r/Idontworkherelady Entitled Woman Gets Dragged Out by Security!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're an entitled Karen accidentally gets herself arrested my best friend and roommate works for a small independent print shop as a graphic designer we live in the burbs and the shop is located downtown about half an hour from our house oftentimes I'll be downtown for an appointment of some kind and we'll ride home with her rather than take the train usually by 4:00 p.m. the only people left in the shop are her and a specific co-worker so I'll just hang out in the front area of the shop with my laptop at 5:00 p.m. they locked the door and then both of them gathered their things up over the next 15 to 20 minutes before actually leaving they're often out of sight packing up in the back last Friday was one such day at around 5:10 a lady came up to the door of the shop a glass door she saw me sitting there and started tapping on the door I looked up and mouthed the shop is closed she yelled back I have a question I pointed at my wrist and said loudly I'm sorry the shop closes at 5:00 and I don't work here she grabbed the handle on the door and started shaking it as if she could magically make the door open and then started pounding on the door again so I sat down my laptop and walked over to the door she screamed I only have one question can you let me in so I can talk to you at this point screaming was really not necessary as we were only separated by a glass door I said ma'am I don't work here and the doors locked from the inside by a key I don't have I can't let you in she screamed why are you being such a butthole I know you're closed but it's one question then to emphasize her point she slammed her open palm on the glass door which absolutely shattered honestly I've never seen anything like it it's not like it cracked and spiderwebbed out it just went to shards and fell to the ground fortunately I had stepped back the lady blinked in shock and then started to speed walk away fortunately we are in a massive metropolitan city and I was able to follow her only half a block before I saw a police officer standing on the street the officer walked us both back to the shop with a woman ranting about how it wasn't her fault and if I had just let her in blah blah blah the police officer called for backup and two more officers arrived and by this time my friend and her co-worker had come up front they took another officer back to look at the security footage which is digitally captured and that was pretty much that the lady got arrested on the spot and I had to give a statement and I'm told I'll probably have to testify in court on behalf of the shop owner to get a civil penalty added on to criminal charges and help them avoid small claims which I'll gladly do so what I'm dying to know is what was her question my guess is that it was something like where can i buy that new r / merchandise I just love the haircut on the new hoodie and I can't wait to buy one well Karen I've got great news for you you can find the link to buy my new merchandise in the link down below our next reddit post is from cohesive curmudgeon I've read a lot of Karen stories on this subreddit but I have never met one in the wild until last week it was hot last week 33 degrees Celsius 91 Fahrenheit but felt like 42 Celsius 108 Fahrenheit I had some birthday party items to pick up for a work-related function I was in my summer uniform a shirt no jacket and I went to Walmart because they've got a decent party section and fantastic air conditioning I found my way to the right section and chatted briefly with a sales associate I started gathering the supplies I needed and putting them into my cart I pulled one item and that caused a cascade of everything else behind it to fly onto the floor my mother always taught me that if you make a mess clean it up so I squat down and start putting the stuff I spilled back on the shelf then from over my right shoulder I hear him I kept putting the stock back shame on me for not responding I hear a voice that somewhere between the call of a crow and the rasp of a thirty-year two-pack-a-day smoking habit I'm talking to you stop stocking the shelves and tell me where the art supplies are I turned my head and there before me was a vision standing 40 ish years old with an asymmetrical haircut laden with gold colored jewelry colored because there were green marks around her neck in a pink sports bra and short shorts made of this amazingly strong synthetic knit fabric she obviously firmly believed one size does indeed fit all but missed the part about it shouldn't I said to this woman one of God's own very special creations I'm sorry but I don't cut off you're a manager tell me where the F the art supplies are i rephrase I don't work here can't help you she wanted to talk to my boss and threatened to call corporate to let them know their managers are lying about working there to avoid helping customers then she launched into a string of invective worthy of a longshoreman so I stood up and turned to face her she was dumbstruck her mouth was moving but no sound was coming out and she had gone pale under her shoe leather tan now to be fair I was wearing a light blue shirt and dark grey dress pants but it's my uniform that made the difference I have a white collar type of job I'm the chaplain and a medium security prison-- the chaplain for a group of world war ii veterans and the chaplain for a group of Afghan war veterans being treated for post-traumatic stress syndrome this last group is the one I was shopping for you know you've been hanging around military veterans when cursing doesn't even faze you anymore so there I was in my light blue shirt with my clerical collar I asked her do you kiss your children with that potty mouth then I told her that corporate doesn't have a phone but if she wanted to talk to my boss she could do so directly on Sunday at the church just a few blocks away from the Walmart by this time her vocal cords had recovered but the only sound coming out was a cross between a squeaky door hinge and a chicken that just laid an egg I turned and pushed my cart down the aisle towards the checkout the sales associate I spoke with earlier was just around the corner apparently he came back to the aisle to see what the screeching was about and had seen the ending he was doubled over with silent laughter holding his sides all he could do was mouth thank you and I was off a man on a mission and this is super rare but Opie actually included a picture of what he looks like in his uniform and yeah he obviously does not work at Walmart to be honest I'm surprised that the Caron didn't hiss and run away when she was confronted with a cross our next reddit poses from perpetually polite so as part of my actual job my company sends me to different clinics to audit their invoices to insure insurance companies aren't getting a scam for unnecessary or unperformed patient procedures it happens more than you know normally when I'm in a clinic they'll stick me in an unused office or cubicle so I'm out of sight and don't interfere with their normal operations however yesterday during the clinic visit they didn't have anywhere to put me except the front desk with the receptionist