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job interviewer so tell me what special skills you have hi buddy welcome to MK my name is Jack don't do crack and 4-d monetization purposes I'm referring to a butt crack and today we're gonna be looking at made me smile there you go entertainment your quest is at an end before we get started ooh let's see it some fair not by mix Jefferson 34 I've been watching m'kay recently so he started drawing some fanart white Harley recently Oh super fan thanks for coming to the channel man welcome to have you here love the little black and white detective style we got going here I'm assuming that's a magnifying glass and not some magical wand can we pretend it's a magical one that I stare though remember guys to post your artwork in the subreddit so we can push it on the channel but now it's time for some totally depressing things you see an image and you just want to dive into the middle of it to just be inundated with adorable flu that is this image today this young man used his savings to buy his favorite petrol attendant a bicycle to get to work and back home yo that's also don't know why you need to color a rainbow in the description there but it's still good story now you can't trust those cats they'll steal your credit card man find that catnip on the street a moon dress like satin that is awesome it must have been going to cosmic con the joke here is that the moon's in nerd infinite paradox yes nephew Bernie's UGC Theo and just Jake B from a mental health grab Benedict you don't know the kid dunno the cat but I want to give them both a high-five at how cute adorable they are probably knocked down where that hand is no that's ooh that's no nice but that's all this mom was so excited to be cooked dinner that she sent a photo to the kid dad made me nachos for dinner also love that your mom's contact photo is mom from the trip very creative R that is genuinely beautiful to seeing the older generation with the youngster oh I think he's about to say its first word okay boomer oh whoa wait what this is the top on the before and the bottom on the after or the other way around I'm hoping the top one is the after because that is beautiful but also how that held that they managed to pull that off because then you need a lot of collaboration and just permission all throughout that town at the bird bird bird adorable bird bad cats doesn't exist from James Oh looks like a heartfelt letter from a sibling okay that's one way of seeing a heartfelt message of telling them to get you food oh look at that fatherhood done right now make sure you give it a high caffeine strength stuff she's a grown woman now it's time for her to toughen up she's gonna learn how to do with the caffeine why am i ruining this okay now that is a cool idea to do for breakfast that I know I drew it gonna be late wait anyone who's had a dog knows it like saying hello to your dog in the morning it's like one of the highest priorities yeah upon his death radio and TV star Jack hey that's my name Bennie's Widow Mary received a red rose after seven days with another rose delivered each day Mary called to find out who was sending them the florist told her that Benny made the arrangements for those rose to be sent to her every day for the rest of her life ah guys can be so clingy am i right Oh bunny read pictures of your smiling good poster page three blog for good luck and happiness it's kind of sad that it's just two photos though he is might represent depression I get those like kid character a homeless man gave this student his last three pounds so she could get home student raises over 21,000 pounds for homeless man who offered a three pounds so she could get home safely uh I love this one act of kindness can change your whole life it's so true it doesn't even have to be a financial act of kindness just simple like act of kindness you could just help someone out you can just listen to someone or just say hello or that kind of thing I could mix do so much you have more power to influence people for the good than you realize this is what I'm trying to say Oh donk sometimes the human press is there knockin against mine figure out what I'm thinking so I just think really hard about how much I love them and hope they figure it out thank you for coming to my TED talk do you know how fast you were growing officer I what wait did you say growing you've gotten so big I imagine you a ticket for not visiting me often enough the benefits are living too far away from a family to get in trouble like this mother and daughter wearing the same costume grandma made 31 years apart 1982 to 2013 that's an high quality material I mean the clothing not just the post you know what I meant my 73 year old on wrote a poem about my pronouns in a church writing group and it's the sweetest thing today this person I know wants to be called a day it could bring us much closer to see them that way it's a strange thing to think and harder to say but they is so happy when the effort is made for all the days and things it is this that I pray we be kind and accepting and just let some day that is I've never really come across poetry that now is so simple and so sweet to see like just wow it's so beautiful what are you doing I totally misread the situation this is a straight cast that is all we need it's also missing a leg which is kind of sad but hey looked as if she would like to make up for it so it's still four feet that's how math works Jacque swims up to divert for a cuddle every time she sees him this has been going on for seven years what I want to cuddle a shark the only ones around Australia are either hammerheads Tigers of great whites it's unfair I drove her around town just so people could appreciate her oh it's her bday man I wish dogs could better comprehend just how much you love them don't know what's going on here but I'm assuming it's possibly a bunch of stray harmless dogs being offered a bunch of blankets to Snug up into for the night if I'm right oh if I'm wrong no you you know what I am right okay you can't tell me I'm wrong where's your proof prove