r/Prorevenge She Becomes John Wick to Get Her Stolen Dog Back!

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welcome to our / / revenge where Opie goes full John wick on the thief who stole her puppy our first reddit post is from punk rock vixen and you may have heard bits and pieces of this before because this just recently went viral on Facebook and in several places across Reddit because what this person did is gonna make your blood boil so it all started on Sunday May 26 I was flying back home from Texas where I was at my girlfriend's sister's wedding we had a layover in Vegas before our one-hour flight back to Sacramento I land in Vegas and I get reception that's what my roommate calls me and tells me how the door to our backyard gate was busted open and my beautiful husky wolf mix was missing that dog is everything to me she's three years old now and I've had her since she was two months old she's been with me through all my breakups my layoffs and my evictions she was my only friend when all my other friends believe the rumors my ex said about me anyways she's gone and I get home to start doing the usual putting up fliers offering a reward and notifying every shelter vet and her chip company of her disappearance I put notices on every lost-and-found page and suddenly it starts to go viral on Facebook a lot of people really wanted to help me find my dog and I had eyes everywhere I wake up one day to a Craigslist ad with a picture of an unknown girl hugging my dog with the ad titled found husky sent to me by a friend of mine so I contact the ad maker so I'm gonna take a pause here to show the Instagram post that the thief posted this picture actually made it to our slash I am a total piece of doodoo the universe sent me this pretty female dog today hashtag she's beautiful hashtag husky so by the universe sent it to you do you really mean you broke into someone's house and stole it anyways back to the story the lady was nice and explained how she didn't find my dog but a friend of hers on Instagram found her she watched her post pictures on Instagram and brag about how the universe brought me this beautiful female dog she sent me screenshots of her Instagram and all the pictures she posted up my dog she then tells me I don't know her personally but she is a fellow escort it turns out the girl who has my dog is an escort so she messaged the girl to tell her that she found the owner of the dog and she full deletes all posts about my dog and blocks the ad maker so I think all right this is already viral game on female dog I get all the people who have been searching including my detective aunt and we make a hunt I file a police report and they are down to bust this chick but I have to find where she is and where she's holding my dog for them to do anything which is pretty useless I get people to start contacting one another and we found her legal name all the addresses she is tied to including her boyfriend mom stepdad possibly dad and stepmoms info we even found two warrants for her arrest she was charged with petty theft hit-and-run involving property damage lying to a peace officer and possession of contraband after I found that info including her being an escort which is illegal where I'm from we had her I dug up all her info including emails and phone numbers with her escort phone number so I called this woman to confront her and she starts yelling at me about how I'm harassing and threatening her this is the first time I've ever talked to the woman and how she was going to press charges on me she then said she brought my dog to a shelter she also told me which shelter two days prior I confirmed that wasn't true meanwhile I'm gathering all the proof I have that this dog is mine which is three years of time-stamped photos with me and the dog and the chip information that my dog is registered with and her being in my name with the chip company she's told this and still refuses to give her back by saying I'm afraid to get the dog back because the owner is threatening me which I never did and I have proof of that so now she's on blast on Facebook Instagram and reddit as well I'll provide with more edits later update so I'm not sure what more I can really do the court fees to even try and get this female dog is gonna break my bank and I already spent over a grand trying to find my dog then even trying to find and serve her with the court may not work because the cops will only try three times before they say welp you're on your own and then I would have to hire a private investigator I'm not sure what to do besides blast her so hard this ends up on every news station and radio station in the Sacramento region update again oh boy so check this out the girl that stole my dog was with another girl when they found my dog and boy does the plot thickened they're both escorts so the girl that stole my dog let's call her blond thief and the girl she was with will call her red haired beef blond thief left for San Francisco to work she came back home early to find red haired thief was sleeping with blond haired thieves boyfriend and it gets better mate red haired thief beat blond-haired thieves but which involved the cops and a public police report boyfriend was taken to jail for domestic violence and so did red haired thief now that this