r/Niceguys | PLEASE QUEEN

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how's you go away still grumpy only with the stalkers I don't like mean I'm actually a nice guy you've changed your number four times now after I've repeatedly blocked you what's going on guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien today we're going through our slash nice guys hello how are you doing today of course you don't respond to me even if you are online no wonder you are single also I just checked your profile you are not even that cute just a fat ugly B with a lot of attitude you know on top of that you are one of those feminist types I know it's kind of rude to not text you back but I was talking to a friend of mine and me not texting back does not give you the right to talk crap about appearance or talk crap in general ha feminist B I just told the truth I'm not talking crap by the way you are the one ignoring me for no reason and being rude I'm going to go block you now thanks for calling me names I guess thought so you girls don't deserve a nice guy like me you only care about ABS and money not personality being nice isn't a person betrayed dumb dog and don't give us nice guys a chance I just told the truth and you saying you'll block me of course I am done with girls like you who ignore us nice guys and run after the F boys I I just told the truth I am really done with you 21st century tramps not giving a damn about a nice guys emotions and threatening to block them because they can't handle the truth that they are ugly also who the hell are you to block me I have no interest in talking to disrespectful people like you so don't worry I'll block you this is going to read it for some garma Thanks none of y'all are truly hopeless romantics anymore let's argue nay we are ladies just bath boy ultimate virgin knock knock knock knock who to F is it you can't you can't you can't reply to this cover solid that's a good way it's a good way to do it you're very pretty by the way alright knock knock come in dear really knock knock I don't know what that means sweetheart I just work I'd out keep up with social media it's a knock knock joke man you gotta say who's there have you never heard of knock-knock joke it's a really good one just play along you can do it leave in you knock knock who's there baby girl you can't been let down a lot thought this was a silly joke who's there silly you can't you say you can't who you're making this confusing sweetie who's there you can't Oh baby girl who the F is there just say you can't why is this hard I gotta work tomorrow but now I'm curious sister who's there I'm trying to tell you dude let's try again knock knock who's there babe you can't WTF say you can't who for the love of all things good how do you not know how knock-knock jokes work we have to speak on the phone dear Lord my child listen clearly I know how a goddamn joke works and then he calls the poor girl when someone says knock knock you say who's there then they say something in you repeat that something followed by who example knock knock who's there Finn Finn who finish up this joke clearly I tried to call like that let's try one last time my IQ is 3 points less than genius level I know how jokes work clearly not okay that's great because I really want this joke to work knock knock who's there you can't WTF babe the next part is supposed to be you can't who please say it who can't sweetheart you blocked blank oh such a struggle to just get to that punch line oh this is a big boy there's a big boy post hi hello who is this it's Kane from Alex's party remember like two months ago I think hello yeah sorry I needed to wrap something up in November yeah yeah you remember me don't you dirty blonde green eyes did we talk I think so but hey I'm moving into your area and I thought it'd be nice to get to know you my city yeah yeah and I'm going to local high school which is pretty close to your place oh okay I'm just wondering who you got my contact information from oh I got it from Alex don't need to be so hostile I'm not a creep or anything I just want to make friends okay just you know I don't exactly remember talking to you got to be careful you know don't be like that you're a sweet girl I'm not like other guys I just want a nice talk what Grady going into our grades he's two years old blank blank year I know you're in blank hello hello I was asleep at 1:00 a.m. hello ma'am what is it don't be silly you didn't wake up at 3:40 p.m. and I was just saying hello you are so defensive all the time I didn't expect you to talk at 1:00 but it is polite to respond after waking up I was at school I can't always respond to people right away made school ends at 2:00 why do you keep making false falsehoods that's a double negative I had Orchestra after school in anyways it's not really your concern is it why not I reach out to you because I want to make friends and then you are so rude and hostile to me and so defensive look I'll be completely honest with you I don't remember talking to you or even meeting you at the party I asked Alex if you were at the party and he said yes but that doesn't mean I I was there want to automatically just get to know you I don't know who you are but you know way too much about me too much you are going too far pray tell I know an area you live in school but only because I'm moving into the same area that isn't too much but I have never met you and therefore you haven't met me ah girls are so