r/Letsnotmeet - My Encounter with the Baseline Killer! Scary Reddit Stories

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welcome to our slash let's not meet where people post real-life encounters with child kidnappers and serial murderers most of my videos are focused on the humor side of Reddit so this video is a little bit different let me know if you enjoyed this content and if you want to see more I told a serial killer to F off in 2006 I was a college student at ASU I lived in an off-campus apartment on the ground floor and it was a block off a major street here in Phoenix called baseline these details are important in the summer of 2006 Phoenix Arizona was plagued by two serial killers one was the Phoenix shooter who ended up being a team of two guys randomly shooting people and the other was the bass line killer a rapist and murderer having two serial killers put the entire city on edge and everyone was talking about it I even saw articles in time or Newsweek about the situation so the fall 2006 semester had just started now you may have heard of this but Phoenix is hot in August it would get stuffy in my apartment and so I'd leave the window cracked a little because the morning air is nice the blinds provided visual cover anyways one morning a strange sound woke me up it was the crack of dawn 4:45 a.m. and the Sun was just barely coming up it was the sound of someone lightly tapping on the window and it seemed intentional in my tired state I figured it could be a bird or some branches or something trivial tap-tap-tap silence after about 90 seconds of nothing the tapping returned and it was absolutely purposeful I was positive it was a human producing this noise I thought it was my boyfriend who thought it was cute to try and scare me sometimes I decided I'd be a bit of a brat and make him wait but I was also getting really angry how dare he pull a prank when I'm trying to sleep this is just like him I'm going to give him a piece of my mind about disturbing my sleep like this tap tap tap at a certain point I got up to get a glass of water still being in the mindset of wanting to annoy my stupid boyfriend who thought this would be funny but I saw some movement through the slit in the blinds and I marched over and yanked the blinds so I could see definitely not my boyfriend's I said very loudly what the Freak he sort of seemed taken back by my anger but only slightly the man I saw will be with me forever or more specifically his eyes and the feeling they gave me were insanely creepy honestly words can't do justice to how terrifying his eyes were they look like black orbs with no white in them absolutely predatory when I see pictures of Ted Bundy or Charles Manson that's exactly what he looked like even if you saw a picture of how they looked it's different when you experience it in person it totally floored me something about this man was profoundly wrong he was crouched down like an umpire he had on dark pants a dark purple shirt and a dark Nike hat he had dark skin I thought he was Hispanic but later I found out he was a light-skinned black guy you'll find out how I learned his name later anyways after I yelled what the Freak at him he whispered to me can I talk to you if you want to know how insanely creepy that is to hear just whisper that sentence out loud to yourself right now it still sends chills down my spine when I think of how that sounded his hands subtly moved towards his waist I had later learned he would blitz attack his victims and he probably had a gun all that separated us was a mesh screen now this is about a three second interaction at this point for some reason I thought I'd Ted Bundy and how he'd pretended to be crippled to target his victims I thought of my mom telling me to not be nice to strangers don't be afraid to be a jerk my thinking wasn't as calculated as all that but it was more than nano processing of how to deal with the situation so when he whispered that I started yelling at him hell no get the freak out of here douchebag I shut the window angrily and locked it I can't overemphasize how incredibly irritated I was that this person had the audacity to disturb my precious sleep I laid back down and wondered if I'd been too mean what if he needed help but that didn't really make sense why would he be like tapping and whispering if he was truly in trouble I decided he was a creep after all I was too annoyed to go back to sleep but I sort of laid back down I told my roommate about an hour later and she sort of jokingly asked if it could have been the baseline killer when she said that my heart sank his face looked exactly like it did in the police sketches that were on Billboard's everywhere the only problem is that those billboards showed him with dreads and the minute my window had no dreads apparently he was some sort of disguise artist who'd wear wigs updating the police sketch would have been a nice move but they didn't I called the Phoenix Police and their detective I talked to agreed that it sounded like his MO the suspect would say something to throw off his target and then he blitz attack the detective said that my angry response probably made me seem like too much of a hassle and he moved on the only problem was that I thought the guy looked Hispanic and that Hector said many witnesses described him as black I thought they might want to come and try for samples our surveillance video or something but I didn't hear back from the detective my parents