r/IDontWorkHereLady | RIGHT BEHIND ME...

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what's up guys welcome voic-- here this is your 20 year old host captain sac and today's subreddit is our /i don't work your lady as well as a cool little story from our slash today I fudged up don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called I'm not an interpreter literally happened earlier this morning my roommate gets home and gets himself a shower after work he's trying to unwind and having a conversation with me in American Sign Language I noticed he starts acting a bit off being epileptic myself I start to suspect but not sure and I ask if he's feeling alright and he says he feels weird in suddenly full-blown seizure this roommate does not have a history of seizures so I immediately get my boyfriend to call 911 man while I'm putting on my hearing aids and getting my shoes on as by this time I've already moved things that could hurt him away from him prior the paramedics come I grab the roommates keys and drive his car to the hospital I get there and check in as a guest with a guest sticker to slap beautifully across my chest I get led in and told where his room is blah blah if you'd ever visited someone in a hospital you know the general gist of getting to the person's room so I'm sitting there wearing my hearing aids so now I could potentially have a conversation without the need for siding but I'm signing anyway I'm just more comfortable that way he in turn signs what he can the nurse comes in and checks on him and make sure he's got everything he needs for the time being making sure he's comfortable etcetera she informs him someone will be coming by from radiology soon enough yep someone from radiology shows up with a wheelchair helps him into the chair and carts him away him signing Bobby Bach all Terminator like so I'm sitting there in his room just waiting when the nurse returns to the roommate list room something something something patient something something interpreter no thing so roommate doesn't need an interpreter wrong answer that's apparently not what she asked she looked more frustrated in her face her eye brows furrowed me now trying my hardest to lip-read someone I can barely make anything out from something something another patient something sign language interpreter something something something can't something something one patient all the time something something something I'm not an ASL interpreter and I don't work for the hospital I'm here for roommate something something needs interpreter now something something going I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say I'm deaf I'm not an interpreter nurse is now getting furious but storms off and I'm thinking I've heard the end of it my roommate is returned after what felt like an eternity and were chatting back and forth again with sign apparently the nurse had made a complaint about me as suddenly and without warning the charge nurses in the room and my roommate is signing everything the charge nurse is complaining at me about you need to get off yet Duff and help by the patients I need a sign language interpreter you can't be sitting at dedicating yourself to one single patient you'll be called back to this patient if he needs something important spoken to him my roommate come signing which is speaking while signing he's not an interpreter he's my deaf roommate I'm interpreting what you're saying to him and trying to enjoy my conversation with him the charge nurse goes white as a ghost but the word deaf seems to have fallen on deaf ears well can I at least help with translation so other hearing impaired patients can be traded again roommates is signing everything to me night chime in vocally ma'am I'm deaf I can't hear you I can't make out what you're saying unless someone translates it for me so how would it be possible for me to translate what's being said to other deaf people currently in the hospital I don't work here you don't pay me and I can't hear worth a darn to do what you're requesting well you could still help out don't you sign interpreters have some sort of AI with you have to follow my roommate tells this woman the mere fact you are confusing a deaf person for a sign language interpreter and demanding a deaf person interpret language you can't hear is honestly quite freaking frightening in a hospital environment do you realize how terrifying that kind of crap is doesn't surprise me this is the same hospital that had a nurse asked if I wanted my discharge papers in Braille now is this hospital by this point the charge nurse seems to have gotten the picture and profusely apologizes to my girlfriend not to me though bench and scampers away not to be seen again the doctor eventually comes in and goes over the details with roommates that nothing appeared amiss in his brain scan and everything looked alright but told him to stop taking a medication he was on I didn't catch the name of the matter apparently this medicine can rarely cause seizures and today was the second day of having taken said medicine so it made sense just basically during plenty of fluids don't go to work the next few days so the meds clear out of your system and get plenty of rest and make sure you're in a safe area in case of a random seizure until you're clear my crap you not the doctor looks directly at me and tells me I can go to another patient no I freaking hate this hospital if I had the spare finances to blow I'd definitely get those various t-shirts off Amazon that read I'm deaf and varying degrees of that so that I can avoid crap like this again in the future un-freakin'-believable to make matters more infuriating this is the same doctor at the same hospital that