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the sheer honesty of your sucking Lee stated suck at me I I hate big brains man stop using big words just speak like a person how's it going guys and welcome back to em dang snortin and today we're looking through our slash I am very smart there is a certain level of intellect required to enjoy certain things you can't break down Beethoven symphonic algorithm to someone that only listens to trap and expect them to catch the vibe same with movies and shows everything isn't meant to be enjoyed by all this guy watches Rick and Morty I'm a professional classical musician and in my entire career I've never heard the term symphonic algorithm if you're going to feign intellectual superiority maybe have at least one of your IG photos of you reading a book just spent two hours solving some random physics problems I found online pay up for fun people hashtag physics hashtag vectors hashtag tension hashtag wires hash tag forces hash tag dynamics hash tag not your usual vacation hash tag I don't party I've solve problems hash tag road to engineering okay is this supposed to impress me I don't get it most teenagers I got bored so I threw a party and got drunk and had sex me I got bored so I learned the Russian alphabet lmao I don't know about that here's a rather philosophical insight look at what I think about this issue I'm happy to follow up and explain to anybody if need be the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards evil for 23 2019 inspired by Martin Luther wait hold on why did you just quote your wait he just quoted him what I worry more that people lose the ability to distinguish between good and bad art people seem inclined to lionize whichever art the experience in their idiotic teen years which just leaves them completely uncritical forever until they become artists making uncritical art if you live in the UK have you ever used an NHS number should I be using one Asian what like 20% at the most one fourth grandparents are Asian I just like to have fun with the box because it doesn't affect anything I was close enough considering recent ancestors typically register in increments 12.5 or 25% then you're not close even three-sixteenths one great-grandparent plus one great great grandparent is only 18 point 75 percent given British / Asians are a very recent concept 20 percent is mathematically impossible our economics professors male hereafter if anybody asks any more doubt on the assignment - there will be negative marks I am very disappointed with your understanding and reading ability which is not even at par with a tenth standard convent student do improve your language power because you are going to enter into a very highly competitive employment market uh very soon I still can't believe just how much people care about watching sports competing vicariously I will truly never get I've made peace with that I'm all for playing sports to be clear but watching other grown men and women play games and compete emotional spectators it's like the kid in total drama island who said dodgeball was not his forte what was he Noah that's him the brain calls himself genius but says that wrestling is fake it's not fake it's scripted know the difference he's a third grader brah my ability to sound like a full blown hick then turn around and be as well-versed as i doctorate level professors both astounding and just downright on simply put you do not want to delve into my mind it would probably drive you mad from all the deep thinking constant awareness Oh big brain big brain oh it's all so pretentious I can't stand it dude everyone is a coach partying right now and I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to do cohort analysis on a tech product with seasonal demand who cares just shut up come on dude I'm about to invest some gig money into equipment sure good luck sweet thanks big brain mode is activated so now that they get to be straight up with you huh could you please not insert yourself into our music your energy is toxic I'm sorry you are so bad at the music I have to make a special effort to get these real jams going please keep your ego and your insecurities away from our art I know Trey likes playing whew but I will not let you integrate yourself into my music anymore also be prepared if you challenge me intellectually on any front I'll make it clear how ridiculous that is and your ego or suffer which I know is critical for you I will be cordial but I will point out stupidity if you bring it up if you don't like Game of Thrones I'm just gonna assume you're not smart enough to understand it I said what I said don't know why somebody it's a getting emotional fake metal is a paid actor it means you don't understand the fact that electricity causes heat please don't just simply say fake without analyzing your knowledge why is it that I can think of the word amalgamation but no simpler synonyms after using food after using this oh my god I can't say the word thesaurus after using to source calm I went with fusion a far more common word meaning the same thing yeah that's what a synonym is but it means the same thing when I was in high school I loved when the Shakespeare unit team came along in literature class I was one of the few students who was fluent in Shakespeare so while everyone else was confused by my laughter my teacher would be relieved and then I recognized the joke but Brookville could be all well and I'd be breathless laughing because what she just read would be nowhere near romantic I'd answer that a Romeo and Juliet has more comedy than tragedy because I could easily imagine any of those people doing that in real life being a thespian and a nerd if your IQ is less than 90 you care about this stupid picture of a black hole well lady bringing up the black hole stuff for this video but it's still a major accomplishment you don't ask you [ __ ] consciousness exists things that are conscious confuse to screaming consciousness exists doubted gorgeousness does not exist independently you absolute [ __ ] also the confused - screaming