r/Maliciouscompliance I Brought a Severed Human Toe to School

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welcome to our sloshed malicious compliance where Opie brings his teacher a severed human toe I worked in Netflix for a few months from August last year to February this year it was customer service so it was basically elderly people calling for various stupid reasons one thing that happened constantly was people opening accounts by accident and not closing them most often it was an old person who forgot their password so instead of recovering it they would just make a new account each time it happened the policy when I worked there was if they had watched even a minute of Netflix on an account we could only refund the last three months charge no matter the age of the account if they hadn't watched Netflix we could credit up to six months if they had a single minute of Netflix use in the past month we were only allowed to credit one month and no refund at all if they tried to cancel within a week of their billing dates we were also told not to refund anything if we weren't explicitly asked for a refund my last week at that job I didn't care about their rules much if someone forgot they paid for Netflix and seemed genuine or like it was a true mistake I just refund as much as the system would allow me to credit even if it was technically going against our rules the full six months so one day in that last week I have some old man calling he inadvertently made a new account for each device he had for Netflix so he had like five to six accounts each with near daily use he was generally pleasant so I decided I'd offer him as much as the system would allow instead of the one month that we were supposed to do avast so I tell him that I can credit back the last six months of each of the accounts he wishes to cancel this causes him to become livid I've had these epping accounts for over a year and you're going to God dang refund me the full amount I'm owed and stuff like that being spewed at me for the next minute or so eventually he demands to talk to my manager because he thinks that they will be able to refundable amounts the fun part now is the supervisor followed every role to the word so I had the pleasure of getting my supervisor on the line who ended up telling him that they could only refund a max of one month per account so he lost out on five months per account of possible refund money all because he decided to act like a dick and throw a tantrum so Opie did the math on this and that comes out too close to two hundred and fifty bucks this missed out on just because he decided to be a prick our next reddit post is from deleted my Gramps had just moved into a retirement park with a lot that backed up to a country land that was a nature preserve his backyard was basically non-existent but he didn't mind as he got to look out over the preserve however he did marvel at how his next-door neighbor's backyard extended a good eight feet past his giving his neighbor a nice space back there Gramps tried to be friendly with all his new neighbors exchanging phone numbers and the like and one day he noticed the next-door neighbour was putting down expensive pavers that extended from his back door all the way to the old fence post the designated The Preserve boundary Gramps watched the neighbor yank the three rickety fence post out of the ground and moved them back an extra two feet into the preserve before pounding them back in then started to clear the land intending to gain himself more area for his pavers Gramps used to work for the National Park Service's as a young lad so he thought he had better warned his neighbor of the consequences of his action so he heads out back for a little chat neighbor is immediately defensive and before Gramps says much neighbor tells him you're new here I've been here ten years and mind your own dang business Gramps decides not to press the issue nothing happens that year but the following year when most of the park emptied out to head north for the summer the county comes by to check on the preserve Gramps notices them going back and forth behind his neighbor's house the workers are pulling out maps and taking photos and making phone calls and soon more guys show up turns out neighbor had moved the post several times over the years and in reality his back yard is supposed to be even smaller than Gramps backyard to make matters worse the neighbor put pavers in the back specifically to Park both his golf cart and a cherry red sports car back there for the summer so the county will have to move them before they can do anything else they tape a notice in the front door and leave Gramps goes over to read it and it states that the neighbor was in violation of encroaching onto protected lands he has 30 days to move his car tear up the pavers and pay a fine of 11 thousand dollars because of damage to endangered species who inhabit the protected lands as well as trespassing fees failure to do so within 30 days will result in golf car and car being towed and impounded papers will be dug up and carted off at neighbors expense and the fine will be increased for every additional day past the deadline 30 days comes and goes so a week after that Gramps has quite the show as first the car and card were towed pavers were dug up and hauled off and the old fence posts and ropes were replaced with metal posts embedded into buried cement bases connected by steel cables whole process took several weeks to finish but the preserve looked a lot more legit when they were done a few solar cameras were installed so the county could monitor the wildlife and encroachers remotely meanwhile more notices were taped to the front door of neighbor's house by November the snow birds were flooding back into the park including neighbor this was Gramps second show of the summer as neighbor reads all the notices digging down until he reads the first one then runs out back and starts screaming and cussing up a storm before running back to his car to dig out his cell phone so he can call the county to find out where his car and golf cart were Gramps stays indoor to avoid the guy as he is frantically trying to unload his car turn on his water and electricity get the AC and toilets going and all the while trying to get someone at County to pick up the phone and give him some answers he finally gets a live person and proceeds to scream at them while on speakerphone about his car and carts so the call keeps getting kicked to other people because who wants to help screamer basically the neighbor is told to come to the county office to get this straightened out three days later the neighbor catches Gramps outside and asked if he was here when the county stole his car and destroyed his backyard Graham said he was and neighbor says well why didn't you call me when you saw them putting notices on my door you had my number up north Gramps said he had thought about doing that but figured the neighbor would prefer him to mind his own dang business so he decided against it I can only imagine how satisfying it must have been to say those exact words to that douchebag neighbor the other thing I'd like to point out is sure Gramps minded his own business but so did everyone else on that street theoretically this guy had a neighbor on the other side as well and that guy didn't do anything either so the entire street had to ignore this happening oh well too bad so sad our next reddit post is from nyla Cotter so I've spoken about my dogs on here before I train search and rescue / human remains-- detection dogs which basically means we wander around disaster sites crime scenes and wilderness area searches looking for bodies or other remains to put it very simply this story is from a couple of years back when I was in college I was required to take a public speaking course I have stage fright and social anxiety so this was basically torture