r/Askreddit When Have You Seen the Real World Hit a Spoiled Brat?

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welcome to our /s Credit where users answer the question when have you seen the real-world hit a spoiled brat I was a school bus driver in the 70s during the height of court-ordered busing so I ferried poor kids to the rich side of town then rich kids the other way lots of entitled brats but one stands out super entitled kids constantly defying rules eventually I caught him with too many witnesses attempting to set a bus seat on fire with his lighter school officials were called there was a hearing with officials and his rich dad and he's banned from all buses for the rest of the semester dad offers to pay for the damage and quietly accepts the punishment then it comes the surprise next morning when I arrived at 6 a.m. to clean my bus regular tasks every morning the rich kid and dad are standing there dad introduces me to my new personal bus cleaner for the rest of the year he brings the kid every morning and forces him to wash and clean the floors of my bus before taking him to his school by the end of the year the entitled kid is actually working hard and being friendly we're getting along pretty well and I help him out sometimes so he can get on to school the kid turns out ok when this is all over good move by his dad yeah I agree when the dad got involved I was expecting that we were gonna get a cameo from our slash entitled parents but this dad's the total opposite it's more like our slash humble parents our next replies from Jim OH when I was working in a public library we had a few local celebrities come in from time to time most of them were nice but one had a real stick up his butt he would complain about having to stand in line and about late fees and about everything else we would just say sorry those are the rules or thank you for being patient even though he wasn't one day he and I were apparently both having a bad day and when I told him there was a limit on how many DVDs or video games he could check out at a time he slammed his hands on the desk and raged Do You Know Who I am this is a grown man mind and I was a little college student who barely looked old enough to drive I was sick of his low-key bullying so I just looked at him and said yeah I do mr. X and the rules still apply to you which one of these would you like me to put back he was stunned I don't think anyone had ever actually told him that the rules for everyone else did in fact apply to him as well he was a little nicer after that not a lot nicer but still it's so weird that this guy tried to flex at a public library dude you're trying to borrow things instead of just buying them how awesome could you possibly be our next replies from dark starlit Lowell when my brother was in school he was horrific Lee bullied for being autistic and his bully was the most entitled little turd I've ever had the displeasure of meeting his father paid for boxing practice karate lessons and other martial arts this made him think that he was the best at anything physical my brother is an overly fond of sports and prefers to read in the library as the typical nerdy kid he's a prime target for bullies one day when the bully had cornered my brother up against the wall my brother finally decided that he wasn't just going to take it anymore but he strongly dislikes violence and thus would not be fighting back instead when the bully tried to punch him my brother ducked three broken fingers and a trip to the hospital later the bully's father finds out what had been happening all of his extra classes and training were canceled he had all of his electronics and games sold and if he wanted to have a car he would have to work for every penny himself our next reply is from Andrew Shan spending 50 bucks on food a day is not normal a college girl got cut off from her parents drinking and not going to class and had to get a job she put on Facebook about how she's gonna go hungry and needs money people offered her food in to make her dinner she said that's okay I just need about 40 bucks to get through the day I don't like to grocery shop edit if you're wondering how she went through that much a day she always ate out of a restaurant and had Starbucks twice a day I didn't snacks an alcohol and there's 40 bucks per day and if you're wondering what that comes out to that's about fourteen thousand six hundred dollars just in food our next replies from watch that boom one of my favorite things about the military is that in a uniform nobody can tell how privileged are underprivileged you might have been it's a total blank slate and for many it's humbling to not get to slash have to wear your social status on your sleeve on my second ship there was an e to who grew up very wealthy and was a douche about it he wasn't afraid to let us know he thought that he was better than his peers there's a stereotype of the enlisted guy who thinks of himself as an officer as a way to pretend that means anything that's this guy in every way and he would try to get out of sucky enlisted work because he was going to be an officer probably even a commanding officer of a ship so there we were a few hours into his first deployment and this douche bag gets violently seasick it lasted for days I don't know if you've ever been around someone who can't open their eyes without yakking but it's awful you really feel bad for them it's hard to watch someone go through not with this guy our next replies from crin a kid in