People That Called Phone Numbers In Public Bathrooms, What Happened? (r/AskReddit)

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people who have dialed numbers written on bathroom stalls what's your story when I was younger someone wrote for a good time call and my number on the playground slide people would call a couple times a week laugh and then hang up it started to get annoying so I went to the playground to cover it up someone saw me doing it and called the cops saying I was vandalizing the playground I had to explain to the cop that I was just removing my number so people would stop calling me I saw the number scratched on a table at a bar that said something like call Mike he's been really mean but so I sent my cortex telling him to be nicer and in response he sent me back several angry who the heck is this texts over the next few days he's really mean I texted one a picture of a cucumber because that's what the note said they sent me cabbage in high school iMessage one that was on the backseat of a bus that was going through a town that was a thirty minutes drive from my town I texted who is this your number is on the backseat of this bus they reply Greg I told my classmate about it a week later since his name was also Greg sure enough he holds out his phone with the text message from me and there I was at the bus stop and saw this text if you are indeed crap call this number I called the number cause I had like 30 minutes to bus it was local small taxi company I told him to come and pick me up he saved me like 25 minutes of waiting the guy was cool and I even gave him solid tip I found a business card in a phone booth printed cryptically with if you don't call you'll never know and a phone number since I had time left on the phone card I called and now I know it was a pseudo religious self-help cult trying to recruit people to seven hours at their ranch in like New Mexico somewhere with promises of finding a new spiritual family no thanks the last thing I need is more family I called a number for a good time was greeted by a local pizza place I proceeded in what are two pizzas and at the end of the call discovered they didn't deliver to my area it was a bad time the stall lied my cousin met her boyfriend since three years by calling a number of a bathroom wall it said something like for a good time call zero 7 xx xx xx xx she texted out of curiosity apparently one of his friends had put his name and number down there just to mess with him he usually had guys sending him D pics and crap and was considering changing number they texted back and forth for over six months until they met up they now live together and seem happy if they ever ends up getting married and have kids they will have quite a story to tell about how they met I was playing ginger at a local bar with some friends all the blocks had people's numbers on it so we made a rule that you had to text any number you pulled out the first person I txt D sent me a picture of a pile of coffee beans labelled find the Kanye there was a tiny Kanye face on a beam in the bottom left corner I went outside after watching a movie at the theater and someone had written their number in the snow that had collected on the back of my car I texted it and it was just a random guy who went on my school never met him but he saw the decal from my University and his buddies had dared him to leave his number there not in a bathroom stall but someone had once written one of my male friends number on a classroom bench a girl called him they talked and began dating eventually a guy who had a crush on her beat my friend up and that is how my friend lost his first girlfriend I once added someone on snapchat who had spray-painted their name on top of the mountain I was hiking and they replied to my message with the who the Frick is this like I was the butthole i dial the number from my college bathroom stalls that said free BJ I thought it was going to be the police department or something asinine but I wanted to do it anyway because you never know and it was a number four vector marketing found a number written on some of those giant wooden Jenga blocks at a bar once I start dialing and my friend I was playing against was looking at me like dude WTF it goes to voicemail so I start talking about how lonely I am and how I was just hoping that I could have a good time in the most embarrassing voice ever at this point my friend is completely confused until I finish with look me up on Facebook my name is friend's name that is friend's name I was at a restaurant and they had the give one dollar to charity and put your name on this piece of paper we post on our wall while waiting in the lobby for a friend I saw one that had a name and a phone number with call me under it I figured what the heck why not girl answers and I asked if it's xxxxxx she says yes I explained I'm in the lobby of the restaurant until her name is on the wall with her phone number she doesn't believe me despite my best efforts to convince her I don't know who she is eventually she asks me to walk out of the front door of the restaurant which I obliged and she says holy crap meanwhile I'm standing in a parking lot looking around trying to figure out who the heck is looking at me well she asked me to take the paper down and thank me apparently one of her co-workers told her that he did it and she didn't believe him they worked in the area and frequented the restaurant me and a few mates wrote one of our friends numbers in the portal he dropped toilets at Glastonbury Festival about six years ago every summer around festival season you'll receive a good few calls from people asking if the guy wanting kinky bump Frick is still available and if so where does he want to meet his girlfriend hates us almost as much as he does when my friend and I were about 11 there was a public bathroom in the park where we had soccer practice and outside that public bathroom was a payphone and on that payphone was scrawled a number and above it the