r/IDontWorkHereLady - Listen Here, Lady! I DONT WORK HERE!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and the first story is I don't work here but my mom does hey y'all first-time poster and never thought I would have a story to share here but here we are so back story this happened three days ago at a very popular pharmacy store you know the one you go to when you want a receipt to decorate the Christmas tree with I was stopping by to visit my mom who is a manager at the store and has been for a long time it was pretty slow but she was the only one working except for one guy the register it was also truck day so my mom was basically only stocking on the floor so I come in for a quick hi and I see my mom everything is good I'm about to be on my way out when my mom asks me to pick her up some dinner and I can grab something for myself too sweet I run to McDonald's and grab some food and come back my mom is too busy to take a break yet but she tells me to go ahead and go eat in the break area and leave her food there so she can pop in and out I've done this before and so that's what I do note the break room at this store is literally next to the bathrooms which are available for the public literally as soon as you walk in there is a teeny tiny area with a table chairs microwave and some lockers you have to look at this spot to get to the bathroom which is down the hall this is where the employees will eat lunch and all sad really so I am minding my own business munching on my food with my feet on the chair in front of me and browsing my phone my mom comes in once and nibbles on a fry before disappearing again I glanced up when I see a figure come in thinking it might be my mom but it's just a woman going to the bathroom I quickly go back to my phone that's when I hear some very loud throat clearing the first thing I see when I look back up is this woman's expression you know the excuse me I'm standing here one I will call her Edie four entitled dingus me um yes entitled dingus there's only one person at the register I need someone to ring me up right now while tapping her foot at the rhythm of a marching band I stare at her for a second not sure what was happening before giving her that awkward I don't know you but something is funny laughed after realizing Oh duh she thinks I work here because I'm in the break room honest mistake even though I am wearing light jeans a t-shirt and a fuzzy pink cardigan while employees wear polos and nametags hilarious what a chuckle me oh haha yeah sorry I don't work here she cuts me off entitled dingus I don't care if you're not clocked in yet or in uniform you need to help a customer it's still your job how can you guys have one person working here and you're back here stuffing your face while we wait she is already 1 to 100 real quick face red eyes wild clutching her 5 for 1 soaps like her life depends on it I am flabbergasted me sorry I can try and find help but I'm not an employee I'm trying to be polite and nice as yes I do not work here but my mom still does and I do not want to make her look bad at her work entitled dingus I'm not stupid if you don't want to do your job you should say it instead of lying to me why would you be in this area if it's employees only she looks so smug I feel like my eye is twitching me this isn't employees only the bathroom is right there I'm here to visit someone and have permission to be here entitled dingus his eyebrows have met and said hello in the middle of her face her mouth is making blubbering movements no get me your manager at this point I can't do it anymore nope no no I thought it was funny until I realized she is actually crazy I decided ok let's go get the manager I walk out of the room without a word I can feel her feet on the back of my heels she's mumbling under her breath my mom happened to be stalking in the area right next to the break room so I rush over happened to see the register on my way there's one person in line one I find my mother and before I can beg her for help I hear entitled dingus I need you to take care of this immediately what kind of store are you running your worker refused to help me and is too busy eating that she lies to me mom is startled haha but after a second she glances at me and I can see that mom look she thinks I've done something me mom this lady thinks I work here and I told her I don't but can find her help I make sure I say mom as loud as possible entitled dingus mom you think I'm gonna fall for that you aren't gonna get out of this one I'm getting you fired me completely done in straight-faced I don't think my mom can fire me from being her daughter she's tried I just keep coming back entitled dingus looks like she is about to erupt I can see her mind still she can't think of what to say for that split second which is where my mom now understanding the situation comes in mom ma'am I'm sorry for the confusion but this is my daughter she's not an employee I would be happy to help you though ah she sounds so professional now I can feel me looking smug back at her entitled dingus then why was she in the employ area mom oh that's a common area she was bringing me my dinner do you need help checking out trying to change the subject and create a resolution entitled dingus no I need you to stop pretending that this isn't your employee and trying to cover her a for not helping customers she is screeching now full-blown wailing still clutching her soap so hard I think it might burst side note I look exactly like my mom my whole life is people telling me how much I look like her I don't understand how this lady couldn't see the resemblance mom please calm down I'm not covering for her she's not an employee here entitled dingus even if she's your daughter she still works here you are protecting your incompetent child but I am getting you both fired now just wait I have corporates number they will love to hear about this she then proceeds to throw her soap all over the floor and jams her finger at me then my mom then me then my mom entitled dingus F you she storms off running at a high speed for the exit when she is close to the door she stops and grabs on to an end piece full of makeup slamming it over on the floor and giving a little kick for good measure I hear a faint you're all effing fired as she runs out the door to her car and speeds away into the night my mom and I proceeded to have a good laugh over it after the initial shock wears off I ended up heading out and leave my mom my apple pie as a surprise for the trouble sure hope I don't get fired the next story is actually lady you're the one who works here in my area we have a community garden that is run by volunteers including me it's pretty standard community garden rules at the start of the season you get an assigned plot and pay you plan things there and take care of your little garden area if you don't plant or don't care for your plot you lose it to the next person on the waiting list it's the first thing of its kind in our area and there's a pretty long waiting list because our garden is run by unpaid volunteers we have been somewhat slow to contact people whose plots have not been planted we were almost two months into the season before I emailed the few errant people for the first time almost everyone responded immediately there was just one empty plot that remained empty after another few weeks of emails I actually called the number of the lady who the plant was assigned to I will call this lady not a gardener or nag for short nag was shocked to hear that she was in danger of losing her plot and furious I get it maybe the emails weren't