r/EntitledParents | "SHE'S FOREVER MINE"

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host captain Zack and today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode now alright this story's called entitled grandma tries again to get me fired so this is actually a follow-up to a previous story from about three months ago if you don't feel like reading that first part basically this old lady who died her hair hot pink for some reason tried to get me fired for writing terribly on her grandkids birthday cake even though I never wrote on it I don't know what her problem was but for some reason she just hates me and wants me out of the store I work in I really didn't think I'd ever have to deal with her again but today unfortunately came apart to to the story here's the cast the died of grandma daughter entitled grandma's daughter manager security I was working the morning shift after morning classes which sucks donkey garbanzos when this lady comes up to the counter of my department I didn't recognize her at all but she obviously recognized me because I didn't even get to greet her before she started talking in an angry tone hey I remember yo but really I don't remember you sorry the birthday cake my mom bought a cake from here and says you wrote that crap on it I remembered instantly oh I remember your mom I hope you know you made a seven-year-old boy cry on his birthday I'm surprised you're even still here well that must have set off a trigger because normally I'm actually pretty submissive now it's pretty much molded into it by years of customer service and HR breathing down my neck but dealing with that lady made me regret ever working in the store and I was not gonna take the blame for something I didn't do anymore even if it cost me my job all right look lady I'll have you know my boss and the security tape proved I didn't write on that cake so it's really not fair to come in and yell at me for something that happened months ago and for something I didn't even do weren't you there with her when you got the cake and that actually made her pretty cool she stopped looking so angry she actually looked kind of guilty well actually yeah she took it home I didn't see it until the next day I think I remember she said she was gonna have your brother write on the cake for her way she said that yeah she said he was the bakery manager is that true uh I don't have a brother wait you don't suddenly I was just as confused as she was she and I were trying to wrap our heads around the situation to find the truth it was like we were trying to solve a robbery she was recapping everything that was happening that she remembered and I was explaining what entitled to grandma was saying to me when she came in to complain and we both kept bringing up the son that she kept telling me about that was when we both came to the most possible explanation this old lady tried to write on the cake herself was unsatisfied with how it came out then pinned the blame on me so she didn't look bad daughter was instantly ashamed of her mother who apparently did this kind of stuff a lot she offered to tip me for being a good sports I guess with $5.00 but I declined and waited on her like before unfortunately I can't take tips darn it when she was gone I stopped for a minute and held my head then I'm out on the floor and suddenly from the store entrance there she is entitled grandma looking just as crazy as she did before her hair still dyed pink she waddled over to the office I couldn't hear what she was saying but she looked enraged the phone rings Oh B can you please come up to my office oh boy here we go again I make it up to his office and she's sitting there her arms crossed she was staring at me with eyes like daggers I walked in manager pulls up a chair security was standing at the door and he had a smile on his face Oh P this lady says her daughter came in and I wasn't quite intimidated anymore when he actually chuckled entitled Graham all looked at him with a me gusta look why are you laughing this is not funny he laughs again Opie do you know her daughter well I did talk to her earlier today why so you admit you tried to seduce my daughter wait what uh don't play table you profit you know exactly what you did ma'am he actually pulls out a pad in paper why don't you tell me what happened gladly she told him and while she talked he wrote her testimony out my daughter called me and said that this man whose you should have fired months ago was telling her to show him her just then public even told her they could go to the bathroom where he probably was going to violate her this is that right you pay sad Dookie by this point we were laughing me manager hand security all laughing at this insane lady now she went from me gusta face - are you serious face why are you laughing arrest is bad he's a violator Opie why don't you give your side of the story odd I wiped a tear for my glasses gladly so he starts right again her daughter came in we talked she told me about the last incident with the cake she apologized for her mother who was right here and we both agreed that all this is because this lady wrote on the cake herself knew it looked bad and tried to blame me for it and get me fired like she's doing now now that sounds a lot more believable why you're saying this is all my fault ma'am if I remember correctly we looked at the security tapes and found that you walked out of the store with the blank cake then you came in and tried to make me fire an innocent man you also said your son was right on it yes but he was busy so I brought and your daughter all told me you don't have a son oh really by this point her face was red like cherry kool-aid red lie on jewel arresting this sick illegitimate child evaluated by Trotter how could he when there were several people around who we can easily call