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what's up guys welcome to voice II here this is your host captain Zach in today's subreddit is our slash I don't work here lady as well as a couple bonus stories from our slash today I fudged up don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story is called do you know who I am and you're fired until they realized their terrible mistake firstly this didn't happen to me I was with the person when they received a phone call about this issue then he explained it all to me he's not on reddit so I'm sharing it it's priceless names change to protect identities listed buildings important to the story in the UK there is a system for preserving ancient and important buildings if a building has historical importance it is known as a listed building and the rules about how its developed maintained and improved are very strict I need to be vague about the work involved otherwise it's too easy to identify the parties involved my friend David is skilled in a very niche area of construction he repairs and renovates buildings using a very old construction method that hasn't been common for several centuries all his work is on conservation projects and listed buildings work was required on a grade 1 listed property the overall building work was being done by my main contractor ACC Ltd one part of the work is very specialized the contractors managers didn't know anyone who did it so the architect gave them a list of qualified people the contractors chose my friend because he had the earliest availability five days into the work of the owner of ACCE Ltd the main contractor company arrived on site he was throwing his weight around and being a noisy gob a Dookie David's words David was just doing his job and ignored him noisy gob Dookie told one of his carpenters to get him a coffee the carpenter disappeared noisy gob Dukey continued wandering and gabbing off about delays costing him a fortune fifteen minutes after the carpenter had disappeared the noisy gob Dukey asked my friend a question whereas that frickin ship it was my coffee chippy equals carpenter don't know go and find out I'm only here for this job pointing to the walls I don't work for ACC Ltd I don't give a Frick whether you're an employee or subcontractor you still work for me now go and find my frickin coffin firstly I don't appreciate being talked to like that and secondly my contract with you is to do these walls nothing more I'm definitely not a gofer though you don't appreciate being talked to like that do you which subcontractor do you work for none I'm self-employed it's just me a freaking day laborer and you've got the nerve to talk to me like that Do You Know Who I am yeah well your freaking fire get off the frickin side now okay put it in writing well half off just get off the frickin site David pulled his phone out and started recording okay I'll go I just want proof you told me to go noisy gob Dukey grabbed David's hand holding the phone and screamed into the phone get off the site you fricking idiot you're fired if you're still here in ten fricking minutes I'll have you frickin thrown out cool no problem he picked up all his kit and walked away as he was leaving the contractors site manager passed him ironically with a coffee for the boss and with a smile said you're leavin early dev bloody part-timers joking no your boss just fired me our contract is ended sorry mate no no no no no no let me sort this out wait please please when David left the site manager was losing his crap because he knew something that noisy gob Dookie didn't only seven people in the UK are qualified to do the work they all have a waiting list and David had been the only one available by the time he was home he had 12 missed calls that was Thursday two working days to miss so far he said he'll go back but only if he gets paid for the extra days and has a genuine apology in person from the boss I met my friend when he was getting a call from the site manager saying the boss apologizes but is out of the country so can't apologize face-to-face David also told me he phoned the other specialists to warn them but they'd all been phoned on Friday begging them to do the job nobody took the work they're all booked solid David also phoned the architect to warn him situations like this some unscrupulous contractors try to botch the job and fake the work David is going to stick to his guns pay for all the missed days plus face to face apology he is sure he'll get it I've said I'll pay anything to watch the face-to-face apology update site manager phone to say he was told by noisy gob dookey to threaten legal action if David doesn't finish the job David reminded him he didn't leave and he has proof that he was fired site manager phoned again to say noisy gob Duke you will apologize face-to-face on Friday can David start tomorrow David said no following the threat of legal action the conditions are different face to face apology before work starts added pay for wasted days payment of full contract value upfront before work starts all that must happen by Thursday that's the last day he can start and still expect to finish before his next booking if he also works the weekends he has just enough time I asked him why he isn't charging a huge extra amount for the guy being a butthole he said it doesn't look good if you take advantage of companies when they're under time pressure not the done thing it seems that one of my friends is an eighteenth-century gentleman alright this David guy he has a ton of my respect now like wow he he knows his services are in high demand ok and he knew to record this person saying he was fired and now he's just being such a freaking cool dude about it ok I admire this dude ok I want his autograph alright cool dude good job David you're a cool guy this story's called mistaken has transit security so I take public transportation a lot every day I'm at the station near my house there's a subway stop and bus stops the station spins over a busy road with a busy mall on one side and more of a residential area on the other side that can be easily reached by pedway that area is a little more secluded and it attracts a lot of homeless people in teens just making a mess the station has a single security guard who wears a bright yellow jacket that says security he's just there for deterrence if anything is wrong he can't even engage she just has to call police now this one night I'm standing on the ped way waiting for my bus like I do every day I see there's some people throwing bottles and being little jerks down below don't think twice about it since there's nothing I can really do security guard must