r/Letsnotmeet THEY'RE LIVING IN MY WALLS! 😱😱😱

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welcome to our slash let's not meet where Opie finds out that a stranger has been living inside of her walls our first reddit poses from T bug 411 this past Monday my co-workers and I returned to our hotel from a day of work out in the field Rebecca and I walked to our rooms and as we stood outside of our rooms I opened mine and I saw someone in the bathroom I said hello nobody answered my first instinct was that it was the cleaning lady in there for some reason and then I saw my bag with my clothes in her hands I said to my coworker there's a woman in my room then I asked the woman what do you think you're doing with my stuff it gets a little fuzzy here because I can't remember everything I said and what she said but she kept mumbling about how her key still worked how it still worked and that's how she got in I was in shock and she was obviously very flustered having been caught in mid robbery she dropped my bags and fumbled around with her purse and a white plastic bag by this time my coworker was behind me watching all the insanity unfold this woman was scrambling and walking towards the door and I said what's in the bag thinking it's probably my stuff and so she said no no it's just my things it's just my things I'll show you and so she did I looked and I didn't see anything of mine and so since I'm obviously in shock at this time I let her leave I went into my room and it's been ransacked I did a quick look around to see if anything had been taken all of my electronics were still there then I went into my bathroom and saw my underwear my bikini and my clothes shoved into my own bags randomly even my passport was shoved in there then I looked on the counter and I saw that she got into my medication I'm not sure what was going through my head at that moment other than I so I ran out the door to go find her I ran to the laundry room downstairs and out to the sides of the hotel and I didn't see her I realized I was never going to find her so my coworker and I went down to the lobby to tell them what happened and then we called the police we went back up to my room to wait and I noticed that there is a metal bat on my bed a little larger than one of those novelty wooden bats you can get at a baseball game but there's also a flashlight at the end she must have left him behind in her hurry she also left behind a necklace that must have fallen out of her bag when she was scrambling with mine I was mostly freaking out at this point because I thought she'd gotten away with my medication that I need the police got there and took our statements and looked around the room as well one thing that I noticed was that there were bits of drywall in the sink and I pointed that out to the cops but none of us really knew where it came from we started looking at the door and the windows to see if she'd pried her way in somehow but there was nothing so we kind of just went with the idea that she had a spare key or something even though the hotel front desk was adamant that there's no way that could be the officer that came brought two more officers as backup because they thought the woman might still be in the vicinity but after our statements were taking there was nothing else they could really do so they left i sat down to finally make some calls to tell people and as I'm on the phone I'm thinking about the drywall in the sink and it still didn't make sense to me so I'm on the phone and looking at the drywall and the mirror on the wall right above it and then it hit me I got my coworker and asked her to help me pull at the mirror on the wall and we took the mirror down and there's a hole there just big enough for a desperate junkie to squeeze through I asked Brian and Rebecca if I should call the cops again to let them know that I found this and my boss said there's still two cop cars in the parking lot so I went down to tell them and the female cop kind of rolled her eyes but the young guy said I'll come check it out they both came back up looked in the hole and found a pillow blankets cigarettes clothes toothbrushes this woman had been living in the wall behind my mirror for god knows how long she had access to me in my room at all times I know it might be hard to picture there was a crawlspace about two feet wide in between the two of the rooms one of the officers called the original officer to come back and take pictures of this she explained to him what's going on and all I hear over the radio is no effing way he comes back takes pictures and his mind is just as blown as the rest of us obviously we packed up and left immediately what's even crazier is she has probably been there a long time the last time we stated this hotel I would randomly smell cigarette smoke and I assumed someone was smoking in their bathroom and it was traveling through the vents but nope a junkie was smoking just on the other side of my mirror she had access to other rooms to the holes in the walls were from a renovation and the hotel hadn't properly patched and just covered up with mirrors she could have been hanging out in people's rooms when they were gone anyway this was insane and I'm taking a little time off and here's a picture of the hole in the wall and for those who are listening and not watching sure enough I'm looking at a rectangular hole in the wall that's maybe about I guess a foot by two feet it'd be a tight squeeze but a skinny junkie could definitely fit through that thing so the next time you're staying