r/Idontworkherelady Obey Me Or I'll Have You Fired!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where the customer is always wrong our next reddit post is from shell switch my wedding party was very informal we were sports jerseys a lot of family and friends of family came including a batch of people that I didn't even know which got a little weird because we still only personally invited everyone and told everyone to let us know if they have a plus-one and it would be fine for us to invite them this is so weak attract catering expenses and space concerns it was a rough day and I was very limited in support and was taking care of most setup and issues myself in a party of roughly 80 people it felt more like work than a party the time finally came where I could rest when issues were taken care of about halfway through the party the Sun was beginning to set I sat down in the corner and wiped the sweat off my face and looked over at the food everyone had eaten except me so I was ready to finally dive into the food I paid for some woman I never met in her late 20s asked me to bring a plate for her kids I'm sorry ma'am I want to bring some stuff for my wife and start eating myself Oh caterers can bring their family to events like this me somewhat confused at her response the caterers here are a family business so sort of isn't it appropriate for you to eat food someone else paid for me confused even further but giving a chuckle I paid for it I'm sorry who did you come here with oh really you must be the party planner are you a friend of the groom's I was invited by the groom I'm f me chuckling again no I'm the groom oh I'm sorry how embarrassing here the groom hey nice to meet you I sent invitations by name but we also requested feedback for the plus invitations I don't believe I sent you an invitation I think everyone invited more people than we initially wanted Oh am I in my kids okay to be here I'm actually sisters friend's friend they said it was okay oh yeah that'll be perfectly fine we have much more food than I thought it won't be an issue nice to meet you I came to the table with my wife and her grandmother and we finally aides my wife said to me man you're flirting with all the ladies at our wedding party or what I know that a plus-one of a plus-one that was uninvited is generally uncool but there was no need to stress it everyone had a good time and there was actually too much food man Opie you're a better man than me if someone showed up uninvited to my wedding they'd be out on her butt in two minutes flat our next reddit post is from acid dip teeth it was the middle of June and my first weekend off in quite a long time I've been giving my friend a never ending rain check a promising to teach her to fish our schedules finally line up weather's perfect it's fishing time we arrived at a local lake it's the type where you don't need a fishing license just to pass for the lake money goes to the city we buy our passes from the concession stand and head back to my car to get the gear I brought three setups one for me one for my friend and one just in case it's a really busy Saturday morning lots of people we do a mini hike across the lake to get to our spot and get to fishing my friend learns quickly we catch a few before the sun's all the way up were pumped how well the day is going and it's time to take a lunch break when it starts to get hot at about 11:00 we take this stuff back to my car which he'll eat hydrate and hit back while we're walking back a group of kids break away from their families to follow us around they were all boys four of them three of them were probably around eight to 11 years old and the fourth is maybe six I'm thinking they just want to watch us fish and they likely told their parents where they were going so I don't even think about it we get back to our spots but the kids are trying to follow us down the hill the top of the hill has a trail if you're careful you can climb down to reach a small landing as close to the water's edge it was stressing me out to watch these kids try and climb down so I yell up to them to find a safer place for them to watch basically right next to us it was easier to get to but there was a gap in between the landings once they got down they decided to have our Rock skipping contest not exactly polite to do that next to people fishing but I let it go then these kids decide to have a jumping contest they're jumping from their landing to our land getting back and forth there's only a two foot gap but if they fell they definitely get hurt my friend is getting more stressed in me watching them and makes them promise her to be careful they said what I probably would have said when I was their age fine whatever guys the ringleader of the group the oldest maybe 11 then asked me if they're allowed to fish I asked him if they had a pass stupid me and they say yes in unison I tell them if you've got a passion to go the ringleader puts his hands on my fishing pole that I'm still holding and asked if he can use it I pull away and say no but I'm using it he picks up my just-in-case Pole without asking and says what about this one no that's mine and I don't want you hurting yourself with it the little brat gives me an attitude and shells well what can I use I didn't even know what to say at first but I pulled out Old Faithful go ask your parents it worked they immediately left about 20 minutes later we hear a large group of people coming down the trail it's the kids in their family and the kids are whispering and pointing at me mostly just a ringleader a female a bit older than me I'm guessing the mom angrily makes her way over