r/Relationship_Advice HELP! I'm a Prostitute Who's Falling in Love with a Client!

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welcome to our slash relationship advice where a prostitute describes falling in love with a client seven years ago I got married to the girl of my dreams Denise a fake name we'd been dating for two years before that and it was like a dream come true that changed after our marriage after our marriage she constantly started feeling down and out of it and eventually I got her to go to a doctor who sent her to a therapist and from there we found out she had depression to do with things from her past that she was trying to forget I decided to be as supportive as I could be I took care of most of the housework despite working 40 hours a week and told her to just get herself in order and if she needed to talk to me I would be there for that was six and a half years ago before she left she was still depressed she basically only lays in bed and complains she does nothing we had no intimacy no intercourse no cuddles no going out my entire day was filled with work and housework day in and day out I worked my butt off came home to a mess of a house and started cleaning up starting dinner and so forth at the end of the day I was exhausted and all I could expect was for Denise to unload more of her trouble on me and complain about herself me and everything around her I couldn't even hang out with my buddies to get away from it all as she would relentlessly call me saying she was scared and everything so I also had no social life not that I had time for it anyway but despite it all I pushed through hoping that sooner or later she would break out of it and we could have a proper life together as I loved her and as they say for better or worse and this was quite clearly worse possibly the worst it would ever be four months ago she got a new therapist and three months ago the therapist suggested she needed time away from me as her Depression started when we married so I may be the cause of it the moment she told me I was crushed I started doubting myself blaming myself worrying but beneath it all this cream being since of having done everything for her having sacrificed years of my life as a cash cow and a servant for her to lay in bed and this is my thanks it's my fault now but I rejected that feeling trying to talk through it but she decided to leave and stay with her mother saying she needed time away from me and that I may be the cause of her depression and so forth honestly the entire argument is to blur in my head I spend the next month when she moved out calling her her family begging and humiliating myself just to get her back apologizing for everything I may have done wrong honestly I was close to ending at all as I was so hopeless at that point but the month passed and as it passed I couldn't help but feel relieved I came home and it was quiet I could indulge in my hobbies which I hadn't done in years the place wasn't a mess every time I came home I could relax and two months in I even realized I could hang out with my buddies again grabbing a beer enjoying life and slowly I started to realize that I had been miserable this entire time slowly that turned into more and more realizations before I realized I honestly didn't love her anymore I felt like my youth was wasting away I could do much much better than this I felt like I was a caretaker of a handicapped old lady heck I still looked good and as I went out I started once again gaining back my self-confidence women would flirt with me I felt wanted even though I never did flirt back after all these realizations I suddenly got a call from my wife saying she made a huge mistake she was sobbing her eyes out and how she was an idiot taking the therapists words as fact and how much she loved me for a moment I wanted to say yes yes please come back but I couldn't I just blurted it out and said to her she had left me and I was done with this relationship I told her I would get divorce papers and I told her I had wasted enough time as it was and this final action of hers was the nail in the coffin for that I just dropped the phone started crying for a bit before turning in and feeling liberated the issue now is that everyone in my family is telling me I'm making a mistake I should take her back I owe it to her to try and make it work marriage isn't always fun etc the thing is I never had fun in this marriage I can't remember the last time I had fun and wasn't miserable we're both young and fed and we never even go out heck the last time we had intercourse was over a year ago all I am is an effing servant to her as it seems and I'd rather live alone than spend one more hour taking care of her but on the other hand I doubt myself am I really dumping someone that's depressed I feel horrible about it I feel like a failure I just need advice Opie I'm not surprised she changed her mind and wants you back basically she's a negative toxic woman who just wants to sit around and have someone else wait on her and pay for everything and after three months of annoying her mom it sounds like her mom got tired of her so of course now she wants you to go back to taking care of her screw that Opie you shouldn't be miserable just because you made the mistake of marrying let's be honest a toxic person I am all for sticking with marriage and trying to make it work but you did that you did that for seven years she had her chance to fix it with you and she didn't so I say move on to greener pastures I a 26 year old female I'm an escort and I'm falling in love with one of my clients a 39 year old man I took on this client about a year ago I was immediately struck with how handsome he was as I got to know him he showed himself to be a kind sweet charismatic utterly brilliant person he's always gentle I never had to enforce any boundaries with him over the last year I've come to look forward to visits with him above any of my other clients if there's a scheduling conflict I'll give him the priority lately I've been more intimate with him than my other clients cuddles kissing hugs and other things I don't do with my other clients I love my overnights with him we have long deep talks about everything we have a lot of shared interests and we just get along really well I feel very safe with him I'm falling in love with him it's never happened to me before I've always kept emotion separate from my work but I can't help it with him I'll spend time with him I don't bill him for I spend extra time with him and just love to be with him I have been spending time with him casually going on dates I guess for lack of a better word that I'm not billing for either and the lines are starting to become very blurry I don't know what to do I think I want to move their relationship from professional to personal truth is it's already becoming personal to me but I can't imagine he would be okay with my work if I was his girlfriend I'm afraid of being rejected by him and ruining our work relationship I think I would get this up to be with him but that presents a whole new set of problems for me and finding a new career I don't know what to do do I go for it risk rejection and ruining our professional relationship do I give up my career for him if he says yes I don't think I could continue this if I was with him personally do I just keep silent and continue our relationship as is or do I drop him as a client altogether I was never looking for a guy to save me but I can't help what I'm feeling for him edit I know why he's single his wife died in an accident three years ago edit I'm about to leave for lunch with him I'm not going to bring it up yet but I do intend to ask him if he ever sees himself getting married again thanks for all the support I didn't expect to see this much support edit lunch was nice we had a good time I did ask him if he felt like he could ever be married again he said three years ago