r/Askreddit Psychologists, Have You Ever Been Truly Scared by a Patient?

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welcome to our /s Credit where we answer the question psychologists have read it have you ever been genuinely scared by a patient before what's your story over oh she replies saw a new client for a first session at my home practice we seem to click and work together fine he said he wanted to work through some trauma he'd experienced when he was physically attacked by a previous psychologist hearing about terrible psychologists always roused me up so I was immediately on his side when I talked with my supervisor about the case a week later she asked me his full name which never happened so I was weirded out immediately she googled the name then and there and wordlessly handed me her iPad it was full of news articles about this client and his attacks on psychologists in my local area I obviously didn't see him again but I was nervous for ages because he knew where I lived and then someone replies to that comment I was casually talking to a cop and he told me how he lived 50 minutes away his answer you don't want to run into someone you arrested at the grocery store I think it's solid advice for a lot of public service workers a sinal answers a very sweet mostly blind teenager who was going through his first psychotic break and had a love of martial arts Taekwondo if I remember correctly like was really really really good at it he couldn't see and would practice kicks and at one point accidentally kicked one of the reinforced shatterproof windows in the quiet room think padded room without the padding turns out they were shatter resistant he destroyed it with that cake why those particular details because he would practice his kicks everywhere was mostly blind and the one time he flipped up to practice one and I was walking around the corner it came literal centimeters from my face and I felt the impact of it against the air like a physical force bashing into my face sweetest kid in the world he would have been horrified if it had connected because things would have broken a lot of things he also grabbed my arm once in a suddenly firm grasp and asked if I wanted to do Taekwondo with him no no I did not to which 24 unicorns replies you met daredevil DJ travels answers clinical psychologist here I used to work in a prison and did a parole evaluation for an inmate that was a high-ranking gang member in a national gang by his account he was the highest ranking in the state in fact he was placing that prison to hold his people accountable and keep the peace he had a long violent record and was in my opinion a genuine psychopath part of the evaluation is discussing the crime and assessing remorse and what not he was so clinical in his description of how he tortured and left this guy to die over an unpaid debt live by the sword die by the sword was his phraseology for the act like it was nothing he was also very nonchalant about his ability to take care of business while inside I believed him he had only spent 18 months of his last 15 years outside of prison my recommendation was not to parole them they were various factors that I gave and in the end the parole board went with my recommendation so the part that actually scared me this was my first parole evaluation was this guy's ability to affect the world outside he could have sent someone to my house if you wanted to I had no doubt about that more experienced psychologists told me not to worry about it that he knew the score and wouldn't take it personally I had a hard time buying it I was running a long term offender group a few months later and he was part of it after the first group I pulled him aside and asked if we were good he smiled at me and told me not to worry I did my job and he didn't blame me for writing what I did because it was true he went on to be a really insightful and active group member then a varsa replies to that comment criminal defense lawyer here a lot of those guys basically understand that we exist in the system but that we're in a different role than they are so they might kill a guy for shorting them on cash because he's part of their world but not be upset at the prosecutor who sends him to jail a decade because that prosecutor isn't it's an interesting disconnect presidential [ __ ] answers not me but a friend who is the patient has what's described as treatment-resistant psychosis she's not a scary person at all in fact she's really sweet and caring but she hears voices that tell her that her parents and little brother will be raped and tortured if she doesn't follow what they say sometimes the voices convince her that staff members at the psychiatric intensive care unit she's on are working for the government and trying to run experiments on her and put bugs under her skin so her voices will tell her to attack staff members not super often but it happens whenever it does she feels terrible afterwards and will cry for hours on end and beg for forgiveness one of her voices also makes her do her ritual in which she strips down completely naked and sometimes eats her own feces she herself is not a scary person psychosis itself is such a scary and heartbreaking illness because she's not a violent person and has tons of compassion and empathy for others psychotic does not equal psycho or sociopath Lilith immaculate answers not a psychologist but I used to work in a psych ward of security we had this huge guy with schizophrenia detained in one s which is the word for those who have been legally determined to be unfit and are not allowed to leave when I say huge I mean he was like six five gigantic muscles and he used to be an MMA fighter real nice guy when medicated but when in psychosis he was not someone who'd want to go toe to toe with we would sometimes have to call the police to help us deal with them one officer would arrived take a look at him and go nope and call for backup so one day I was guarding the entrance to 1/s he was doing fairly okay so he wasn't confined to his room and was allowed to walk around the supervised communal space he puts down his magazine goes into his room and then walks out naked dude walks up to me