r/Iamverybada** R U SCARED???

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welcome to our slash I am very badass we're internet tough guys talk about hell cool they are we need more people like this I am getting close to the vigilante point myself sad but true it's a great life the money women throw themselves at you men fear and respect you not to mention you call the shots you controlled the situation while everyone else is cowering like little cowards in a corner while the mass shooter enters blasting round after round into friends and co-workers you know he picked the wrong day to go crazy you're not locked in there with him he's locked in there with you now take aim and squeeze dude women throwing things at you isn't the same thing as women throwing themselves at you I think you got it a little wrong what a make it worse I promise the things I could do to you are so bad even a lunatic would be disturbed if when were to witness it no laughter would be heard pull your pants up and beat your meat somewhere else buddy don't tell me you're doing all this over imagine for honor for that the first thing I'll do is stick a hot iron in your mouth and it's staying there until it goes cold at the same time can yaar in my clothes too and this next comment was made on a video that shows a reloading mechanism for an automatic machine gun I could probably do this faster by hand honestly I can load my nine-millimeter extended magazine by hand in 15 seconds I go shooting a lot on Friday I went through six cases of nine millimeters there's about 30 bullets in each case if you're afraid of shooting Lowell and I made blisters on my thumb didn't hurt though hey everyone check out how cool this guy is question what is the most condescending advice you received from someone who assumed you were poor or less educated than them I was in a bar restaurant and a soda and a nice meal a very nasty manager came to my table and told me I had to get out he decided I was underage and this establishment served alcohol so I wasn't allowed there plus he needed my table for paying customers who would consume alcohol I said no and ignored this guy he called me an ignorant uneducated slob who probably did not have two cents to rub together he called for a couple of bouncers to throw me out and both said no they didn't want to risk throwing out one of their professors that idiot then tried to grab me and cried out loudly from a hurt arm and shoulder the senior floor manager and the owner of the place came to our table to see what all the commotion was about the owner asked what was going on his manager started talking and the owner said shut up and instead asked me what happened I said I was quietly eating and this fellow told me to get out so he could have my table for paying customers meaning those who drank alcohol then he tried to assault me and I heard him just enough to know that I would not move the bouncers had much more going on than was shared they knew me as I taught classes plus worked out in the gym at the same time as most of them they also knew I was a regular who had never caused any trouble but once I did quickly and a rather serious bar fight that put a couple people in the hospital the owner then asked me if I wanted this new manager fired I said no but he should have to pay if he wanted to stay the owner gave the manager a choice between quitting or losing a week's pay the bouncers and managers were all stunned they knew me as a regular who often ate lunch or dinner there but had no clue why the owner deferred to me we didn't tell them that I was the majority owner of that place then both of the bouncers girlfriends came up and they totally started hitting on me the bouncers wanted me to stop but they were too afraid to get there butts kicked I am a pee hold man I love pee drank pee and I passionately hug my wife I was born in September I protect my meat I eat guns and own my wife if you don't like it move weird flex but okay hey I'm 14 and I can't really drop but I really like your stuff can you teach me how to do graphics things well I'm really busy right now sorry there's a lot of tutorials online that can help you though I don't really teach people unless they pay and I've only taught people who live near me wow you're not even going to help out your biggest fan what a sellout uh whoa I'm sorry dude I have bills to pay and stuff I've got a teacher either I'm a business owner me too my dad owns a company I make more money in one minute than you do in your life Lowell I walk into the headquarters and people stop typing and clap f you for being so selfish to help me and I was going to pay you Lowell too bad now I guess you don't get any of your precious money okay oh yeah we'll see my dad knows the leader of the yakuza so I ask again will you teach me the top comment to this thread really sums it up what you won't do something for free what us sellout I was gonna pay you anyway you effing sellout you won't take my money and sell out I never met a therapist I couldn't murder with my bare hands on the spot they can be helpful to some but very few understand the real depth of human power regular deadlifts proper sleep good nutrition a life mission and discarding self-pity do more than talking does I have to wonder what this guy's life mission is is it to make douchey tweets about how awesome he is and honestly it's a shame because he sounds exactly like the type of person who could really benefit from therapy the context for this next pose is that a kid misses the bus knocks on a door to ask for directions and a guy tries to shoot him the kid runs away in cries Fox News reports it and then this [ __ ] makes this comment he hit and cried glad you're unharmed but Brennan please don't ever become a law enforcement officer or join the military yeah well he's 14 and someone shot at him so yeah that's a common reaction for a kid and I have to ask who's the real coward here the fourteen-year-old boy who ran away from someone literally shooting a gun at him or the homeowner who started firing his gun at a black child because he knocked on his door I'm six foot one I'm guessing if you saw my car you'd accuse me of having a