r/AmITheA**hole Entitled kids stole from my garden, so I planted a cactus trap!

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welcome to our slash am i the butthole where opie figures out how to get rid of his entitled neighbors am i the butthole for sleeping in my roommate's bed for a week after my boyfriend puked red wine all over mine my roommate and i don't know each other that well we have mutual friends who both knew we needed roommates at the beginning of the year so set us up we're not in the apartment at the same time very often so i wouldn't say we're friends but we don't dislike each other at the beginning of last week my roommate told me she was going to go back to her hometown about two hours away because her dad was sick and she wanted to be with her family i said okay see you when you get back the usual that night i invited my boyfriend over and we ended up getting a bit drunk which resulted in him puking red wine all over my bed it was like 3 am at this point and i was tipsy so i dragged him over to my roommate's bed and we both fell asleep the next morning my boyfriend went home but i was hungover and didn't want to wash my sheets yet so i just stayed my roommate's bit i ended up sleeping and staying in my roommate's bed for the rest of the week she came back to the apartment on monday while i was out shopping and i came back to her questioning as to why there was a phone charger on her bed i told her that i'd been sleeping in her bed because of the red wine puke expecting her to just find it amusing but she was absolutely disgusted and called me a slob because i didn't wash my sheets she then demanded i change her sheets because my boyfriend and i had both slept in them and i refused saying they were her so she should clean them she's now saying that i crossed a line and that she's gonna start looking for a new roommate am i the butthole opie that's disgusting and disrespectful you get 3 out of 5 buttholes also how lazy do you have to be to let red wine sit on your bed for a week if you ask me your roommate calling you a slob is pretty accurate will i be the butthole for planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbor's kids from my property i moved into a detached townhouse a few months ago it's a rental i'm leasing it for a year with the option to extend that out to a second year or possibly buy the house my driveway is right next to my neighbors it's big enough to fit two regular sized cars and halfway down my driveway there's a path leading around my house on the one side of the path is my house and on the other side is a three meter wide strip of yard that's mine ever since i moved in i've been having issues with my neighbors using my driveway for parking and turning their cars storing their other stuff playing etc asking them to stop using it and keep their items on their own property has not worked so i placed a few large plans installed a camera and a no trespassing sign and that helped a bit at least the cars are gone the last few weeks with the quarantine i've been working from home but the neighbors kids are making that really hard they're five and seven year old boys and they keep ringing my doorbell multiple times a day to ask if they can play with my dog if i want to play with them or anything else i can think of i asked them to stop so i can work which of course didn't work so i asked their parents and was told boys will be boys and they weren't gonna do anything about it to keep my sanity intact i removed the battery from the doorbell but now they keep running around in my front yard on the path around my house banging on my windows banging on my doors and actually tried to open the gate in my backyard this morning as they heard me in there i once again asked him to stop told them i will not be allowing them to play with a dog anymore at all if they keep this up and they left sending over their dad i told him to keep the boys away from my property and door and if not i'll be planting some prickly bushes to teach him to stay away from other people's property and shut the door in his face will i be the butthole if i actually did that and then op posted an update about a week after my post i planted a wall of blackberries and raspberries at the two sides of my garden facing the driveway about 30 centimeters from the edge so no overhanging branches on the other side of the berry wall i planted lots of stuff like strawberries and tomatoes to reach the tomatoes and strawberries from the driveway you have to either go through the fruit bushes or walk up to my house walk about two meters along the side of my house and my windows and then walk into my actual garden not something you do by mistake for about two weeks it was somewhat quiet but i still found the kids in my driveway every single day as far as i know they didn't enter the garden and i hadn't noticed them walking around my house anymore so i figured the bushes were working about one week ago berry season started and my bushes are now full of raspberries and there's lots of strawberries as well the neighbors noticed first i caught the boys picking and eating raspberries so i told them off and dropped them off at home told their mom i caught them stealing and that i'd call the cops next time she huffed and told me to grow up but took the boys inside anyway after that it was quiet until yesterday afternoon when i went out for a while and found the dad and his two sons right in the middle of my garden when i returned clearing my bushes and plants i didn't even confront them just call the cops from a distance as they hadn't noticed me yet and started filming them after making the call luckily two cops showed up after 10 minutes or so and they confronted the neighbor as they were still picking berries they told them that they were trespassing and that berry picking was in fact considered sealing and that i could press