this wasn't a problem for me since it does happen on occasion and I'm just there to get the job done and head out so I am sitting there in the front office desk looking over the clinic's documents when the receptionist gets called back to assist with a patient after a few minutes I hear someone coughs lightly to the right of me and look up I'll call her Karen because she had the haircut and the attitude she says in a rude voice I've been standing here for the past couple of minutes and you've yet to acknowledge me you should be a of yourself is this how your clinic is run I am sorry ma'am the receptionist just stepped out for a moment she'll be back soon I can't help you as I don't work here she looks me up and down like she's judging how I'm dressed I should mention that I'm dressed in standard business attire blazer shirt tie and black slacks with my company logo and name tag hanging from a lanyard how stupid do you think I am you're sitting at the front desk of a clinic dressed like that and you don't work here I should file a complaint against you with your boss listen ma'am I've already told you I don't work here take it or leave it but I work for a company name and I hold up my badge now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work and ignore her how dare you Do You Know Who I am my husband works for the owner of this clinic and he'll be hearing about your poor customer service skills me is still looking at documents good for him I repeat I don't work here wait for the receptionist Karen tries to change tactics and fake smiles at me look I'm sure you're busy so I won't take much of your time all I need to know is my daughter-in-laws next OB appointment her name is blank it shouldn't take you too long to find her in your calendar I just need to know what time it is so I can be here to meet her me and now looking at her are you deaf I've already told you I don't work here and even if I did you're asking me to violate HIPAA laws do you know how serious that is you need to ask her directly if she's actually willing to have you with her though I doubt it you don't know what you're talking about that jerk should have told me when she was scheduling her first ultrasound that's my grandchild in there and I need to be here to see him now tell me when her appointment is otherwise I'll have you fired you need help lady you need to leave now before I have someone calls curity here threatening me the doctor and reception is here the loud commotion and come out to the front desk the doctor says what's going on here this woman doesn't understand that I don't work for you and she's trying to find out her in-laws appointment the Caron now panicking your receptionist has been useless and won't give me the information I've asked for he needs to be fired the actual receptionist says he doesn't work here doctor I'll take care of this and she intercoms the security office hi we need a guard to come to office bling to escort someone out she's disturbing one of our vendors and says thank you once they confirm someone will be here shortly once Karen realizes she's about to be escorted out I'm not leaving I have a right to know how my grandson is doing I have rights she serves shouting profanities at us for a couple of minutes when a burly security guard arrives and tells her to leave otherwise he'll call the police on her for trespassing she refuses so he grabs her by the arm and drags her screaming out of the office that was the last I saw of her but the receptionist called the daughter-in-law to inform her what just happened after the call the receptionist laughs and tells me that the in-law didn't want the woman anywhere near her and her baby to be it seems her and her husband are no contact which explained part of the craziness hmm I wonder why the daughter-in-law went no contact probably because this woman believes I have a right to a baby that isn't mine our next reddit post is from clickity clickity I have been working as a consultant on a major project for a tech firm I was a subject matter expert on a certain system an antiquated database program that was basically obsolete and which this company kept around mostly for convenience I'd been with a company about a year and only ended up as a subject matter expert on that system because the other SMEs had wit why you ask well the project manager over the product using that system Jim was a nightmare lack of communication flexible due dates that spanned weeks and threw curveballs at the last minute demands of time tracking in multiple systems none of which were actually utilized unless they were trying to prove someone was doing something wrong it was a mess I found another job and put in my notice a full three weeks notice just to make sure they could find someone they never scheduled me to train anybody so I assume they found someone who had experience in the system I turned in my keys and computer and then I left about a week later I got a call from Jim we need you to come in and fix an issue we're having I'm sorry I don't work there anymore I said thinking that maybe the manager had forgotten I know but we don't have anyone here who can fix this system so we need you he explained the issue it only needed a few hours of work to fix all right if you would like me to work on the system then I'm willing to help but I'll have to charge you by the hour at a contract rate and it will have to be after hours because I have a new full-time job the manager balked no you will come in and work at your original hourly rate no I explained as carefully as I could first since I'm not your full-time employee anymore I have none of your full-time benefits second this will be after hours and from my perspective overtime work so again I'm happy to help you but it will be at a new rate per hour that's stupid you know how to fix this this should be easy for you I'm not paying you the new rate for something you already did it old rate at this point I lost my patience I am NOT bartering with you take my rate or don't next time you call it'll go up now listen here youth I hung up he called back immediately I picked up the call I need you to come fix this now he's seethe into the phone I can do that I said politely my rate is the new rate plus $50 per hour you can't do that Jim shouted I am not paying you extra to new rate plus $75 per hour no you're an effing new rates plus $100 per hour keep going Jim I have all day there was a really long pause new rates I will do that but nothing more I'll be honest with you guys I really consider doubling down for the elevated rate but at the same time I know when when I see it so I took the job I assumed he did find a new expert because I never did another job for them again yo how are you gonna threaten an employee who doesn't work for you anymore come into work and do this thing or you're fired um okay dude fire me later that was our slash I don't work here lady and don't forget to check out the new items on my merch store you can find the link to my store in the description below
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,055,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: E5z0QHoMLxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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