r/Tifu "She Walked In On Me!"

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welcome to our slash today I act up where we have the most epic today I effed up story I have ever read I mean seriously this post has more plot twists than an M night Shyamalan movie our first post is from towei now this post is kind of a rollercoaster the first post got deleted and I had to track it down in the wayback machine which is why the first post is in day mode and the second post is in night mode this happened an hour ago and I'm still shaking in fear about how my life will turn out from now on there's two situations that lead to the conclusion of the screw up the first situation I asked my sister-in-law to borrow her a 360 degree pocket camera for a trip my wife and I are soon vacationing too I found out the memory card still had content her husband travels a lot and she made a one-hour POV style 360 degree erotic video which I assume she sent to him a while back I've had the hots for her for the past eight plus years before she and I got married there were several times sexual tensions arose between the two of us living together for a year as strictly roommates movies dinners getting drunk while watching movies just the two of us breakfasts etc a certain trust or test was implemented and nothing ever happened between the two of us as at the time I was dating my now wife which was working at a distance but man if at the time she had just touched my hand once back then I think I would have lived a whole different life so finding this video I thought I struck gold I could have what I've always fantasized about gifting my past self while living my happy current life the second situation I have an automated house that lights up the house with geolocation before the app work with apple homekit a third-party app needed to be downloaded which tracks your family and friends the free version only allows you to add one person so I added my wife my wife and I have had this app for three years now even if it's useless after an app update a couple of years back to the original app we never deleted it since it was so useful for tracking each other using notifications I get a notification when she's at work and when I arrive at work we also both get notifications when one arrives home it's good for times where she does groceries for example and I get a notification to prompt me to go out and help her out or when I work late and finally leave the office prompting her to set up the dinner table last night she fell asleep without charging her phone I hate when she does that today she went to work with barely any battery what if she needs to call the police or a hospital for an emergency I have the day off today today was the day I do the deed I don't only go with simple 360 degree video but literally set it up on my VR headset in bed with air pods on the whole experience this would have lasted me five minutes tops but the for place she does is long and boring then the action starts and I go on my wife's phone didn't give a notification as she arrived because of her now dead phone she comes to the bedroom and sees me unleashing the Kraken and bid with VR goggles on she knows I released the Kraken occasionally but never saw me do it I sneak it in here and there but VR videos was never discussed as in is it cheating if I do it you know the conversation I'm talking about is it cheating if you have a sex doll is it cheating if it's a robot is it cheating if you do this thing that I'm not gonna say on YouTube it was the type of conversation we'd have at the very start of our relationship when we were still friends ten years ago to see how far one would take it weird I know but let's say it was one of those pregame conversations to see if we're on the same page before things started getting serious pregame conversations were not only about sex by the way anyways VR didn't exist back then so it was never discussed so I never knew if it was right or wrong for me to do it I guess it was wrong since she rushed in and ripped the goggles from my face that's when I see her in the room the F she says then she looks inside is that my sister I'm screwed she still had her shoes on from arriving she just grabbed her bag with the VR headset and left the house looking at the tracking app she's at her parents house which are neighbors of this sister-in-law I'm screwed then the next day we get this update so basically this is what happened tonight once my wife arrived at her parents house that's when I received a notification that her phone was back on and charging some people asked about the app it's called life 360 it also gives battery percentage notifications when it runs low or when the phone is back on I was already typing the long story on reddit when suddenly the notification appeared which I checked at the last minute and wrote she was at her parents house before posting so basically after posting after feeling a bit better by telling someone and having a bit of weight off my shoulders I was pacing around the apartment while trying to give her calls after calls but it kept saying her phone was busy this went on for 45 minutes or forever I couldn't focus on the time all of a sudden the sister-in-law calls I ignored I was way too scared to face this she called five times in a row while I just watched it ringing then she gave up then just a text saying call me I left the apartment and decided to go watch a movie at the theater needed to get distracted which didn't help as I didn't focus once on detective Pikachu I received a call from my wife during the movie but I ignored it she knows I have an Apple watch and I receive all notifications so she knows I was ignoring she only called once sister-in-law called three more times during the movie I left the theater and a to go back home on the drive back I received a notification that she arrived home now I was petrified but my out-of-body experience just told me f it suck it up just get it over with I arrived home and was getting ready for the poo storm that was about to happen that out-of-body experience came back really quickly to reality as I got to the door and then had that fear again I know she got the notification I was back I get in the house and both wife and sister-in-law are in the living room on the couch I didn't say anything I wanted one of them to speak first what if I said sorry but there was nothing to be sorry about at this point I was trying to gauge the mood I'm not one for confrontations or leading conversations I'm very introverted but I know I should be the first to say sorry but didn't know how my wife then says I spoke to sister-in-law about what happened she knows I am so effed up in the head out of reflex I say knows what she says don't lie the video I was flushed red I'm sure my heart was beating so fast then my wife said she deleted the video this is when I apologize to both of them so very very much almost crying I saw all the reddit comments about