stands about an inch away and looks down at me I mean boy as I'm only five foot three he tells me he's leaving I asked if you would like some shoes or a gown he says no he's leaving and I better step aside so I did you better believe I stepped the flip aside and let him walk out I followed him at a safe distance through the psych ward where everyone basically pinned themselves against the wall to get away and out into the parking lot while on the call with the cops I can't leave the ground so once he was off hospital property I could only inform the police to which way he was running which was down into a heavily populated downtown core not even 15 minutes later he comes back and walks back into the lobby of the ward and asks for me he went shoes after all not a robe but shoes so I bring him shoes to prevent him from getting violent and off he goes again as I repeat this process following him to the edge of the grounds and calling the cops cops bring him back and put him into a secure room however once he's in there they're not allowed to restrain past a certain point so the whole security team assembles which is me and about five men they decide I'm to hold a leg as I'm small and legs are easier to restrain so we go into the room in a triangle formation with me as the last to enter he must have missed when I came in the door because he started screaming that I was a shapeshifter and freaking out it took us about 30 minutes of restraining him before he was medicated enough to calm down fast-forward maybe two years later I'm no longer security or living in town but I went for a metal show I joked to friends that I was worried someone I dealt with in the hospital might recognize me and have bad memories lo and behold there is the MMA fighter taking shots at the bar now I know that he shouldn't be drinking with his meds but hey it's been two years and I don't know anything about his current health status so whatever I still tried to avoid him in case he remembered my shape-shifting at one point our lines to the bar coincided and I ended up standing next to him he looked up at me looked down and then looked back up and erred hard I could tell he recognized me but I could also tell that he was trying to figure out from where the entire night I could see him lingering around me staring with this befuddled expression on his face I was a tad scared gear ski responds I was really hoping this would have a wholesome ending where he said hello and explained that he was in a much better place Lowell at least he didn't have a bad ending instead then Opie responds his last memory of me would have been me a shape-shifter holding his legs down as a nurse put a needle in his butt I don't think he would have been wanting to say hello dirty Bertie answers I'm a therapist but not a psychologist if that matters I used to work in a facility for kids and adolescents with pretty intense behavioral issues even when a client was aggressive I was usually able to de-escalate them and I generally didn't feel unsafe in fact most of the time I was concerned about their safety during outbursts with one exception I had a client that was pretty strong and prone to intense tantrum Inge this client was acting in a way that was unsafe had a plan to seriously hurt another resident I think so I had to put them on restriction within staff eyesight at all times their response was to run up to me and attempt to choke me luckily the other staff got there in time and prevented this kid from seriously hurting me on another occasion this same client also took apart their curtain rod in their bedroom and swung it at my head I dodged in time oddly enough this client and I had a pretty good relationship the other 99% of the time and I generally enjoyed working with them Mike five nine six six answers once when I was a medical student I was asked to see a patient in the psychiatric unit of the emergency room I walked in with my short white coat and clipboard and asked the guy what brought him in today and what was wrong he looked me dead in the eyes with foamy saliva dribbling from the corner of his mouth and a strange smell in the air and said the devil told me to kill you and kill myself he was sweaty and his eyes were bloodshot and his wife Peter had dark grid and brown stains on it the door was behind him and I wasn't sure I could make it there before something bad happens no idea if he had a weapon on him was afraid of calling loudly for help I was in a quiet corner of the ER and I felt like I would have had to yell to get attention and I didn't want to startle him I stayed there for half an hour and asked him more questions slipped out when he started to look sleepy why am I still here responds first thing I was taught when doing psych rounds never let a patient get between you and the door then a sparkling wine poppy responds first thing they told us when we did psych I remember this one old psychiatrist whose face just didn't look right and had a weird hand apparently had a patient coming years ago who thought that God was telling him the psychiatrist was Satan took a meat cleaver to the guy and cut him up really bad the psychiatrist couldn't get out of his office because the patient chair was between him and the desk they ended up rearranging all the offices at the University clinics so the psychiatrist would always be sitting closer to the door and there would always be a desk separating them from the patients exclamation eleven answers not a psychiatrist but my dad is a retired forensic one he's got far too many stories but his first ever murder case decades ago as a noob was a rough one it involved the guy who kept asking this girl out she made it clear numerous times that she wasn't interested but the guy wasn't having it and just kept harassing her finally one day he followed her home where he stabbed her parents and the family dog to death I don't really want to hear about any of his other cases sausage cage replies protip if a girl doesn't like you killing her dog will only make her opinion of you worse fake beige nails answers when I was studying psychology my final year I had the opportunity to meet with convicted felons essentially I sat down and spoke to a man in