be off on the other side of the station since it's pretty big incomes Karen sees me wearing blue jeans and a dark red shirt pretty plain civilian look somehow decides I must be security why aren't you doing anything she points down at the people making a mess I don't know what am I supposed to do I'm not looking to get a bottle thrown in my head I knew you trash security God's what a terrible idea wasting tax money on your salary and you just stand there and do nothing she continues to rant I can't remember exactly what she said honestly I didn't want to hear her BS I then interrupt her tantrum what the heck makes you think I'm security I'm not wearing the yellow vest or anything well I see a stand here every day you must be security then she starts ranting again something about me being on my phone rather than doing my job at that point I just walk away my bus was almost here and after a long day I don't feel like dealing with BS not a satisfying conclusion but I'm completely dumbfounded how someone doesn't immediately conclude that someone wearing normal clothes and standing at a transit station is just waiting for their bus or train rather than being some sort of security I feel terrible for the actual security guard he's not a city employee so he has explicit orders to just watch and report but it's constantly yelled at by a-holes mad that he's not doing anything man I've said this so many times and I'll say it again if you're gonna criticize something at least make sure you know about that something you're going to criticize because otherwise you just look like a dumb jerk and Karen is both of those things very obviously this story's called are you deaf you stupid lazy soggy oily biscuit so I'm browsing the shelves at my local grocery door pieing at the bread to check its softness and freshness as if I'm some sort of squirrel going through the leaves for that elusive tasty nut when it happened much like a squirrel I was oblivious to most of it I only learned the full extent of the damaged caused by Hurricane Karen later I'm lost in the bread noticing differences in how each loaf feels while I squeeze them as if I'm gripping precious dinnerware I don't want to ruin the bread for anyone else but I need to know how fresh they are the dates printed on the plastic wrapping aren't always legible and this puts the decision literally in my own hands as I continue I hear someone shouting from some distance away but I pay it no mind people yelling stores for all sorts of reasons I hear it again a bit louder and thanks to myself I'm glad I'm not any closer to that person like the victim and just about every horror movie ever made I had no idea that person was already coming closer to me with vicious intent I stroke two loaves of bread one in each hand and I'm deciding between them when someone is shouting right next to me I honestly don't know what was said but the shock of that volume so close startled me like a house cat I naturally form a defensive posture when I feel threatened and I raised my arms and made a startled noise I don't like it when people come up behind or beside me and I don't notice I've been that way since I was a child which is a longer story than I want to share here both loaves of bread go into the air as I put my hands up ready to defend myself against whatever demon from Hell has ruined this grocery trip for me this particular demon possessed the body of a gray haired older woman with glasses who reminds me a lot of every stereotypical grandmother image you might see she's plump but not huge and waving a stubby finger at me I think maybe she's been scolding me for touching the bread I'll just explain myself and walk away no real threat then and I was wrong as I go to pick up the bread I dropped because of her but the which does the needless and turns her own volume up to ear-splitting and screams are you Daffy stupid lazy soggy oily biscuit at me never one to miss an opportunity to be a smart booty once my ear stopped ringing I replied with no but I might be suing if you don't shut up her eyes burned with the fury of a thousand suns she reaches out and grabs my wrist my instincts kick in and within a couple of seconds I've got an old lady in a hammerlock just in time for a manager to come down the aisle she wails about the horrible employees at the store and acts far more hurt than she could possibly be claiming that I attacked her out of nowhere and her arm is broken it wasn't and she's going to be suing the store yep I believe I'm going to jail here but that was not to be apparently hurricane Karen the demon monger has caused a scene in the grocery store on other occasions this manager had been watching the video feed in the back following her every move around the store and anticipation of the fallout to come in her wake she turned her gale force winds in his direction still shouting about being mistreated and how would I did to her is worse than violation whoever until the manager looks directly into her eyes and as calm as the eye of a real hurricane says what would you like me to call the police for you she straightens herself and says yes but then just as calmly without taking his eyes from hers the manager says did you forget we have video again I thought you'd remember from the last time but we can check it if you'd like Karen demon lets loose a half grunt half scream and waddles away and out of the store faster than I thought possible the manager asks if I'm okay and surprised at the whole scenario but none the worse for wear still he offers me a store gift card for $10 and I accepted why look a gift Karen in the mouth free bread for the win wow I really like the writing in this story um the person made it very easy to tell what was going on now I'm about to contradict what I just said but I have absolutely no idea what happened this person stroking bread then all of a sudden she's attacked by an evil woman okay well at least it ended well alright this story's called today I flip-flopped up by wearing a shawl which ruined my relationship with my girlfriend minor background I am a pretty affectionate and at times effeminate dude I'm 6 foot 2 and have a pretty tough guy background in that I was in Special Forces a while ago then my roommate served as well but I also have thin wrists and sit on my friend's laps and blow kisses to them and crap I'm not gay I just am me so while I was in a shop with a roommate a few weeks ago he saw these really cool shawls that we both couldn't get out of our heads he returned last weekend to buy them and now we have these shawls mine makes me look like a Star Wars character and his looks like The Outlaw Josey Wales these are