r/Eyebleach | want banana?

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oh god a body's about to be reported yeah that's right i caught you red-handed you little freak [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today the powers that be thought i could use a little bit of a break you know i'm always reading and looking at things that make me incredibly furious so they thought why not make him look at a bunch of pictures of animals it might calm him down spoiler alert it won't i'm still the chaotic evil one of the channel but why not give it a try anyway so without further ado let's head on into r slash eye bleach well would you look at this little adorable guy he looks a lot more prepared for your average outing than i ever have and i've been on quite a few outings this little kitten is probably what a day old and he already looks completely fed up with life hippos might be one of the deadliest land animals in the world and they do like to use their giant 2 000 pound butt to kill people but at least their babies are incredibly cute is this what the taco bell mascot has been up to all these years he started selling miniature bananas instead of making taco bell wow what a downgrade i am a barkaholic but i have been sober for 24 hours oh barkaholic's anonymous really 24 hours that's impressive how in the world would you manage that what what are you looking at me like that for what did i do i'm just here looking at you hey look it's a photo of zach and i if we were dogs very very small young dogs puppies i'd say i don't know where i was going with that one oh my god i'm gonna have to place an order for about 30 of these yes i said 30. you heard me correctly don't argue with me just give me the kittens look at how cute these two are it's actually starting to make me angry how cute some of these animals turned out to be but no deep breaths let's just make it through this one my owner will be back soon don't worry the ac is on and it's 71 degrees ah nice and cool in there you'll look at him [Laughter] no way dude you made it you're famous you're on a wall that's not a wall is it that's just a painting huh i'm dumb absolutely gorgeous on the left even more beautiful on the right also whoever painted that beyond incredible i would pay you to make a painting of my cat this chick looks incredibly confused by its new fit just rock it that's all you gotta do and maybe while you're at it do a dance i don't know ballet or something like that i've never owned a single cat in my entire life that wasn't at least a little bit psychotic just like this young kitty right here who's clearly trying to get a bite of flesh out of their owner's arm also as everybody should know by now watch the pupils oh god dang it my heart is starting to melt my cast iron heart is beginning to melt we're reaching very scary temperatures of cute let me guess your dad didn't want to get a dog and when you ended up with two he just fell in love with them and now one's sitting on his head he kinda looks like the leader of the dogs the king if you will look we all hate seeing photographs of ourselves when we were not expecting to be photographed so i'm really glad that dogs aren't aware of really anything going on in the human world so we can take photos like this and marvel at them for the rest of our lives i don't know what it is about dogs and cats getting along that makes me incredibly happy but this is gonna kill me in the good way of course yeah what what do you want no i don't have games on my phone all right fine but just one kiss oh my god every single photograph of this particular dog is just absolute gold alright so i'm confused is this a dog or is this a 20-ton flying bison well hello there good god your eyes are piercing my very soul you're still cute though i mean look at the little tongue that's one proud mama look at all them little fur nuggets they'll only drive her a little bit insane this guy is screaming he is screaming and yet all we're gonna do is go oh he's so cute okay okay i'll give you whatever you want because you are just precious i wish my cat was this relaxed he's such a little spazz he can never seem to fall asleep anywhere for more than five minutes at a time huh look at that they're twins i see your frog plant is growing rather well would you mind telling me your care plan for it so that i can too grow my frog plan to be tall and strong i've got a sneaky suspicion this dog would absolutely kick my ass at anything it doesn't matter what we're talking about does not matter the scenario he wins every time uno he won monopoly he won tic-tac-toe you're goddamn right he won why because he terrifies me ah much like the frog plant a moment ago the cat plant seems to be coming along very well just be very very careful when you harvest it they get a little bit cranky when they're removed from their pots we got a little baby boy and then a giant boy now he's so big he can defend the house by himself also he's been the reason i've died many a time in fallout 4. the hell are you looking at me like that for why are you acting so suspicious oh that's why you ruined a little bit of my beautiful little dumplings you know what that's it i'm going to shove my bare foot in your food bowl why why is he in a trash can what is he doing in there what are you doing the guinea pig doesn't belong in there i belong in there get the guinea pig back out and put him in a beautiful home please you know i cannot believe i have never thought about using my hoodie as a cat hammock again like i mentioned before it wouldn't really work because my cat's an a-hole but this would be fun to try at least once and then after i get scars on the back of my neck realize it was a bad idea all along see that's what they don't tell you when you get a pair of overalls you have a