r/Letsnotmeet My Hot Tinder Date Tried to MURDER ME!

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welcome to our slash let's not meet where Opie has a close encounter with an escaped murderer a little backstory when I was 19 I lived with my mom in a ranch-style house on a road that backed up to a large field on the other side was the main highway about half a mile down from me was a Looney farmer and about a mile on the other side of me was pretty much a crack house I guess someone used to live there but it was run down I will say that the crackheads were pretty quiet other than those two houses we were isolated at the time I was working full-time and going to school full-time one of my classes ended at 10:30 p.m. I often wouldn't get home that day of the week until about 11:15 ish I was driving home one night and noticed some guy walking down the road he had a yellow shirt and track pants I remember his outfit because it was stupid it wasn't weird to see people walking down my road because of the whole crack house thing but I instinctively looked over at him when I drove past he turned and smiled and waved which freaked me the F out so I speed the half-mile home and pull into the driveway weirded out I made sure all the doors and windows were secure and then sat on the couch to be a paranoid freak and way to make sure the dude walked past my house except he didn't and there was another guy with him dressed in darker clothes they actually walked up my driveway and started playing around with my car testing the handles and stuff in my hurry I forgot to grab my phone from my car so I was kind of worried that's what they were after until the guy in yellow started approaching my door I'm freaking out so I go and wake my mom up she's bleary and I'm trying to explain the situation when we both hear the doorknob turn very slowly good thing was dead-bolted she got out of bed walked to the door and then yellow shirt knocked I perched up on the couch so I could get a good look at him and his friend still in the driveway the porch light was on because of the sensor yeah my mom said you dropped your wallet I told my mom that I had my wallet it was in my purse so she calmly told him that she had her wallet and it was too late to be knocking on people's doors I remember perfectly what he said next even though this was about six years ago okay I am NOT a bad guy just so you know we were all pretty still no one moved not even the guy at the door not even when the porch light went off then he tried the handle again my mom told me to call the cops so she could get the gun and I told her I didn't have my phone so she walked through the kitchen to grab hers from the charger she handed me the phone and walked to the bathroom stared out the window into the backyard then she went to her room to grab her Ruger I was talking to the cops and explaining the situation all while watching these two guys explaining that there were two suspicious guys at our door when my mom came back out and said one in our backyard to which explained why she had looked out the bathroom window she glimpsed him from the kitchen and went to get a more discreet look my mom walked back over to the door with her gun and loudly said if he tries the handle again I'm going to open the door and shoot him F knows why she said that instead of waiting for the cops to arrive but the guys took off down the road I told her and she rushed through the bathroom where the guy apparently in the backyard saw his friends running down the road and sprinted off to they were going in the direction of the crack house the cops searched our house in our yard and went to the drug house where they found five dudes hanging around one was the yellow shirt guy and I'm assuming his friends were with him they did get arrested and nothing weird like that ever happened again but I was on the edge for awhile I still make sure the doors are locked at all times every day even though I live in a much nicer area now anyway sorry was a bit anticlimactic the dudes got caught either way weird guys who told me you found my wallet let's not meet our next reddit post is from Titan I was 21 recently became a police off and was also recently dumped so my friend suggested tinder as a 21 year old a new cop I had the I'm invincible and I can take on anyone mentality I match with a very good-looking out of my league female we chatted and eventually set up a date to meet she said she had a great open field to look at stars and hang out and we could meet up at her house so the night came I was excited and she seemed to be excited when I picked her up she guided me to the field and it looked nice open space woods deer and other wildlife in the field I noticed really dim hid lights in the distance then the van started driving towards us and pulled up in front of us almost close enough to block me from going forward I told her to stay in the car and I'll go say hi I grabbed my flashlight I had in the car and walked up in the front driver's side of the van there was a decently sized man I asked him what's going on and if he could back his car up a little bit he was very polite said he was the owner of the property and said he didn't mean to scare us he told me he's been having trouble with poachers on his property and just wanted to make sure we weren't gonna be shooting at anything I assured him we only came out to look at some stars in wildlife he was perfectly okay with that told me to have a nice date and drove away after that the girl was texting non-stop around an hour later I saw headlights coming towards us again this time at a really fast pace we hopped in the car and I moved it to a more defensive position the same man came close enough to almost hit my car she hopped out of the car at that point and ran towards the guy I immediately knew I was effed I got out and gave them commands to back up and get on the ground neither of them complied obviously he then proceeded to charge me and knock me to the ground luckily I was able to get him on his back and get up I saw my date grabbed a metal pipe from the van she told me they had a gun and to give them my money and truck and I won't get hurt of course with my I'm invincible tality I said no she started to cry and saying they didn't want to hurt me he then