college was a roommate of a friend of mine he was always bratty and spoiled but hung out with us as if you were a good friend and we let him chill with us because sometimes he wasn't bad then one day we heard him arguing with his mom on the phone that he needed more money from the ensuing argument we learned that he had in less than one year burned through 30 grand that his parents gave him for food and discretionary spending mind you he was not paying for tuition or lodging or his car with this money it was basically just food money as all those other things were also already covered by his parents he was calling his mother some really nasty things and hung up on her then his father called and they got in an argument cussing each other out at the end of that call he threw his iPhone at the wall and shattered it this was the original iPhone turns out they cut him off and basically he had to drop out of school and drive back home out of state because he couldn't afford to do anything anymore and of course he was too good to work at a plebs job he added me on Facebook about a year later and was a late-blooming 9/11 truther Obama was president by this time and the only thing I ever said to him on Facebook was a simple reply correcting one fact he was about in his 9/11 conspiracy theory he then posted like four replies in quick succession telling me to open my eyes and then blocked me our next replies from Oh call me amazing when I joined the army a guy who had the infantry tattooed on him didn't even last two weeks in basic training he cried and yelled I shouldn't have to get yelled at to do something and then I for applies to that when I was in advanced individual training there was one kid who had do you know who my dad is syndrome just because his dad was a drill sergeant at some other post he used to act like an effing dick to people at every opportunity and several of us almost fought him either sticking up for ourselves or other platoon members we made it to graduation without killing him his dad showed up and heard what an F he was being our drill sergeants called the cities while still in formation at the ceremony his dad walks up to the formation calls him up front and makes him do push-ups in his classes while saying I'm sorry over and over it remains to this day the most glorious thing I've ever seen our next replies from grumpy Hedgehog simple and pure example for my part there was only one coffee shop on my campus operating out of the library building and it was always crowded you pretty quickly learned that if you wanted a coffee before class you get there 20 minutes early grabbed a newspaper I'm old sue me and took your time it was always funny watching incoming freshmen crowd the line five minutes before their 8:00 a.m. and slowly filter out in despair as they realized there was absolutely no way they were reaching that sweet Sumatra nirvana in time cue this little freshman girl dressed in the classic campus t-shirt jean shorts blonde ponytail coming out of the ball cap starter pack walking up assessing the line stretching out the door and boldly deciding to just sorta skip it now the Brisas were usually pretty cool with people skipping for simple things dropping down a quarter for some scantrons or a buck for a cookie anything that didn't require interaction not this girl she caught the baristas attention while the previous customer was still paying and went hey yeah can I get a latte please like really quickly um the line starts back there replied the now slightly confused girl behind the counter but I have class wined the freshman there was an awkward pause before the barista responded you're on a college campus are you freaking serious why do you think all these people are here back of the line Oh was the only thing that freshman girl thought to say as she turned to look at a line full of people staring daggers back at her she looked not upset or embarrassed but sort of enraptured by this newfound understanding she's just been imparted it's like for the first time in her entire life she realized that other people were in her way for reasons it was actually kind of beautiful to watch like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time better late than never then throw away oh yes it is replies to that comment reminds me of a guy I had an interaction with years ago we're on a subway morning commute I'm packed car he gets in with a bike that hits a kid in a stroller there's a policy against bikes and crowded cars they can block the exit in an emergency so people start giving him flak well what am I supposed to do I have to get to work wait for another train but I have to get to work I don't care you don't care that I have to get to work mother effort you're on a 750 a.m. train into the city in a packed car where do you think the rest of us are headed a party the last part was in my head because I'm not that bold but really our next replies from dead sheep Lane when the high school principals daughter who previously got away with all kinds of garbage behavior vandalism dranking major bullying got caught vandalizing a lecture hall and university she was unceremoniously dumped and banned the parents whined for months on Facebook about their poor babies unfair treatment and the fact that her applications to other universities were being denied that college student was 19 years old and was legit like wait you mean there's consequences for my acts since our next replies from big birdy oh goody I remember this earlier today and was hoping