me wrong treat me wrong with your evidence come on I'll deny it let us give paws to the fact that the bottom poll looks like a big black nose which in turn makes it look like some grumpy man with that weird hairdo okay just so you know mark is made oh sorry I don't know it again it's okay what language do you speak Turkish I joined a few English lessons cool hope you learn more thank you from my lover the added bro like a slang term in today he's trying to learn English but he'll still prioritize learning the slang of bro / look at the nozzle use make or made I don't even understand half of what you said but go get him Punk my still allowed to say Punk hell yeah Punk is awesome go kick something then pong pull some interaction get my uploads yes it does my kids just discovered minecraft and instead of killing the animals for food my daughter is building them all farms with beds and food and trying to figure out how to pet them everyone likes that but wait how do they survive more than a few days about stop I'll wait Fred oh yeah did I just forget Fred existed yes I did this kid was a fart for myself because I always fight if anyone would like 2018 to include some good news here it is my six-year-old daughter who woke up paralyzed from the waist down at eight months old who did many rounds of chemo beat cancer and regained the use of her legs has had a first dance recital tomorrow owl my heart hurts if this picture of this old man donating tennis balls to the animal shelter doesn't make your day then I don't know what will flood to us he steals them from the tennis courts he doesn't actually but I feel like he'd be a perfect example of Celtic neutral meat lake huh despite getting shot four times by an ak-47 at point-blank range she still attacked and subdued insurgent who is attacking her handler she survived a seven-hour surgery and was recently awarded a medal for heroism and dang if she don't look good wearing it America's Next Top Model right there folks seriously though so cute so brave a beloved abandoned pup lends himself a full-time job at a petrol station rescues a normal day what I love most about this is he's clearly just happy to be there so tell me a little about yourself hey who's still my old tinder buyer people are using their free times you to lock down to crochet mini sofas but they cats this is brilliant I love this lying back yeah I mean if someone wants to make a business out of this I reckon they make a killing just start selling miniature furniture in general let's have something nice today let's remember that 1500 BCE someone in Iran can't a little Hedgehog on wheels to give to a kid Wow the first sighting of Sonic capable Hedgehog I'm gonna keep using it I don't care don't get the jokes and watch a few videos back ah yeah up selling the brooch is smiling I repeat the pooch is smiling I wish I had your skin I wish I had a stronger core I wish for people liked me we should we should not aspire to be loved by someone like that that's that's credible ISM people I assure you that girl loves you floors in a different way than you think I'm never gonna not love this subreddit and I'm never gonna not love these puppy dogs and underdog ducks ducks no the cuteness is ruining my dialect my wife witnessed a miracle today and yelled across the house with an urgency that had been sprinting I thought something terrible had happened but when I came into the kitchen she said hey I do like to look at the mirror with disassociated personality disorder what I remember some news article about this I can't remember the story but nonetheless it is such a good photo who ever took this photo you were just in the Hall of Fame of like world flash photography you should know that I told my best friend I didn't have a date to my nursing school formal him why didn't you ask me may 12th rent because you're straight in price with buddies for years and it kind of hurt my feelings you think I still care what people say in my opinion everyone needs a trench I actually had an old best friend in high school who was gay and I was always waiting for him to just be honest come out to me so I could just yell them and be like I knew it you know lovingly of course the kitten at the zoo was brought at home I was afraid that my parents would get mad at me but today I caught my father showing the family photos to the kid that's like that classic case of the dad being like oh we're not keeping this pet we're leaving it here for a few nights but we're taking it to the parent afterwards lo and behold two nights later the pets like sleeping on them on the couch who's more gangster Rick Roush or bowel grouch I agree with this polling it is accurate and beautiful if you don't know Bob Ross what is wrong with you many things I'm sorry to hear that I hope you get to help you meet oh my god such a big jag är never mind it's just a little guy tiny little up little cup attack in the pants grandma's deserve to live forever where did she get that helmet that is awesome I think it's cute that thing humans do when they see a boat pass and the people on the boat wave at them and they wave back absolutely no reason they don't know each other and they're not trying to communicate anything other than in a genuine moment of wholesome human connection and excitement 27 hours of labor was worth it because when I shake my baby's chunky leg and go ring ring ring and then put his back and only foot into my ear and say hello this tweet is a perfect blend of sarcasm and wholesomeness alright guys that does it for today's video thanks again for watching if you liked today's content please click that like button and subscribe if you haven't already click the notification bell as well have a chat the comments while you're here I'll say hi to other than that guys thanks again for watching my name is Jack and I'll see you in the next video bye bye you
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Views: 504,009
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: xJCECLcG6us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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