r/EntitledParents | $500K OR NO GAME

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your slightly under the weather host so please be nice and excuse any perceived drops in quality captain Zach and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called I expect you to build my son a game and I expect you to do it for whatever I pay you for context I work at a cafe in the downtown core of the city I live in today I was taking advantage of a lull between customers to talk to a friend about game design and more specifically a game I'm dreaming of developing one day granted said dream though is probably a pipe dream in all honesty given how time-consuming and expensive it is we were talking about how the games multiplayer would be structured when this story begins here's the cast entitled kid entitled mom friend me entitled kid has been hovering around obviously with an eavesdropping distance for that last couple of minutes when he moves in and inserts himself into the conversation wow that game sounds kill me both enthused that the interest and annoyed at the intrusion thanks I guess what's it called where can I get it it's not even built it's just an idea yeah but what's it called is it on Xbox it's not an actual game kid it's just an idea and Opie's head why why not cuz I have no time or money why can't you make time and you make money here spend it on making that game it's gonna cost a hell of a lot more than my wage here liar excuse me if you're gonna keep lying like that I'm gonna get my mom to pay you then you'll have no more excuses sure go right ahead entitled kid runs off and we keep talking about making the game when entitled mother butts into the conversation without warning stopping us by basically shoving a hand and friends face to stop him hi there I'm entitle kids mother he said you play a game that he wants to play and that you weren't telling him the name we're not telling you the name because it doesn't have one yet entitled mother already getting angry how can a game not have a name yeah how do you expect someone to find it on being yes she actually said Bing we're still laughing about it now doing my best to keep a straight face it's not even made yet friend doing the same it's not even being made entitled kid behind entitled mom what you guys are talking about how to play though just because Opie knows how it'll play doesn't mean it's actually made and how does that work how do you know all that if it's just in your head bluntly I say you've never imagined how something works before entitled mother pauses visibly before continuing alright fine how long will it take you to make this probably quite have you even started no I don't even have the money she gets angrier what you have a job you know you earn money working here right whatever my son's gonna keep hounding me about this so how much will I have to pay you wait you pay him yes you want to pay me yes to make this game she's going red-faced yes how much stop being lazy and spit it out I pause for a few moments to think of an answer half a million half a million to pay for staff development pcs software licenses data centers cloud storage and servers I need to buy more or rent an office BS here's what's gonna happen you're gonna make this game for me and you're not gonna lie about the price I'm paying you eighty dollars like any other game out there and nothing more I want to play the beta entitled mother listening to entitled kid and you're gonna have a beta ready for my son next week I won't excuse me I'm paying you so I expect you to do your job and I expect you to have it ready by this time next week but me deadpan I'm not working this day next week well then you better come back here to meet me otherwise I'm not paying you okay I'm not working so I'm not coming in enough beta here at this time next week or I'm not paying you entitled mother and entitled kid leave at this point honestly I hope they do come back my manager was watching in the background and she got a good laugh out of it all both her and I are actually kind of hoping entitled mother and entitled kid to come back next week if they do we'll update you all okay that's pretty funny eighty dollars for a game development yeah right game development can be insanely expensive because it's a lot of work to do like literally nothing in the game happens unless they coded it in there physically they have to physically code that crap every single part of a game if it's in there if they had to code that okay I'm getting redundant at this point but you get the gist this story's called Karen wants my shiny pokemon for her son got a Halloween one for you featuring my misadventures playing Pokemon go here's the cast there's me Matilda because Karen is overused and she seems like an odd duck officer so I'm a coffee addict I know shocker and as a coffee addict is likely to do this morning I went for a stroll down to the golden arches for a cup of joe and because walking and doing nothing is boring I decided to play some Pokemon go while I walked to get that sweet cup of magical bean juice the walk there was pretty uneventful a couple people just milling about doing their own thing get to make Richards and get my sweet ambrosia and step outside proceeded to whip out my phone and take the long way home to hit a couple stops and enjoy my coffee I'm walking up to my first and what would turn out to be my last stop in spy our would-be antagonist and the