received one of us should have called right away she kept demanding to talk to the person in charge and kept asking about her vegetables and who was it fall for this negligence I apologized again and just let her know that she needed to come and plant sooner give the plot up I got off the phone as quickly as possible because I did not want to deal with her I had the pleasure of meeting nag the following weekend when I was at the garden with my two little kids nag marched over to me and with no introduction immediately started in again about the negligence and how could we be so unprofessional and where were her vegetables she was puffy and angry and very very rude she wouldn't let me finish his sentence and was trying to tell me she was going to get me fired from my volunteer garden position I was trying to calm her down but she wouldn't let me get a few words into it before she interrupted me finally to get her away from my kids I said let's go and see your plot we walked over to the area where her plot was and it was very clear that it was the only neglected plot in the whole garden the other plots have many plants already growing big you can see peppers and tomatoes starting to be ready cucumbers climbing all over the place and a huge variety of greens and herbs Nags plot is dirt and weeds nag basically stops dead near tracks sputters a bit and then her whole tone changes she went from being angry to wailing and crying about how could we do this to her how could we treat her like this what had she done to us was it because she was new because she was American poor her she deserved better what about her vegetables she really needed her vegetables she gets a little hysterical and starts to point out plots that are grown and have vegetables and demanding those she even went as far as to try and grab a green tomato from the neighboring plot but her heels slipped a little and she almost fell this set her off more and she is making quite a show so others in the garden come over to check on her as she wails on I suddenly realized what is happening nag thought that the community garden meant that we were going to garden for her and her fee at the start of the year is for us to plant her vegetables and care for her plot and harvest our veggies for she has been sitting at home all this time expecting vegetable deliveries I should have figured it out sooner but all I wanted was to not deal with her so I wasn't paying as much attention to her as I should have also the garden rules are pretty clear and when she paid she signed an agreement to the rules I explained it as nicely as I could to nag the plots are for her to plant and grow her small fee only covers the cost of the land an irrigation system if she wants the vegetables she's been demanding she needs to plant them and care for them it is her job not ours she is the one that works on her plot not us it takes a few tries to get this and luckily another volunteer is there to be with me as a backup she of course gets angry again about how no one told her but she signed the paperwork and it's all very clear there I let her know there's some money left if she wants her fee back we'll give it to her and give her plot to the next person on the waiting list she yelled at me that won't be necessary which was funny because it's a polite sentence but she said it in the rudest way possible and she stomps off out the gate in a way the next weekend I go to the garden and surprise her plot is planted and it looks great she has a good variety and things are done neatly there are little paver stones to walk on in tons of veggies it turns out she has hired a professional garden to do her community garden plot for and deliver the veggies he's the best guy he's very nice and polite and happy to talk about why the tomatoes are dying or how to add more potassium through compost he is willing to babysit other plots if people are on vacations he's super friendly and it's great to run into him he had set out seedlings for anyone to take a number of times as well I am so happy to not have to see nag ever again and instead we have an awesome new friend the next story is I don't work here lady now you owe me an apology I was told about this subreddit and I have one for everyone to enjoy I was at a major electronics store known for their blue polo shirts I just got off work at a warehouse and had a blue t-shirt on I was in looking at movies when I heard a woman snapping her fingers at my face and in an angry loud tone excuse me I slowly turned to see a middle-aged woman standing there in a peeved oppose glaring at me you need to go get whatever item she was looking for from the back it was only then I realized what has happened I quietly replied that I didn't work there which just set her off in a rage now I can't remember exactly what she said but it was along the lines of listen here you stupid idiot I know you do work here you have a blue shirt on why are you so effing lazy I am gonna get you fired where's your manager now I usually don't yell at people but something about or just peeve me off listen here lady I don't work here just because I'm wearing a blue shirt doesn't mean that I am a customer now leave me alone it was at that point that a real employee came over to see what the fuss was about she saw this employee and demanded to see a manager it was less than a minute when the manager came over to talk to her yes how may I help you the lady screamed about my incompetence and demanded I apologize to her before I was fired I looked at the manager and shook my head the manager looked at me in a bewildered state and said to the lady he doesn't work here just because he has a blue t-shirt on doesn't mean he works here now I will get you an employee to help you he turned to lead the lady away but I wanted one thing first excuse me but I want one thing first I looked directly at the woman in the eye and said you owe me an apology the woman looked around in a bewildered state the manager looked surprised but said nothing the woman turned to his sheepish look while mumbled I'm sorry the last story is don't wear scrubs to a hospital yesterday we had a family member admitted to the ICU and I had been dressed for work I work in a doctor's office and I'm required to wear scrubs the scrubs at the hospital or a totally different color and have the employees name on them I'm wearing plain scrubs I had asked someone where I could find some water and was told to ask at the nurse's station the lady behind the counter was wearing a green vest Givi me can I please get a cup of water green vest I roll for who me a patient's mother green vest death stare ah me umm I don't work here and I can't find a vending machine with water in it green vest oh okay she got up and went into a nurses only room and reluctantly got it for me thanks for watching bye
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Views: 145,543
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Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, customer, reddit, i dont work here lady, reddit stories, i dont work here, best of reddit, stories, daily reddit, i dont work here reddit, Reddit Cringe Stories, karen, rstart, IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, BEST STORIES, IDWHL, idwhl reddit, from Reddit, STORIES from Reddit, idontworkherelady Karen, LADY, idwhl start, idwhl, r/idontworkherelady /start, employee, Mistaken for an EMPLOYEE, Listen Here, Listen Here Lady, fired, fire, get me fired, fired from
Id: FbKGbqWqPvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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