told me deaf people can't speak don't get sick in small towns you never know how idiotic hospital staff are I drove my roommate home in his car he protested because you're epileptic you could have a seizure at any time and I said right now so are you but I medicated for it okay that's actually really concerning me hospital staff should probably know the difference between death in blinds and know what death means and or better yet how to recognize what visitor means when you have a freaking giant visitor sticker on your chest anyways good on this dude for taking care of his roommate and you know hospital you suck and I hope you die I'm kidding seriously train your staff better or maybe get better educated staff whichever it is you should probably get that done this story's called he was wearing headphones sir he has autism last night Oscar and I were talking about the incident I had with a Karen at the local store last year and how his former coworker Lila saved me before the situation got worse he had his own story to share and has granted me permission to post it here cast Bhaskar Joseph penny George back before he joined the company we both work for now Oscar was doing his rounds around the department store he worked at talking to customers and employees and making sure everything was running smoothly it was a slower than usual Monday so Oscar was able to enjoy his stroll he came upon a teenaged guests reorganizing the stuffed animals and making everything look neat under the supervision of his mom Oscar noticed the guest was wearing noise-canceling headphones thank you so much for making everything look neat you've got an eye for detail penny a bit embarrassed he likes to organize and clean up as it keeps him calm when he gets overstimulated I can't get him to stop if it's being a problem Oscar nods my son does the same thing and as long as it helps him then you're more than welcome to oh he says to Joseph you're doing a great job he left Oscar decided to get some paper work done when they heard a loud clattering and a cry Oscar ran back to see this huge man who looks like he had eaten one Thanksgiving dinner too many and his button-up shirt was about ready to burst open standing over Joseph Joseph had his hands over his ears now sans headphones and looking like a proverbial deer in headlights the guest was pointing at her now that she are listening to your music are you gonna help me penny walked up to him Sarah my son is not an employee and has autism George looks at penny with narrowed eyes don't lie he was wearing headphones realizing the situation needed to be de-escalated Oscar walked up customer-service smile on his face although he was seething inside may I help you sir George notices Oscar thank god you're here you really need to tell your employees here points at Joseph and Penny to not wear headphones on the job and to stop covering for each other I can't believe that you hire or raccoons insert seven-letter insult that begins with an r ends with an S and is considered the best way to get your booty kicked at least six ways to Sunday and all 50 states now the important thing to know about Oscar is this while he's the kind of man who will give you the last dollar in his pocket if you needed it he really doesn't take kindly to someone being treated badly especially if it's a person with disabilities as his younger son has autism Oscar looks the customer down with a dad glare sir I'm gonna have to ask you to watch your language and your actions I couldn't verify that these are a pair of guests and that he was rearranging the shelves because he wanted to and even if they did work here that doesn't give you the right to harass them just then a security guard walked over apparently attracted by the commotion George went from tomato red to bedsheet white Oscar turned back to penny if you want to press charges we can help you with that no I think it's best if we just left okay if you think that's best George now realizing that this would be the best time to leave walked away Oscar picked up the headphones and returned it to Joseph penny hug Joseph thank you sir you're welcome I apologize that you had to ensure that is there anything I can do to make this situation better no but we greatly appreciate it I'll let the staff know to watch out for that man and if there's any problems don't hesitate to contact us George never stepped foot into that store again from then on Joseph and Penny would come to the department store to say hello and to organize the shelves every Monday with Oscar occasionally bringing out some extra toys for Joseph to put away if you wanted what a good guy Oscar is well let me throw a deep cut in here oscar the sharkslayer more like oscar the jerks lair let me know if you get that reference no a stupid this story's called the saga of the lady another poster minded me of this one it happened about nine years ago I'm on mobile blood out of it I'm gonna preface this by saying I don't know for sure if the woman thought I worked there or just randomly chose me but I still think it fits I used to live in a large metropolitan city I was with a friend of mine shopping for a few things for her upcoming wedding clothes for her honeymoon bustier it said anyway we were in the women's clothing department of a large department store in poking away at the summer dresses an older woman came in maybe late 50s early 60s crazy and was looking at racks close to us my friend Alex and I were a few racks apart and I was closer to the crazy she was furiously flipping through the dresses and muttering gibberish to herself something about her son and married and it wasn't fair or something and I don't know what else I'm trying to catch Alex's attention