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what's up guys welcome to voice' here this is your host captain Zack and today subreddit is our /i don't work your lady yes that's right I heard your please in today's video is just one subreddit don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright this story is called just ring up my screws I promise I don't work here really I ran to the local home improvement store last night for some screws and ended up browsing for a bit somewhere between looking at dremel bits and contemplating a new soldiering iron I hear a man roar rather loudly what do you mean you don't have any this is like basic stuff you gotta I couldn't hear the employees response but it was rather short and he walked away briskly to resume stalking circular saw blades my next thing to check out was drill bits situated right behind mr. roar excuse me sir but thank God finally Ralph you said he was a real in fact guy that looked like Santa Claus this is a skinny guy in a baseball hat I don't work here I say with a smile well crud he started laughing and then got a lot quieter sorry man I will just give my cousin a hard time am I in your way yeah just wanted to peek at the rack behind you I can't believe they don't have any easy outs I'm just trying to get a broken bone out of my lawnmower and there on the bottom right there what I scooped mister roar away from the wreck and grab a set of screwed tractors for him Maryana new route doesn't normally work in this department but he told me they didn't have any doesn't matter though these are too small oh there are bigger ones over by the sockets huh why aren't they all in one place these are for home improvement the ones over there are counted as mechanics tools come on I'll show you I lead mr. roar over to the sockets point to what he needs and begin to walk away to checkout wow wow he found and I continued my beeline for the cashier it failed just as she started her spiel on how to use the credit card terminal mr. Rohr clapped me on the shoulder as he passed by to leave empty-handed thanks again it's good know that least store management what they're doing the credit card terminal went blank sorry sir I didn't recognize you I don't work here you don't have to work at this location the discount is for all company employees I don't work for your company are you sure yeah because the company policy says just ring up my screws I promise I don't work here really well that was a nice story I always loved loud but polite people like I guess loud wouldn't be the right word obnoxious but polite people they're fun annoying but really fun and usually nice like I said and kudos to this dude for being honest about not working there I know a lot of people would have accepted that discount alright this story is insanely long and it's called woman mistakes me for an employee throws a tantrum among other things recently I went to a grocery store the store is a popular chain in my area most of the employees wear reddish polo shirts with black aprons our vest over them some just wear unbranded dress shirts or have dress codes unique to their department like the coat worn by people in the meat department I was wearing a black polo with a small logo for my occupational therapy clinic this must have confused one of the other customers I was picking up some ingredients for a bake sale going on at the grade school my girls attended my wife was not only the organizer she was baking for items to include in the sale since she was at home preparing cookies and brownies I was sent to get more essentials like sugar and frosting in the baking aisle I was kneeling down to reach the large bags of sugar that are always on the bottom shelf I was reaching towards the back of the bottom shelf since there weren't many bags left while doing this I was being careful to not over exert my right hand since I recently had to get stitches and it still hurt I cut it with a razor while helping to set up a neighborhood haunted house that's when I heard a high-pitched voice say I'll find it myself I thought the voice was unnecessarily loud but didn't really give it a second thought as I grabbed the bag and lifted it up to my cart I placed it on the handle on top of the cart for a moment to give my hand to rest when a woman grabbed the bag off of my cart put it in her own and said gray I don't have to go looking for it now it was the same voice and before I could react she happily walked away and was out of sight as soon as she turned at the end of the aisle there was nothing for me to do but bend down again and start the process over to get the last bag of sugar after getting butter and eggs from the back of the store I went through the condiment aisle to get to the front the moment I entered the aisle I saw the woman I wanted to see if she would say anything as I walked by but she was occupied with another customer sir the woman's voice was loud and piercing it literally made me stop in my tracks for a moment could you please help me reach the ketchup I need ketchup she pointed to the top shelf that held the larger sizes of ketchup bottles she didn't see me yet she was speaking to an elderly gentleman who was walking with the aid of a cane they're too far back the woman exclaimed I wish I could help you the man replied but I don't think I'll have any more luck than you the man wasn't much taller than the woman but I can't reach the ketchup and I need at fearing that she would not leave the man alone I stepped in I'll get to catch it for you ma'am reaching up was much easier than getting under a shelf I could easily use my left hand to grab a bottle for the lady she looked over her shoulder at me and then turned back to the gentleman let the employee get out again her voice was loud as