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oh this this this subreddit is gonna kill me there is literal freaking chest pain from that oh my god it's so cute this is why i bleach always cooks my voice what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today it's a bunch of cute animals which is of course lexi's favorite our slash high bleach is up today let's get started our adorable girl wanting wife's attention while she works from home everyone who has been working from home has felt this recently part poor puppy is so pesky sometimes happy national puppy day my goober lived in a perpetually awkward stage as a puppy if my teenage years could be summarized in a photo it would be the one on the left but your goodwill turned out to be a lovely collie i love collies in one of my favorite breeds it's a kitten orb alternatively a corn oh my god are you inside of a pellet you are inside of a stuffed pelican head and it's amazing that's a banana that's a banana pelican head was funnier our two-month-old britney traveled to his new forever home in our laundry basket and he slept the whole way oh welcome home brittany 20 years old today oh happy birthday i hope you're doing all right despite your age looks like a polar bear oh my god so he does oh that's really cute oh my god i want to hug him even though he's wet and sloppy i don't care just give it to me huh savannah nobody knows the words to the song this this this doesn't look real this looks like somebody with nuts with the clone tool [Music] that's all you're getting it's it's so cute here's my cat when i first got him oh with the stuffed animal oh he's so precious what are those are they oh my god they're bunnies oh they're tiny baby bunnies and two of them fit in your palm oh i can't handle this finn likes to help in the kitchen the special ingredient is cat hair yeah that happens i like how purposeful finn is just like i belong here i am chef finn we just adopted cooper and couldn't feel more complete oh my god cooper's adorable look at those eyes that's really really cute hello yes how are you today i don't know if he's like a new working dog or not but i really hope he is never new donkeys could be so fluffy oh it's a flunky oh this is just wholesome this is really sweet elephants are so so freaking adorable hello cat would you like this flower no get it away from me it's a [ __ ] there's a there's a twitter account i follow called hourly fox and it's it's a fox every hour and it's one of the best decisions i've made on twitter get yourself a partner pet or friend that looks at you the same way this dog looks at their owner incidentally this is the same way i look at tacos this is my cat he looks goofy here that is all you know what i accept it i accept the this this is an acceptable amount of goofiness and i appreciate your post dear snoot my handsome 17 year old boy he's looking really good for 17 years oh the heart eyes oh my gosh this dog is a walking emoji and i'm here for it huge irish wolfhound imagine the hunks no seriously any large dog gives amazing hugs but imagine the hugs from an irish wolfhound this dreamy eyed kitty that i painted recently that is some amazing work well freaking done original poster this little fellow asked for pets and then fell asleep like this for 45 minutes meet link oh hello link you realize link owns your lap now like you you just can't move that's just the law that i am waiting for my meal face where where is my food where is it i'd have a really hard time saying no to that face ever that cat would be spoiled so fast what is this i will call in voila i am mermaid this is amazing i'm not sure if that was designed like that because it looks kind of like a whale like it was supposed to be a cornucopia whale but it's beautiful and i love it look at my cat milo to cleanse your eyes oh my god hello milo milo did an excellent job of cleansing all of her eyes a little mole they're such weird looking things they always look like they're just saying what what do you want oh my god my heart oh god well that's a heart attack this pose is an excellent way to go oh my god i knew they held hands but it's like it is laughing oh my god so fuzzy another amazing artist i think we might be able to zoom in on on the signature there just to identify the artist but that is some amazing artwork the red panda stands when threatened to terrify enemies yes you are very scary i promise penguin meets beluga on aquarium field trip the beluga looks so happy and bemused and the penguin's just like the hell you want you're three times my size i'm scared of you pickles loves neck scratches oh that's a happy kitty that's a happy kitty face this is dozer a customer's dog that helped me all day while i worked on their pool hello dozer are you doing such a good help you're such a good boy yes yeah i'm sorry i'm an exposed oh such a princess oh she's so pretty puggles an adorable name for adorable baby platypus oh my god oh i've never actually seen a baby platypus that is that is pretty that is illegally cute no no we can't have this in the world like this is too freaking cute oh my god the kitty is real oh my goodness you're cute what are you i know it's a puppy i just want to know what breed it is because their fur is colored like static and that's somehow fascinating boop always one of my favorite pictures of my dogs lined up in a row being adorable oh my god it's got a collie and something similar to a schnauzer and i'm just happy well frack you well [ __ ] you too [Music] he just falls asleep in any position i think he was trying to get better reception and then he just got bored and gave up speaking of falling asleep in any position this looks in no way comfortable but they apparently think it is this is my foster pup nemo oh a cute name he finally slowed down enough for me to get this great shot of him oh my goodness oh look at that tiny little snoot and yes 90 of my puppy pictures of freya are blurry i know how that goes we got a new kitten today she was smiling from the moment we met her she does look really happy i hope she has a lovely life with you guys oh smiling such a cute puppy he is small but also large oh he is oh he's a chunky baby this is just working in 2020 like that's just how it went you moved into your pet's domain uh you play by their rules now chara came back from space camp today he's really going places where where do i get a tiny space suit for my dog i am a nasa geek because of course i am and i i need nasa things for fraying oh my god i'm going shopping now or after i finish this episode well it is a box if you expected anything different you were going to be sorely mistaken oh that is too precious oh that is oh that is soul-readingly precious my grandpa eating a sweet strawberry oh he looks so heavy try to find this much happiness in a strawberry in your life and everything will make you happy just if your floor is that there will be very little that can't turn your day around honestly that's the face i make every morning oh my god is is this like a thing that normally happens do swans create this like tiny hanger for their baby chicks oh that's so freaking amazing see sometimes nature isn't horrifying but most of the time it is you touch it first no way dude you touch it found online what the [ __ ] is it what is this weird tiny hairless cat that has invaded our space does anyone else like trash pandas do we ever oh yes we do oh my god look at the tiny little boople snoot food arrived here once so we're gonna live here now okay okay oh don't play with your food my british short hair cat winston he's the best thing that happened to me oh he's so fuzzy oh i want to pet him on his little tiny fuzzy head what i see when coming home from work sometimes at our window you'll see a little tiny fray ahead just popping up at the window is it you hello yeah i agree i think it's about time for bed sleep well little one and that brings us to the end of our slash eye bleach i've received just enough adorableness to charge me up for the whole week but wait we have some lovely fan art to show you today's fan art is brought to you by user galaxy collide and they say a little monster girl fan art it's my first time trying chibi nah that's really cute if this is your first time trying this style you did a really great job thank you so much for that lovely fan art galaxy collide if you want more adorable content in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 143,869
Rating: 4.9541302 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, eyebleach
Id: _Uq5jkqSAAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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