the answer would be a hard no but now he wasn't so sure then he asked me if I ever saw myself getting married and I had a similar answer I told him I asked him if he wanted to come to dinner at my place tonight not work personal he said he'd like that I'm going for it I'd like to address a few things before I get into the update a few people mentioned the story about his wife might be fake he's secretly married I was pretty sure he wasn't married I did out calls to his home and my married clients never take me to their home always a hotel but I was regularly in his home I saw the pictures of her around the house I know she was real how can I trust a guy who uses escorts well this is a silly thing to judge him on considering what I do I can't imagine judging a man for using my service I was his first too and unless he's a good actor I know the awkwardness of a first-timer and he was definitely awkward when we first met I never asked him if he started seeing other escorts because frankly it's none of my business okay on to the update I think I left off yesterday that we'd met for lunch this was sort of a normal thing for us lately and we had a nice chat I opposed to him the question of if he ever saw himself falling in love and marrying again he said after his wife died he didn't think it would be possible but now he thinks he might be able to with the right person then he followed up with a question about if I would ever think about leaving the business and getting married and I sort of answered the same with the right person followed by a pointed stair he had to go back to work by this point and I invited him to my home for dinner this was a first he's never been to my home I don't bring clients back they're only friends I hope that sent a strong signal to him I went back home and started getting ready I had to go shopping for some things and get the place ready to have a guest over I called my friend up she knows about this guy and has been on the same page as reddit pushing me to make a move and settle down into something more normal I told her about the reddit post and said I was making the jump I also let her know I wanted to take her up on her offer I called up my upcoming appointments and cancelled I said something had come up and I wouldn't be available I'm out I am done regardless of what happens with him I can't get my head in the game anymore and I'm getting too personal plus now I'm realizing I want to be in a relationship and can't separate the intercourse from my feelings like I thought it's time to call it this isn't what I want anymore this choice was for me not him even if things didn't work out with him I realized I really did want to be in committed relationship with someone one thing that people mentioned was the idea that he could turn violent when I told him I honestly didn't believe he would but I asked my friend to call and check on me just in case she knows the drill we have safe an emergency word set up and we have a plan if she gets no response from me at all I got my shopping done and got dinner going set the place up nice and romantic and got myself dolled up nice and sexy and got ready to have him over he came by at around 7:00 he had flowers for me and a bottle of wine I invited him in he said he wasn't sure if he should bring payment or not and just did I told him that wasn't necessary he wasn't there as a client I don't bring clients to my home I was really hoping he was getting the hint dinner was going nicely we had our usual rapport but I could tell he was a little perplexed about what this was all about so I put on my big girl panties gathered my courage and shoot my shot as you all put it I told him I was dropping him as a client he looks surprised and hurt he wanted to know why what did he do wrong did something happen I assured him it wasn't about him I was leaving the business and dropped all my clients I told him about the job I took and he wished me good luck he said I was attractive and charming and he was sure I would do well in sales he said he was going to miss me I took a big deep breath and said you don't have to miss me if you don't want to and then I spilled it he was the only client I brought home to tell in person I laid it all out all the things I mentioned in the post how I felt about him and how I didn't want to be his escort anymore I wanted to be his girlfriend I said I understand he paid me to leave and not stick around and now I was asking to stick around and I would understand if he didn't want to continue on he said who told you that that he paid me to keep coming back not to leave he said he felt it too but he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to ask me that he was still hurt over his wife and that he wasn't even sure if he was ready but that some of the best things in his life he started when he wasn't sure if he was ready he asked me if I was okay with being with someone who was still hurting over his ex I told him I could work with it and that I wasn't trying to replace her we kissed I let him into my bedroom and we made love we spent some time after in each others arms talking about what comes next he offered to help me make the transition but I told him I wanted to try and do this on my own and not rely on him I appreciated his offer and if I needed the help I would ask but I need to try to do this on my own at first he respected that I told him that things would change now as his girlfriend I would have expectations of him that I never had as an escort he was okay with that I told him I never asked her cared if he saw other women before but now I wanted monogamy I would give him monogamy and I wanted it in return so if he was seeing other escorts that would have to end and I reminded him I dropped my clients he said that wasn't a problem I was the only one he spent the night with me and left next morning where is this going to lead us next I have no idea maybe I'm making a huge mistake maybe this was fades maybe this was God working in mysterious ways maybe we're just two lost and lonely souls tossed around by the stormy seas of life that managed to find each other and cling to each other fade fairy tale or fluke we're going to see where this leads us next and we're doing it together I am excited elated and terrified all at once my whole life has drastically changed in just a day I didn't intend to move this fast but once the train started rolling it seemed like there was no stopping it to everyone who said that I was a worthless prostitute who could never be loved fu to to everyone who expressed concern thank you maybe this is a mistake but I have to find out to everyone who encouraged me to just go for it thank you you were right without the thousands of responses to go for it I would have languished in that limbo for a lot longer as a final thought I want to say that this isn't normal if you see adult workers please don't think this is the norm and that the woman you see may also fall in love with you while I'm sure it happens and I've heard from others who were in similar positions to mine it's really not the norm if you're considering adult work because you think you can find prince charming oh this outcome is very unusual oh and I hated pretty woman by the way I never thought it would be me one day man Opie what an incredible story in any event everyone's responsible for pursuing their own life's happiness so it's good that you're taking steps that will hopefully make you and your partner happier that was our slash relationship advice and if you liked this video please hit that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, relationshipadvice, relationship_advice, relationship advice, r/relationship_advice, relationship_advice posts, relationship, r/relationships
Id: XF-FF-6Hb0c
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Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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