memes i found at 2am

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when you've downloaded all the 3d models but you haven't assigned animations for them yet not yet [Music] hey hey hey what's going on everybody welcome back to mk it's me your host robin i'm pretty sure the tallest one and the only one that's obsessed with spam today we're going to be taking a look at our slash dank memes where memes are vanilla dank memes is a slightly spicier vanilla so let's jump right into it shall we average dog owners average cat owner average bird owner it is a whole other world of oh my god i love you but i'm going to eat you for christmas dinner hot girl explaining why i would be her perfect boyfriend me knowing that my alarm will ring any second now right you bring up a good point but this is a dream my crush saying yes when i ask her out her little brother about to get a gaming partner i mean that's a fantasy for sure huh i've never installed tick-tock it's banned in my country hey i told myself i wouldn't install it but i did and i've posted things on there speaking of you guys should check out my tick tock bro bread is good but it can be better oh bread can always be better honey an album made entirely of endangered bird sounds beat taylor swift on a top 50 chart huh what chart don't say it don't say it oh my god i hate you why gifted kid omg a burned-out disappointment hey guess which one of these i'm in right now no more tick-tock no more twitter i'm sorry i've had my twitter for 13 years you take it away from me i'm gonna be furious no matter how much i hate twitter it's been a part of my life since i was a child do you have any uh history of mental illness in your family my brother invests in crypto ooh again military no no no no no absolutely perfect love it eat so fast i puke eat so much i puke my cat he's gonna do both reddit chains be like yes highly entertaining isn't it when you post the first line of a song's lyrics in the comments but no one continues the thread all cry redditors on their way to reply to the same comment can we just see that kylie 26 kylie 26. one of them is way cooler than the other i'll let y'all decide when the teacher catches me copying homework and says he expected more from me you're the smartest guy i ever met and you're too stupid to see i've been copying homework for years your child searched restricted topics all right what do they search teaching crabs how to read wait that's illegal when cat meets their ancestor the humans still worship us well done when dog meets their ancestor sorry grandpa they just feed us too well disappointment make kick-ass metal while teaching history refuse to elaborate any further now can you elaborate who are they i'm sorry i'm really interested now oh it's cute that zoom thinks it's a part of the group look i loved skype okay microsoft destroyed it that's why i was very happy to hear that microsoft backed out of buying discord thank you god same energy oh my god it is poor toby what are they gonna leave him alone or when are we gonna pass a law that allows toby mcguire to beat the [ __ ] out of paparazzi just him you know he's been screwed up so much by this we should give him the ability to assault and mangle those mofos i'm gonna put some dirt in your eye students who don't know more examples etc climate change will likely end humanity within a few decades baby boomers gen z baby boomers don't give a [ __ ] they're already almost gone a man arrested in russia is accused of building a fake border with finland 15 miles from the real one and charging migrants eleven thousand dollars to cross it florida man looks like we have some competition i mean god damn if it worked for that long how much money did he make off of this scam lemonade limeade a gatorade i guess gender does not equal sex cause i didn't have gender with your mom last night oh you guys just got wrecked i'm sorry when your sugar daddy finally puts you in the will oh no grandpa no redditors after i tell them disliking fortnite bts emojis billy eilish dream and furries isn't a personality well neither is liking all of those things to be fair eighty percent chance in real life eighty percent chance in video games the image when it's in the school textbook the image when it's in the exam reddit this page looks better in the app the app uh-oh something went wrong but we're not sure what try that again wow such empty we had some trouble getting to reddit admit it this show was never about the cars yeah how long did it take you to figure that out only real homies know this cinematic masterpiece yes what is it monsters versus aliens when the president shows up played by stephen colbert to play axel f on the keyboard comment this and i'll do this isn't a meme if those kids could read they'd be very upset world's laziest person world's laziest person competition laziness yeah that sure would be an interesting competition to actually have huh when your pee pressure isn't strong enough to blast the poop stains from the toilet the defeated male leaves me watching shrek inside my head after having memorized it entirely i need that skill mom me mom's friend's kid one hour here is seven years on earth this little maneuver is going to cost us 50 years movies made 10 years ago youtube videos made 10 years ago man youtube's gonna be 20 soon oh dad has heart attack call me an ambulance son um you're an ambulance not