freaked out they got us knives pepper spray and put up signs edit some people asked me why I didn't get a gun I can't remember why I didn't at the time but I remember it being something I was open to when my dad brought it up we learned another tenant had complained that same morning I never learned the details but this idiot was apparently going around the DHing complex trying to find a target the stupid apartment wouldn't let us out of release so he moved to a second floor apartment right above our old unit side note the neighbors who moved into our old unit were horrible obnoxious tweakers who would do meth and play pitbull on repeat for hours and have knife fights at 11:00 a.m. on weekdays there were times I wondered if they might be worse than the actual serial killer who came to my window so that unit was cursed somehow anyways on September 4th 2006 they arrested mark Kudo I think the detective didn't call me back because they were days away from arresting Kudo when I saw his mug shot I was sick but also relieved he was absolutely the guy outside my window to me he looked like he could be Hispanic you can judge for yourself if you google it he's on death row in Arizona now his wife tried to mount some campaign to show that the police were framing him or something on a personal level it certainly would make for an interesting coincidence at this poor innocent man who they framed was also whispering like a creep and tapping my window the other cool thing about this story is that I had a really bad eating disorder at the time and about eight months after this happened I got in solid recovery I never would have experienced how wonderful life could be if the slightest thing would have changed that morning in 2006 I can't think of something more scary than a serial killer tapping on your window that actually happened to me and if it happens to you just scare them right back don't be afraid to be downright rude to someone who's injecting themselves into your space it could save your life if you're not afraid to throw your weight around and tell someone off trust yourself you can still be a kind and generous person and still tell someone to f off I honestly don't know what's crazier about this story is it that Opie's life was saved because she woke up in a bad mood or is it that right after cussing out a serial killer she laid back down in her bed to go back to sleep if that happened to me I don't know if I could sleep for a week my husband and I were at the supermarket and our baby was being especially fussy so he took her for a quick drive the motion of which usually calms her down it only took about 10 minutes to settle her and I was still in the store but was unsure how much longer I'd be and there's poor cell reception inside so he pulled back into the parking lot to wait for me it was a nun seasonably nice day so we took her in her car seat to sit on one of those benches outside the store he took a business call and had just sat her down absent mindedly rocking the carrier when a woman well-dressed mid-30s average height fit build approached them it's not uncommon for people to ask to play with our baby she's got big rosy cheeks soft wisps of gold hair and the most adorable gurgly toothless grin especially when she's deep into a good nap but her nap schedule is paramount so my husband was preparing to tell the woman she actually couldn't play with our baby right then she walked over right in their direction brimming with nonchalant confidence and before he can even finish his sentence explaining she was napping and not to be touched she picked up the carrier and started walking off he was in shock for a minute not fully believing someone could be ballsy enough to do something so sinister in plain daylight so he said excuse me put her down as his panic mounted she remained calm this entire time but when he called after her she started walking way more briskly than when she'd approached he ran full speed ahead to grapple the carrier out of her finally resulting two restraining her arms this woman yells help he's trying to take my baby kidnapping 9-1-1 kicking him in the shin and pulling a pink bottle of pepper spray out of her handbag of course no one in the parking lot was clocking the earlier interaction and assumed he really was a kidnapper a lone man in a Deadpool t-shirt versus a tiny well-dressed woman immediately a man knocked my husband to the ground and was holding him down he could hear bystanders encouraging the woman to file a police report but she was doing a very convincing job of acting shaken up and insisted she just wanted to get home to make matters worse for my husband she was driving a minivan he was in a raw state of panic realizing the entire parking lot had banded together to inadvertently facilitate the kidnapping of our daughter he was begging and pleading with them but no one was listening they just kept screaming at him that the jig was up and he needed to lie still and wait for police and stop terrorizing a young mother my husband finally had the novel idea to show them family pictures on his phone but too panicked to think clearly this manifested as him shouting I have pictures of the baby on my phone which of course everyone interpreted as him having either stalking photos or worse it was at this point that a man I can't entirely blame the man considering what he thought was going on kicked my husband as hard as he could in the ribs it was at this point I was coming out of