at a hotel or a motel and you can't sleep because you're having nightmares about someone living in your walls just remember you have are slash to think our next reddit post comes from DS 94 I was 13 years old at the time now 22 on vacation with my parents in Turkey we were in an all-inclusive hotel and enjoying the holiday the hotel was full of tourists from different countries there was this one guy around 20 who was staring at me for some time I felt uncomfortable and asked him how he was doing wrong choice the next few days everywhere I was he also Sun Li appeared not flirting just lurking for hours and watching me he had a really strange vibe around him and I felt I shouldn't be alone with him now I was still young so my parents didn't want to leave me alone in a foreign country so he couldn't bother me but one night there was entertainment in the hotel which became boring to me after some time I told my parents I wanted to go to my hotel room and I would see them in the morning I left and walked to the elevator what I didn't know was that the guy who was watching me for days saw me leaving and he had followed me when I saw him also coming in the elevator I was in great fear he looked at me silently with a sinister smile this is it I thought rape assault or maybe even worse and just before the doors of the elevator were closing someone stuck his boot between it in order to prevent the doors from closing I'm not kidding all I could see was a boot the doors opened and it was my dad he saw that the creepy guy was leaving at the exact time I left and didn't trust it he looked the guy in the eye and said hello my dad took me to my hotel room to this day I am so glad for the rescue because I don't know what would have happened if he didn't I know that this was posted on our / let's not meet but this is the greatest hour / dad reflexes story I've ever heard our next reddit post is from Kenny see five five seven six one time I went to the bar with one of my friend I just turned 21 so I haven't been to many bars up to that point my friend was drinking on the way to the bar so he was already pretty drunk when we got there when I sat at the bar a cute girl came and talked to me and my friend she said her name was Candace and I noticed she had really really bright red hair I assumed she dyed it it was pretty but unnatural anyways this girl was flirting with me and my friend she could tell my friend was already very drunk to be honest I played along like I was drunk already too since it seemed to be working for my friend I didn't know if she was just trying to get free drinks so I told her we didn't have much money she offered to buy us drinks she kept buying US drinks and I started to get confused as to who she liked between me and my friends my friend went to the bathroom before he came back he was kicked out by the bouncers he was too drunk Candace and I went outside with him she kept telling him to go home with her he was so out of it he could barely answer her I told her he was too drunk and that I couldn't let him go anywhere I didn't want him to wake up hungover and some random house with no car and no idea what happened Candace kept pushing it saying that she would take care of him but I told her no because I had to stay with him I was more sober than him he was my responsibility I told her the only way he was going anywhere was if I tagged along I assume she thought I was jealous or cock-blocking but my friend could barely stand and lost interest in Candace already at that point she immediately started flirting with me and offered to get my friend a taxi to drive him home and said we could go to her place alone at this point I had a few drinks and I was pretty buzzed so I agreed we took my friend to the taxi and walked to her car I slightly stumbled on the way to her car wow you're pretty drunk huh she said smiling as she held onto my arm yeah I said I don't know why but I just felt slightly shy and anxious everything was just happening too easy for me so I felt uneasy we got in her car and drove down the street wanna stop with the liquor store and get some more to drink I'll buy it so don't worry about paying she offered I didn't want to drink any more than I already did I was already buzzed and wanted to be able to carry myself throughout the rest of the night sometimes I made myself look stupid when I'm drunk so I didn't want to ruin anything with Candice more than I already did earlier what telling her my friend was too drunk I told her I was already drunk enough but she insisted I didn't want to seem lame so I told her to get me a pint of liquor with some apple juice to chase it she went in the store and came out with a lot more than just a pint I assumed she wanted to drink more also and that's why she got a fifth instead of a pint on the car ride we passed the bottle back and forth but she took tiny sips I tried to take tiny sips but she kept passing me the bottle and telling me to drink I somehow managed to drink all of my apple juice and pretended to drank the bottle by spitting the liquor in the apple juice bottle I tossed the apple juice bottle full of liquor out the window before she saw it I didn't want her to know I was acting drunker than I was she actually believed I was sloppy drunk when I was simply buzzed I took a couple more sips of liquor and finished the bottle throughout the car ride I called her the wrong name a couple of times to get a reaction out of her she didn't react to it she just kept letting me call her Carla without correcting me for some reason