to the spot and lays into me I don't remember everything but the general summation is that I'm ungrateful and I need to get [ __ ] her words the kids are still clothed so I decided to keep it PG I also have a little issue with my hearing if something is too loud I can't usually make it out like if you're yelling at me I'm not gonna get every word I explain I can't hear when she raises her voice she starts yelling louder I'm getting nothing my friend is mortified I stare at her and tell there's a break and say yeah I didn't get a word of that she almost starts to go off again when the husband or boyfriend or older brother shall something at her in another language and she stops did you tell these boys they couldn't fish no I said just the opposite she stunned why can't they fish then they are allowed to fish at this lake they can fish they're absolutely allowed to fish here they just can't use my stuff why not everyone else here is fishing the lake is owned by the city yup sure is she stares blankly at me for way too long you need to teach them to fish miss I can't watch all of them what if they hurt themselves yes you are my taxes pay your salary no they don't yes they do I pay taxes in taxes pay for this Lake and they better not hurt themselves because if they do you think I work here more blank stares miss I work at a company doing something completely different even more blank stares I fix computers silence this poor lady looks so embarrassed as it clicks that I'm just a person fishing on their day off but I don't even get an apology no recognition that she was wrong she just climbs back over to the rest of the family as they quietly speak amongst themselves walking away in their shame when they're finally out of sight my friend and I give each other though what the f just happened look and break into the most beautiful 45-minute session of uncontrollable laughter I've ever had I love this reply from donut Olympian down in the comments I am a cop and I've gotten the I pay your salary line maybe twice once I said things and gave them their ticket and the other time I said I could use a raise and gave them their ticket our next reddit post is from Bailey the nerd this is an old tale I have from when I was working tech support for a company that owns a lot of large grocery store chains across the u.s. now to be clear I was internal tech support for this company the only calls I should be getting are from people that worked for the company and all the chains that it owns to fix their computers my phone rings hi this is company name desktop support this is Opie can I get your employee ID and then an already angry customer start screaming at me where are the diabetic brownies I'm sorry the what I'm at this certain store and nobody in here knows where the hell the diabetic brownies are I'm sorry sir there must have been some kind of mix-up I'm tech support for the company somebody must have given you the wrong number No I am not getting any more runaround where are the diabetic brownies sir I'm gonna call Center 600 miles from your stores location I don't have a layout of the store in front of me and I don't work for that grocery store I work for the parent company I can help you if you have a computer that needs fixing brownies okay well let me try to help what's the source address and who gave you the phone number the god dang pharmacist okay please be patient I'm gonna put you on hold for like two minutes I put him on hold and call customer service for the store he said explain the situation tell them to look for an angry old man who just walked away from the pharmacist all right sir I called customer service someone at your store is gonna come find you and show you the diabetic brownies thank you click I then proceeded to call the pharmacy and chew out the pharmacist for giving out an internal number to some confused customer never found out if he got his brownies our next reddit post is from zero chances at the start of the kovat lockdowns for non essentials my work actually increased after a week of 12 to 16 hour night shifts I come home on my Friday what ya'll daywalkers call Thursday I park at my spot and start to walk up to my house when the wild Karen appears important info my wife is a property manager for a trailer park excuse me I need you to bring your wife outside so I can talk to her now no I don't work for the park and she'll be in the front office once it opens you have to it's an emergency really is someone dying or in danger of being injured no it's about this guy's that isn't an emergency and like I said I don't work here and had nothing to do with the park well as a concerned citizen you should I'm not concerned I'll report you to the OP is if you don't help me oh please don't report me to a place I don't work at Oh No I walk inside and my wife is getting ready for work and I warn her she'll be having a random encounter with a Karen today her face said my life when my wife was on break she told me that the Karen was so worried about dogs she heard barking not whimpering barking like they were playing in a tenant's home and was going to call the cops to bust down the door to see if the dogs had the corona and we're dying because the owner wouldn't answer her if the dogs were sick our next reddit post is from white people love ranch sorry if this doesn't belong here but I think it might fit during college I worked for an independent catering company that mainly did weddings people tend to be either very nice or very mean at weddings to waitstaff in the company I worked for didn't really care about the customer so I tried to go out of my way to make everyone's