if she were trying to speak over some ambient noise that only she could hear I'm not an employee ma'am the lady turned around to face me but I need ketchup I'll help you get the ketchup do you walk yeah no why do you want to get the ketchup I don't want any ketchup I'm trying to help you I need ketchup she pointed to the top shelf again I know I said failing to hide the frustration in my voice I had to reach over her outstretched arm but I grabbed the bottle that she appeared to be pointing at I tried to hand the bottle to her but she looked at it in my hand and said that's not big enough I need big ketchup I sighed and put the bottle back before picking up a 64 ounce bottle the ladies on top the woman whined what I asked thoroughly confused the lid is on the top of the ketchup I need to catch up with the lid on the boy you said you wanted the big one there are only two choices a 64 ounce bottle with the lid on top or a 32 ounce bottle with an inverted lid I need a big catch up with the lid on the bottom I summoned two patients I didn't know that I had perhaps you should get two of the 32 ounce bottles with the lid on the bottom I put the larger bottle back and picked up the inverted ketchup bottle when I held the bottle out for her to take she just stared at it so I put it in her cart next to the large bag of sugar and grabbed a second bottle this one she took from me I need the big cat job this time the woman really yelled this isn't the big ketchup I need the big ketchup she drew the attention of the entire store including several employees that curiously looked in from the end of the aisle I'm sorry I said I don't think I can help you with your ketchup problem anymore as I reached for my cart the woman threw the bottle of ketchup at me mmm i reacted by deflecting it away with my sutured hand i exclaimed in pain the bottle went flying into the shelf on the opposite side of the ketchup display with a loud cracking sound ketchup sprayed all over the products on the shelf the lid of the bottle had cracked and broke off on impact what's going on here a woman who appeared to be the manager stepped up from behind the other employees he doesn't walk yeah the obnoxious woman yelled ma'am calm down the manager said trying to get the lady to quiet down tell me he acts like she wants you up the woman started pointing at me you guys know what kia employees should help the customer see that's a walk yeah I tried to ignore the lady and inspected my hand it was painful but no serious damage no he doesn't work here the manager said calmly he followed me through this door I pretended to watch yeah that's not true the elderly gentleman spoke up he offered to help her he explained that he doesn't work here and after she asked him he was trying to give me the wrong ketchup to everyone's relief the woman was now speaking at her normal volume the man with the cane continued that man was being as helpful as he could she wasn't being reasonable the manager saw me look my hand are you hurt I'll be fine I replied I'm sorry for the mess one of the other employees stepped close to the manager and spoke in a low voice we all saw it that had strew the old man added take him and his stuff to customer service and wait for me the manager told the employee if he needs anything for his hand get it for him the employee took hold of my cart and asked me to follow him as I left the aisle the woman asked are you kicking him out no the manager replied that the customer service desk up front I asked for ice for my hand and the employees promptly provided it the customer service clerk asked us what happened I don't know I started to explain I just he should be kicked out of the store for pretending to what yeah the loud shrill voice could be heard through the store a moment later the elderly man with the cane walked up to the front of the store and sat on a bench near the customer service desk and a woman as crazy he said then two cops came into the store and followed an employee to the condiments aisle I have to call my wife I said I'm supposed to get this stuff for the bake sale to her and it looks like this might take a while it's not the school name Bank sell the customer service clerk asked yes I said as I made the call you know it my daughter goes to school name really my wife is organizing the bake sale at this point the call connects and my wife picks up I tried to explain to her what happened and that it might take longer than expected before I'm home however I had to cut my call short when one of the police officers started asking me questions he asked me a few questions to give my side of the events I told him everything including what happened with the sugar the manager arrived at customer service while I was talking to the officer once he was done she said we're going to issue a gift card for the value of the items in your cart that isn't really necessary I said it wasn't your fault are you sure the manager seemed disappointed the clerk spoke up well why don't you consider a donation then the manager suggested plus I think we can donate some custom baked goods from our bakery that would be great have your wife call me as soon as possible we'll work something out the clerk and the employee that got ice for me rang up my items asked if I needed anything else and issued a gift card for just over the amount of my total and used it to pay for the groceries they gave me the card which had less than five dollars left during that time the cop interviewed the old man when he was done the old man asked what happened to that lady she's been banned from the store the manager said coldly and walked away with the officer we both watched as the second officer escorted the lady out of the store as the manager and first officer followed Wow okay so