word SX I don't recall ever paying for a call so maybe it was a 1-800 number I don't remember it was a recording of a woman's voice I remember only the beginning that I can hear it crystal-clear you wanna have foolin year and then a bunch of feminine giggling we would hang up when the recording asked for a credit card number to continue the call I think we were terrified our parents credit cards would somehow get charged and we would get caught kid logic we were are both straight females but we still called that thing all the time it was seriously the most risque thing I had ever done up to that point and also probably for a long time afterwards sadly I asked for Ginny and instead got a very irate cussing out from a woman with a Southern drawl okay so it isn't a bathroom stall but a hilarious story back a long time ago Paris Hilton had heard mobile sidekick hacked and all her contacts numbers leaked online I was contracting some 15 16 year-old kid to do a website for me at the time about four five hours before the list went public this guy building my site hits me up on a I am yeah that old and is like my buddy just did some crazy hack he got all these celebs numbers Bulls I said because at the time this was unheard of he sends me a text file of about 150 names the first one that stuck out to me that I knew who they were was Fred Durst ran him up frozen then said yes is this mr. Durst yet who is this I truthfully explained the exact scenario and my morbid skepticism led me to dial him up he said something about him going to have to turn his phone off now and actually thanked me for giving him a heads up after that I waited a few hours and picks a number at random someone I didn't recognize or no wrong idea she picked up the phone and said my number was now logged into her phone and the FBI were on the case whatever and she hoped I died at that moment I knew the list went public I logged into some merch apps and it was story after story of interactions I don't like his music but Fred Durst seemed like a cool cat and I like to think I gave him a heads-up before crap hit the fan overall teenagers do dumb crap got a dial tone turned out to be Domino's decided why not I ordered pizza and went home from the bus station kind of unrelated but I took a picture of my snap code basically like a QR code for snapchat accounts using one of the display phones at Best Buy I now have a random woman following me I went to a gig and everyone who frequented this venue would write on the wall while queueing so me being drunk already decided I would ring one cause it said something amusing guy answers and I tell him where I am and that I was bored so I rang this number off the wall we had a convo about who he saw and who I was seeing that night and due to me being drunk I sang a song by the band he went to see down the phone to him funniest cue bonding moment so far never dialed one myself but I answered a call one day from an unrecognized number he was in a bathroom stall at Arby's that read for a long philosophical conversation followed closely by ruff Frick call and my phone number and now I didn't write it but I guess word gets around wasn't a caller but the recipient of many calls when I was a teenager some friends of mine were competing in a school competition against hundreds of schools from across the country this is an event that happens yearly and and attracts a lot of national attention my friend being the smart toss is they are printed my name in number and with the typical call for hot frick line or something to that effect over the course of the day I must have gotten upwards of 50 phone calls and text messages teenagers think they are hilarious to top it off my phone number made it to the 6 p.m. national news towards the end of the event one random student was being interviewed so smartass friend decided to write my name number and call me on a four sheet of paper and stood and shot during the interview I was once really high with a friend and called the number spray-painted on the side of a dumpster with the name Yolanda we wanted to let her know that someone spray-painted her name and number on a dumpster at our local shopping center a lady answered with a heavy Spanish accent who proceeded to yell at both of us because it was her dumpster what a Frick is the matter with you that's my frickin dumpster the rest was in Spanish in what I assumed was an endless stream of expletives that was the first and last time I called a number like that I didn't even know people could own dumpsters jeez never but I was in this English pub in Tokyo and the walls were pretty typical of an English pub Westham for Eva sarah's RS and so on then one said is anyone interested in joining our baseball team every Sunday at 11 a.m. with his phone number he must have thought it was an actual message board bless there was a flyer posted on a bulletin board at this coffee shop asking for your best Waukee impersonation the flyer told you to call and leave a message if they didn't pick up and the best one would win $25 I figured it was too good to be true so I called the guy and let him know what it said and where it was he was wondering why he had gotten so many weird voice mails but appreciated the heads-up I texted the number while I was drunk usually sober I wouldn't the same day the woman called the police and reported me for harassment even though I only texted her saying hi and telling her that her number was on a bathroom wall dialed up a number scratched on a horse feed shed storage all out in Loudoun County Virginia and Robert Duvall answered he cautioning me to not use it again less I could deliver him to 55 lb G of horse and mule feed school bathroom with a phone number and sharp written above it said sucks donkey for free I started typing it into text but I realized it was my own phone number high school kids are brutal 17 years old was at the park with some of my friends in this bench was covered in numbers so we took our time trying to get through all of the