Top 3 stories that sound fake but are 100% real | Part 8

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This is all reaI I promise.

Or is it?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Big_Husky147 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

"WAS ALL THIS FOR REAL OR JUST SOME KIND OF HELL"Bruce Dickinson lead singer of Iron Maiden

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/quietpro69 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

ur life is a lie

also thank you for sharing. this was a good watch especially without ads

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hauskind 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

You're not really here. :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Construction6630 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and today i'm going to share three stories that demonstrate that but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload three or four times every week so if that's of interest to you please invite the like button to come over your house and play mortal kombat and when they do play real mortal combat and uppercut them into the ceiling also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads all right let's get into today's stories [Music] in 2013 jim stoffer's mother finally passed away from alzheimer's disease at the age of 74. her doctors told jim that her disease had mutated in a way they had not seen before and they asked if he'd be willing to donate her body so they could study her brain jim felt like his mother would want him to say yes and so he agreed but for a variety of administrative reasons the neurologists couldn't actually accept jim's mother's body at this point jim was really bought into the idea that his mother's brain was going to help other patients and so while he couldn't donate her body to these neurologists he could donate her body to the biological resource center in phoenix arizona this center would take dead bodies and then extract parts of them for scientific research and then would cremate the rest of them and return the ashes to the family jim gave his mother's body to the center and when he filled out the paperwork he indicated that her brain should be extracted for alzheimer's research after filling out the paperwork jim left and 10 days later he received a wooden box in the mail that contained his mother's ashes there was no note attached to the box explaining exactly what was done to his mother's body but jim assumed they did what he asked a year later that biological resource center was raided by the fbi after accusations they were selling these donated bodies for profit during the fbi's investigation they uncovered that yes the center had been doing that and had sold at least 20 bodies to the us army for various experiments and one of the bodies that was sold was jim's mother she was sold for 5893 the fbi told jim she had not been used for alzheimer's research instead she had been strapped to this device that resembled a chair and then had a bomb detonated underneath her the army was trying to understand the effects on the human body when a vehicle is hit by an ied the ashes jim received in that wooden box he got in the mail were only from his mother's hand the rest of her body was unrecoverable also during this fbi investigation they found inside the center there was a man's body on the wall with a female head sewed onto it it appeared to be a trophy jim along with 19 other families sued the center and finally in 2019 they were awarded 58 million dollars in damages the center no longer is in operation [Music] in 2004 mitch was in his final semester at a college in louisiana when he met another senior a wonderful young lady named kayla from the instant he saw her he knew he was in love she played hard to get at first but after several months he won her over after graduation the pair stayed in louisiana and moved in together while they got their careers off the ground two years later the pair got married and almost immediately kayla got pregnant at the time mitch's career was really starting to take off which allowed kayla to stay at home and take some time off by the time their daughter was born mitch was making so much money that kayla decided to just stay home and be a full-time mom a couple years later kayla got pregnant again and by the time their daughter was two years old they had their son mitch adored his children every morning before he went to work he would sneak into their room and he would watch them sleep and then in the evenings they would have these big family sit-down meals and then play games together until bedtime mitch's life was perfect shortly after his son's birth mitch was lounging on the couch in his tv room when he noticed out of the corner of his eye the red lamp in the corner of the room it just looked funny it was almost like the light itself was blurry but when he looked a little bit closer at it the entire lamp looked blurry and so mitch looked around the room and nothing else was blurry he rubbed his eyes and looked back over at this lamp and it was still blurry he turned the tv off and walked over to the lamp and even though he was right in front of it the lamp was still blurry and mitch didn't have bad eyesight and so he's thinking is there something wrong with me am i having a stroke do i have an aneurysm is there some sort of illness here that's making me see this lamp blurry when it's really not but mitch told himself he was healthy and that whatever this was it was an anomaly and nothing to worry about and so he went back over to the couch turned the tv back on and tried to ignore the lamp but as he was watching tv out of his peripheral vision he couldn't help but notice this weird blurry lamp and so finally he turned the tv off again and he turned to look at this lamp and now in addition to being blurry it appeared to be upside down now mitch was genuinely concerned that there was something wrong with him because again nothing else in the entire room was blurry or upside down it was just this lamp and so a few minutes later his wife and his kids came home and mitch decided he would not tell them about this lamp he didn't want to alarm them he figures he will get to the bottom of this blurry lamp and then he will tell his wife and kids and so that night the family has a sit-down meal and then afterwards they play some games together and then everybody goes upstairs and goes to sleep but after everyone had