charges for the first time i noticed a bit of fear in my neighbor he was having trouble finding words and kept looking back at his house i guess hoping his wife would show up to yell at the cops they all went inside with the cops so i just went home as well after a while the cops came by and asked me if i wanted to press charges i asked them if they felt like they scared the neighbor enough to stay away i got a small smile and yes about the husband but the wife had just kept shouting at them and her husband about the little b-word living next door i told them no for now and asked them if i'd be allowed to get an extra camera and set it up on the wall between my garden and the road to cover the entire front garden and driveway they said that's allowed as long as it's on my side of the wall so now i'm getting an extra camera installed one neighbor knows i'm done messing around but his wife isn't there yet and if i ever catch any of them again the cops will be called and possible charges will follow op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes there's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to get unwelcome visitors from staying off of your property both of your neighbors sound like classic entitled parents and the kids sound like entitled kids so if i were you i would savor your small victory and then try and find a new place to live asap am i the butthole for not telling someone i can read lips this happened pre-coveted by the way i've had hearing problems for most of my life but it was diagnosed when i was about 7 years old so i learned to read lips at the time that i was learning to speak i'm very proficient in reading lips whenever i work with someone new i make sure to let them know that i have hearing loss and to make sure they're facing me and i'm aware they're talking to me i've never actually mentioned to any co-workers that i could read lips but i'm pretty sure some of them at least suspect it strongly a new co-worker started and i did my customary introduction and disclaimer about my hearing i don't think she believed me because she got very offended when i ignored her the problem was she was trying to get my attention from behind and i genuinely didn't hear her once someone got my attention i apologized to her and pointed out that i did have hearing loss and i wasn't aware she was talking to me a few days later she was venting to a mutual co-worker the only problem was she was facing me and i could read her lips perfectly after a few minutes i approached her and let her know that if she was going to badmouth someone she needed to make sure that they couldn't understand her and that i was reading her lips the entire time i told her i was upset that she wouldn't just come to me and that i did tell her twice that i was partially deaf and couldn't hear her she freaked out because apparently i was being rude by reading her lips when she was facing me opie this is an easy peasy 0 out of 5 buttholes for you your co-worker however gets 2 out of 5 buttholes for being a douchebag am i the butthole for telling my kids the real reason their mother has been crying lately i have a 23 year old son who's married and currently staying with us due to financial issues and a 19 year old daughter who's home from college my wife has been having bouts of crying recently she just began menopause so i'm sure that has something to do with it but i do think there are underlying issues that the hormones brought out she's told me that she feels like she wasted her life because she was a stay-at-home mom and she's not happy with how the children turned out we're both palestinian she was born in israel and i was born in the u.s but neither of us wanted our children to be too westernized she feels like she failed to keep the balance and that our children have no respect for their culture our son married a white woman we don't care about that left christianity and his wife is a very vocal atheist my wife can't stand having her in the house our daughter considers herself a political activist and has turned her back on everything her mother has taught her my wife got into a little fight with our daughter-in-law last night over mascara i wish i was kidding and stormed off in tears our daughter made a comment about how high maintenance her mom is and i told him to both leave her alone she's going through a lot my son wanted to know so i was honest that she feels like they've turned their backs on our culture and that she's disappointed now both kids are mad at their mother and my wife is mad at me but i still think they deserve to know and down in the comments i'm going to read this post from they really taken dang oh no your kids have thoughts and opinions of their own your son doesn't want to be a part of organized religion your daughter is an activist wow you guys really screwed them up you're the butthole and you know what she's a butthole too she sounds overbearing are your kids on drugs are they in jail for assault murder kidnapping no but she doesn't like them because they're not practicing the religion she wants them to practice and they care about social and political issues more than organize religion and making mommy and daddy proud f that will i be the butthole if i drove 400 miles to confront my older brother i'm one of four siblings two boys and two girls we're all between 30 to 42 years old and three of us are married except for our one middle brother our middle brother has always had problems in school and socially and when he got older his problem was being able to keep a job and pay his bills our mother would always guilt the rest of us into taking care of our middle brother financially once we all moved away we all agreed to equally contribute so the burden wouldn't fall on our parents who wanted to retire our oldest brother always hated this idea and resented the middle brother for being able to get away