r/IDontWorkHereLady - I Work Here But Not For You... YOU'RE FIRED! #funnyredditposts

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welcome to our /aa don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and the first story is I work here but not for you this isn't your typical retail story since I work in construction but I think you guys might get a laugh out of this so I've worked for company two for about three years and our main job is putting down fancy looking stone blocks for high-end commercial buildings about two years ago they moved me over to one of the local multi-million pound house because they need more manpower the job was taken on by company 1 and company 2 was brought on as a contractor for the outer block work in tiles most of the work was finished when I started on that site but the buyer was meticulous with pointing out problems so most of the jobs we did was replacing old damaged stuff the tolerance for all the block work was 1 millimeter as per the contract the company once signed for anyone not familiar with construction this is an insane tolerance to work towards and led to some hilarious stories which maybe I'll talk about if people are interested a little more context since this is a private building and technically a finished house we didn't have hardhats steel boots or jackets on so nothing to really identify ourselves we basically know everyone on site by name two years down the line and I'm one of two people from company two on site enter the bigwigs one of the main reasons why this job was going so wrong was the fact that they had management for management's management stuff got so disconnected that the site management didn't even come down to look at what was going on and so they didn't know us the director of company one came down to look at the job with some upper managers presumably to see how much longer this job was going to take I was doing some grouting for a tile that I just replaced when the boomers walk in demanded I go clean up a mess in the other room I presume they thought I was a laborer since I'm young looking and I had a brush in my hand they walk off before I get a chance to say anything I ignore them and carry on with my work since it's not my job to clean up after anyone other than myself 20 minutes later I've moved on to a broken tile in the room they asked me to clean out when the boomers walk in on me they straight look at me for five seconds open mouth while I move their equipment from one side of the room to the other this is where the fun begins um equals upper managers D D equals d-bag director s s equals Sh supervisor SM equals site manager me equals me d-bag director what the f are you doing I asked you to go clean that Sh up why the F are you moving it to the other side of the room are you being funny with me kid do you even want a job me I don't D bag director No you've done enough talking I've seen how long your breaks are just effing move it out now me raising my voice look I don't work for your company I work for company to SH supervisor look I know you don't work for us but can you just clear it out anyways me no that's not my effing job d-bag director I've heard enough you're fired by this point d-bag director is red in the face me upper managers you can't fire me if you want someone else from company too you'll have to call my boss I can get you the number upper manager oh so now you're trying to be a smart AR you get the f off side I just pack my stuff and leave I know he doesn't have the authority to kick me off site only the site manager can and he wasn't even there on site but it's not worth the hassle all the wild d-bag director is berating me on how I'm a terrible laborer I'm packing up my tools and he stops me from leaving accusing me of stealing but after I show him they've all got my name on them he lets me leave somehow it didn't set off alarm bells that I have masonry tools would you believe they meet me down the path while I'm driving down to jeer at me and tell me how useless I am very professional I Drive down the road and park up to call my boss I tell him the whole situation and how I've been kicked off the site he just laughs and tells me he'll be down in ten minutes I can take the day off I get a phone call about two hours later telling me that it's been sorted out but not to go back yet he told the management that if they want to kick one of his staff off-site that they need to call him he'll still be invoicing me out to their company but won't be sending me back until I get a letter of apology for the way they treated me two days later I'm called into the main office to have a look at the letter that came in it was a small victory but it tasted sweet he gave me a copy to keep and he framed his own I started work that day and got an apology from the site manager and SH supervisor who assured me this won't happen again rumors started circulating but nobody really knew what happened until I came back to tell them and show them the letter we laughed about it for a few weeks edit so basically there are these doors there about 1.5 meters wide and three meters tall and they turn on a pivot in the middle they had to be three millimeters from the floor and four millimeters from the ceiling now houses tend to after being built and the ceiling started bowing slightly and the floor was two to three millimeters out in some places not a massive deal in most places but because the tolerance was so low and the gap was so small between the ceiling and floor everything was effed and needed to be changed these doors would sometimes scratch the floor and ceiling I had to replace some of the tiles on the floor and the ceiling was easily patched up the door had to be planed so that it didn't scratch the ceiling all fine right wrong the ceiling was about three millimeters in one area not a big deal until they put on these chrome bezels for the lights some of the doors would catch on these bezels because on the drawings they allowed a one millimeter gap between the door and bezel but it's easy to push past regardless no big deal we settled for it ketching since what they asked was physically impossible to get perfect one day someone opened the door and it caught on the bezel staying open at a 45 degree angle he left it in the lights Ron which burnt a hole through the door it was effed I'm talking a massive black burn in the door and it was only found because the smell it was making it must have been left for hours it was all hands on deck to hoist this door down scratch out the charcoal and fill it in with wax before the client came down in a few hours I got a call from my boss that I was on double wages to help out any way I could with this the second story is please understand before one of us dies I work at a college not as a teacher or teacher's assistant but as dynamics 3-6-5 specialist so I'm in the IT department but I am NOT the guy who comes to your desk to fix your computer I am an expert in a specific system this all means that while I do work here I do not work here where here is the Desktop Services team this is relevant because one day I'm at work in the IT office and I hear a knock on the door for reference the actual area we work in on the second floor of a building the other floors are used