I thought she lied to me about her name initially we drove up to her house I pretended to trip and stumble into her front door she helped me walk inside by holding me up she opened her front door which was unlocked we walked in her house she closed her front door and then locked it I thought that was strange but assume she didn't want anyone walking in on us I told her that I had to use the bathroom I walked into her bathroom locked the door and looked in the mirror I just felt strange I felt like something was off I felt myself becoming more drunk from finishing the bottle earlier I turned on the sink to make noise and made myself puke up the liquor I drank I flushed and went to the sink and started drinking the tap water out of my hands to sober up I just didn't want to be drunk but I still wanted to hook up with Candice so I wanted to pretend to be drunk I turned the sink off and I could hear her talking to someone he's drunk as hell he can barely stand up you do it who is she talking to and do what I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room the moment I stepped into the living room I saw her walking into another room all I could see was the back of her head that strange very bright red hair going to another room I didn't see her face or anything I just saw her kind of walk fast into the room the living room was pretty dark hey where are you going I slurred like I was drunk she walked back into the dark living room and up to me let's go into my room she said I looked at her bright red hair and then into her eyes they were different her face was different it was another girl with the same hair that's when I realized it was another girl with the same wig on it was a wig the whole time she had changed it with the girl from earlier for whatever reason my heart felt like it stopped but I tried to look like I had no idea it was a different girl I kind of smiled at her and told her I just needed to use the bathroom one more time and told her sorry I was so drunk she said it's fine just hurry up in there I went into the bathroom and locked the door I heard her whisper something to someone again this time I think I heard a male voice whisper back I honestly didn't concentrate on listening to exactly what she said something sketchy was going on and I had to get out of that house I opened the bathroom window and jumped straight out of it and ran faster than I have ever ran in my life I didn't look behind myself or anything I just ran through the backyard jumped the fence ran through someone else's backyard hid a road and ran towards the main road I kept running down the main road until I saw a CVS I ran into the CVS and stood straight at the front of the store in front of the camera I called a taxi and went home I try to think what happened that night what was she are they planning that night why did she tell me a fake name why was she trying to get my friend and I so drunk I thought maybe a robbery but she kept spending money on us she kept buying US drinks and even paid for my friend's taxi cab and mostly why did she wear a wig that she gave to another girl to wear who was she talking to what did it mean and what was in that room they tried to lure me into edit the next day after this incident I went back to the house with a couple of friends to see just what was going on nobody was there no cars no people nothing just an empty house I ended up finding out that the house was a summer rental and whoever those people were they broke into that house and used it for only that night and never came back this story is bizarre my mind is spinning with what they possibly could have had in mind I went through the comments and there's some crazy theories one user was thinking that they were planning on filming a snuff film some users thought they were planning on abducting Opie and selling him into the sex trafficking world a bunch of people thought unwilling organ doh a really interesting theory which actually explains the wig is that the second girl was an underage minor and they were planning on tricking him into sleeping with her so that they could later blackmail him for lots of money another person thought that they were planning on drugging him and keeping him drugged for days possibly weeks so that they could go to his house steal all his stuff and max out his credit cards and finally a post from a self-proclaimed private investigator thinks that the most likely explanation was that the guy was planning on raping Opie and the two girls for whatever reason were trying to help him so let me know what you think which theory do you think makes the most sense here because I'm bewildered personally I think the best explanation is that the second girl was a minor because I just can't figure out why else they would want to do the switcheroo with a second girl and blackmailing him after he did the deed with a minor does kind of make sense because the minor wouldn't have been able to buy drinks at the bar so was this an elaborate blackmail scheme I don't know this is super creepy that was our slash let's not meet and the only thing scarier than these stories are these insanely low prices on my merch store click the link down in the description to get your very own Ugo plushie
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,086,817
Rating: 4.9344792 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, letsnotmeet, r/letsnotmeet, lets not meet, let's not meet
Id: MW7a8FmlgDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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