r/IDontWorkHereLady | SHE'S NOT INDIAN

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what's up guys welcome to voice' here this is your host captain Zack and today subreddits are our slash on a work your lady and our slash today I fetched up don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called just because I wear a blue polo does not mean I work here this happened a few months ago so some details may be a bit fuzzy to say the least now I work at Six Flags and the uniforms for the team members are blue polos and either black pants for food and tan pants for games retail etc I'm also really into guns and seeing as I can't own a real one I own some airsoft guns and recently had gotten a flashlight grip for one of them but I didn't get batteries for it so I'm checking on Amazon and seeing which ones it took and I decided to go to Walmart after work it was hot as garbanzos that day so I wasn't wearing a normal t-shirt under my uniform and said f it what's the worst that could happen that was also listening to music I walked in and go over to the batteries at the front and can't find them so I decided to go to the back of the store to see if there were any back there sure enough there are so I grabbed them and afterwards go to the board games to see if I could find uno flip I did and grabbed that and started to head to where the shaving cream was then this lady comes down the aisle excuse me I'm lip-syncing country music well looking for sensitive shaving gel hello she snapped her fingers now I'm still lip-synching country music ah she takes my headphones off what what the heck are you listening to Kenny Chesney I was listening to she thinks my tractor's sexy oh no my butt fell off ok 1 you shouldn't be listening to music during work and 2 that isn't appropriate for work ok and I should care why because you walk yeah no I and shouldn't you be wearing a name tag me being the sarcastic piece of Sam and I am yeah I should wear a name tag to a place I don't work at don't talk back to me I can have you fired I point to the Six Flags logo look I don't work here and I'm not even old enough to work here so please just go away go get your manager I don't dear lady my grab my headphones say screw the shaving cream and just go to the self-checkout after that she got this worker who I don't know if he was a manager or not but I was out the door by the time she spotted me I don't know what happened afterwards if anything did because I never saw the lady again but yeah that's my story one thing I've noticed with karyn's and other entitled denizens of the universe they go big on Color Association oh you're wearing a red shirt you must be a target employee or a blood gang member or yellow you must be banana store man at least they're smart enough to get color associations you know hopefully their brains evolve a little bit further than that eventually this story's called not Santa just a customer this happened last December my husband and I had gone to the blue mega store to look around for some gifts for our nieces and nephews we had our kids with us so we decided to split up he would take our kids over to play with Slash look at the PJ masks toys while I scoured the arts and crafts aisle for my niece I'm dressed fairly casually though I can see why this guy mistook me I was wearing khaki pants and black undershirt and a short sleeve bright blue shirt that had toothless wrapped up in fairy lights on the front of it I was also sporting a Santa hat that said Merry Christmas on it the store's uniform has casual pants and bright blue vests and since this guy approached me from behind it's understandable as I'm looking for the craft sets I hear some guy behind me go hey Serena I'd forgotten I was wearing the Hat so I didn't look around but picked up the box I was considering to see what was included I'm excuse me Santa confused now I look around and spotted some guy who was in his mid-40s and staring right at me hey sorry I was wondering if you could tell me where the paw patrol toys are I turned fully to face him oh sure they're just some guy has taken a couple steps back to look at my shirts my pentagram necklace and interrupts me oh you don't work here do you I laugh a little no I don't but I know where the paw patrol stuff is my kids are playing over there having decided against the crafts box I put it back here I'll show you we made some small talk because I octa mophir and collected my kids and husbands so we could move on we wished each other a happy Christmas and parted ways I thought we'd really enjoy a nice wholesome story you know to contrast all the really sad negative enraging stories that we get on here also kudos to those that actually do help out other customers even though they don't really work there this story's called today I fudged up by trying to impress a girl by showing my humane side so this happened a few days ago I recently got my first City job and there are clearly a few things I still need to learn the other day I decided to have my lunch in the city square as my office lunch space was being used to host foreign guests i sat on a bench next to a hot girl although we never spoke I noticed a pigeon walking from bench to bench hoping for a crumb or two with no luck I wonder why nobody would spare a crumb of their lunch for the poor guy and I thought dang city workers really are greedy so I got a bright idea I decided to impress this girl sitting next to me by sharing some of my brownie with this pigeon and show my caring side well it turns out this pigeon was somewhat of a celebrity and within seconds every pigeon in the world and one or two unhatched eggs swarmed the bench we were sitting on I mean they were everywhere on the backrest of the bench on top of me flapping in my face everywhere what's worse is that I'm not a fan of pigeons and got straight up and left her there the poor groves just quietly and peacefully eating her lunch and I came along and turned her into pigeon feed yes I won't be getting her number ah poor guy I guess he didn't get the memo to not feed pigeons in the city because they'll oh they'll go crazy for you I'm interested in knowing in the comments below any funny stories where you tried to impress someone and you ended up looking like an idiot this story's called today I fudged up by trying to help a kid in a