demon she decided was a cute pet at the stop sitting at the heater that was in the gazebo built at the stop I'm a few feet away and it happens cue pokemon battle music a wild shiny misdreavus appears to be fair I had a lucky egg going I'll load that sucker up with the berry and throw a great ball at it I catch it and in my drowsy excitement I shout in exuberant heck yeah this draws the ire of our antagonist hey don't swear there are children around reasonable reaction I guess I accept I'm in the wrong there I did no crotch goblin was near yet I still swore my bad kid was like 6 so man I'll just head out oh sorry miss I got a little too excited won't happen again I'm just passing by so I'll be out of your hair soon God what on earth would make you swear around a child I'm playing Pokemon on my coffee run and just kind of shiny ghosts up in honey I got a little too excited and got carried away my brain is still at the bottom of my cup well you owe my son something for what you did give that Pokemon now I'm going to assume a bunch of you know how that game works with trading but for non nerds here's the TLDR I can't give her spawn a rare Pokemon without us playing together for way too long for a 28-year old man to be chillin with a six-year-old yeah that's not gonna happen Matilda resisting the urge to ask for my manager excuse me not gonna happen I'm not giving your son anything not just that I can't what do you mean you're not giving my son anything exactly what I said I'm she finally mega evolves to a full-blown Karen you will get my son that freaking Pokemon now you POS or I will call the police and charge you with harassment me pointing at the camera in the park that watches the bums sleep in the gazebo go ahead in true entitled fashion she actually calls the police on me I haven't even gotten within 5 meters of this woman and I know that camera has seen it all including my happy dance and catching that little crap spoiler I can't dance the Royal Canadian Mounted Police show up and of course Matilda instantly flies off the handle and starts spewing vitriol at them about how I'm basically Hitler seriously she made me out to be a wandering child fan and serial violator in the same breath I'm just leaning against a fence looking bored and annoyed throwing balls at passing gas Lee's sipping my coffee calm as can be despite my annoyance only because of the coffee the officer approached me and asked me what happened I was on my morning coffee run and playing some Pokemon go on the way there I caught something I've been hunting for a while and got excited and swore with an ear shot of her and her son I hold up my phone displaying my new trophy did you ever approach that woman she's saying you tried to touch her son I haven't even been within a few meters of her check the camera I've been here listening to her screaming at me because I accidentally said Frick near a child and wouldn't do what she demands and give her child a rare Pokemon by way of apology Matilda here's the word camera and goes white evidently she missed me pointing right at it she tried backpedaling really fast while the other officer is off checking the footage in a screws er he returns with his cuffs out not for me though for her they asked me if I wish to charges I told them yes she was booked for filing a false police report lying to an officer and I'm not sure what else I'll find out later I'll update when I get more information come on Mathilde Karen woman thing person our boy here was just playing some Pokemon so Pokemon Gus screw yourself ha ha this story's called entitled trashy parents with their three brats on our plane one this story happened to me very recently a little backstory my girlfriend and I wanted to go on vacation this October so we looked around and booked a nice hotel in and flights to Greece the story is pretty long so I'll split it into two posts one post for the trip from Germany to Greece and one for the trip from Greece to Germany unfortunately we had the same family on both of our flights but now without further ado let's introduce the cast entitled Bob entitled dad fat white brat - Brad 3 my girlfriend me flight attendant our wonderful story begins in the departure hall of a mid-sized German airport that shall not be named here me and girlfriend just got through security and sat down on one of the benches near the gate that was printed on our tickets a couple of minutes after we sat down the family I described above entered the departure hall while brat 3 was relatively quiet brat 1 and brat 2 fought over who gets to use the tablet they had with them first after a couple of minutes they were yelling at each other loud enough for a security guard to come over entitled dad decided that they should use it together so he came over to us stand up my children need to sit here so they can watch a movie together well how about no there are more than enough other places to sit here yeah but this is our gate we have to board our plane from here yeah well it's our gate to first-come first-serve stand up now No get lost contrary to our expectations entitled father actually went back to his family and guided brat 1 and brat 2 to another bench the whole family sat down around this bench and they were relatively quiet for the next one and a half hour when the screen above the gate started to show that the boarding for our flight was to start soon it got loud again entitled mother and brat three started