gone to sleep mitch was just laying in bed thinking about this lamp and so finally he snuck out of his bed and went downstairs to the tv room and he sat on the couch and he just stared at this lamp and for hours and hours he just fixated himself on this lamp watching it kind of morph around and turn upside down and get blurrier and blurrier by the second the next day kayla found mitch lying on the couch passed out and she asked him if he was okay and again mitch didn't tell her about this lamp that was still blurry he just told her that he wasn't feeling well and he was not going to go to work that day but mitch didn't go to work for three more days he just sat on the couch and stared at this lamp and kayla obviously picked up on this strange behavior and kept poking and prodding to get more information about what was going on but mitch never told her the truth about this lamp he just kept telling her he felt sick she urged him to go see a doctor but mitch told her it would be fine he'd get better and then over time as this lamp continued to morph and get bigger and get stranger and stranger mitch suddenly was unable to respond to his wife he became totally unresponsive and so obviously his wife became desperate and called the doctor and as she's on the phone with the doctor trying to get advice about what to do mitch realizes the lamp is now growing in leaps and bounds and before long the lamp is the entire size of the room and all he can see is the red color of this lamp and then mitch starts to hear these voices these screams coming from somewhere in the distance and then he feels this blinding pain in his head and then he opens his eyes and he looks up and he sees he's laying on the sidewalk next to one of the buildings at his college in louisiana and surrounding him is this crowd of people with wide eyes that are staring at him mitch had no idea what was going on and so he naturally just began scanning the crowd looking for kayla and his kids to try to figure out you know how he got here but before he could ask any questions and before he could find his wife and kids a police officer ran through the crowd picked him up and ran him over to his police car put him in the back and then began driving away and so while mitch is in the back of this police car he turns to the officer and he says what's going on and the officer would tell him he was attacked by a huge college football player he got hit in the head and he fell backwards and he hit his head again and he fell unconscious mitch asked the officer where his wife and kids were and the cop said he had no idea and that's when it clicked for mitch the lamp wasn't real neither was his wife neither was his daughter neither was his son neither was his life for the past 10 years it was all a hallucination while he was unconscious after getting attacked mitch was brought to the hospital where he would make a full physical recovery but after being released he was horribly depressed and he had to get intense therapy to basically grieve for the loss of his family that never existed these days mitch says he can barely remember what his family even looked like but periodically in his dreams he will catch a glimpse of his son in his peripheral vision and his son is perpetually five years old and he's trying to talk to his father but mitch can never understand what he says [Music] in 2007 brett ryan was a charming 26 year old man living in toronto canada he was known as an extremely friendly guy who was always smiling ear to ear with his trademark grin in his spare time he could be found at children's hospitals reading to sick kids or at the community center volunteering as an umpire for little league baseball games but behind his seemingly perfect exterior behind the scenes brett was struggling he had to move back in with his parents after dropping out of college and racking up over 60 thousand dollars of debt while his friends graduated college and went on to begin their careers in medicine and finance and education brett was only able to get a job as a part-time house painter brett felt like he had a lot of potential that he was squandering but he felt like the debt that he had racked up was really his roadblock between him and the life he was supposed to have and so instead of working hard and making some money to pay down his debt he decided to come up with an absurd get-rich-quick scheme that actually kind of worked on october 20th of that year brett walked into a bank near his home and he had hospital bandages wrapped around his head and his face and his left arm was in a sling then he walked up to one of the tellers and he handed her a note that just said i have a gun underneath this sling give me two thousand dollars and the teller very quickly complied and she gave him a little over a thousand dollars that was all the money she had and brett took the money turned around and calmly walked out of the bank and he got in his car and he got home and he was totally exhilarated and he's half expecting the police to just show up at his front door but they never did he was never caught and after that he was hooked for the next eight months brett robbed a dozen other banks in the area stealing almost thirty thousand dollars he became so confident in his ability to steal without getting caught that he began dressing up in these ridiculous outfits that included this huge obviously fake beard and in fact the media dubbed him the fake bearded bandit the reason brett wasn't getting caught is because the police would get his fingerprints at the crime scene but because he did not have a criminal record his prints were not in the database and so the police basically just had to set up and hope to catch this guy in the act and in the summer of 2008 they finally would catch the fake bearded bandit at brett's trial dozens of his friends wrote letters of support to the judge saying that brett was actually a great guy that this was a product of desperation and a total break from his normal character and some of the organizations that he volunteered with did the same thing writing letters to the judge saying what a meaningful contributor brett was to the community when brett spoke at his trial he was incredibly remorseful and said he had allowed his debt to get totally out of control and that admittedly he had not handled it well and so the judge took all of this into account all the letters of support and brett's overall appearance in court and he decided that this was indeed