was public record I looked up the incident sadly there was no house address when I looked it up I'll keep you updated final updates the red hair deep contacted me and told me the blonde haired thief took my dog to her dad's house so I went detective and looked up who her dad is I got his legal name face book and phone number I get a car with a BV friend of mine and drive one hour to Valley Springs to where her dad lives we pull up to the property and there is my dog running up to the fence to greet me I opened the gate and she tackles me I put her in the car and called the cops they arrive and do their best to get him to answer the door but the police chalk it up to him not being home they take my statement and I explain everything down to each fine detail including the escort in question having a record they said they will be catching the father and I will be pressing charges for animal endangerment and grand theft she will also be adding a third warrant on a record so glad it's over and my dog is so happy to see me again every day Opie I think I've seen this movie Opie is literally jaynewick also to make this story even more touching I went back through Jane Wix posting history and literally every single post she made on Reddit before this story was pictures of her cute popper she is clearly a deeply caring dog owner who loves her popper oh now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go spend some time hugging you go our next reddit story is from twitting 8 my first car was in 1984 Jeep cj7 a pretty sweet ride for a dirt-poor teenager in the 90s I was working Midnight's at a gas station and loaned it to my brother who was taking a date to a party I got a call around 1:00 a.m. from my brother who told me he left the keys in the Jeep and it was stolen I was devastated I was still on the phone with my brother when the thieves pulled my Jeep into my gas station to fill up on gas as luck would have it the gas gauge on my Jeep was broken and always read empty and I worked at the only 24-hour gas station in the area I pressed the silent alarm and proceeded to fill up my Jeep it was a full service station when the thieves were out of the Jeep I saw an opportunity to slip the key out of the ignition and into my pocket they paid for the gas and argued amongst each other who had the keys last the delay was enough for the police to arrive I had to explain the story to the officer half a dozen times before he understood the thieves had this stunt look of disbelief on their faces I'll never forgets the cups were belly laughing telling the story to dispatch all the while the thieves sat in cups in the back of the squad car this story made most of the major newspapers the following day so essentially what these thieves did is stole the guy's car filled it up with gas form and then returned it thanks guys who said there's no honor among thieves our next reddit post is from our Gautreaux nomadic I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle my backpack exploded and stuff was thrown everywhere witnesses helped me gather everything and police showed up someone took a bunch of pictures of the scene on their phone while EMS and police did their thing not a bad accident only bumps and scrapes bike was destroyed though when they asked for my phone number so they could text the pics to me I realized I didn't have my phone in fact it was nowhere I called my wife using a witness's phone and she's hysterical someone stole my phone and was texting her saying I found this guy's phone at a car accident and he has a lot of calls and texts to use so I'm trying to get his phone back to him but I need 50 bucks looks like he buys a lot of stuff on Amazon so he can afford fifty yellow now I was at the accident site for over an hour and these texts were all sent during that time so after calming my wife down we play along and find it this [ __ ] who is extorting me from my phone works at some burger place downtown she gave us the address and said I can come in to make the exchange she can't afford to miss work but needs money ASAP or the phone gets pawned yeah I showed up with the police who responded to the accident the girl was furious yelling about how she deserves a reward for finding my phone etc I pressed charges I was beyond pissed at the whole situation but eventually dropped them when I found out that she was fired for her conduct so yeah F Yolo also I now lock my phone and then we have a brilliant recap from Nathanael 820 down in the comments I have your phone send me money are you're not getting it back okay can I drop off the cash at your work yeah sure man two nine four five seven burger joint Road don't bring the cops please yeah okay I'll be there soon and then a reply from a shoestring thirty a couple years ago someone tried to extort money and return from my phone the guy gave me his home address my buddy was like let's just go over there if it's just some guy we take it back we get there it's just some random decent place decent neighborhood I asked to see my phone once he hands it to me I just turn and walk away he's yelling about money I just yell f off over my shoulder and keep walking people like these are why the phrase criminally stupid was invented our next reddit post is from red 23 Oh 11 this happened several years ago I