divorce and all and I was really upset at myself but deserved it but I didn't but I did but I didn't then my sister-in-law speaks she says you do understand this video wasn't for you then she goes on for ten minutes to tell me what I already know I was wrong I kept nodding but then the drama comes out that EFT with me she said that it wasn't for her husband either he's been constantly traveling to Bulgaria voluntarily at any chance he could for work but also through the years he's been having an affair with a colleague there who works at the branch she knew about it for a while and let it slide as he was still providing for sister-in-law but the money became less and less my wife knew about this too as she and her sister are so close but the info was kept within the family to avoid dishonor this is a big Eastern mentality to have and it's not the first time family info was kept secret from me but now they told me because of the circumstance I was told not to apologize or speak to her husband as he does not know about the video my sister-in-law is seeing someone else her husband and her both live as roommates for now the divorce word can never be spoken but she's found someone long distance and that video was for him the reason for all of the calls from the sister-in-law was to not mention anything to her husband the sister-in-law feared that if I did the video would have been proved during the divorce process as if she was at fault it was a very emotional afternoon I felt like throwing up many times the focus was more on sister-in-law and her life though and her shame for having kept her relationship going as long as it has the guy is barely leaving any money on the side for her anymore so she's been sleeping more and more at her parents house me obtaining the video didn't come up more than once I don't know if it was because it was too embarrassing for everyone or what but it will come up another day for sure maybe after everyone has relaxed and tears have dried I'll have an honest conversation with my wife about my wrongdoings and also included vr videos are fine or not for tonight my wife invited my sister-in-law to stay and sleep over we got some food and drink a few bottles of wine to make us forget a bit although it felt insanely awkward sister-in-law seemed to be feeling better she was smiling and laughing and slapping my shoulder or kicking me under the table every time I made a joke she seemed more open with me now that I was warned of the people to know her secret and she could trust and talk to me if she needs to all three of us fell asleep in sleeping bags in the living room kind of like camping to keep her company during this tough time for her my wife seemed okay for now - then Opie post an update but it isn't Opie it's Opie's wife logged in to Opie's account this is his now ex-wife did he not realize or was he too dumb to remember we share everything including the same reddit app I logged in to see this throwaway as the default login account I took a look through the comments and was seriously disgusted by most of the responses suggesting to sexually approached both of us last night and my sister did mention he tried something in the middle of the night once this guy is living in another world I am only posting this to reassure everyone thinking he got away with it that these types of scumbags do not I came home yesterday with my sister to pack my stuff I saw his update saying it seemed alright but I was keeping it in for the next morning the reason we slept in the living room is because I didn't want him to see my bags in the corner of the bedroom he came home suddenly before I finished packing it wasn't fun camping or a picnic this morning before he woke up we grabbed the rest of my stuff and left I went to the bank and froze our joint account before he irresponsibly starts taking cash out I am not seeing him anymore I'm gonna lawyer up give away all this reddit gold to the comment that I feel were actually reasonable and divorce him oh and husband if you can read this I've deleted the tracking app my lawyer will call you to unfreeze your share and take the steps to unlink me from any other tracking apps you might have on me it's worth mentioning that as of reading this story this post has 110,000 up votes 10 reddit Platinum's 30 reddit gold and see six reddit silvers and on top of that all the views from this YouTube video this is the most exposed a cheater has ever been on reddit's but not the most exposed a cheater has ever been on YouTube unless Opie happens to be named Pro Jared our next post is from waveless I was at a UK Airport and as a perk of my job I had a business-class ticket to fly to Brazil I'd never flown first class before and felt pretty good e'en excited I mean why wouldn't I I was going to Brazil for three weeks for a business class in a five-star hotel I hadn't had to pay for to make it even better as it was technically a business trip I was getting paid to be there I'm heading to the departure gate and I ended up on one of those long escalators you know the kind they have in airports that you silently note to yourself hey that's a big escalator I'm going down got my backpack on my headphones in and I'm in a good mood such a good mood I decide to jump the last few steps just because I'm a little giddy thinking about all those Brazilian girls some sunshine some cheap booze and absolutely no stuffy office and intolerable moody coworkers so I jump hit the plate at the bottom and the freaking thing locks up and makes a high-pitched noise it doesn't gradually come to a stop it just stops it's a busy airport it's a busy escalator too I turn around and see people tumbling down this thing crashing into people and more people falling an alarm goes off and people in uniforms come running out shouting into walkie talkies I try my absolute best to disappear into the crowd another shocked bystander wondering what's going on I see a lady bleeding from her nose a man with a probably broken arm kids crying and I know it's my fault I feel horrible but not just horrible worried worried I won't be going anywhere what will work say I hate to the departure gate and board my flight without issue the business class is severely tainted I spend the whole trip worried I'll be arrested at the other end every possible scenario goes through my head I got off scot-free but I'm still feeling bad about it so I thought I'd come and tell all of you about it so you can judge me instead well I mean if Opie wants us to judge him let's all call this guy a jerk down in the comments that was our slash today I act up and if you enjoyed this video please subscribe because I want to hit 1 million subs and you can help me get there
Channel: undefined
Views: 642,725
Rating: 4.9146409 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosing, tifu, r/tifu, r/ tifu, today i fd u
Id: mkA5QF9Ci8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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