seriously awesome shawls the first night we wore them everybody at the dive bar we went to dudes thought they were awesome as well then this girl and her friend arrive on invite from shawl bro and they are seriously turned off by our sweet sauce like acting pretty weird about them in making comments whatever so I get a call for my girlfriend she's tired and wants to hang out at mine and so I bid these mean girls and shawl bro adieu and head home I'm still wearing this shawl when my girlfriend arrives and she's also really taken aback she won't even kiss me until I take it off we get to do the deed and go to sleep and the next morning she starts asking me if I'm gay and she's really serious and aggressive about it I tell her I'm not in that if I was I definitely know it by now and she counters with her major evidence of the fact that I own a shawl anyway she gets weird and leaves and then sends me a text later about how she's sorry and that she needs to think about what kind of man she wants and then doesn't contact me for days so yesterday I invite her out she's stumbling over her words and talking about how she likes tough guys and how she grew up in the south and needs to get used to the big city but that she doesn't know this or that and eventually I just tell her very politely to get fricked because I'm pretty insulted by this point on the way back now that I'm not directly in front of her I get this long apologetic text from her but the crux of it is that yeah she's just not that into me anymore because I wore a shawl later on I tell shell burrow about this and he also had a blowout with the girl he was seeing over his shawl that very same night we went out we are both going to keep wearing the shells though they're warm ouch man that's kind of stinks well I don't really think anyone's really to blame here you know the girls allowed to want what she wants and the dudes allowed to wear what he wants to wear and not be gay for it but man that's gotta suck you know he's probably into this girl and she's just you know doesn't like who he is when he's being himself but you know what he's not in the relationship anymore and he can move on to someone that would be okay with that distorted that sort of stuff and she can get herself a tough country boy in the city somehow this story's called today I fudged up by giving my son permission to beat his bully's booty my son was born with a condition called pectus excavatum in layman's terms his chest is sunken in his condition was so bad that he only had two and a half inches between his sternum and his spy and his heart and lungs were bruised because of it in December he had surgery to correct it and they put two nickel bars in his chest to give it space and trained his bones to grow correctly about three weeks after his surgery a kid punched him in dislodged the top bar and he had to have another surgery to put the bar back in place the kid has been through a lot well the doctor cleared him for most activity last week just no skateboarding or bike riding but he could now lift his backpack and go hang out with friends and play pickup non-contact sports unbeknownst to me a kid at his class has been bullying him all semester and because my son was afraid of getting hit again he just took it well the evening he was cleared he came to me and said dad I'm cleared now a kid has been bullying me and hitting me for months can I kick his butt well my son isn't really a fighter he's fought with his brothers but never anyone else and he's always gotten his butt kicked so I just figured he was just talk but this is the first time I had heard about the bullying and I was concerned I could tell he was distressed about the situation so I told him to knock the fr out he just nodded and went to his room now his older brother is a tough sandal on booty he had a traumatic brain injury two years ago and he missed a year of school so he's in the same grade and coincidentally takes the same class I told him about it and told him to handle it but don't get in trouble he told me that the kid walks in every day and punches my son in the head I asked him why he allowed that to happen and he said he wanted his brother to get tough and once he was getting tired of getting hit he would do something about it while I kinda agree with his thinking I instructed him to handle it without getting in trouble the next morning I took them both to school then drove back home to get my younger daughter who goes to a different school that starts later on the way to take her to school my wife calls me have you taken xxxxxx to school yet why laughter you do go pick up your son he got in a fight I just assumed it was my oldest son imagine my surprise when I walked into the school office to see my younger son with a grin from ear to ear he was beaming he pointed to another kid sitting in a chair holding an ice pack to his face I warned him I was so proud he walked into class sat down and popped the kid in the head like always my older son got up to intervene and before he could my son decked the kid with one punch he said the kid was bawling on the floor and that it was the best day of his life he got suspended for three days all right that's my kind of story okay yes I love stories of kids getting beat up I'm kidding obviously but yes yes okay this is probably an unpopular opinion but if your kids getting his butt beat and he wants to beat the kids butt back let him better yet teach him okay we can't have little Punk's beating up other kids unless it's a kid beating up a kid for beating up another kid all right childhood vigilantism is amazing and it's necessary okay and don't get me wrong I understand and we almost kind of agree with schools policy with you know no fighting back because then it just promotes fighting in anyway because ideally in the school's eyes if you get your your crap rocked you just take it and report it to a teacher or whoever but if you fight back it just kind of you know it's like yeah take the rules into your own hands which isn't the best thing to say to children or still learning about rules but I will still say this okay if you're getting your crap rocked Rock their crap back I don't care if you get in trouble the least it'll stop and also just know you're not a bad dude if you fight someone back in self-defense don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 41,809
Rating: 4.8621745 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, idontworkherelady /start, idontworkherelady dark fluff, idontworkherelady rslash, r/idontworkherelady 34
Id: ao3almhNIM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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