quirky thing is getting stale pretty quickly but hey the existence is paying tumblr neophytes a philosophy and psychology that confuse any minor inconvenience in their spoil of lives with anxiety and depression it use it as a justification - they're mostly misunderstanding of nihilism will certainly love it am i right I mean it's cool to be like that by the standards of today's mainstream impressionable youth right very cool indeed Bravo degenerate your prefrontal cortexes abandon all morality degenerate your prefrontal cortexes abandon all morality and then complain cynically about everything without any substance for a better tomorrow or better today in yourself Wow what's a movie that you're embarrassed you've not seen yet due to its popularity none anyone who follows trends mindlessly probably is not very intelligent I don't partake in anything simply because it's popular only if it's the intelligent thing to do wait it's not off topic by understood everything in that gift the office my favorite show my dad is the epitome of Michael Scott Oh what that show is so stupid you don't learn anything from television like that clearly you are not engaged with proper television that I watch the office is nothing but unintelligent human I don't have an IQ of 136 for nothing try watching something mentally stimulating like the National Geographic or something on the History Channel like Pawn Stars I was gifted and I'd choose not to lose precious brain cells that God gave me over a silly television show just trying to help you're a very smart pretty girl but television like that only rots your brain you sound like an [ __ ] learn grammar yes I am a nerd but else you read quantum physics for fun so nearly every American girl I meet and I mean a lot of them has read Harry Potter and says it was a big part of her life no one of these Millennials is a political EF target I never read that Harry Potter cat because I was busy with the Bible I'm not gonna pronounce that word I'm not even gonna try I'm Vaughn gut I don't wash me in your judgment in the comments Hemingway Hesse this guy's too smart for me man I only know Hemingway in Twain in oral Cru walk oral Twain you know the books who weren't written by idiots almost every tweet about how they went to Harvard Oh speak to be great scholar tell me what I haven't learned of raising my own children don't mess with me I went to Harvard it baffles me how people are so willing to just work 9:00 to 5:00 straight out of college is some cubicle jungle especially the 4.0 students like you never had an idea to pursue out of college you were the chosen one I'm a C+ student I'm teaching myself rocket science in my but your time just to build a new weapons system to sell to the government and on the side I'm doing with a reengineered approach to solar roadways that will actually work and also eliminate the need for snowplows and by extension potholes okay son did you just crap yourself fella I'm a baby I can't read googoo gah-gah googoo [Music] [Laughter] no I'm small brained with me oh yeah this doesn't make sense because if he's supposed to be a baby then how the F did he type anyways I'm sick I'm sick of dealing with people's stupidness who cares dude funny meme and the episode of The Twilight Zone oh yeah you could tell me your thoughts afterwards it wasn't terrible but it felt very on the nose with its commentary um I think you actually mean afterward oh wow it's another case of miss hearing something your entire life don't feel too bad people have you intellect to make that mistake often I know everything and I only just turned 18 I am NOT gonna go to college cuz it's impossible for me to learn anything else instead of going into debt sitting in a room for four years I've decided to give back to humanity by teaching others I've started a YouTube channel and plan to add millions of followers by the time my peers start college is it normal yes it's normal no it's not normal what would you do if we kissed in the elephant's foot oMG I would literally melt if a girl did this effing kids elephant foot is a mass of radioactive cement that melted into the basement of the Chernobyl nuclear facility after the meltdown if you stood anywhere near it you would die a horrible horrible death yeah but what if we kissed near it lmao you can't shut someone's point down by saying it was poorly written are constructed prove it by proving them wrong the Figge mayor had a typo on that the word lmao is in the English dictionary to my knowledge if you're speaking another language I could try and use my Google Translate you'll just let me know what language two plus two is four and minus one that's three that's quick Maps the sum of two plus two is not equivalent to four minus one nor three what I just said is proving my logical mathematical reasoning that's based on the most fundamental skills of mathematics searching for a fit brain and body not a complete sapiosexual nor demisexual so your natural physique matters yes if you didn't Google this then step to the front don't believe in fairy tales but much into real ones I am from Mars if this answers your question if you ever had a selfie stick then probably we will never match I kid you not when I'm really bored I go online and teach myself mathematical equations okay big brain very cool user on a popular Men's Rights subreddit operates on a higher vibrational frequency than the rest of us completely agree with you not to toot our own horn but I would say some of the most intelligent and brave minds on earth are in this sub I just think that we operate on a higher vibrational frequency than most others in our extremely sensitive beings when I say sensitive I don't mean the pop-culture interpretation slash reference I don't mean sensitive as in a snowflake that's offended by everything I mean sensitive as in able to recognize conscious and subconscious energy pattern shifts and negative vibrations essentially we're just very good at sensing BS bad energy and what something is just off sorry but in childbirth you clitoris will need to grow up