r/Nobodyasked | Literally Nobody Cares...

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today marks the date everything changed for me hashtag Katrina hashtag new ones for me everything changed over v 2005 but day my wife died what's up guys and welcome back to ms tread at readings north of the Equator and today we're doing a deep headfirst dive into our slash nobody asked I don't have a funny saying to get into this one I just this I'm looking forward to Susan what the hell this is gonna be what movie is this Troy I think you are correct my first kiss was during this movie and she touched my the one kid at the lunch table my first kiss was during this movie and she touched my wiener a bit great movie my ex used to use the silent treatment as a way of punishment he knew how bad my anxiety was and wouldn't respond to me for days at a time now when people don't answer me I immediately panic and fear emotionally abusive relationships really screw you up even years later my ex of three years ago barely ever texted me when we were dating then when I went to visit him he was being ratty with me and stopped answering my texts for six days after TBF of we were dating I'm not saying we should or anything I'd be absolutely sure I messaged you regularly I mean I might not seem it but I'm really affectionate which is why adore Easons my ex broke up with me a few years back would you like a bag I was 13 when my father passed okay y'all ever worked in retail how's you you need to know blank has a BF now and I'm more than willing to have a meet up with you and let you know myself how she is is that how you are light blue colored stranger is that how you are hearing an exhaust that sounds like yours in the middle of the night and Squidward's eyes have shot open remembering your cars on jack stands with no engine and hey look at that he fall he fell back asleep but it couldn't get a little fella none of you have cars though well besides Scentsy feeling when you're enjoying your time home alone as a kid but then hear your mom's car back in the day I had a GF whose mom had a cam show why do you know that why did he what do you know that uh yes CNN Entertainment full of the most noteworthy cutting-edge news in the realm of entertainment such as this headline Oprah Winfrey will not spend money on avocados really a shock to the avocado industry formerly a big order a big a big avocado Big Pharma my dad brought me home McDonald's god bless his soul my dad died no McDonald's for you who Jesus Miranda Miranda Cosgrove read something that people don't do enough of these days by the age of three I could read no kidding you want to see my wiener how it said wiener really made me laugh no I'm good I was kidding anyway I just got done screwing someone and she just left so I'm gonna sleep nice are sloshed I have sex today hey today my wife and I were having sex boat came twice and heard a knock over sound found da mason jar glass half ish full so gal des had a good time until my brother started on me and sank wrapped me which completely made me broke down in tears got drunk laid on the pavement Nam in bed relaxing so much fun hey to brill time tagging will you shoes that you can drown in any depth of water hell you could possibly drown while taking a shower maybe the kid got hit in the head or maybe he was panicking i almost drown in the shower one time while eating my girlfriend that was embarrassing our / nobody asks 14 m i'd played a video games them into anime ask me anything what games i watched MHA and don't play games so are / nobody asked heinous name in a subreddit that reading from i had a hot friend for five years then we teased each other and toward each other chicken a turkey to her place and one night let myself in with dorm room don't go my clothes and slid in next to her she said what were you waiting for we screwed so hard that first night we nearly hurt each other we never been apart since that first night we screw all the time thanks man cool appreciate it I know orgasm inside of her and semmen aiding her without child together mess forming a lifelong connection between the two of us that can't be erased no matter how hard she might try if things were to go sour what the f yeah we don't have to replace my old grill ladder your mom needs to replace the blank in her coochie since it's been over 12 hours since I cream pied her doing this with your life my boyfriend's last name is orange I am eating an orange could say I've been squirted in the eye by an orange twice today hmm thanks our slush teenagers my baby was born at home Thanks from wishbone we found a pic of what James Charles really looks like it's right there it's all there God saw after husband and I did it so he laid me down on a pack of frozen veggies for me to use as an ice pack and after he kissed me gently and went to the computer room all I hear is yo I screwed this beast so hard she had to put Peas on a couch ii/iii I'd say it's fair enough to be proud of stop giving your kids ears pierced at Claire's you soggy lampshades that's a very creative insult piercing guns damage the tissues in your kids ears and furthermore you're really about to trust a teenager who watched a few training videos to shoot a blunt object through your child's ear lobe but almost no professional shouts will pierce my four months olds ears yeah that's because they recognize that 16 weeks of existing isn't long enough to be able to give consent to a modification that serves no purpose other than to be aesthetically pleasing to you but please go off Susan there was this one French Canadian named Susie who was absolutely gorgeous on a lovely girl we screwed around hard love it at dead than hope she's doing well other than that I fully get his post Bongo cat I like my shoes almost like could fust $220 down the drain lmao so you spend 350 on sneezes ye mm-hmm holy crap I just realized the first time I came was for me finger in my a-hole this makes me a major fruit ain't nothin wrong with that it's 2019 one month cigarette free nine years mother effer congratulate yourself after two years and minimum we'll be prepared to start the loop again or you can just be you know like proud of himself on a post titled faithfulness and fidelity just to drove a guy home from a bar and for the whole 15 minutes he talked about how excited he was to see his wife maybe he wants to suck on her nipples I loved that one my wife a [ __ ] sloshed nobody asked indeed my friend watched a movie we haven't seen in many years with Kevin Bacon in it my hubby said he should name his son Chris Paul bacon or crispy baked Vonnie my cancer has returned my luck