experience better because my company was independent it meant that we would travel to whatever venue the wedding was being held at and didn't actually work for that venue after dinner at this specific venue I was busing plate and had a full stack of about 10 plates in my hand was silverware in between them which created some imbalance and they were heavy I was walking quickly trying to get back to the kitchen without being in anyone's way this woman tried to flag me down as I was coming towards her and I stopped quickly to say I'll be right back ma'am I just need to set these down quickly as I started to walk away she grabbed the back of my arm and squeezed it which made me drop the plates I was carrying luckily only a couple of the plates broke and she just sat there and scoffed while I picked them up once I was done cleaning up she snapped her fingers at me and did the finger signal move to move in close and she said now that you're done being a klutz where's the gift table for me to put my gift for the bride and groom I was so taken aback that she would talk to me this way I explained to her that I only worked for the catering company and wasn't sure about where the venue had set up that station she responded by saying well you need to do your job and find out then don't you in the most condescending tone I've ever heard now normally if the guest was nice I would have been more than willing to go find the wedding planner and ask but not this time at this point I was done being treated poorly at my job by guests and my bosses and it was one of those moments I didn't really care if I got fired or not so I got on my knees and started bowing to her saying yes master of course master anything for you raid1 she was pissed and her husband was mortified I got up looked around the room and from where she was sitting I could see a table with gifts on it I pointed and said I think it's over there you can see it from where you're sitting and I hope that no one ever talks to you or your kids like you talked to me at this point she was speechless and seemed embarrassed her husband mouths I'm sorry to me and they left shortly after I didn't get fired but I chose to quit a couple of weddings later after some more unfortunate events our next reddit post is from glow Asst so this happened about four years ago I worked in data support as fun as it sounds for a company that was situated in the business desert of my city in that job it was extremely important to leave the building on your lunch not doing so mint others assumed you were having a working lunch on lunch I would go into the shopping areas of the city and just look around grab something to eat and ensure I was back at work at exactly the time I needed to be and no earlier this day I decided to go into Primark which is a clothing store in the UK I was casually browsing the shirts and completely in a world of my own I must have been looking around the same area for a few minutes when I felt a presence to the right of me now this isn't unusual it's a busy store middle of lunchtime and a fairly tight space between the clothes rails I got fed up of looking at the shirts and turned to walk away only to hear Oh effing Christ I turned to see the man that was standing close to me with a look of sheer terror in his eyes staring at me for a moment in disbelief this confused me a lot I was about to ask if everything was ok and this guy's terror turns to a relieved laugh covering his face and turning quite right at the scene he just made a busy store he said I thought you were a mannequin our next read it poses from Francis I used to work for a small family-owned restaurant they were honestly awful there are tall kids I'll work for them too and they were spoiled and very bossy and were of course favored over all the non-related staff I should have listened to the huge red flag at the interview where they said that they'd go through a lot of staff other than the kids because everyone they hire is stupid and does last long they treated me terribly yelling at me for small things making me do horrible gross jobs that no one else wants to do and putting me down constantly I even had several customers asked for the owner to tell them specifically how good my service was they would brush it off and tell me the customer was wrong one time I called in sick because I was vomiting I was told no you're coming in sometimes we feel sick too but still make the effort I was like uh no I will vomit pretty sure I can't be working in a food place tonight they hung up on me after two months I'd had enough and I quit this was almost two years ago a little while ago I was just out browsing some shops when I got a phone call from an unknown number I had deleted the owners contact info so I had no idea was her hello hello Opie can you work tonight um sorry who is this this is the restaurant owner I need you to work tonight we're very busy 6:30 okay I don't work for you anymore yes you do you need to come in at 6:30 no sorry I resigned two ages ago and I'm not available anyway bye I hung up she tried calling me back three times then send me a text that said yes you are 6:30 I blocked her number and went about my day down in the comments I love this reply from Andy cap you should show up and say hi I have a reservation for 6:30 that was our slash I don't work here lady and if you like my video then hit that subscribe button because I put on new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 629,524
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: qU7nwtJKFqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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