a break from character and that brett was actually a very promising young man and that he did not deserve the harshest penalty and so brett was sentenced to just under four years which considering the crime was a very lenient sentence and so brett went to jail but then less than two years later in 2010 he was granted parole and allowed to move back in with his parents and his parents would say he was a changed man ready for a fresh start but brett would find life outside of jail was exponentially harder now that he was an ex-con it was extremely hard to get a job which meant he had no income and without an income he couldn't pay down all those debts he had and so he had to declare bankruptcy as for life at home it was very difficult brett's family was very embarrassed about what he had done and when brett moved back home it was obvious that all the neighbors were gossiping constantly about their family and so brett and his family actually moved to another toronto neighborhood just to get away from all of that but once they settled into this new neighborhood brett really knuckled down and decided he was going to get his life together and he's going to do it all on his own and so he applied to dozens and dozens of jobs all over the place and finally he was able to get some low paying work in retail it wasn't great but it was a start and so brett began working countless hours at this really low paying job and his parents noticed how hard he was working to try to get his life back together and so they decided they would help him out financially so he could re-enroll in college and finish his degree in biophysics while brett was in school he met a woman named kristen who had a full-time job and lived in this beautiful home and by and large she had the life that he wished he could have and the two of them quickly fell in love and brett told her about his criminal past as the fake bearded bandit and she accepted him and she didn't judge him and she said i still love you i still want to be with you two years later brett moved out of his parents house and into kristen's house and for once in his life he felt like his life was going the way it should be then a year later tragedy struck when brett's father passed away and suddenly brett had to go to his mother's house all the time to try to help her out and his mother was very appreciative of the time he was spending with her and so she actually began paying him for the work he was doing around the home and considering brett was a broke college student this was a huge help and in many ways it really brought brett and his mother together a year later in 2015 brett proposed to kristin and she said yes but at the same time school was getting overwhelming for brett and he dropped out but he was too embarrassed to tell his fiance or his family because everybody thought he was on the right path and he didn't want to explain why he had dropped out and so he just pretended to still be in school then in the spring of 2016 when brett should have been graduating he got a very lucky break when a big tech firm in toronto offered him a job on paper brett should not have gotten this job he wasn't qualified he didn't have a degree but in getting this job brett was able to tell his fiance and his family that he had just graduated college and that was how he was getting this job his family and his fiance were a little confused while they weren't invited to his graduation ceremony but nonetheless they were very excited for him and they took him out and they celebrated then a week after brett accepted this job the tech firm rescinded their offer when they discovered brett was in fact the fake bearded bandit now brett panicked because this job represented this perfect piece to his web of lies that allowed him to pretend he had his degree and that everything was so great and so he couldn't possibly tell his fiance and his family that he didn't get this job and so he decided he would just lie and pretend to go to this job every day meanwhile brett's mom began bragging to all of her new neighbors about her son brett who had really turned his life around he graduated from college he got this great job he's got a beautiful fiance he's got this wonderful home everything is just going great for brett at first brett was able to push the guilt out of his subconscious and just live this ridiculous lie but as his wedding day approached the weight of all these lies and the guilty felt it became overwhelming and practically speaking he was worried about how he would explain to his new wife why he had no income despite having this full-time job and so he went to his mother and he told her the truth about dropping out of college about not getting that job offer and then he said can you keep all this a secret and can you give me a whole bunch of money so i can keep living this lie and she said no and in fact you need to tell your fiance that you're lying or i will this was the worst case scenario for brett and one that he was not prepared for he really thought his mom would be like yup let's do it let's keep this thing going but when she didn't he didn't really know what to do he believed if kristen found out the truth she would leave him and that would ruin his perfect life and so he decided he would not tell kristin instead he would kill his mother because he was an ex-con he couldn't buy a firearm however he could buy a crossbow and so he ordered his crossbow he watched a couple youtube videos about how to operate it and then on one of his trips to his mother's house to help out he stashed the crossbow and some arrows on a shelf in her garage then when he got home he began designing these bizarre contraptions that were built out of fans and pulleys and broomsticks that when turned on would move around the room and click on his keyboard and turn his phone off and on it was designed to help him build an alibi when he was out committing murder his devices would be turning on and off again giving the impression that he was at home the whole time on august 25th 2017 all his preparations were done he woke up early that morning and he began getting ready for his fake job at the same time kristen was also getting ready for her real job and then at 7 30 when they were both ready to go they hopped in their respective cars and headed out for the day but brett slowed down at the end of the street and waited for kristen to disappear around the corner brett turned back went back into his house he went up to his room