was working for a small medical supply company as the IT manager business was bad and eventually the IT department had to downsize to just me during this time they brought in a new chief financial officer that I had to report directly to let's call her Pam Pam had zero knowledge of IT and how things worked her motto was if it ain't broke don't fix it PC and server life cycles didn't exist we don't have to pay for licensing to keep our firewall updated it's working just fine now I went from having an annual budget to a wish list which she would deny everything I asked for the couple that owned the company were real pieces of garbage too one time we had a quarterly meeting and people were asking about how secure their jobs were the owner said that nobody was getting laid off and then jobs were all secure this was at 5:00 p.m. on a Wednesday the very next morning at nine o'clock they laid off six people at noon one of the owners showed up to show off the Escalade that he had just purchased that morning during the first six months of Pam was there she started firing everyone that worked for the old CFO and replaced them with her friends and family three of her bridesmaids from her wedding a few years prior got hired to replace those that she fired I knew I was on borrowed time after she'd been there for nine months I was the only one left out of what was about a dozen people that worked for the old CFO I knew my time was running out I'd been looking for work but the 2009 crash just happened and the job market in my area went south quickly sure enough she called me into HR and blindsided me with an entirely trumped-up charge that she claimed happened the day before I was working with the VP of Sales on a project that entire day so I had a witness I asked to bring him in since my boss was lying and was told this is not about him this is about you remember kids HR is there to protect the business not do what is right or legal in some cases needless to say I knew my days were numbered the next morning I got introduced to an IT expert who just happens to be Pam's 21 year old nephew he was to shadow me and evaluate everything that I did to see if we could streamline any processes in other words they wanted me to train him to do my job I quickly learned that this kid had absolutely no knowledge of IT he's the kid people think as an IT expert because he can hook up a Playstation to the TV he didn't even know how to join a PC to a domain so I knew what had to be done the inventory billing and shipping and receiving were all run by scripts that I created on the server they were all run using the domain admin accounts I raised quite a fuss about giving him the domain an account in front of Pam and him I then loudly proclaim that I was going to change the password to it since you can't have people who don't work for the company to have admin access to our network I was overruled and was told to give it to him I complied but I also showed him multiple times how to change passwords on the domain I even had him write it down to make sure that he could do it I really stress the importance of changing the admin password and deleting his local account the second he is no longer consulting with us I showed him a few things but nothing in regards to what really made the company run that day there wasn't enough time in a year to bring this kid up to speed on how to run that place due to his complete ignorance of IT I come into work the next day and sure enough I was let go because her nephew had found my skills lacking in many areas I collect my last paycheck and head home the next morning I get a call from the CFO and owners apparently her nephew wasn't quite up to speed on everything we did there and she was graciously offering to pay me my regular salary to come in as a consultant and get her nephew up to speed on the IT infrastructure I told her that I was now an independent contractor and if she wanted my services I was going to charge her 200 bucks per hour with a 250 hour minimum at that point she told me that she was going to call the police and have me arrested for what I did if I didn't come in and fix everything my response was just so we're clear you fired me replaced me with a completely unqualified idiot and now you're threatening to call the cops on me if I don't come in and fix what he did I'll hold please call the police and let me know what they said she started cursing at me and hung up the phone turns out her nephew did actually learn something from me he changed the admin password after I'd left the one that ran all the scripts for inventory billing shipping and ordering according to some of my co-workers the place was dead in the water for several days until they could get a real consultant in to go through the documentation that I created to fix the issue the nephew was immediately fired and Pam was gone within a month that was our slash for revenge and if you enjoyed this video please hit that subscribe button because I am getting closer and closer to 1 million subs and I want that golden play button so badly
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,879,386
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: My9c0Ad1Ucs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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