wheelchair then getting hit by a car and robbed this happened yesterday I was sitting at the bus stop near campus waiting for my bus home when I saw a college student on the other side of the street a ways down for me he was in his backpack shuffling around with some papers when the wind picked up and blew them into the street he couldn't get off the curb in his wheelchair and people were walking by him not doing anything so I hopped up and ran over to help him pick up his stuff there were no cars coming so I thought it was safe I was wrong I have a bunch of papers in my hand and I'm bent down and trying to pick up another when I hear tire screeching and I knew I had screwed up fortunately for me the car skidded into me and knocked me over but I wasn't seriously injured unless you count the emotional injuries I talked to the driver and explained why I was in the street I'm fine so we let it go I go back to the kid in the wheelchair and hand him what papers I managed to retrieve this is where the second F op happens I look back at the bus stop and see that my bus has arrived right on time it literally never happens except for today and it's pulling away I try to get the bus driver's attention but it's too late it's like a six mile walk home from where I am in two while before the next bus I could walk but I have to be at work later so I decide to call a lift I pull my phone out only to realize it's dead no worries I have a portable charger in my bag my bag where the heck is my bag I left it sitting on the bench when I went to help the kid and someone must have taken it I am panicking at this point I had a bunch of important documents in the bag along with the cheap Toshiba laptop and some other odds and ends but the worst part of all was the brand new Nintendo switch I had finally saved up for and bought less than a week ago I was so bummed I almost started crying and I'm not really a crier I decide to just walk home unfortunately my phone is dead so I can't call my job to explain why I'm not there about halfway through my walk it starts raining of course my umbrella was in my bag as well I actually start laughing at this point I think I was just starting to lose it I get home finally soaked from the rain and with no keys to get into my house where are my keys you asked that's right in the back I managed to break through a window in the back of the house but tear my sweater climbing through the window at this point I don't even react just want this day to end and I charge my phone and fortunately my boss is the coolest and tells me not to worry about coming in still sucks that I missed work but silver linings I walk into my living room and see the empty box for my new switch and I actually start crying this time I poured myself a glass of bourbon and sat down on the couch with my dog I don't know which god or gods I angered yesterday but at least it can't get any worse than this oh let me stop you right there buddy you you should know way better than to say something like that it can't get any worse do you not notice that ninety eight point four five percent of the times that is said in a movie or TV show it gets exponentially worse seconds later come on but it still really sucks that that guy's life was temporarily ruined like completely because you wanted to help someone out just goes to show that's what happens when you help people I'm kidding of course help people as much as you possibly can in fact I'm giving away my entire life savings all you have to do is alright here is a huge story called today I fudged up by forgetting I secretly made a portrait of the girl I loved happened a few hours ago I don't know if I'll survive the coming week when my dad gets home so it's Diwali this month here in India and as per tradition we clean the entire house down to every single drawer and every single cupboard every piece of crockery and other things implying the word meticulous if it's truest sense since Diwali is on the 29th of this month there's still a lot of time to get done with a yearly cleaning up but this year mom decided to start early because my sister and my dad wouldn't be at home for the week so she gets the entire house to herself except me taking up a small spot to study or browse the reddit and Instagram I also helped her out as much as I can so that her burden is East but she actively refuses any help I offer as she likes doing this stuff alone anyway so she starts the cleanup in my room this includes everything from wiping walls with cleaning agents to washing the curtains basically everything is clean I move my bed to make space for her to have ladder access to all the walls then she tells me to move out and let her do her work about 45 minutes later I am in the living room studying actually studying for once for the upcoming exams in my college when my mom calls me assuming she needed my help with something I go to the room to find her cleaning up my study table she asked me to sift through my cabinet where my old PCs tower used to be ever since that trucking potato left this earthly plane for good which was one and a half years ago I used that particular file cabinet to store my project files assignments and artwork she wanted me to segregate all the papers I didn't need anymore so that they could be sent for recycling I like sketching and making stencils of things and I feel proud to say that I'm also fairly good at it going back to 2016 for the background story I was fresh out of class 10 in the Indian schooling system passing class 10 is considered matriculating from school and being eligible for junior colleges and after passing a two-year course in said junior colleges you become eligible for actual colleges I had joined some coaching classes to help with the new syllabus and a very close girlfriend of mine named aja here was also in the same institution although in a different batch with a different stream of subjects I regarded her as a sister and loved her like one too she's told me there's a girl let's call her Aditi who lives in her building who was also in her batch me being the virgin nerd I am didn't pay much attention to it because I usually noped away from girls ever since I was a kid except aysia who I got close to via a series of unrelated events at this point I feel obligated to mention that issue and I went to the same junior college