and turned on all of his bizarre alibi contraptions that he made sure were turning off and on his devices correctly and after a while once he was confident these devices would work he hopped in his car and he drove over to his mother's house he got there around 10 am he walked inside and his mother was sitting in the kitchen and he approached her about changing her mind about telling the truth to kristen but his mother was staunch and she said no i'm going to tell her before your wedding unless you do and so their exchange got really heated and before long his mother actually called one of his older brothers chris to come to her house and talk to brett to defuse this situation brett was furious and stormed out of the kitchen he grabbed the door that led into the garage and he stormed in to try to get his crossbow off the shelf but his mother followed after him now the crossbow had not been loaded when he put it up on that shelf and brett was not very good at loading it and it would take several seconds to actually do it so he's thinking to himself when i pull that down and begin loading it she's gonna see the weapon and she's gonna run outside before i can get to her and so when he reached up he didn't grab the crossbow he grabbed the arrows and in a swift motion he pulled them down re-gripped them like a knife faced his mother and began attacking her viciously she fell backwards and a shelf actually landed on top of her pinning her to the ground at which point brett sees the opportunity he got up grabbed a piece of nylon he wrapped it around her neck and he suffocated her as soon as she was dead brett pulled her out from under the shelf and dragged her to the side of the garage he put the shelf back up and then he began loading his crossbow because he knew chris his older brother that his mother had called was going to be here soon and so he hid behind the door inside of the garage and just waited and at some point he heard chris's car pull into the driveway chris walked into the house he yelled for his mom he yelled for brett but he didn't get a response and eventually chris made his way to the open door leading into the garage he stepped inside and as soon as he did brett silently got up behind him and he fired one shot directly into the back of his neck killing him instantly brett took chris's body and piled it on top of his mother's and as he was putting a tarp over top of them he heard another car pulling into the driveway it was his younger brother aj now at this point brett knows he is in too deep and he has to finish the job and so he doesn't have time to load his crossbow and so again he just grabs one of the arrows and he walks outside and he sees aj getting out of his car and he runs up to him and he jabs the arrow into his brother's neck and so they're fighting in the driveway meanwhile brett's other brother lee who's actually in the house sleeping he wakes up to the sound of this commotion outside in the driveway he looks out the window and he sees his brothers fighting and so he runs downstairs and he comes outside and at this point aj is laying on the ground and he's basically motionless and brett is standing over him and brett turns and he sees lee in the doorway and he runs off after him lee sees his brother running at him and just turns and runs into the house but he only gets a few feet before brett jumps on top of them and then the two of them have this vicious fight where brett is trying to stab him with the arrows and they're basically both fighting for their lives and at some point after lee suffered several very deep cuts he manages to throw brett off of him and he runs outside to his brother aj who's now crawled all the way to the street and in fact aj had managed to flag down a neighbor and got his neighbor to call the police as for brett after lee had managed to fight him off and ran outside he knew he was done and so instead of chasing his brother outside he put his arrow down and he walked into the kitchen he opened up the fridge he took a bottle of water out he left the fridge door open and just walked out to the front steps and sat down and drank his water while he waited for police to show up when they did arrive his brother aj died before they could save him as police were arresting brett he kind of casually said yeah i should have taken aj to the hospital i could have saved him and the other guys in the garage are dead crossbow to the head it was me in court brett was extremely remorseful and pled guilty to all of his charges the judge told brett that he was appreciative of the fact that he was taking full ownership of his heinous crimes and that in many ways he was a victim too a victim of this huge web of lies that brett just couldn't get out from under but nonetheless brett was given three consecutive life terms one for each of the murders he committed the only surviving family member lee the brother who was attacked last and managed to run outside and escape brett he said that his life was shattered that day and that he can barely go outside because of his extreme post-traumatic stress so that's gonna do it guys if you found the secret in today's episode let us know in the comments what it is and where you found it so give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we will pin you at the top of the comment section if you enjoyed today's video and you haven't done this already please invite the like button to come over and play mortal kombat with you and when they show up play real mortal combat with them and uppercut them into the ceiling also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly three or four video uploads if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's john ballen416 i also have a ton of content over on tiktok where my username is mr ballen i also have a second youtube channel called mr ball and shorts where i post random short videos and lost episodes if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 1,995,765
Rating: 4.955369 out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, oof, nope, crime, Toronto, crossbow, liar, lies, lie, living a lie, tech firm, canada, familicide, matricide, glitch in the matrix, the matrix, glitch, matrix, the lamp, reddit, askreddit, horror, body broker, phoenix, arizona, Louisiana, scientific research, Alzheimer's, dementia, old woman, military experiment, us army, wow
Id: xUxAsyLN4yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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