try harder man cloud leopards are one of the most talented climbers among the wild cats captive clouded leopards have been observed to climb down vertical tree trunks head first and hang on to branches with their hind pores bent around the branchings of tree limbs we literally had the chance to call them monkey cats and we just blew it we just we wasted an opportunity no i'm sick of this i'm starting to petition we're calling the monkey cats no more clouded leopards they're not they're not on clouds okay they're on trees they're hanging on them with their feet too that they're monkeys they're monkey cats the banded linsang is native to malaysia and indonesia they are most closely related to kivets and bitterrolls i have why are all these words so i don't know these words okay how do you pronounce half this stuff okay at this point i think someone's just been messing around with spore in real life this is that like a lemur's tail with a cat's body and a ferret's head and neck it's like the platypus all over again mountain lion cubs are protected by the mother until they are big enough to roam and practice hunting skills mother mountain lions take care of their young until they are about a year old oh dude give me those blue eyes holy smokes they that freaking out they're like sapphires the oh god akita in you please tell me that was right is a dog breed that originated from the rural and mountainous areas of japan this breed of dog once served samurais and even helped fighting in battles they are also known for their loyalty to their owners as shown in hachiko a dog who waited nine years for his owner hello deutsche you're a very fluffy dosh you're cute i love you what they just look so epic honestly they're like the most epic looking dogs i've ever seen baby octopus inside their eggs on the coast of england the female lays about 100 at a time oh hello there little baby hmm suddenly craving sushi otters are thought to be able to smell underwater by exhaling bubbles and sniffing them back in okay someone needs to tell me the science behind that because wouldn't they just be sniffing in the air that they just breathed out i mean even if they're only sniffing themselves that's still an impressive feat we don't see a lot of baby pigeons because they nest in very secluded caves and hard to get to places and have a long nesting period when they leave the nest they are very hard to distinguish from adult pigeons and they're but ugly oh geez oh i thought the eye was just like bulging out unnaturally but no that that's just this natural look oh my god that it looks like it's like a cactus it's a cactus bird i definitely see why pigeons keep them secluded and well kept away because they're just they're embarrassing to look at i've been very embarrassed that my child looks like this piglets learn knows their mother's voice nice english and the mother can sing to their young whilst nursing i know you're my mommy because you make my ears bleed ducks can fly as high as airplanes a jet plane over nevada once struck a mallard at an altitude of 21 000 feet normally ducks fly between 200 and 4 000 feet in the air yeah you see this duckling you see him their parent is dead because of you all because you wanted to fly a jet plane but also ah cute ducky yeah sweet columbia basin pygmy rabbit are the world's smallest and among the rarest but are they adorable yes they are oh my god they've got colorful ears too they're rainbow rabbits again who who names these animals rainbow rabbit monkey cat people although it's unknown why exactly raccoons have masts researchers think the dark fur helps reduce glare improving their night vision the dark patches may also help raccoons recognize each other's facial expressions i'll be honest raccoons are probably one of the only pests i wish were in australia because they they just seem so fun and kooky although harbour seal pups are born well developed they depend on their mother for food for three to four weeks pictured is bogey he was found alone and too young to survive on his own he was tube fed nutritious fish smoothies until he was released back into the wild oh look at you hello you're so spotty why are you called harbour seal you should be called spotted seal you're so spotty but why dalmatian seal come on people salmon sharks have the ability to regulate their body temperature 14 to 20 degrees fahrenheit above the ambient water temperature okay no that is not adorable look at those teeth how the eye how is that adorable internet wrong please fix are a breed of sheep from the island of texel in the netherlands must have taken a lot of time to come up with that name they are bred for meat as it has a low fat percentage this male named double diamond was just sold for 365 000 pounds jesus all right maybe we should cover up that bit of yours eh jesus dude is that is that really your stuff or is that a tumor look at his smug face too he's just like i ain't being slaughtered because i'm necessary the elephant shrew has recently been rediscovered by scientists in djibouti after 50 years of obscurity don't happen with the names i am trying yo that is so weird that it honestly looks like someone's photoshopped the head to be too large for its actual body honestly it makes me wonder this image is actually uh true because it's a shrew methodist methodist account we're just doing harry potter wizard spells now strap skunk is solitary and primarily nocturnal although some may be crepuscular crepuscular in addition to the ecosystem methodist methodist serves as an important source of insect control for human populations oh it is snuck look at the hair that you're adorable okay you belong here hognose snakes are a harmless colour bridge that will play dead when threatened unfortunately they are endangered in some regions such as ontario now if any of you out there are afraid of snakes i have a perfect solution for you give the snakes a top hat seriously no no give him a top hat they just they look adorable they look so dapper and adorable you just can't be intimidated by them a tiger's orange coat puts them at no disadvantage in camouflage as their prey the ungulates see them as green due to red green colour blindness ah the question i've always pondered about but never was bothered to ask most saddleback toad species nicknamed pumpkin toadlets have only been discovered in the 21st century they are barely over a centimeter long and one species has even fluorescents under uv light they are endemic to tiny sections of brazil's cloud forest i refuse to believe there's an actual toad you clearly just dropped one of your lollies in the forest and you freaked out because you're just you i don't know dehydration or something i feel like seeing only the front of this pen just doesn't do it just to say like you grab an actual pen around you and just look at it and then compare the sizes that thing is that is a fingernail after more than 100 years wolverines are returning to mount rainier national park oh how lovely i feel this photo doesn't really encapsulate how necessary it is for them to be there when they're just tearing up the forest northern hairy nosed wombat critically endangered approximately 200 left they are the largest burrowing herbivore a wombat can run as fast as 40 kilometers an hour over a short distance honestly you think this thing can run 40 kilometers an hour it's just it's astonishing to believe it actually can nashville zoo was the first zoo to successfully breed a monkey cat cub iran using artificial insemination a very important achievement to their conservational success it's alive hey niran do you think you should be called a monkey cat instead of clouded leopard yes see look he agrees with me i don't know why this isn't a thing already ferrari time today's work is by i'm jake 1208 mk narrators when someone ah slash or isn't cute what thanks for the work i'm jake and remember guys if you'd like to see your future beautiful artworks in a future beautiful video be sure to post it in the beautiful mk subreddit because that's where we grab them if you send them to our dms i'm not really going to have the time to grab them myself so just put them all there it makes it easy to find them all right how's your toes doing okay can you feel them you shouldn't we kind of got a bit sidetracked and cut a few off there sorry about that anyway look if you could like this video that'll be lovely also make sure you're subscribed to click that notification bell otherwise we'll go for the fingers and with that said my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at as always i look forward to seeing you again soon with the money and i'll guess i'll see you until then bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 486,125
Rating: 4.9548016 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, awww, reddit cute, cute, educational, awwwducational, awwducational
Id: 1_GJK0t3aCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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