I'd be able to share not sure if this really qualifies but it's a good one so this gym isn't about a child this was a full-grown woman maybe mid 30s who very clearly was handed everything in life spoiled selfish entitled whatever you want to call it she was way out of touch with reality so I grew up in a very nice upper-middle class area with nothing but houses for miles around at the center is a small block with a little grocery store a few boutiques restaurants in a drugstore it being the only shopping center anywhere around tends to attract really snobby people anyway I was maybe 14 or 15 and went to the drugstore to grab something or another and happened to wander past the makeup aisle this drugstore is pretty large so their makeup selection is huge with every brand you can think of taking up the whole wall of the building I just rounded the corner where I saw this woman sitting on the ground just as I saw the manager coming around the opposite corner making a beeline for her like a bulldog he stops arms crossed and the following happens ma'am I hope you know that you have to pay for those what the makeup all these packages you've opened you have to pay for them he gestured about towards where I was standing still at the end of the aisle I looked down to my riot and saw what he was pointing at the pressed powder compacts she'd opened one of each shade ranging from ivory to warm beige and left her remains in piles at the bottom of each display that's right I said each she went through every single brand and opened the package compacts and to make it worse each brand usually makes more than one type of press powder there had to have been at least 40 of them the woman was getting agitated what do you mean I don't understand why do I have to pay for them when I only need one the manager starts to have a stroke because you've destroyed them and because you've used them we could no longer sell these to anyone else because they've been contaminated by you well I needed to test them to match my skin tone it was at this point I realized that next to all the compacts where they used makeup sponge that come with them as well as what appeared to be used baby wipes well I hope it was worth all the money you now owe us this was about 15 years ago so the remainder of the conversation is fuzzy I know she was panicked crying and it was refusing to pay and he threatened to call the cops but I had to leave at that point so I didn't get to see the outcome but I do know that I did a little math when I got home nowadays one of those compacts would cost about 10 bucks each back then I'd say 5 to 6 so she had to pay at least 240 bucks by the end of that our next replies from waluigi is the real hero on the subject of college kids I went to an Ivy League school in the town I grew up in being an Ivy there were a ton of spoiled rich turds around one of my high school friends pledged a rich fraternity and while he was cool his frat bros were horrible during one winter break my friend decided to throw a townie party at the frat as a pseudo highschool reunion one of his frat bros was still in town so he decided to attend the party too I'd seen this guy at a few parties during the year and he was the worst kind of frat douche harassing women left and right drinking to excess I'm trying to start fights and bullying everyone with do you know who my family is limes while that kept most of us students from hitting him because we had something to lose it turns out the same stuff doesn't fly with a bunch of angry farm boys who weren't used to taking flak from a preppy douche with a superiority complex I ended that night by peeling a few of my former high school football teammates off this guy before they killed him for throwing a drink at one guy and slapping another girl's butts our next replies from tommy gun my ex best friend was raised spoiled his family wasn't very rich but they still always tried their best to get him everything he asked for and never taught him to take responsibility for his mistakes I'll write a list of the things he pulled after leaving school one got three strikes on his license and lost it by running a red light wasn't his fault because there weren't many cars around speeding through a school zone wasn't his fault because there were no kids around even though he was going so fast that he would have been breaking the limited the school zone limit wasn't in place and getting pulled over and one of his passengers wasn't wearing a seat belt was his fault for not where it's to quit his job because he wanted more time to skate did this by going to his exes and sleeping with her instead of going to work then bragging about it on Facebook centerlink refuses to pay him because he's not even trying to get a job and no place will hire him because of his track record 3 he sexually assaulted a 14 year old girl at a party he was 21 and he somehow managed to get away with that also this wasn't some massive drinking party it was a family barbecue for assaulted a bouncer at a nightclub and then assaulted the police who tried to arrest him spent a week in jail for that five moved to Melbourne then Sydney and ended up being a homeless for a couple of years and is currently homeless in Germany that was our slash S credit and my ass credit question for you is why haven't you hit the subscribe button yet
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Id: vwMQ9CCZl30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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