up and they can verify if you did or didn't but but you're supposed to take the victims eye not the violators security left holding his face okay Opie I think it's safe to say you can go back now yeah sorry no problem I get up and this fat lady lunges at me trying to grab me but instead she falls off her chair and plans flat on her face her flab spreading out on the floor she starts squealing literally I tried my hardest not to laugh so I just left I went back in tears laughing more and more at the end of my shift both manager and my department manager got together with me sat me down and apologized for this whole ordeal manager says that security walked entitled grandma out of the store her throwing a fit the whole way out and said that from this point on she was on the watch list this list is for shoplifters and County criminals for security to keep an eye on so in other words if she comes near the store again security will throw her out and call the police on her manager gave me a $20 gift card to the store and my department manager treated me to a few drinks at the bar after our shift we both laughed at the fact that this lady really wanted me to go to jail over something as stupid as writing on a cake okay so it's very clear that that woman is quite honestly a very horrible horrible person okay false accusations left and right and there was quite the jump in terms of seriousness of these accusations from the first to the second time okay the cake thing was you know not that big of a deal still horrible to do but still not that big of a deal okay it's what the second accusation ru series that's horrible this story's called entitled mom forced my friend to date entitled kid here's the cast there's friend entitled mother the title kid go digger teacher Howie friend 1 how I friend to principal context my friend she is 12 years old white birthday and she is a very sweet and charming girl no homo my school is divided into roles this is not official by the school this is just a kids thing there's the king and queen nights jester citizens and pests this entitled kid was a knight my friend is a citizen I am a peasant ha ha ha ha ha enough jibber-jabber let's get on to the story according to friend she was hanging out in the halls one day when entitled kid came up to her with a smile on his face here's how their conversation went hello do I know you now you do my name's entitled kid you're a pretty girl are you single yeah he puts his arm around her shoulder I really like you like me my friend has anxiety she started to panic a little as this was all too sudden to her and I don't blame her I'm sorry what what we just met he tries to lean in for a kiss you're now mine cue hallway friend 1 & 2 what's going on here oh I shop this boy randomly came up to me and said he liked me and tried to get more dating isn't that right sugar bear I don't believe you entitled kid yeah aren't you entitled kid I've heard of you before we aren't dating he randomly came up to me and tried to kiss me well I called dibs on you and I have a higher role than you in the school so I have more power than you that's not relationships work buddy let her go we're gonna be late for class according to friend teacher from across the hall notice what's going on teacher walks towards them what's the issue here entitled kid forcing me to date him no I'm not we're already dating right honey I saw everything he adds forcing her to date him yeah he does I'm sorry entitled kid but as much as you want her I don't think you can force her to be your girlfriend she will be mine she's beautiful looks rich and that's enough for me I chose her so she is now mine I have a higher role than her therefore she has no rights especially since she's a girl if you don't leave the girls alone I will send you to the principal I don't care she's mine that's it teachers enforced entitled kid hallway friends 1 and 2 and friend to the main office where mr. principal of the thing would be waiting what seems to be the issue here according to friend entitled kid is forcing her to date him when she doesn't want to he tried to kiss me what I didn't want that too Wow was that stupid ah young love drama I see he looks at entitled kid but as much as you want friend I don't think she likes you back you don't have authority over a human you can't force her to date you does it look like I give a frak everyone in the room does Legaspi according to friend the principal chuckles then contacts entitled kids mom on the spot friends said that she couldn't hear the conversation but entitled mom sounded like she was yelling on the phone everyone was sent back to their class since it was time for seventh period everyone got sent except for entitled kid once school ended friend was walking home only to find entitled kid and entitled mom red in the faces with anger you got my son in trouble you spoiled brat you update my son you won't find anyone better anyways I called dibs on you therefore you're my friend starts to tear up a bit no entitled mother yes you will you entitled brat now kiss me hallway friend one luckily was near it is said by friend that hallway friend one became the hero by grabbing friend and running off with her teacher was outside the school dismissing the kids went Fran in Hawai friend one ran up to him and told him everything friend later then tells me that entitled kid was expelled since she didn't see entitled kid at school the next day sorry for making this so law I didn't know how to make this shorter anyways I am very happy that my friend is now free from this trouble and she can enjoy her life alright so there's some additional information and an update so I'm reading the comments and a bunch of you are saying what entitled kid did was a personal violation which is illegal now I'm no good with a law especially since I'm 13 