for storage and there is a single staircase that connects them at the bottom of that staircase is an access controlled door if you don't have the code you're not getting in so I get up lock my PC head downstairs and open the door I am faced with some random teacher holding a laptop who shoves it at me and says this is broken fix it or give me a new one and do it now my response is the classic sorry I'm not part of the Desktop Services team if you would like to leave me the ticket number for the ticket you've raised then I'll get one of the technicians to contact you when they get back teach your engages Karen mode give me a new computer you IT people you're also lazy all you do is play computer games all day we know you always lie to us she goes on I stopped listening I respond with a repetition of the previous statement and when she doesn't listen I just closed the door on her this is where it gets really fun her response is to throw the laptop at the door laptop zero door one and then shouts that she is friends with the head of IT and will get me fired as she storms off so I pull out my phone and call my boss coincidentally my direct boss is the head of IT services and she is amazing to work for explain what just happened and ask her what I should do she my boss asked me if the asset tag on the laptop is still in the wreckage by the door happily it is this lets us find out who is the person responsible for the laptop some updates I live and work in the UK a college here is a further education Institute mostly for students 16 to 18 but also for adult learners who are looking to do things like vocational skills training and refreshers it's not a college in the American sense of the word we do not have tenured professors here and it is not a place that does academic research of any kind that all happens at a university teachers here are employees and are subject to the same code of conduct and contract of employment that the rest of the staff are they don't get a magical get out of jail free card for being on the teaching staff I understand the point of view of people saying it was uncool that she was fired but I do not agree she was abusive and aggressive and through a computer at the door because she didn't get her way the kind of person who reacts like that to not getting their way does not belong in reasonable society and it's not a person I want to work with also I didn't push to get her fired I reported her actions to my boss while it was all still fresh in my mind the decision to fire her was taken by the company and was a direct result of her actions as someone else said play stupid games win stupid prizes the timeline for me reporting her actions to my boss and her getting fired was around the three-month period long enough for HR to slowly grind its wheels through whatever mountain of paperwork it takes if you're still listening at this part you yes you are a great person who deserves wonderful things have a great day the next story is how dare you not serve me you made this happened when I was 12 we were invited to attend a Chinese wedding dinner by one of our distant relatives in a neighboring country most of those relatives have never seen me before we were in the ballroom of this fancy Chinese restaurant and I was seated at a ballroom table because there was not enough space for my family to sit at just one table I volunteered to sit in another table with my little sister with a group of old ladies and cousins we began feasting on the Duc AB lowness cramps and all of the standard fare of an eight-course wedding dinner I noticed that one of those particularly unfriendly looking old ladies was frowning at me and seemed increasingly annoyed for whatever reason out of the blue she pointed at me and said you go to the broken English outside over there and give me one cup of water why broken English when she had been speaking in fluent English to her son or grandson next to her just a few seconds prior I was also dumbfounded by the sudden command seeing that there were so many waitresses around but hurry up she screeched now I was somewhat dark-skinned for a Chinese girl and I was quite tall and lanky for my age my sister on the other hand was fair-skinned in baby-faced hence I probably looked like one of those live-in domestic helpers taking care of a young child being only 12 I raised my hand took her glass and asked a waitress if she could get more water she then said in Mandarin maids nowadays are so rude don't they know that they're supposed to be doing their jobs and not sit here eating whose maid is this yours she turned to the table where my immediate family was and asked aloud I slammed my chopsticks down word by word I spat out in crisp and clear Mandarin I am NOT a maid you could see the color drained from her face as everyone turned to stare at her in silent astonishment she spent the rest of the dinner staring down into her lap and eating unnaturally quietly the last story is sure let me get the manager the background I am a truck driver for a short period of time I used to make deliveries to home-improvement stores nothing fancy or fun just countertops so I'm always in the back of these stores where employees only are allowed the story I arrived at my delivery one afternoon at one of the improvement stores I pull around get their order ready for them to remove with a forklift and proceeded inside to give them the paperwork nothing out of the ordinary so far well I needed to use the restroom while I was waiting for the staff to get me to unload their portion of the truck so I informed them that I was running up front in case they had any questions about the accessory boxes as I'm heading to the front a customer sees me and asks for help customer excuse me but I need your help with board cutting me I'm sorry but I don't work here customer but you just came from the back room me yeah I'm delivering items to this store I don't work here customer why don't you want to help me me it's not that I don't want to I can't do anything here customer you don't have to be rude about it I want to speak to a manager me sure stay here so I can let them know exactly where you are I walk away without hearing her reply or even really caring I go use the restroom and take a longer path back to avoid running into that customer I still wonder how long they ended up waiting there until they realized that a manager wasn't coming by thanks for watching if you want more stories don't forget to make a red button gray and hit the bell have a great day
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Views: 123,967
Rating: 4.9011998 out of 5
Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, customer, reddit, i dont work here lady, reddit stories, i dont work here, best of reddit, stories, daily reddit, i dont work here reddit, Reddit Cringe Stories, karen, rstart, IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, idwhl reddit, from Reddit, STORIES from Reddit, idontworkherelady Karen, idwhl start, idwhl, r/idontworkherelady /start, #funnyredditposts, I Work Here, YOU'RE FIRED, r/IDontWorkHereLady you're fired, rslash you're fired, rslash r/idontworkherelady
Id: rjCCkuhOdMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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