but she was looking away from me crazy pulled a few items and disappeared into the dressing rooms I told Alex what was up and to maybe avoid that woman as she was clearly upset in getting more and more agitated in mid-sentence now she comes she's wearing a sundress and needed help getting it zipped she storms up to me turns around and presents her back muttering Zipit I can't believe I have to do this just zip it zip it meanwhile I'm fumbling with a zipper as the tab disappeared for a second then she was making me very nervous she's getting louder I get the tab out but for the life of me cannot get the dress to close she was a heavier woman and the edges of the dress were about an inch apart I kept telling her I couldn't get it to go but I was trying she's bouncing around freaking out and by this point I should have walked away granted I should have refused full stop but my years of customer service kicked in I guess what I needed was another set of hands I look at Alex and started to ask her for help anything to get this crazy bench away from us before I could even start to ask she storms over to her and presents her back poor Alex isn't as comfortable around people as I am but bless her she tried I walk over to try and help and the two of us just couldn't get it it was hopeless we dropped our hands and I tried to explain that she might need another size over her incessant muttering I don't even know if she heard me but she starts to freak out screaming all kinds of indecipherable stuff and with a loud screech screams and storms away flinging her arms out her arm caught in a rack of clothes and she sent several articles of clothing and their hangers flying right at my face luckily I threw my arm up and protected my face I had a shirt on my shoulder and a hanger caught my buttons the rack fell over and she went screeching like a banshee toward the customer service counter where a young woman was behind the desk trying in vain to help a family that couldn't speak English Alex and I didn't stick around we took off half running half --lo crouching away and hid in the next apartment Ward duck down in housewares in SOL this poor family that doesn't even speak English trying to help her get into this darned dress we were laughing and so bewildered and looking at each other saying oh my god what if ha just happened at what had just occurred it was the main topic of discussion with our friends and family over the next several days Alex even wanted me to zip her into her wedding dress on her day just so she could say it again and calm her nerves a couple of bridesmaids didn't get the joke so we got to tell it again to this day I can call or text Alex and say and she will bust out laughing good times hey this one's not too bad you know they got a good inside joke out of it and you know very good memory no one got hurt they just you know they just got to witness a very distressed woman this story's called today I fudged up by smuggling at my new job this happened today about 20 minutes ago it to be more precise I just started a new job about a month ago it's a quiet office environment I only really know the people immediately around me but everyone's been super nice to me so far one of the things I love about this place is they have a bunch of free breakfast stuff in the break room this morning I thought a bagel sounded nice so I went to go toast one up this is where the four cup begins I separated the bagel into two halves and went to put it in the toaster I've only ever owned peasant toasters but this stainless steel bad boy had all the bells and whistles including a bagel setting I figured it wouldn't hurt so I punched it and waited while I stood there my mind began to drift I started thinking about Lord of the Rings for some reason specifically trying to figure out when my kids would be old enough for me to introduce them to it I heard the door to the break room shuts and assumed the only person who had been in there with me had just left then the toaster dinged in my bagel pop table I took it out and was struck by how amazingly it had toasted warm and soft on the inside toasted perfection on the outside I'd started spreading the butter still admiring the flawless bagel in my hands my brain was still in fantasy mode though and I said to myself in full-on Smeagol voice at this point my rational brain kicked back in and I realized how freakin weird I can be sometimes oh well no big deal I take my bagel and turn around nearly running into a group of ladies looking at me like I just arrived from another planet I tried to give a polite smile but I'm sure the surprise and wave of awkwardness I was experiencing made that creepy too I shuffled past them and am now hiding at my desk I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the new guy is your branded as the multiple-personality weirdo who talks to himself Dukie okay first of all buddy its Gollum okay Smeagol is his hobbit form okay Gollum is him as a whatever the hell Gollum is the second of all you should have just laughed about it just be like I thought I was alone you know that was a Gollum you know this thing is like you know it's a bagel it's golden it's like you know the ring I don't know man you walked yourself into that one I'm sure people know that people are weird when they're alone I'm sure you can explain it away just give it a try don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 28,680
Rating: 4.9170423 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, idontworkherelady /start, idontworkherelady dark fluff, idontworkherelady rslash, r/tifu, r/tifu rslash, r/idontworkhere 40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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