his 30s who was a sexual offender he told me he used to marry women and then force himself on their young daughters each was in the range of 6 to 7 years old I listened to him explain it it was literally my instructions not to judge them I had to sign a waiver to not get emotional so I asked him about the home life of those he abused he'd say that some of the women he married had other children and in one case there was an older sister who was 13 but he would never ever touch her he'd drop her off at school where he told me he was never into any of the children he saw and take her to practice and friends houses and while she was gone he'd go back and assault her six-year-old sister he told me that it really isn't always about being attracted to prepubescent girls it's about the dominance and power that comes with being with them he's being rehabilitated now though weird part was that I wasn't sure if he was acting remorseful because if he was he's amazing at it he was just very open to my questions and expressed regret and I almost believed him however when I met a man who was convicted of having videos of children his I feel terrible statements were transparent and so full of garbage it was disgusting my professors warned me about manipulation so that was easy to catch on to but with the previous guy he was either unimpacted manipulator or he genuinely wanted to get better crazy no man some reddit stories are really tough to read and that one was one of those stories but hold on to your butt's because it gets crazier the user try new stuff responds at a prison that I worked at an inmate cut his own penis off twice because he was going to be released within 18 months and he knew without a doubt that he would reoffended get sent back to prison I believe that he felt genuine remorse but even feeling remorse he knew that he was going to hurt some kids then big small egg says cut it off twice does that mean they reattach it the first time I have so many questions and opie responds the first time he did it right before the nurse made her rounds and he actually handed it to her she was able to get into a cooler and they were able to reattach it second time he just flushed it and they weren't able to fix it he didn't want to die so he had very carefully planned when he needed to do it so he wouldn't bleed out before help could get to him and believe it or not it still gets crazier inertias creep replies we had a sex offender once in my facility who was sent out for medical care to a doctor's office he's in the waiting room chained up with guards on either side and he bursts into tears they ask him what the deal was he refused to tell him he goes in doctor sees him he's treated and brought back to the prison the gars asked him again on the drive back he told them that there was someone else in the waiting room who was there with their child a little boy the inmate hadn't seen a child in about a decade he said he was crying because as soon as he saw the child he became aroused all this time in prison and in therapy meant nothing this is my courage answers not a psychologist but saw a breakdown in my ex that scared me senseless he had just started meds and the meds reacted horribly with them for whatever reason he mostly had hallucinations but sometimes he'd black out and do activities and not remember them he would call me screaming at 3:00 a.m. and he didn't remember a second of it any of it he had elucidation before but they got increasingly dangerous with these meds in particular I think of one instance while on the phone during an episode he said I boiled some water I asked why as it was 3:00 a.m. and he replied eerily calm ly they told me I had to stick my hand in there it was absolutely terrifying I finally begged him to go to the hospital that following morning to ask for a medication change and he became Lee obliged while he was there he started throwing up blood and had to get his stomach pumped turns out in one of his blackouts he swallowed his entire bottle of medication all working no yatzee answers obligatory not a psychologist but I used to work as an aide in a special education classroom in a middle school the year I started majority of my workload was eighth grade boys and two of them had deeply troubling behavioral issues one kid assaulted a girl in his class at school in front of a bunch of other kids he actually got arrested for it but the school couldn't expel him because of his disability for the rest of the year he was forbidden from being anywhere including the lunchroom with her I spent a lot of time essentially babysitting this kid and because he didn't give a flip about school he did practically nothing during his time in the resource room the last I heard he'd been arrested again for breaking into someone's house and stealing a handgun but the one who scared me was completely antisocial to the point of threatening to hurt himself or others when a field trip or school assembly was coming up we eventually had to tell his parents in advance so they wouldn't bring him to school he talked about death constantly all while extremely medicated so it was very muted mumbled and done through a thousand-yard stare with spittle coming from his mouth one of the teachers was pregnant she wasn't his teacher but he knew who she was and one day he asked me would mrs. X's baby live if someone ran over her in a car I told him I didn't know and tried to change the subject then he asked what if someone cut her stomach open what if they stabbed her what if she had been dead for a while and no one found her this really freaked me out and I had to report it to the special ed teacher when I told her she said he had asked her and other students the same thing and scared the stoping out of them she said the pregnant teacher had been advised to avoid him and case he did or said something to upset her that was our /s credit and what's the creepiest encounter you've ever had let me hear your story down in the comments
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Id: yhlZeiKeiC8
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Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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