numbers the majority of em went to voicemail and led us nowhere but the last number we called said calls for a Meo we were like yeah boys one of us is gonna get some sir we proceeded to call up the number only to find that my mates phone rang who was a straight-a Catering student at the time was really surprised the note was truthful not quite a bathroom stall but my family was out hiking and we found a number carved into the wooden guardrail my sister called it and pretended to be a forest agent probably not the right name for them she told the girl that the state was pressing charges against her for destruction of public property the girl started crying my sister started laughing and she hung up the phone I knew a guy that called a number written on her a five dollar bill he figured she must be a quality girl because it was a five and not a single she had a great voice on the phone so they made a date he played guitar in a popular local band and there was a hip restaurant next to the club they were playing so they arranged to meet before the gig he figured they'd have dinner and then he'd impressed the crap out of her with his playing he was a truly fine guitarist so he walked into the restaurant and looked for a girl in a pink dress there was one and she was enormous so he slipped out before she saw him so during the show he sees the crowd part as the girl in the pink dress makes her way to the front where she glares at him during the entire set afterwards she screamed at him for standing her up he felt a little guilty but he said he'd felt worse if he'd had dinner with her and then dropped her after all this his warning was to not call numbers you see on currency I used to call her numbers and inform the recipient of where there were not such nice things written with their name and number they'd always ask what it said I'd always reply that I want sure they wanted to know but they would insist I would tell them verbatim in my radio announcer voice and listened to the shock emanate from the cell phone but they'd always asked me to mark it out but I would tell them that I didn't have a panel Sharpie found my sister's number once and couldn't stop laughing answered a call from a girl who said she found my phone number on a piece of drywall she was tearing down wallpaper labeled good pad and my name is in fact Pat and I have no idea who lived in that house before she did I and friends with anyone in that part of town nor what I did to differentiate myself from any potential bad paths we ended up going out to dinner and hung out a few times after that nothing ever really came of it but kind of weird there was a guy in my group of friends that annoyed the crap out of me I made a free yard work by the mentally-challenged sign and hung them up in Costco bathrooms numerous times for about five summers in a row he would always complain all these stupid people calling him thinking he was a who liked to do yard work for free he never did tell him it was me I saw the number read Hunger Games hotline so I took a picture of it in case I ever wanted to call it a year later I'm on a school field trip coming back from DC when I tell my friend we should call this one number he says yes we dialed it and we hear robots freaking wasn't a bathroom stalled but just a couple weeks ago I met a girl from her writing her number in Roman numerals on a school desk just two days ago we ended up going out together obligatory not me but one of my best friends in college it was our freshman year and somebody had written a number in the girls bathroom in our door half drunk we pressured her to text the number and to our surprise she got a reply it was another student they actually ended up talking for quite some time and met up like a month later they've been dating for five years now I started getting calls from unknown people asking about baby cows and how much were they a couple of weeks later my classmate confessed he posted an ad selling baby cows in newspaper with my number when I was in seventh grade pubescent and virginal my sister ninth grade informed me my name and number were written on the stool in the girls locker room turns out not only was I hot I was good in bed available for a good time and wild frake this was music to my ears and raging hormones I really wanted to do the frick with another human being my friends did as well but they were unfortunate unrepresented suckers I just sat back and waited for the course to come in I didn't stray far from the house even though I had trained my ear to distinguish our ringer I could hear the phone from three states over no one called interested in sampling my sexual prowess the summer between eleven twelfth grade I was at an all-night diner with some friends of mine dining with my sister and her friends cause college chicks one of her friends came out of the bathroom talking about some graffiti and I remembered I mentioned to my sister that I waited for the phone to ring for weeks and it was a karate chop to my ego she then informed me she changed the threes to eights while laughing with her friends at me hot and Gooden but me I saw a message carved into a door saying pls I need help before 1204 2014 inches because it was the tenth I took it as my duty to help this person out it was a guy about twenty years of age asking me what kind of present he should buy for his girlfriend's birthday which was on the 13th I told him to go with chocolate and roses received a message on the 13th saying a twerked dude thank you very much that was the last time I heard from him said for best BG a person that answered said that meant best blinging Jules well played Kay Jewelers you have been visited by the hamster rod joy comment I like chicken to live a happy and full of joy like the joy hamster life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, public toilet, public bathroom, funny stories, askreddit fun
Id: oGQoxq1ddoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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