r/WholesomeMemes | please help me sharon

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wait i'm all alone never have been ah what who the hell are you i'm your co-pilot i didn't have a co-pilot yeah well i'm your gum i'm i'm your co-pilot's i call violets hello there you welcome to mk it's me jack your boy ready to dish out some wholesome content today so sit back go on you sit back relax relax you you just sit down and enjoy yourself i'm gonna get yourself a nice cocktail or a mocktail if you're underage we do not endorse illegal activity here at mk and let's get on with the contained i will now torture you kinky i think you are sweet and beautiful always you deserve to be cared for as much as you care for others your feelings and deeds are valid and deserve to be heard no i need a safe word me praying for my mom to live until i'm successful so i can repay everything she has done for me yes this is wholesome until you get to the age of your mid to late 20s and you realize you haven't really succeeded anywhere yet and you're not anywhere further to repaying your parents for how they treated you and did their best to raise you was a good child and you don't have the money enough do it now be brave okay that's that's how kissing sounds right is that is that what is that the sound they make not today boys he's got that spotify playlist done you know the rules your kind's only allowed in social settings you know that go on get out of here and mysteriously appear again when they're mid poop or something no is that just me three rules no wishing for death no falling in love no bringing back dead people i wish i could buy you a drink later oh there are two rules follow me i want to show you something what time is it quick look a brand new day what shall we do with it you know this is dang motivational and absolutely adorable but i've read too many cursed comments posts to not see this as some sort of dark insidious intentions behind the cats in the fifth panel the cat kills the boy in cold blood and there's no witnesses because it's too early in the morning because everyone else is too depressed to wake up this early right wholesome memes stick to wholesome memes when your favorite person sends you a text i sincerely hope this person's just on selfie mode on their camera just desperately trying to find the right angle for his smile how i assumed my parents divorce would be i want full custody i'm more important no see you in court how it actually was we may not love or even like each other anymore but we still need to give our kid a happy childhood meaning we have to split time evenly and work together yes oh good on you buddy i'm glad that that's what happened for you nice to see some mature relationships out there dad what's a meme me it's like a funny image like this shows him a meme my dad oh okay makes his own meme and shows me it hoping i'll like it me nice meme dad thanks for understanding my interests okay honestly this is actually really cute i know for most dads it is kind of tricky and a bit scary to try and join in on your child's interests and joys you fear they'll habitually gatekeep you because you just don't understand and you're trying to understand but you know you're just not clicking well so while i love the dad for showing his interest i love the kid for approving of it parent and child relationships work both ways after all hey nerd nice sweater did your mom make that for you yeah she did well that's nice my mom made this scarf for me they sure know how to keep us warm i need to ask this jock in the car sir how do you speak with articulation without teeth hey man that is how you would sound me lets my little brother win although i could have won the match easily my little brother who thought he was gonna lose jesus christ did you find a photo of me when i was a kid or something like damn i love thomas too and i had a playstation and i was blonde well i still am blonde but my point remains regardless that smile of joy is heartwarming i love it when a game has and you thanks for playing in the special thanks section of the credits i'm just i'm just doing what i do best you got to deal with sure right after my run later that was great now what did you guys want where did they go yeah it's that hot bodyguard he keeps intimidating them every time he's around and he scares them off honestly it's so rude i like clearly these guys just want to hang out with you honestly you should just be able to let them in and play with you for once do you know what sucks everything what do you mean there's no kissing i looked up a tutorial on youtube that is exactly the sound it makes don't make me angry you will like me when i'm angry no no i wouldn't because anger is a negative emotion i want you to be happy which is a positive emotion i care for you it's okay thank you i'm sorry me the voice that tells me i won't succeed okay i've seen the season of dexter where this guy is the vain villain and oh boy yes please please me please kill that voice now very quickly now now please i shall grant you three wishes i wish my dog could talk done hey buddy you've got two wishes what the hell is going on what is my dog doing it takes a baby years to learn sentences do you think your dog's gonna learn it in less than a day say it again king i have worth as a person ah yeah that's the stuff winning a game but playing alone losing a game but playing with friends ah i wonder what that's like the losing part i mean because i always we always win i i don't i don't miss friends why do you order fishes oohs my body is reacting to something in these fibers then why are you touching them because we're best friends today's daily reminder that if you don't have a dog in your life what the hell are you doing with your life brought to you by kippo comics seriously at the rate where we constantly point out the fact that having a pet is an amazing thing in the world why do we still have adoption centers for pets like they should seriously be constantly empty why are we being so stubborn everyone just buy pets what if the coins you find randomly at the bottom of drawers and in between couch cushions are actually from spiders trying to pay rent what jesus what are you charging the spiders to live in your space buddy what do they have like a little inbuilt jacuzzi in their spot they're right there sir some unfair inflation you should at least be deducting for their fly clearing services best friend selfie but don't forget to tag me you're it oh good do you know any magic well friendship is a kind of magic you're hired oh the much legio-rated version of harry potter i see i'm a spooky ghost i was sword