to ten centimeters to actually give birth that's why they say you need to be ten centimeters dilated to start pushing I'm not even 18 yet and I got that one right the most pretentious and boring movie of all time what the f is this stupid s it's not even a real movie I didn't even bother watching it when I saw that stupid it's 10 minutes scene of driving of the freeways of Moscow which happens to be in Tokyo 10 minutes wasted that had nothing to do with the movie just like the beginning seriously why would anyone waste their time watching this I tried I really tried no one loves this movie there's a bunch of pseudo-intellectual kids pretending to love this just that they could be different and cool also before anyone flames me for not knowing what I'm talking about I have been a professional photographer I have a master's in physics and a bachelor's and philosophy Heidegger was my interest what is that word dayson there were being manifest since there we're being manifest itself and Husserl's phenomenology reducing the experience to its essence you've even studied jazz dance modern dance and ballet currently I have returned to school for a degree in anthropology with a concentration in archaeology so please I have a very broad taste and information base for all things arts it's so strange everyone here who knows how to spell properly I'm disoriented I guess only a certain kind of people listen to music like this lol no straight-up nudity is for the weak-minded fools who don't understand the power of imagination the more technical aspects of the body should be left to the imagination I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not is this a copypasta the fact that you think I am sarcastic tells me what kind of person you are so unenlightened to be shackled to the primal lust for full-nude V it is lingerie and partial new outfits that are the way of the future I am 80 years old I shower about twice a month just water no soap and I never have body odor because I am 100% healthy I also have a tested IQ of 197 and I'm very good at figuring things now also I have never used underarm deodorant if you need that so you won't smell bad your body is sick my guys grandkids don't hug him cuz he smells bad the world would be perfect if only everybody else had humility to admit I'm smarter than them you're about as smart as a brick no smart person has written a facebook status since 2014 than the people who respond to them must be even worse off than that is a biologist stupid for observing and commenting on the behavior of chimps guaca holy crap you're entitled my favorite line in this whole exchange I envy those whose tastes in humor so poor that they're entertained by the most pure I'll of plays on words what a blissful life it would be to be a fool a child enamoured by the simple twinkle of a light whose frequencies fall within the visible range of a human vision chill dummy whoa check out the big brains on Bundy I'd rather read you this is over and over and over than ever read a graphic novel I always think of her right at logo as the fifth Teletubbies I think if it as it upside down broken umbrella with weird patterns on it that's only because I'm super unique and march to the beat of my own Oh Bo since everybody else marches to the beat of their own drum our slash nobody asked I'm not like everybody else I'm different I would have asked because while everybody else is sleepwalking through these reddit threads I'm the lone woke person watching in wakeful because I'm woke and I have a stem PhD and I earn six figures and I use the phrase stochastic terrorism do I sound smarter am i smart sound unbearable to be perfectly honest Socrates was the og know-it-all I think the same Jess would do well for our discussion Socrates for I am not the one who makes them go around and not remain in the same place it is you who are the Daedalus for as far as I am concerned he would remain as they were it looks as if I was cleverer than Daedalus and using my skill my friend insofar as he could only cause to move the things he made himself but I could make other people's move as well as my own I'm the smartest part of my skills that I am clever without wanting to be for I would rather have my arguments remain unmoved than possess the wealth of Tantalus as well as the cleverness of Daedalus but enough of this since I think you are making unnecessary difficulties I am eager as you are to find a way to teach me about Petey do not give up before you do see whether you think all of this PU pious pious see where you think all this pious is of necessary see whether you think that all of it ebrill see whether you think all that pious is of necessity just I think so and is then all that just pious or as all that as pious just but not all that is just pious what of it is but somewhat it but some of it but some of it is and some is not I do not follow what you're saying Socrates I don't either Jesus who Stannis sorry for being occupied reading The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho than being worried of a stupid movie that doesn't let my imagination fly chameleons are the most powerful animals because they could turn black and say the n-word um actually meant turning black fang is an adaptation character of the chameleon which is known as camouflage that helps them to change their skin color according to their surrounding and also they are not advanced enough to speak and say the n-word just wait until that fire says the n-word then you'll be sorry well my friends that is the end of our slash I am very smart and I hope you've learned something I know my IQs jumped by about 50 points if you liked the video which I know you did you're smarter now leave a like if you want to see more and be even bigger brain subscribe and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 801,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/iamverysmart, r/iamverysmart top posts, r/iamverysmart best posts, i am very smart, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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