the store and I thought he was being robbed by these people I was yelling for security so panicked my chest constricted and I could barely get any sound out it was only then I realized he did not have our baby with him when I saw she was being held by a woman I was relieved I thought maybe the woman had intervened to move my daughter out of harm's way while my husband was being robbed and was walking away to get help I couldn't find a security guard outside the store so I ran up to the people holding my husband down waving my wallet pleading take everything you want just let up and leave us alone and one of the men holding him down said something like lady we need to wait for police to deal with them and I was so confused why would the muggers have called the police I just kept stammering what do you mean what are you talking about and made out someone saying he tried to abduct that woman's kid I did not understand and was sure I'd misheard him my husband would never hurt a child and we have four kids if he were going to commit a crime bringing home another kid would be at the bottom of his list I kept trying to understand what the man was saying and suddenly it all clicked I looked around for the woman who had the baby carrier and she was halfway across the parking lot I went into total ballistic tiger cub mode literally lucked out of my heels and sprinted across the parking lot I'm not a UFC fighter I've never even taken a self-defense class so all I could think to do was grab the woman by her hair and squeeze her throat with my other hand which didn't do much she was getting away even as I grappled her amazingly none of the other bystanders had yet to connect that my husband was telling the truth and that this woman was absconded with my baby I yanked on her hair as hard as I could and that was enough to make her drop the carrier I was so scared and surprised that I actually just threw myself on top of the carrier covering the entire thing like a blanket and stayed that way without saying or doing anything else the woman left not one person tried to stop her even though she was clearly leaving without the child she claimed was hers which would be pretty incriminating if I'd watched this scene unfold within the next couple minutes police had arrived after all that there were still several bystanders who explained it as my husband trying to kidnap the baby the police to my horror assumed that she must not have had bad intentions the first questions they asked me after getting her description weren't investigative they were questions thinly-veiled trying to convince me not to pursue charges still a placing blame on my husband a small sampling do your husband and the baby look dissimilar is there a chance she thought he was abducting baby and she was trying to intervene could your husband have been doing something inappropriate or violent to the baby that would make her feel compelled to extricate the baby from the situation did she seem groggy or confused could she have mistaken either of them for her own family members they spent more time verifying that the baby was actually mine than they concerned themselves with the fact that the baby was not actually hers my husband had called his brothers at that point who works in an office with a lot of lawyers and connected with one ASAP who gave us the priceless advice to get every officer's name and badge number to request copies of the store security tapes right away and to escalate our complaint higher up the chain if these officers weren't taking us seriously finally we had reason enough to believe we were being taken seriously and we went home and both just shook and cried until we had to get our other kids from school my husband is seething with rage and grappling with a feeling of helplessness from how little he was able to do and has two cracked ribs from when the man kicked him to the officers credit they did ask if he'd like to press charges but considering the man was genuinely convinced at the time that he was on the right side of intervening and a kidnapping and stayed to talk to police and apologized profusely when the truth became clear he declined to press charges amazingly and frustratingly there were still people who stuck around to talk to police who were giving my husband dirty looks and one man who even implored the police to involve Child Protective Services to verify it was really our baby parking-lot kidnapper and parking lot skeptics you better hope we don't meet what's so scary about the story is how incredibly easy it was for that woman to get everyone on her side and potentially steal that kid I mean if that father had gone to the grocery store alone and not with his wife then I guess that kid would have just been kidnapped and there wasn't anything he really could have done about it that was our slash let's not meet and I know you guys are accustomed to coming to my channel for just jokes and a light sense of humor but the stories unless not meet are so intense I just wanted to share a couple with you to see if you guys want more so let me know down in the comments if you want to see more of these sort of like really serious and heavy but still super interesting stories
Channel: rSlash
Views: 919,236
Rating: 4.903944 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, letsnotmeet, r/letsnotmeet, lets not meet, let's not meet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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