to argue about something and after a while they got so loud that pretty much everyone in the whole terminal heard them I'm not a baby honey please it's just to make sure nothing happens airplane toilets our daddy I don't want you to use them baby and so on and so on after all this went on for about five minutes entitled mother just took brat three to the toilet while she was throwing herself at the ground to stop entitled mother from taking her there the boarding started the short while after the scene happened in both a girlfriend and me were hoping that we would sit far away from this family but of course almost as soon as we sat down brat 1 2 & 3 sat down in the row right behind us an entitled dad and entitled mom in the row behind them Brett 3 was still crying and yelling about not being a baby while brats 1 and 2 started to fight over their Nintendo switch right after sitting down entitled mother stopped the fight by telling them to play together so they put down the table and put the switch there to play together once sporting was completed the flight attendant told them to turn off all electronic devices and to put the table back to the original position brat 1 tried to argue with the flight attendant but she just told him to do it or to leave the plane which silenced them pretty fast from here on everything was pretty normal the plane took off the flight attendants started the service and so on soon after the takeoff the pilot told us that we should keep the seat belts fastened for the whole flight due to expected heavy turbulence 'as of course brats 1 through 3 didn't listen to that and started to jump around their seats right after we reached cruise height about halfway to the flight it started to smell pretty bad shortly after I noticed it entitled mother's stood up and went over to ask brat 3 if she used the diaper brat 3 shook her head but entitled mother took her laid her down on the floor of the corridor and started to undress her the flight attendant saw it and went right over to her excuse me madam what are you doing I changed my daughter's diaper I think that's pretty obvious she proceeded to undress brat 3 and opened the diaper which may the smell increase a lot madam as we told you before takeoff this aircraft has to lavatories one in the front and one in the back those are also equipped with changing tables yeah and I bet you that both a dirty as hell there is no way I changed my daughter there madam I have to ask you to dress your daughter again take her to the lavatory and change her diaper there I can't do that don't you smell it she poked herself I can't just dress and keep on a dirty diaper for the rest of the flight I didn't ask you to keep her in the dirty diaper for the rest of the flight I only asked you to change her on the changing table that we provide for situations like this the smell is bothering the people around you fine I'll do it but if my little girl gets sick I will sue you during this whole episode brat 3 kept crying and yelling at entitled mother after this discussion entitled mother through brat threes pants on the floor close the diaper and grabbed her bag and took brat 3 to the toilet another couple of minutes later she came back put brat 3 on her seat and stuffed the dirty diaper in the bag on the seat in front of her and sat down on her seat flight attendant came over and asked entitled mother to take the diaper and throw it in the bin on the toilet but she refused to do that during this discussion the expected turbulence is started and flight attendant had to get to a seat and buckle up so the dirty diaper stayed where it was in the pocket right behind girlfriend seat the rest of the flight was more or less normal except for the crap smell from behind in the fact that brats 1 and 2 kept kicking my seat and arguing about who should use which switch controller after the plane landed and we stopped the gate the whole family got up almost instantly took their hand luggage and went on to leave the plane they left all their trash including the dirty diaper on the seat and in the bags and refused to take it with him after flight attendant told them to as soon as they left the plane and got into the rival terminal in Greece brat 3 screamed adding titled mother that she wants to take off the diaper and that she isn't a baby anymore while both brats 1 & 2 kept mocking her for wearing it while she took brat 3 to the bathroom brats 1 & 2 got on to the luggage band and tried to surf on it until one of the security guards stopped them from doing it thankfully entitled and brat 3 didn't come back before girlfriend of me got our luggage and the other kids stayed pretty quiet after the security guard talked to them to be honest this was one of the worst flight experiences in my life only to be topped by the flight back to Germany and by one flight where the guy next to me threw up all over me okay I'm not gonna lie dude that sounds absolutely terrible I will say this next time this sort of thing happens ask the flight attendant if there's any seats available in first-class because they might move you forward because trust me they'll be pretty understanding when dealing with people like that don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 45,706
Rating: 4.880682 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 168
Id: GOrvrIk1tFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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