and don't know crap but if it is actually illegal then I think I should step up the game and report this to the police by the way I have an update I reported this to the police I showed them this story and with the help of my principal provided him with school cameras forgot what they're named and the principal gave the full name of the kid in the name of the mom to the police I didn't overhear everything but my principal said that entitled mom and entitled kid who will have a heck of a time I wonder what that means I just received word from my principal that entitled mom was charged with violation of the personal nature an entitled kid now lives with his father which is like a state away from here his father is so nice and does not condone his actions victory thank you all so much for the support okay I'm glad the other editors got to this before I did because yeah that is definitely something that should be reported to the police or you know and actually the principal and teachers should have reported this to the police because that is no laughing matter that's seriously bad and if the kid is so casual about it now just imagine adulthood come on the kid needs help and good job with you know getting the mom in trouble with the police because again very necessary that woman has mental issues this story's called entitled mom and her wailing Goblin get banned the skating rink so this happened a few years ago here's the cast there's entitled mother entitled kid me to coaches a supervisor and lots of other skaters so a little background in high school I used to work as a figure skating coach I've been a competitive skater since I was 4 and anyone can become a coach as long as they pass certification from the US Figure Skating Association and get a background check this happened a couple of months after I first started teaching the rink I worked at hosted summer group lessons these are meant to teach beginner skaters between ages 4 and 12 the basics of skating classes in the summer this time were split depending on age and skill level but before class officially starts all of the coaches are supposed to help the newest youngest skaters get onto the ice safely there was one five-year-old that was already making a fuss and his mom was nearly shoving him in her attempts to get him to step onto the ice coach that's in charge of his class waves me and the other coaches off saying she could handle it everyone else starts teaching and there is peace for about 10 minutes next thing I know I hear full-on wailing mixed with screeching and I turned from teaching my class to see that five-year-old having a tantrum on the ice most likely he'd fallen but he wasn't letting the coach help him up instead he resorted to trying to kick anyone that came near him one of the other coaches goes to help and the two of them manage to get the kid up from the ice unfortunately this kid ends up taking both coaches for those of you unfamiliar with skates the blades have toe picks on the front of the blade which are basically little spikes very painful if it hits you these two coaches are trying not to drop the kid while hauling them off the ice both of them with holes in their skating pants and blood visibly showing through entitled mom comes running into the rink and this kid immediately starts stomping around on the ground still screaming and crying my supervisor is trying to calm the entitled mom down from what I could see but all I heard was the mother screeching that her son didn't have enough attention and she paid for him to learn how to skate it was unfair to take him off the ice at etc my rinks policy is that no matter who you are child or adult if you assault any employee you are banned from skating there again supervisor informs entitled mom of this and after more arguing she finally takes her crotch Goblin and tries to leave except this kid now doesn't want to leave in the ends up kicking his mother in the shins with his skates and then kicking the metal frame of the rink boards skating blades plus metal equals almost completely irreversible damage supervisor finally calls for backup and a couple police officers arrive after that we have a Sheriff's outpost near the rink since the area surrounding the rink has a lot of traffic in people going through it the manager of the rink comes in as well since the ruckus still hadn't died down until Dan titled mother that she'd have to pay for property damage as well to replace the rental skates her son had ruined the entitled mother is now arguing with the manager and supervisor and two coaches are trying to wrestle the skates off of the five-year-old before he does more damage to property or other people finally supervisor has had enough Intel's entitled mother to get the hell out and take her son with her and that if her son did even more damage she'll press assault charges on behalf of the two coaches officers gently escort this woman out they basically had a force her out because she was still trying to argue and after the coaches get treated for their injuries classes finally resume I was honestly pretty shocked from this whole situation because I never encountered anything like that before screaming kids yes but not to that extreme indefinitely nothing like the mother thankfully I never saw them again and the rest of my time working at the rink was much more uneventful alright this is a message to all the Karen's out there you know not that you know any of them have the good taste to watch this YouTube channel but it's if you let your kids act like that in public it's a slippery slope don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 99,258
Rating: 4.8739338 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 160
Id: vB6FlLTCdjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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