hamster pocket right on the front oh my god you really never get over just how tiny some of these adorable little creatures are i've never seen a cat look happier in my entire life you're just psyched to be alive aren't you buddy when i grow up i want to be just like this cat oh be careful mom and dad she's gonna poop right there on the center console that right there is absolutely true love i can hear the purring from here i can feel the purring from here now i'm not saying mom is a printer here or nothing but it clearly looks like she needs some more ink she ran out after what is that kid number four remember you gotta replace the ink cartridges in your [Laughter] kimmy is dogs puppy wearing a onesie this just isn't fair i hate you no no i'm not letting my heart grow three sizes this year oh my god never mind what i just said my heart is growing very rapidly just like the grinches did oh your baby is quite adorable can i have it no way it's the three stooges really cool to see they're still doing things i am the knight i am darkness fear me please please please please can i have one i am begging the powers that be dear slazzo for christmas can you get me one no but it also has to be under 10 it makes sense i get it whoa hey looks like it's a little lizard i thought he was a pebble at first if i'm being perfectly honest with you he's just so small you know it was the movie in the army now that made me realize just how cute some of the bigger goofier animals are whether that be llamas or camels they're adorable as hell when they're tiny little babies and they're so cute when they're grown up but in a different way don't don't do the puppy dog eyes on me you know that's not fair stop it stop it right now oh god damn it i can't hold out much longer now that is one majestic animal absolutely beautiful no way you turned a face mask into a kitten hammock [Music] see what i was saying earlier about the big animals still being adorable look at this giraffe he's so cute just give me a big goose with that giant tongue you know what on second thought do not do not you just kissed the meerkat not me i don't really know a damn thing about heterochromia other than it certainly looks cool as hell especially in kitties just give it some time these two will replace spot as the target mascots very soon i feel it deep within my soul trust me god dang it i just want to take the little baby and eat them for breakfast except not really because that would be super messed up hey grandpa yeah um why are you using the dog's head as a mouse pad any reason in particular no all right then have a good one you know damn well you're never allowed to move your hand again so congratulations there oh he's a little vampire kitty oh the look on his face what would you just look would you just look how proud he is of the paintings he made they're so good too how much how much for all of them somebody spilled their marshmallows oh they look tasty what did i say earlier i'll do anything you want and yes even though i absolutely despise insects and arachnids of all kinds even some caterpillars can be cute like this one for instance he's got a bunch of penguins on his back for god's sake what did i say about the pupils earlier ladies and gentlemen that's right keep an eye on them or you could end up dead hi what you thinking about this is not fair you can't keep showing me the same one this is bull crap i'm gonna need you to give me the dog what are you looking at me like that for did i do something what someone's clearly having a fantastic day at the beach i am incredibly envious i have always always wanted one of those stupid seal pillows but seeing these two match so perfectly together makes me want them both as a package deal is that an option can i do that ah there it is again the hoodie hammock seriously these cats make it seem more comfortable than it probably is oh it's always sleepy man this one's always bearing their fangs why you're looking so mean little tyke no way it's an animal crossing character come to life this one's pretty very very pretty but man i am really scared right now for the record i'm not actually scared of snakes but this one in particular is giving me the willies little suckies oh find someone that looks at you the same way this puppy looks at their master no no i don't believe this one for a second there's no way this tortoise is real right oh it's the cat bus and then the real cat must no way you know i never thought about just how cute two cans were either but here we are and they're at the top of the freaking list i love your cereal by the way me mini me their ring mirror was a tortoise for real can you imagine waiting for the rings to come down the aisle with this guy carrying them oh they look so freaked out everything's fine guys come out whenever you want to whoa okay that cat is about to take your freaking hand off it clearly he is not interested in whatever the hell you're holding what an absolutely perfect note to end on little buddy all wrapped up in a towel robin looking at a cool leaf with the mk logo oh i'm a lot cuter in your drawing than i am in real life this is quite fantastic art also who am i kidding i'm cuter in all of your art than i am in real life and just like that we have come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure you get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 429,302
Rating: 4.9686418 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/eyebleach, r/eyebleach emkay, eyebleach emkay, emkay eyebleach, blessedimages, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, blessed images, wholesomememes, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, cute animal videos
Id: jdvUsl36aYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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