my instructor was pretty jaded and didn't much care that I was having a panic attack on stage she suggested I talk about something I'm more comfortable with and to toughen up the final was supposed to be a demonstrative and informative presentation and thirty minutes long fine my dogs have clearance by campus police to train on the University grounds and I have clearance from City and County police to bring biological waste materials with me throughout the county I prepare a fancy PowerPoint presentation and bring in my big crazy cadaver dog and scent samples including a human toe blood and Bonz I spend half an hour showing how to train a dog to detect human corpses along with a few vivid anecdotes about some of my past searches we even let some members of the audience come handle my dog and give clicker training a try audience involvement in the demonstration was required I got an A but the mildly horrified look on my professors face was far more rewarding Oh P which he should have done was taken the human toe and hidden it in one of the people's backpacks our desks as soon as you got to the classroom and by one of the students what I really mean is the professor and then be like now for a live demonstration I've hidden a toe in one of your backpacks and now my dog is going to find it our next reddit post is from inconvenient silence okay I've worked in a lot of different industries but this happened while I worked in a casino chain in the UK at 19 I was a bartender and chips would usually be 12 hours at a time while I worked there the dress code was smart black so smart trousers and black shirts which men and women had to wear because it was comfortable ticket more tips even though I was classified as a bartender the company forced the women to work on the casino floor making us walk in circles around the gambling tables and made the men stay behind the bar the women weren't allowed to stand still so even on a quiet day we still had to walk in circles this was made easier with our uniforms being comfortable although it was frustrating to walk around for hours on end the pay was good so we complied then the company held a meeting and told us how they decided to change the uniforms unsurprisingly the guys uniforms didn't change at all but the women were told to wear tight grey dresses you could barely move in and high heels by the next shift it was clearly to look more appealing and get more tips of course my female co-workers and I were pissed off about this and told the managers that we will not only have restricted movement but will also be in pain by the end of the night if we have to walk around for hours in high heels on the hard floor management didn't CAIR and told us to suck it up after this we all gathered in the changing rooms and talked about how there is no way we're wearing this new uniform and shouldn't wear it to protest that's when I had an idea I suggested that my co-workers do what they have planned and I'll wear the new uniform because we needed to prove our points after a long discussion and hesitation they agreed and let me do it the next shift I walked in the building in the new uniform my god it was uncomfortable the dress made it difficult to turn my body around and bending over was nearly impossible it was so tight that when I did kneel down I was scared it would rip management was really happy to see that I complied even saying to my coworkers how they should learn from me I had to keep it cool while they said that as I was already starting to get sore from the heels it was a busy night and I was running around like a headless chicken the dress made it difficult to keep up the pace as I struggled to breathe properly I think the dress was not designed for this kind of movement and the pain from my shoes increase to the point that at times I had to attempt a Crouch for a second in the back to give my feet a rest my coworker started begging me to stop and just get flat shoes on for my own sake but I declined stating how I needed to prove our point so I pushed on through the pain till the end of my shift management came in when we all finished to see how everyone was and asking me how I found the shift I smiled and said it was great with one small problem I removed my shoes for the first time in 12 hours and sit in front of my managers mildly shaking their faces went from all smiles to shock when they looked at my feet to see my blood running on the floor from my open wounds on my heels the injuries covered the entirety of my heels with dried blood on the back of my shoes they started telling me I shouldn't have done that and should have worn flat shoes but I reminded them saying but it's part of the new dress code I had to wear high heels like you told me as the injuries were exposed started to feel the pain intensify and had to hold back tears but my shaking got worse they made me sit down and got the first-aid kit for my feet as I started to unzip the back of my dress saying how hard it is to breathe the dresses were still compulsory but the dresses were made looser and we never had to wear high heels on shift again Oh P I gotta say that was super metal our necks red it poses some bryson 64 I was working IT for Safeway corporate throughout the day employees can submit for tech support by either calling the number or sending an email as we were mostly a call center the emails called web tickets would back up as everyone was busy on the phone they would nominate a few agents to jump off the phones and call out on these emails we got the average person would do twenty to forty by the end of their shift I got assigned to a special group assisting with other tech specialists with telephone engineering issues phones don't work we needed someone to work the night shift to help the night guys I gladly volunteered we got maybe three calls a night and that was for general tech support I helped with maybe one thing a week my manager asked why I wasn't very busy at night I told him all stores are closed except those in Hawaii and we just don't have the same volume of calls he tells me he wants to see me work web tickets at night I work a few web tickets from 10:00 to 11:00 when I show up and a few more from 5:00 to 6:00 but don't have much access as night and morning stock crews one of my product on the shelves not reboot a printer that is probably already working just fine my manager calls me in and is saying that everyone works significantly more web tickets than I do and he wants to see my numbers go up I explained to him that the majority of the tickets are for stores that are closed or for a corporate office in California where executives are sleeping he says he doesn't want excuses so that night I call all 200 tickets it isn't difficult and doesn't take long because no one answers I leave the typical voicemail explaining why I called and please give us a call back the next morning my manager calls me in furious apparently high-level corporate execs called my manager personally wanting to know why they were getting woken up in the middle of the night by tech support my manager asks did you call these people just to prove a point I could have said many things just following orders sir just doing my job what did you expect do you know how dumb you look instead I simply replied yup his reply well-played he no longer expected me to do web tickets at night the funny thing is that executives probably have no clue who this is so the executives who got woken up called their underling and yelled at them and then those people probably call their underlings and yelled at them on and on and on until I got back to Opie that was our slash malicious compliance and if you liked this video hit that like button because it really helps my channel
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: ktqJnpCl7Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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