killed to death in these very woods oh no that's awful do you want to talk about it what i really do the ultimate weapon against darkness friendship are you winning dad no it's just dad nope not even when he's in wholesome meme content i still can't look at his face and find it just utterly creepy to look at he either looks like someone's thwaram or their freaking thigh has gained sentience could it be the sword of lies you don't deserve a happy life well i'm convinced now how do we get out of here go left right it is click did you just take a picture of me eating a hot dog yes why for the memories the memories of me eating a hot dog yes when you're different from all your friends but they still vibe with you yeah in my friend's group i'm the dog in the middle i'm a pasty white good boy financial struggles doesn't have time for fun overtime with no extra pay my dad do you need some money to hang out with your friends uh you know thanks dad i'm good stalling technique i'm leaving for work my headphones always get so awfully tangled up powerful tie tie tie tie my dad an astronomer six-year-old me spotting the big dipper yeah i discovered did you discover daddy i bet you didn't you because that makes me the better astro monomonier when you're broke as frick but still donate five dollars to wikipedia but i much but it's honest work i donated three dollars once see that makes me also a good person others may not understand your work but if you enjoy it then it is perfect well the artwork looks fine if not perfect it's beautiful i love it but why is there a rhino being able to paint you don't even have thumbs you are a lying rhino here is bad here is good here is good in bad here is bad in good here is life here is someone who made our childhood awesome oh stop it you're making me nostalgic and want to go back to 1997. first it was having to share the milk then it was having to share the hot dog then having to share the pizza of all things to have to share and then of course he has to share oh oh genie i wish i was handsome i cannot grant you that wish why not i couldn't make you any more handsome oh me if opposites attract each other why aren't hot people attracted to me my friend the obvious logic here is that you are the hot one the science checks out when i look up all i see is darkness it makes me feel so small so alone what do you see my whole world me watching people on reddit take male mental health seriously this is a good stuff girls boys only want sex and money what boys actually want i wanna snuggle on your freaking lap baby yeah yeah sleeping i i genuinely actually find this a very appealing trait when dating a woman it's like the reality too that not all girls want chiseled abs you know they're not really comfy to sleep on my mouth who's a good boy you are i see all the efforts you make and i am proud me doesn't see grandma for 0.4 days grandma okay tiny dude is big now got to get out of the large baking trays this boy's gonna need a feast here lies buddy time machine hey buddy we've got 12 years 12 years later hey buddy we've got 12 years 12 years later hey buddy my parents peekaboo three-year-old me me gaming girlfriend learning the game so she can spend more time with me a few moments later my girlfriend's gaming me watching her to be sure she didn't miss anything well damn if they ain't some couple gulls me wakes up in the middle of the night me please don't be six am clock 4 am me ha ha yes i can sleep in for two more hours which will actually affect my sleeping schedule in a negative way because i'm forcing my body to go back to nappy times after just waking up but let's ignore the science behind that because i want to sleep if you want to be an astronaut you gotta have the right stuff i've got my nintendo switch some apple slices and a note from my mom saying it's okay that's the stuff climb aboard can someone make an avengers version of this with captain america being the astronaut the eye of answers i am eternal i know all and see all you may ask one question but if someone has asked it before i will destroy you ah how are you it's just so lonely down here you know ah that sucks man i've wandered the ocean floor searching for the ultimate treasure but the journey was for naught as the treasure laid within me yeah it's polished cool i want a balloon hat too um i was a lonely rock when it comes to sitting next to it in the gross and more solid that's so cute at least is what i would say if this wasn't exactly how viruses spread i refuse to endorse such adorableness when it encourages such unsanitary behavior when someone walks by and their steps sync perfectly with the music in your headphones it's the closest we'll ever get to being in a real-life musical i feel when you meet the other foreign exchange student sometimes what's missing what is that and nice likes only babies still have those what a loser get rid of it already is something you've left behind we got worried when you stopped coming to the park marl whomever you're important to will look for you i mean this is kind of sweet but there's gonna be poo all over his bedroom now some idiots insects can't be cute me an intellectual bumble bee fluffy fluffy bumblebee but also how damn i didn't know bumble's wings looked so just nice like look how perfectly folded they are that is some damn good technique oh no oh man i don't know if i can do this you totally can keep her up go you guys i don't know it's really hard you can't do the it crow the dark omen the harbinger of death the hey oh a butterfly my amazing girlfriend my weird butt wondering how i landed her because you don't have abs you have a nice cushioned belly for them to lie their head on see i'm telling you guys you don't need abs of course in this case there's also a slight bestiality at play but that's so that's beside the point when your teenage kids all agree to save the last ice cream sandwich for mom oh even parents are getting into the mean culture now oh that's going to be a interesting dynamic in families in the next 50 years stress bills bad work hours single parent my single mom good morning honey what do you want for breakfast uh neutrogram anything for my little soldier it's not weird at all it's exactly how my mum talked to me when i was a kid i choose you hmm i guess i got you oh oh wasn't expecting that were you i'd call that move super effective upon his pokemon has fainted oh geez oh go uh oh hey hey wake up hey me literally anything she does is this a reason to call you cute no need to answer i already know it is you can be happy in a relationship but you don't need a relationship to be happy yes please i will vouch for this meme