defensive always okay you know what it's perfectly reasonable for me to be defensive because I don't know you again I know you're friends with Alex we do know each other we met at the party are you having a stroke but I'm not going to be polite anymore just because you two know each other by stroke no we didn't meet you don't have to be polite because alex is my friend just be a good person what is wrong with you and we did meet Opie I remember you for sure I'm not a bad person for thinking that you're being weird okay what cute asian girl big dark eyes and black hair so smooth skin uh you wanted to be friends you look like such a good girl I am very disappointed a good girl I'm sorry just what friends yes maybe move on to something bigger and more beautiful in the future I'm afraid I don't quite understand you don't mean hooking up do you you are a good girl still maybe you still have a chance this is very uncomfortable for me are you trolling me hooking up no that's vulgar LP so so just just friends you're Japanese right I love Japanese girls so cute I'm not they are such good girls too such a creepy statement bro you aren't I'm Korean and also you're sending conflicting messages here Oh Korea north or south what the hell do you think and with hostility don't worry I'll make you trust again all will be okay also you're changing the subject a quote message you're sending conflicting messages here you just want to be friends nothing more right friends and who know where the road leads maybe we will become closer than you imagine hmm gross okay last home we are never dated right right why are you so defensive Oh P lug you are beautiful and smart it's yes or no question cane and any man would love to be a closer than a friend so that's a no no it's not you want an explanation so I gave you one calm down o P I think I fell in love with you when I saw you at the party drinking Fanta I love Fanta too so I was going to approach cane I'm dating someone but I got too shy I really wanted to say hello but you've always had people around you know we're private to go I know you are so I was correct and we've never met you know then what the hell are you doing we met spiritually Oh P we met eyes I use alike windows to the soul remember bullcrap because I met a love what else could I do for both of our sakes I'm going to stop messaging you now and please stop messaging me I don't want to block you because I know you're in the group chat with Alex and our other friends but I will if you keep on with this Oh P please I just wanted to talk you played tennis right I play as well we could play together your bf can join too and you will see I'm good for you - video games - I just want to be friends what's wrong with that hot girl from school effing hot girl from school was at the party but I chose you but you always have walls shields up so hostile and even when I'm being so nice so defensive even though I told you I'm not like other guys I get it you're a woman the world is big and scary but a man like me looks at a beautiful woman and he feels a sense of chivalry like you are a precious Oh God it's gross Korean Jenna to be protected from Kim jong-il I'm not being creepy I want to be nice friendly I can treat you so well o P all you have to do is be beautiful and caring and do your art things you know would be perfect everything I can give you the world my parents are on real estate do you see my house it has a movie room a pool for sexy cute o P just say the words cute o P I can give you it my thought has no spell check on sorry keep missing the O key o P just please P or are you acting like this I am so sorry if I messed up I didn't mean it at all but you are not the only girl in the world I will move on past you to better things if you really want to end it here other hotties from school they are all more beautiful than you and I could move on to them if you'd blind I meant what I said when I said you are attractive but I just want you to know men will get tired of having their emotions played with I'm patient and I am NOT unkind I'll give you a second chance text me back I'm sweating bullets after that that guy brought out the cringe sweats dude cringe sweats hello is this Billy yep and who would you be guess whoa I don't really once you mate tall dark and handsome ring any bells I'm not playing this game boy Oh trust me I'm a man Billy with the big boobs right I'd love a go on those rub my wiener up and down between your bosom whilst you moan deeply okay you're gross bro Oh Lord call me daddy absolutely effing nut I miss you I'm kidding it's blank remember not sure I want to remember you blank wanna go for a drive got my car last week you seem lovely are you dense go away man so because I'm a bit overweight you won't date me even though I treat you like a queen Billie and buy you everything you could ever want I own a business and you never have to work again and love you to the end of the earth baby please don't block me I'm a good guy honestly I know you like the bad boys but give a nice guy a chance for one I'll never use you for your body Blanco from work the other day I worked down the road the same company but different building oh you screwed yourself huh why would you send a pervy explicit messages to a woman you work with HR will love this huh Oh screw off my uncle owns the company I'm fine but you may be screwed on them what a frigid mayor you are think you can threaten me my family owns you we pay your salary