with being lazy his whole life and blames our mother for lowering the expectations for this one sibling and always calling him her sweet sensitive boy the rest of us were never able to get away with the same things that middle brother did especially older brother who had to do everything for him growing up about a year ago my sister and i stopped equally contributing to middle brother due to financial difficulties but didn't tell our older brother he and his wife make significantly more money than us and we figured that it wouldn't make any difference financially to them and we didn't want middle brother to get literally nothing anyway during a family zoom call our mother casually brings up that harry's sweet sensitive boy needs more help than he's been given from his family and it came out that our older brother is the only one paying and he blew a gasket he called us opportunists liars con artists and lots of other things and finally said f you people and got off the call and hasn't spoken to any of us since not even to our parents he's missed two payments and middle brother is freaking out my parents and i tried reaching out to his wife because our middle brother will be kicked out of his apartment soon unless we pay my sister-in-law makes as much money as my older brother if not more and can easily pay but refused she called us crazy for even asking her to go against her husband like that now she stopped taking our calls we're out of options and are considering driving the three states away to confront the older brother into helping his family my own husband thinks this is a bad idea and that we should let middle brother sink or swim at this point before you ask my middle brother was tested extensively years ago and found he was neurologically typical but sensitive hence my mother's nickname will i be the butthole if i drove all the way to physically confront my older brother op i'm going to try to express this to you gently because i think there's still hope for you and i hope that you'll listen to my words but yeah you're totally the butthole here to be honest your whole family excluding the older brother sounds toxic i actually agree with the older brother when he called you opportunists liars and con artists i mean i don't blame you too much because it sounds like you picked up these bad attitudes from your parents who are absolutely enabling your younger brother o.p you need to get a grip and stop treating your older brother like an atm am i the butthole for getting mad at my sister for not wanting me shirtless at her pool my sister and her husband invited me over to their pool today for a little barbecue i assumed it would be just me my sister her husband my nephews and my parents but it turns out they also invited her husband's side of the family when it was time to get in the pool i changed into my swim trunks and removed my shirt but my sister stopped me before i came out of their house and asked me to keep my shirt on because of my scars she was referring to the scars from when i had my top surgery i'm a trans guy i'd started transitioning 8 years ago and my surgery was four years ago my scars had already faded and they're pretty well hidden under my pecs you'd have to look really close to even notice i've been to their pool many times and she's never said anything before so i was surprised every other guy including my dad were all shirtless in the pool when i asked what the problem was with my scars she said she was uncomfortable with her in-laws knowing that i'm trans my feelings were hurt but i was mainly pissed she said she didn't want her in-laws to look at her differently if they found out about me she told me not to make a big deal and to go with it when she left i went back inside to change because i wasn't going to go in the pool with a shirt on i only had the one i came in because i didn't expect her to ask me this my mood was soured after that and i didn't want to be around her so i decided to leave when i said bye to everyone they were all confused since i was only there less than an hour my dad pulled me aside and asked why i was leaving early i told him to ask my sister and left an hour later my sister called me upset because she and my dad got into a fight my parents were furious about what she told me and they ended up leaving early too now she's angry at me for ruining the barbecue and i didn't have to cause all this drama if i'd only done what she asked what she said hurt me and i was no longer in a mood to be around her or anyone else but i didn't mean for all that to happen am i the butthole for getting mad at her and basically ruining their day op you get zero out of five buttholes you didn't ruin the barbecue your sister ruined the barbecue so to put it simply your sister has the right to make any rules in her own house that she wants but that doesn't mean that she's free from the consequences of her stupid and transphobic rules you had every right to leave and if i were in your shoes i would have left as well it's really great to see that your parents had your back in that situation what your sister did was really unsupportive and transphobic so i'll give her three out of five buttholes that was r slash am i the butthole and this is our slash puppy bloopers welcome to r slash [Music] you go what do you got you got a ball you got a ball oh man hold on for a second buddy welcome to art dog [Laughter] welcome no not gonna happen all right throw the ball go get it welcome to r slash am i the butthole where [Music] cutie patootie welcome to r slash am i the butthole where we get to judge strange [Music] welcome to r slash am i the butt
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Views: 1,005,114
Rating: 4.9180002 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: GqnTW29Qfcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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