has run out so now it's stage four it will get me or spread to other parts and it's very aggressive this triple negative oncologist is figuring out if he could keep me alive a little longer I am sure your husband has heard of my cancer it's rare though only 10 to 15 percent of women get this kind hope you had a good Thanksgiving funny joke by the way I'm dying again alright thanks Graham I appreciate it you know I cloned on CNN entertainment a little bit ago but I got to tell you shorter moments really takes the cake for that hot guys that we're always trying to dish out such as Kylie Jenner trying cereal with milk for the first time was she eating it dry Kylie Jenner were you just grabbing like Lucky Charms by the bag and eating dry crunchy cereal thing that degrades the scent of celebrity I'm not gonna lie age of consent in UK 16 age of porn in UK 18 hmm I lost my virginity at 13 okay no one gives a crap it's true no one does hey Brock he was bullied during his first orgy at 13 years old this mayonnaise sat rocky always got a weird ass story nobody asked here look I kind of want to hear why he was bullied at his first Dorji probably because he was 13 I love these bumper stickers warning driver is a lesbian followed by that smile that comes with those jesus loves you pamphlets but I have herpes cool thanks man okay I'm reading this I know that there's a lot of people in the audience who clown me on the last video where I mispronounced a Filipino word or is it time I believe it's tag-along slang is what he said you tell you right now if this name is anywhere within that realm of that of that region of the Philippines I'm going to butcher it again I apologize in advance but it's going to happen no one asked for the Philippine president da says he has a big whatever people think when they say big Wiener energy this ain't it and look if he if he I like him I like his confidence I don't know what he does I don't know what his policies are but it's confidence it's a 100% from me chief some guy asked me in the gym when I eat and I just said oh no whatever I want just a moderation he goes oh I don't need anything for pleasure I only feel my body okay you definitely only asked me so you could say that but that's cool psycho lena dunham says she's had her period for thirteen days I'm sorry Leena too young to remember clip es mhm hi it looks like you're too young to remember Clippy would you like some help with getting off my goddamn lawn I got robbed in the late 80s had a $5,000 IBM 80 but they took the crap TV and crap radio instead why not my mom's Christmas cookies ever tastes like my mom's Christmas cookies when I make them mom tell me your secrets try and be a little more sensitive to the people who didn't even have mothers who baked them cookies my mother for instance was an alcoholic and a drug addict and ruined most of my holidays growing up it is very very painful and frankly sometimes downright insulting to the kids and now adults who didn't even have adequate parent can growing up I'm frankly sick of these gushy poses calm down guy it's Facebook there's gonna be a lot of them please can we hurry up I gotta hit the gym I'm aiming to make my muscles 95 percent of my body I'm currently 93 percent I am so incredibly handsome and modest too your childhood was almost as great as mine mine was just more violent behind the law than yours and more dangerous I have scars to prove it lol whoa happy 18 thought I found maggots in my beans wish I hadn't searched it up worms and maggots would look more white and tan and squirming I think you're okay that's pieces of the skate on the beam of the seed from it only because I found tons of worms under my dad's diabetic feet and that was nasty what's in your bean can is nothing like what I saw on his feet and I wanted to vomit emoji it was so freakin nasty and I had to clean his feet and the floor I'm gagging thinking of it and didn't even see it and he didn't even see it and there were hundreds of them on him and in his shoes gross when everyone is laughing at you except your crush this is fine from our slash wholesome memes that's cute completely the other way around if you've just told the joke though one know how that feels from two reasons one I'm pretty funny and socially likeable people just enjoy themselves and I'm around too I'm attractive it's easy for me to get girls sick got this response when I posted a picture of my wedding dress in a thrifting group I'm 27 you look like a little girl to me how are you old enough to even think about limiting your life to one person already huge kids are crazy stay single and enjoy your life on his public snap story Bay blaze Biden next time that crap hurts my taste kids at school are like we better have a snow knee tomorrow well I'll be working in 3 feet of snow in under 20 degree weather it's fine though Chad replied to that look out this virgin beta tweeter the superior Chad just reply to your tweet started working on stretching 20 to 30 minutes a day after one week this were on that goes be able to do a full split I can do a full split this sub right it's great but it doesn't beat my Monday morning sex party where I benchpress two hundred pounds like getting a [ __ ] for my hot girlfriend nothing like having empty balls on a Monday right cool dude thanks from our slot all I wanted was to pick up my sweater from his apartment Amir with my GF only and we're gonna screw soon so like 30 minutes I will never apologize for being an American okay I did it I did it I did it I built a Pringles wrinkle no glue just physics this was the size of my exes but when she told me it was her first time I like the guy who replied with not possible at the very bottom just get out your mp40 and mow down the amethyst s' yeah I said mp40 the gun used by wormack huh I'm gonna butcher another name guys get ready here it comes yes I said mp40 the gun used by Wehrmacht and waffen-ss during World War two yeah I'm kind of a history buff and that brings us to the end of our slash nobody asked and if you liked the video leave a like down below if you really like the video subscribe and comment down some subreddits you'd love to see me take on because I am always on the look for some fresh new things to uh to just dig into with my with my hands with my dirt a little pause and as always I'll be seeing
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,057,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/nobodyasked, reddit nobody asked, r/nobody asked, r/nobodyasked top posts, emkay nobodyasked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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