don't date people just because you're horny and lonely date them because they complement your life if you need to be with someone to be happy then you're not actually going to be happy you're going to be dependent buddy it's over you won't disturb my human anymore sleep well my friend see this is exactly why i don't make any of my spiders pay rent i don't usually tell dad jokes but when i do he laughs ah i found it wholesome but then i realized that was the point of the joke and i hated it i i went to a real mixture of emotions in that short second when you finally get to the recognition you deserve yes yeah oh yes honestly these lads are legends though to be fair i'm sure youtube was spending more time trying to figure out where the heck to send it to where do we send it to just somewhere in the forest here all right just throw it at the helicopter i don't think people like me why do you say that they always look at me and then away they have a crush on you silly oh the sun is so hot i think you made it blush people on r slash minecraft guys i found my first diamond i'm so happy me who's been playing for eight years you are on the verge of greatness childhood perception of what your parents did for you adult perception of what your parents did for you oh my goodness how did they do it me and my grandpa when there's nobody at our fishing spot [Laughter] this is by far my favorite one today paige can i give you something yes i'd love that wait that's a bookmark yeah so i never lose my page ladies if your man does this for you he's a keeper a bookkeeper son you are dead to me thank you for accepting me for who i am dad [Laughter] your sadness me doing my best to make you smile one meme at a time hey look it's my voice as a cat and just like the real me it's white and pasty i love it person what is your aim in life me uh gain knowledge and study a lot but what i truly want ah yeah my entire life summarized in a 20-minute opening sequence that causes everyone around you on the ages 5-28 to just ball in tears me every animal no exceptions i will freaking snuggle that thing you coming in or what but what about sharks there aren't any sharks in the pool no discrimination i think the artist got so bothered by this being a sad ending that they had to make the bonus panel that's actually really sweet can you point where he touched you for the court he touched me right here full custody well played son well played at the shops my mom go and find yourself something nice me a whole new world wait we're all the same despite ray's color religion gender etc always have been well no technically i'm not the same as a dead person at least not externally i'd give anything to be good at baseball anything she's super good now thanks satan well the truth is i never really took your soul the talent was in you the whole time oh morals did you know we rank animals in intelligence really what am i you're like number one you're just saying that no seriously look this is the statistics i bet a lot of you guys won't admit that you play your games on the easiest difficulty and that's okay games are supposed to be fun not stressful yeah keep that a public reminder to everyone when it comes to relaxing on a video game sure make them challenging for yourself but don't make yourself have to stress out every time you play them it becomes like the complete opposite point of wanting to play a video game mom i don't feel okay what's wrong i i can't remember guys are allowed to show emotions and should be encouraged to do so i look forward to the day in society when a meme like this makes no sense because it's just so universally accepted crush why do you like me i'm not that cute also her a freaking adorable little potato gonna be late wait gotta kiss my dog do you have any ambitions not really any big ones i guess i just want to go to sleep with a smile more often i think he'll get there i like you this much i like you this much oh dang hey why don't you put her in her stroller i just want to hold her for a little longer it's a long walk it'll be over before we know it ah did you make this oxygen for me thanks buddy sleeping next to someone you love helps you fall asleep faster reduces depression and helps you live longer me i told you i told you guys i'd snuggle them i'll snuggle all animals i see you've got your new toy mouse bring it to life so i can kill it please that's what i'm here for this would be a man that loves going to work and does not dread it the night before upon entering the magic kingdom one of the security guards said to the girl excuse me princess can i have your autograph i could see that the book was filled with children's scribbles as the guard asked the same question of many little princesses the little girl could not get over the fact that the guard thought she was a real princess if disney is not giving this guy every single damn race he asks for then he doesn't deserve to be working for them seven-year-old me when grandma makes cookies 15 years old me when grandma makes cookies before we go it is time for some motorized windy creativeness with today's work being by a user squiggles but better who has further strengthened my desire to have a cane purely just to hold and walk around with because my god if they aren't suave and make you feel like a hoity-toity person thank you so much squiggles love the lighting effect you've applied onto it as well keep up the good work of course remember everyone if you'd like to submit your own mk fan art do so in our mk subreddit so we can see it on there and put it onto a new video i love checking these out so keep sending them in that does us for all the wholesome memos today thanks so much for watching be sure to like this video if you enjoyed today's content and of course if you have not subscribed already come along and join the mk family click that notification bell so you're always updated on the latest videos comment your favorite bits and banter along with everyone down in the comments and if you're still hungry for some more stuff check out some more videos on the channel of course with all that said it is my time to leave so thank you again for watching my name has been jack it has been a pleasure rambling at you today and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 858,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, wholesomememes emkay, wholesome memes, wholesome, blessedimages emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, blessed, cute animals, cute dogs, animal memes, cute cats, funny animals
Id: U4mHXK-_ks0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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