started to go back towards the car at that point I told them I was a cop drew my concealed firearm and told him to lay on the ground after a moment of shock from all of us they complied I was able to call 9-1-1 tell them my name and badge number and say I had to at gunpoint and needed backup immediately I gave her dispatcher the best directions I could to this field and while I was on the phone they both fled again stupid new cop young guy mentality I chased them I took off after the man who ran into the woods around the field I chased him for maybe 30 seconds and heard three loud pops and saw muzzle flash my I'm invincible mentality went right out the window I ran like heck back towards my car and peeled the heck out of there I went back to the area I picked her up in called dispatch again and had officers come to that location of course the first officers to pull up were my sergeant and my field training officer of course they were both completely understanding and didn't give me any flak about it at all the most used words were and stupid effing rookie I hopped in their car and went towards the field luckily the van was still there I was told to shut my mouth and only come out and they start getting shot at they cleared the area and started looking in the van they found meth right on the center console and searched the car what scared me the most was when my field training officer and Sergeant came back to the patrol car let me out and told me to come look in the back of the van both of them were pale looking horrified I went to the back of the van where there were several knives duct tape lighter fluid a decent amount of rifle ammunition handcuffs and what looked to be dried blood in the front seat passenger side we found an ar-15 style rifle and two more handguns we called for immediate backup and detectives when they investigated the blood it turned out it wasn't blood the plates had been stolen and the van was a reported stolen I still get flack about the whole encounter but luckily no one got hurt I will never use online dating again ever I can't believe that in the course of this elaborately planned robbery and I assume murder as well the girl who was honeypot II hope II never thought to ask so what do you do for a living our next reddit post is from our grant this happened a little bit ago about a month and it was a bizarre experience to say the least I'm 15 and I was playing some video games before passing out it was about say 11 p.m. when I hear the doorbell rang out of instinct I begin walking down stairs but about halfway there rationality came to my mind who the freak rings a doorbell at 11:00 p.m. I silently strode back upstairs and stood in the hall kind of expecting something bad to happen on exact minute later it rings twice my parents begin to leave their room and give me a quizzical look and all I had to respond was a shrug then he starts banging on the door my mother jumps at the first bang and my father's eyes widened but more in confusion than fear he decided to go downstairs and peep through the view hole it was our neighbor my dad hesitantly opened the door and I could hear my father's voice trembles slightly hey what do you need next thing I hear is an entire full-blown scream argument from our neighbor claiming that this household was his and we stole it from him my father's uneasiness was quickly replaced with annoyance and he simply shut the door without giving our neighbor the time of day my dad stepped on the first step going up the stairwell when our neighbor first hit the door I'm not talking banging with a fist this man was full body slamming it my father was stunned for a second and my neighbor charts the door again this time began to hear the splintering of wood everyone reacted at once my father went to brace the door with his body my mother went to go get the other kids and I went for 911 the body-slamming ensued for another five minutes and while I was on the phone with 911 it stopped I thought it was over and I was relieved but I still stuck on the phone I go peek out the front window of my house and boy was it only getting started our neighbour took his Jeep Wrangler and simply directed it straight at our house we had zero clue what he was doing until he hit the gas and we heard the squealing of tires then he immediately hit the brakes he was trying to scare us out of the house I was still on the phone with 911 and I stepped away from the window to comfort my siblings crack jokes and such eventually police arrived and arrested him the next morning I left for school still shaken from the night before I stepped onto our front steps and saw tire marks leading up to our front door the lunatik actually nearly rammed our door down with his car I really never want to see this grunt ever again but he lives directly to my right f my life o P it sounds like your neighbor had some sort of psychotic break like he's actual legitimately crazy hey you guys really need to move our necks reddit post is from florian Iser I was about seven years old my brother about 10 it was well past her bedtime when our mom woke up off the couch to put us to bed our dad worked construction out of town back then so it was often just us three at the house for weeks at a time up the stairs into the immediate right was our parents bedroom going left puts you in the middle of a hallway taking another left down the hallway led to my brother's room the opposite end was my room which was also across the hall from our upstairs bathroom and either end of the hallway our window doors we always kept locked and rarely used the door on Mayon led to a balcony overlooking our front yard and the door and my brothers and open to our back porch the house kinda leans into a small hill my brother and mom both had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom I only knew this because I was always a light sleeper and they just couldn't help flushing with a door wide open this night however my brother stopped on his way to his room and came back towards the bathroom I'm gonna try to pee before I go to bed the past few nights I've been too afraid to walk to the bathroom I keep seeing a man wearing stripes at the end of the hallway I don't know if my mom wrote it off as my brother telling ghost stories to try and scare me