learn some respect why are you being such a [ __ ] Womble go home screw you hi Billy this is blank founder of blank I'm writing to inform you that as a result of your vulgar language to one of our senior employees you will need to either apologize to blank or you'll be subject to a dock in your wages and if these behaviors continue then your risk your employment being terminated see I told you I'll wait for my apology what a gross guy I theory go understand I'm such a nice guy I work hard so that girls will like me I birth well and treat all women with respect and they still don't like me girls always go after Chag regardless of who they are and that's so discouraging because I'm such a nice guy and they would even give me a chance the amount of fedora energy in this post it's thick it's palpable like syrup on pancakes hi sorry I didn't shoot you text back yesterday just want to be honest I'm not sure I feel a huge connection here and I don't want to waste your time tonight and I'll likely hang around this networking event tonight to find potential clients I'm gonna have to pass on meeting him for drinks really wishing you the best and good luck on your show on Friday hashtag screenshot hashtag thanks for the material hashtag going on social media hashtag life ruined I am five thousand people on my facebook this is perfect hashtag go screw yourself I'll read this text Friday night I have people coming from jam and 94.5 to see me I'll make you famous I picture him as a villain who once he gets rejected that's when his powers come out post ad literally gonna make you the most hated person in Boston this a week see you later psycho thanks for the material I swear on my mother's life I will make everyone at Boston hate you you should move well get you banned in every single bar - I'll do that have a good one I have so many people laughing at you right now hey are you the guy stating blank yeah why who are you you need to break up with her now you don't deserve her who the hell are you to tell me I don't deserve her what type of grandpa you want you are an a-hole to her she deserves a nice guy like me who will treat her with respect first off I am definitely not the a Hill in this situation and where do you get off calling yourself nice you literally told me to break up with my girlfriend of four months because you think you know what's right for her what if she doesn't even want to date you have you ever thought about letting the woman decide what she wants for someone calling themselves a nice guy you who are such a hypocrite you are still da all here for dating her she should be mine you can look bud I know I know but please forgive the past hmm so new beginning I'll be good boy well I have a girlfriend so you'll have to be a very good boy what do you mean I have a girlfriend oh that's awesome so you girls down have fun what a good guy no actually no we're not there not at all books being a good dude in a generation full of girls who don't even appreciate it oh my god the amount of dudes on here who think that being nice is a personality train I'm sure it touches on this later and the posts but this is stupid it's so nice but everything else about me is boring but why don't girls like me oh no you don't have humor talent charisma anything that matters being nice is a prerequisite bro talent doesn't matter when looking for a potential mate I'm sorry I just don't like nice guys after a six-month restraining order and a new phone number two years later I'm still dealing with this nice guy he keeps making new email addresses guess a lot to change the email I've had for 15 years did your number because of me calling go harass someone else please I'm saving Ali's not harassing anyone why are you so angry you could just be nice I'm not being mean excited expecting engaged Emily we feel you Emily maybe if Emily would stop friend-zoning the guys interested in her she could be encouraged or elated ain't nothing more sexy than thick thighs and a nice back damn you whole face screams sexual appeal we love to draw on it in your pool you want to drown me well that got your attention now I want to dip and drown my wiener and your coochie on a serious note though you exude major sex appeal getting freaky with you will be fun I can tell I don't think that'll be happening why's that because all your messages have been weird maybe try a hello how are you doing with the next girl hello sometimes doesn't get the attention you said you had thick thighs which I love do you sometimes do hookups on tinder no 17 miles away how where abouts are you wondering if I would be willing to make the journey I've just said no let's leave the conversation at that I love you I want to be there for you when times are tough please just a crumb of goat cheek and that brings us to the end of our slash nice guys and I hope that you learned something nice guys are well the worst if you liked the video leave a like down below comment down below how many uh how many nice guys you've encountered in your lifetime if it's more than three get a little Purple Heart from me they really liked the video subscribe and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,178,349
Rating: 4.9496474 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/niceguys, r/niceguys top posts, r/niceguys best posts, niceguys, nice guys, emkay niceguys, emkay
Id: 2wUy2urzPQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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