small dick and to answer the next question floating through your mind I have freakish fast twitch muscle for a white guy genetic masterpiece sprawling in a reclined seat like a true gentleman kisses I like I like how he says that yeah you probably think I have a small dick and then just doesn't deny it he just breezes right on pass to the next thing kind of tells you something doesn't it I don't think you could outrun me you couldn't catch me if you tried yes I could I am an elite level athlete with an elite level IQ you couldn't evade if you tried I like how Opie and his post is like kind of goading this guy on and to be honest I think she's actually flirting with him and his response is listen here you little grunt like dude I think you just missed your chance posted to the awesome stuff my drill sergeant says underground Facebook group I got a little steam to let off I went to Walmart yesterday electronics section for workers were very busy tending to customers a line was formed course I stepped in line waiting for my turn to see me you'd identify me quick as a Marine veteran I don't hide that fact finally get to the cash register for my turn this this civilian stepped right in front of me taking my turn blood rush to my head trying not to do anything stupid I said very loudly that I'm just standing the F here for my effing health and who the F are you butthole my wife hustled me away before I took the next step never got what I wanted from electronics I made a promise to myself next time it'll happen again I know I promised next time I'll be going to jail I will not put up with this kind of BS from any civilian you're a vet that means you used to be in the military you aren't now you are a civilian get over it but how did you know the person who cut in front of you in line wasn't also a vets and what if they're a higher rank than you what then sergeant douchebag who are you and why are you posting on blanks wall this is her man and I'm not going to ask again what are you posting on her wall I wrote happy birthday bud I send birthday wishes to everyone on my list you should try it never know who needs a boost they might be stuck with some miserable possessive butthole fu bundle of sticks she doesn't need your bundle of sticks wishes unfriend her immediately or there will be consequences you're a pathetic wimp-boy I could take you easy yeah balls balls deep today I learned the perfect comeback too I could take you fun fact about me I am over six feet tall and trained my entire childhood in martial arts and I'm built like a truck thanks to my career involving working with heavy steel and machinery there are very few of these piss baby right-winger morons they could take me in a fight and my favorite thing about this tweet is that this guy's profile picture is a furry I'm a prominent member in my religious community I am a competitive power lifter I run a trade business I'm 6 foot 1 240 pounds and jacked most importantly I have very good morals and I have put a lot of focus attention on what it means to be a good and valuable person I guarantee I'm superior to you in virtually every way what do you have you're a whiny bundle of sticks bro this reads like a reddit copypasta holy cow and I actually had to look it up no this isn't a copypasta this guy actually believes this my bro wasn't dead for drugs but my dad cleared the debt by walking into the gangs headquarter and telling them if they don't leave his kid alone he'll kill all of them probably something you don't want to hear from a former Special Forces member whose main task were disarming tanks and assassinations 59 down votes then the response disarming tanks commander he's got hold of the cannon rotate the dang turret it's too late he's unscrewing it this next one is a response to what's the cruelest thing that's ever been said to you to be honest nobody has the balls to say anything to my face they said a lot of cruel things about me sometimes within earshot but they know I'm psycho enough to not risk it our slush I am very badass go ahead see how that works out and if you're wondering it worked out pretty well it got this guy 30,000 Karma I met the thrift store shopping with my daughter and this white guy just walked in with a revolver a half the size of his leg I asked him why is it necessary to carry such a large revolver in public his response just in case anyone else with me I won't miss so down in the comments basically every single comment is talking about how much of an idiot this guy is this guy's holster is not designed for this gun because the trigger is exposed which means of course that if he walked by something and something snagged that trigger it would go off which would mean of course that with a gun that big he wouldn't miss his own foot for most men to obtain love and loyalty from a female they have to sacrifice their ability to have unlimited females for most men to get in good shape they have to forego unhealthy habits I am NOT most men I am the Lord of men all men including you I think that's the most homoerotic threat I've ever read on the Internet man it's guys like this who are turning the word female into a dirty word you are so white lmao and is that supposed to be an insult just FYI I'm 6 foot 2 195 pounds 10% body fat broad shoulders very defined powerful back did live PR of 505 pounds chest hair full thick beard veiny forearms protruding and defined jawline and the majority of my wardrobe is made up of dress shirts I'm an Instagram girls wet dream and I still turn that stuff down since I have better options throwing themselves at me nearly every time I go out in public I have never in my life until today heard someone brag about their veiny forearm hey hot stuff I have a veiny forearm please send me nudes hello please reply that was our slash I am very badass and if you don't hit that subscribe button I'm gonna find you beat you up because I'm a Navy trained assassin
Channel: rSlash
Views: 369,262
Rating: 4.8808789 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, iamverybadass, r/iamverybadass
Id: salfgBZPaVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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