bad kid dies name something more useless than this oh i know skype still sells gift cards at best buy you're welcome screw horoscopes how do you finish your wings well if you finish them like one or two or three i might punch you right in the earlobe sorry i'm very violent today i'm here to inform you that sex 2 is less than a week away get ready people this picture does make it seem like he's trying to sell me on something evolution can you give me to avoid predators yes oh my god how are we still on this interviewer i want to ask you a question your answer should be quick me okay interviewer 12 plus 37 is quick what i followed the instructions can i get a job sperm was removed from harambee the gorilla after he died so that he could become a father the sacred nuts you know god damn it man teacher the test isn't hard the test who will you give your seat to probably the zombie he looks tired wouldn't you want to piss off 95 percent of millennials with one statement pope francis says choosing pets over kids is selfish well pope francis can shut the [ __ ] up i don't care what he has to say teacher the test isn't hard the test what's this man's occupation everything the reason there was a job shortage a few years back is because this dude had all of them german language japanese language creating words for extremely specific things i think it sounds more fun in german anyway i guess my point is spongebob was three-dimensional so his pants were a cube doodlebob was two-dimensional so he actually had the square pants weren't his pants technically a rectangle at that point anyway don't you say it don't you dare say it i'm going to punch you i'm going to do it i've never installed tick-tock well good for you i guess time traveler moves chair the timeline oh good lord we think we're in the darkest timeline her where did you learn those things that you do with your tongue me oh boy dad since your legal drinking age we can have a drink together bartender sees me the usual well i don't think dad's really gonna give a crap bisexual woman bisexual man hey as a bisexual man yeah it's pretty true funnily enough you shouldn't watch performance degrading for women women buy sixty dollar game wait years for it to be twenty dollars twenty dude i'm waiting for that steam sale five years down the road so i can get the ultimate edition for seven dollars on sale man and hell if i sell enough trading cards it's free 24 hours in a video game one hour in zoom i never used zoom dude and i'm gonna keep it that way until i'm dead trillion dollar companies when they have to pay point zero zero zero zero six nine percent of their annual revenue for taxes they don't even have to pay that dude they don't pay you quit your prediction because it's unhealthy i quit my prediction because there is no time for sin and vice in an amish paradise we are not the same yeah ain't that the truth you quit my girlfriend laying on my lap my look it has a mind of its own sometimes okay i'm sorry i'm very happy to see you gynecologists casually having dinner after looking at old harry potties all day they're doctors they're getting that money my ex threatening to leak my nudes if i don't pay him me who's an actress unbeknownst to him yo look if someone ever got a hold of my nudes of which there are at least 20 000 dude i don't care do what you want with them put them on a billboard just make me famous how about that how i relax knowing none of the cringy stuff i did as a kid got recorded by anyone hey look you're no cooler man you did some dumb [ __ ] too just like us except some of us were able to turn it into making money reddit could go public by march and wants a 15 billion dollar evaluation reddit getting ready to ban not safer work to appease investors better not man you can't do this money can't buy happiness rich people yo that dude is the happiest [ __ ] i've ever seen wow this woman stood up to gender norms by naming her son vagina vagina meeting mike mike who i don't i've never seen that come on it's not fair ah but if that story is true that's some serious abuse trade offer i receive five seconds of fame and attention you receive endless bullying throughout your entire childhood and his adulthood life it's not gonna stop water dumb guy trying to drink water from the leak instead of the main hose smart guy that knows more water comes out of the main ho ho the main who's than the leak good god quick the british are awake tell them if you got invaded yet only 22 countries have never been invaded by britain really dang okay didn't know that i mean i knew that they colonized most of the world but 22 you guys were so close to the gauntlet and on that lovely note we've come to the end of another video folks our spicy vanilla serving is done for now but before we get going we need to take a look at that fan art you know how it works mk fan art i made of trans mk first ever fan art well hey it's your first it looks good and i'm really hoping it's not gonna be the last always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon why don't you but hey if you want to hear or see more of yours truly you can check out the links in the description down below and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 432,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: XBTMuau3F5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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