or if she was already half asleep and didn't catch it but she didn't react at all to my brother's confession I on the other hand was terrified by it the fear of seeing a ghost like that at the end of the hallway or through the windows is the reason I started running from the stairs to my bedroom at night years later when I was about 18 my mom and I were having a conversation in her car about a dog we had for a very short time when I was little we were sharing stories about Max's tendency towards destroying my shoes and other unruly behaviors with my mom learned it out do you remember that time I opened the front door for the cops and max ran inside to the kitchen and started tearing open that big bag of dog food we had this really caught me by surprise because in all the years I lived in that house we never once called the cops gun owner family in a quiet rural West Virginia neighborhood etc I asked her what she was talking about and she looked equally surprised as if she had just revealed something by accident oh that's right I never told you because you were too young at the time one night I woke up hearing noises outside my window and when I looked I saw a man staring into my bedroom she went on to describe how turning on the lights caused him to take off running and how she grabbed my dad's pistol before calling the cops I can't remember all the details I gave them when they showed up tall white male wearing a striped shirt and jeans short dark hair something like that they said it matched the description of a man they were looking for in the area it turns out he'd escaped from jail on a murder charge now I know it sounds so obvious hearing those two stories back to back but it wasn't until a few years ago in my mid 20s then I pieced together that my brother had unknowingly warned us about a murderer who spent multiple nights casing our home Opie that is horrifying an actual convicted murderer was casing at a house with a lone woman and two little kids if your mom hadn't caught that guy you might not even be alive today our next reddit post is from shark sir day so last night I was at a classmates house working on a group project we have due tomorrow I live in an apartment in the town where our university is located and my classmate lives at his parents house which is in the foothills just outside of town in order to get to the house you have to drive along a relatively secluded and narrow two-lane road for about five to six miles we started working on the project at about 6:00 p.m. and I ended up hanging around for a while after we'd finished our work so I left his house pretty late at about 11:00 and started down the road back towards town I didn't realize how tough it would be to navigate the road at night there were no streetlights and the road was unkept and riddled with potholes on top of this I had no cell service so I had to drive very slowly to make sure I didn't blow out one of my tires since I'd used my spare a couple of weeks back I figure I was about three miles from the house when I rounded a tight corner and saw a pickup truck with a camper shell parked diagonally across the road the manner in which it was parked completely impeded my path and I couldn't drive around it because there was a gully on both sides of the road the only way for me to go at this point was backward where there was a pull off that I could use to turn my car around at first I couldn't see inside the cab but when I turned on my high beams I saw that there was a man slouched over in the driver's seat his head resting against the steering wheel as if he'd been knocked out after a bad axe I immediately since something was wrong the way his car had just coincidentally come to rest in a position that totally blocked the road was a big red flag for me I had heard stories of people playing dead in the road as a way to lure unsuspecting people out of their cars so they could rob them I decided if this nonsense and elected to go back to my classmates house and explain what was going on I threw the car into reverse and kept my eyes darting back and forth between my rearview and the truck I looked and saw that I was almost to the pull-off where I could turn around when I looked back my heart skipped about 5 beats the man who had been slouched over in the driver's seat was now walking towards my car at a hurried pace while a few other men jumped out of the camper shell and started moving towards me as well I panicked and accelerated backwards into the pull off which messed up the undercarriage of my car pretty bad as I put it into drive the guy was already at my passenger side door tugging on the handle which thank the Lord was locked I only caught a brief glimpse of him but his face appeared to be scabbed and leathery definitely a method or some sort of drug abuser I sped away and didn't slow down at all until I reached the house constantly checking my rearview to see if they were following thankfully they didn't tail me but when I reached the house I explained what had happened to my classmate and we called the cops I was grateful that my buddy's parents were kind enough to let me stay the night they didn't find anyone on the road matching the description but I filed an incident report and they told me they would be on the lookout for similar vehicles and suspicious activity but holy cow I'm still so shook up over it I keep getting this same adrenaline rush I got when I saw the guy charging me whenever I think about it please share similar experiences you've had as I would appreciate a good read or discussion to help clear my head space oh man I'm imagining in my mind's eye like picturing looking back behind my car at the road behind me that I'm trying to pull around to then turning in front of me and I see a group of guys in my headlights charging towards me that's like horror movie terrifying that was our slash let's not meet and the only thing scarier than these stories is people who aren't subscribed to my youtube channel
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,024,898
Rating: 4.9320469 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, letsnotmeet, r/letsnotmeet, lets not meet, let's not meet
Id: 19tgUMek3vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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