while Aditi went to a different one a few days later during break time in the coaching classes I'm talking to issue when Aditi comes up to her I hadn't seen or interacted with her in any form until then but when I saw her when she walked past and said hi Annan without being approached first flowers bloomed I didn't realize this for an unhealthily long period of time nearly seven months but I fell for her I fell for her hard now I fell for her harder than when the Tsar Bomba detonated on meet the oshika Bey she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen with my eyes and she still is to this day eventually me and Aditi got talking and I realized I had deep feelings for her however due to my nervousness around girls which was exponentially higher in this case I decided to suppress my affinity for her and just stay a friend we gradually grew closer together over the course of a year to the point where she'd rant to me about how her mom would always nag her and the usual teenager girl crap but I helped her through it all anyway because I did feel like doing everything I could for her while still being in my limits a few months later Aditi and I got into a very long and heated argument on our Instagram DMS regarding some stuff but surprisingly we came to a friendly conclusion as it drew to an end she said and I like you you've art yes oh crap it hit me like a truck what most people make memes about in relate to imagination happened to me in real life it was a lot to swallow at first considering how sparse female contact has been for me but I tried not to trip on to anything and of course I confessed to it was the happiest day of my life so far I swear if she were physically present that time I would have held herself freaking close to my chest she'd have been absorbed into my skin I loved her from the bottom of my heart and soul alike this was in the summer of 2018 being Indian it's almost guaranteed that being in a teenage relationship will have you faced severe repercussions from your family your neighbors families their grandparents and the dude who collects trash from your house if you're born into a typical Indian household it's written in your destiny I am one such fellow hence I had to be covert about this Aditi's birthday was around this time so it she and a few of her friends including me plan to give her a basket full of stuff we made / ordered for her by this time both YCJA and Aditi knew I could do stencils very well so YCJA asked me to make a stencil of Aditi which we'd frame for her I got to work immediately she sent me a few photos of her and I decided on which one to reproduce I got to work at the nights around 1:00 at 2:00 a.m. when I'd be alone in peace and my mom and dad would be asleep I finished quite quickly and fired the stencil over to issues email the next morning in school junior college really she said it was really good but she wanted a slightly smaller stencil as it wouldn't fit in the frame otherwise I started again this time I put a lake full of effort to make it my best work so far and it was it took me longer but it was done just in time to have it framed for the big day when we gifted it to her it was the best thing ever I could see the happiness in her eyes and I knew I made her day slowly however she started to bring up one of my best mates more and more into our conversations I was getting slightly iffy but put my faith in her and talked about it she promised me he's just a friend he wasn't over the next month she became a really cryptic with me then one evening about a few weeks before my birthday she meets me and finally delivers my worst nightmare she told me she fell out of love with me and that her and my mate have a thing between them whatever followed was beyond screwed up Nisha Aditi my best mate I fought everyone and grew in my years of friendship with them all all out of rage from this point on the past becomes irrelevant to my screw up today you remember that first stencil of Aditi I made I couldn't just crumple it up and throw it away or destroy it in a fire since it was so close to me I had to keep it hide it somewhere somewhere my mom or dad wouldn't look guess where I hid it the cabinet where my PC tower was housed come back to today remember my mom was at that very cabinet well I agreed to sort the cabinet out but I had literally forgotten or should I say repressed the fact that I had that stencil stored there mom also pulled out paper sheets help me sort them by the time we got to the bottom of the pile she started taking out my artwork a second to the very bottom it was that stencil by the time I realized what that sheet was mom had already pulled it out and was staring right into it right into Aditi's eyes I realized my fate was sealed and in who's this frozen I accept my end why did you make a drawing of a gun how Annan who is this good Tommy right now she said she'll report this to dad once he comes back next week whether I'll be allowed to live in the house is debatable my sister didn't know about this and in a DT thing and I don't think she'll find it objectionable but I know she wouldn't be able to help me much should things go south on me I should be scared for my life right now but I can't help but laugh at myself and how life's been playing me lately all I know is it's gonna be a long week ahead now I'm not Indian but I'm half something close to it and I can 100% verify this story's validity I guess this is very much something that that the youth of deci families have to deal with brown parents are not okay with their kids liking anything at all that's not school Laura and on those sports and even that is sometimes hit or miss that was a pun but anyways regarding this story in particular I feel like if he played his cards right he could very much convince his family that it was just a drawing of no one he knew or if they know that he knew that girl he could just be like yeah I just drew the picture for her for her birthday and I forgot about it that was the first draft it's so easy to just talk your way out of trouble don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 27,188
Rating: 4.8350515 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/IDontWorkHereLady
Id: KwWEJpyA0qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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