what I've learned is the redditor here is a good dude he's he's actually really understanding and I appreciate that coming from you know one of these stories where everyone just starts screaming at each other and there's no love left in the world but yeah good guy manager good guy everyone and that lady she had something wrong with her because that's not rational behavior not even for a Karen this story's called sorry not a witch apologize for my mobile typing and Auntie grammar errors and my descriptions because I am a very talkative person and it translates in my writing a lot example here that was very cute a few stories they're short but they bring me and my friends and family a laugh every so often here's the cast there's me mom dad random lady worker photographer this takes place at Universal Studios bright and early in the Harry Potter Wizarding World area so I love Harry Potter I've read all the books I've read the first one five times if I recall and the third one in a week in third grade but that's a story not for this subreddit anyway since I love Harry Potter and my mom had bought me some ravenclaw clothes my Hogwarts house for a Luna Lovegood Halloween costume she thought it might be super fun to do a photo shoot in the park just for fun and for a few other reasons my grandpa had just died recently and we were all very sad because of this so my mom bought a wonderful sign saying something along these lines those that love us never truly leave us for me to hold in the shoot some very important details at the time I was a teenager around 13 14 years old we had paid a woman my mom knew to do my cup which meant at 4:00 a.m. my hair and makeup were done and I was dressed up in my costume ready to go to the park I looked a lot older than I really was the makeup was amazing and I was so excited for this we got to the park early but not totally people free which was fine because we didn't mind the amount of people it just meant we had to be careful with pictures and that we weren't disturbing guests we ourselves were guests at the park and could be there but it would be rude to try and take advantage of that unfairly and all seeing what I'm famous so with the camera and the photo taking in the entire around 20 year old look I had people were taking pictures of me getting my picture taken mom why is everyone looking at me so much I think they think you're a famous celebrity or something or you're important because you're having your photos taken oh wow that's funny because I was not famous no my mother is a goddess and makes friends and is very nice and amazing so she planned this all very well I finished my picture in the area and we move on I start to notice that yes people are looking at me because I look rather authentic my outfit looks like what the actual workers are wearing and I look a lot older so it's no surprise this happens and yes here is where the random lady comes in scene two we decide to ask if I can have my picture taken in one of the rides waiting lights that meant we could get in take pictures in leaf not ride the ride itself and cut a bunch of people this is because at most rides in the Harry Potter area the inside decoration is great and very detailed so of course I'd fit right in with my outfit and wand okay we'd like to try and take pictures here is that okay sure I'll lead the way as long as you don't disturb anyone or cut the line that's fine my mom dad the photographer and me all go follow the worker when I get stopped by someone the area before the ride - put your bags and stuff away is very hectic I had been on the ride the day before and I knew the rules for the bags and loose items already as well as how crazy this place can be excuse me can I this back on the ride she gestures to her purse um I know my group is getting farther away and I'm scared to lose them so I skipped the messenger say you can't bring purses on this ride you'll have to put them in a cup eNOS I point at a sign on the wall that has a no bags allowed picture on it I'm sorry but I have to go now I walk off quickly and join my group wondering what the heck just happened I told my mom and dad and then to realize that she must have thought I worked there since I looked like I was in my 20s with the makeup my outfit was very close to the workers actually I looked eerily similar to most workers and that the place was dark anything that said I was a teen was unseeable in this little room so we all had a laugh and later in the room I got a lot of stares for the picture taking and got very flustered I'm not good with open staring if I know it's happening and whoever is staring is close or I can't see them which is a little odd since I'm doing this photo shoot but whatever I knew the people doing my pictures better so I didn't mind them it was their job after all oh no my butt fell off and that's it overall fun and simple despite my rambling description of what the heck everything was and the pictures from that area were really fun to shoot this story is really fun to talk about when I tell friends and guests about the shoot if they ask because I'm a little known for being assumed older and the more it happens the better it gets really oh no not again alright this story didn't have the usual Dragon Ball esque screaming and fighting and transforming into hideous monsters and all that jazz no this story was wholesome it was cute and I liked it a lot the writing was good and like the whole subject matter who's just precious I like this story well don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 32,251
Rating: 4.8874679 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/IDontWorkHereLady
Id: XYj9lKW6zLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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