r/EntitledParents | "IT’S JUST JAPANESE CARTOONS!"

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hot dog voice veterans welcome to voice here this is your tummy troubled host captain Zach and today subreddit is our slashing tidal parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled parent ignores my warnings about a book series for her daughter then calls to scream about the series being inappropriate hi all a friend of mine introduced me to all these types of subreddits recently and I'm hooked it's a running joke among some of my co-workers or friends that I have a face that attracts the crazies entitled parents choosing beggars for whatever reason they seem to flock to me I have so many good stories that I can't wait to share with you guys this is gonna be a long one sorry not sorry the cast there's me entitled mafia boss lady I used to work at a large-scale bookstore it was common for parents to come in and ask for recommendations for their children or nieces and nephews and they usually were extremely grateful for the help it was a slow night when in walks entitled parent now it's been about two years since this happened and I can still clearly see her walking into the store and thinking to myself that's it was gonna be one of those interactions dark brown black hair in the standard Karen do shoulder set in pure entitlements in that expression of self-importance you know the look the year our retail worker and I make so much more than you so I'm better than you look hey anything I can help you find today yes my daughter is into that Japanese cartoon thing and I want to get her reading more she wants some of those books for her birthday to those who might not know the Japanese cartoon thing is called anime and all out of the time the show is based off of a comic like book called manga we had two sections for manga one that had more mature 16 plus series and then one for younger kids that included series like Naruto Sailor Moon Ouran High School Host Club etc I took her over to the first one while asking how old her daughter was eleven what sort of things she was into usual kid stuff and what entitled parent was okay with her reading it'll be Phi usually I have an idea on what the kid might like but entitled parent was giving me nothing to work with after some more prodding entitled parent rolls her eyes at me just give up whatever's popular with girls her age now right I lead her away from the 16 plus section towards the kids section when something catches entitled parents eyes I thought you said there was nothing in a section of my daughter I turn and see she is holding up the first volume of puella magi madoka magica the art style is deceiving with that series it's drawn super cutesy and all the girls look really young and innocent it looks like your typical magical girl series where the girls dance around and fight baddies with their powers for the first bit it is like that until it's not it's classified as a psychological thriller and dark fantasy into oh boy is it ever i watch the anime and let me tell you the story screwed me up Ferb it definitely not something an eleven-year-old girl should be reading oh that serious looks cute but it's actually pretty graphic and deals with mature subjects I'm not sure it'd be something that an 11 year olds could handle entitled parents begins flipping through the book manga is set up differently than your average book it's basically backwards so what entitled parents thought was the end of the first volume was actually just the beginning you obviously don't know what you're talking about it looks fine no I've watched the series the beginning is purposefully like that there's a lot of messed up things in that series that I don't think would be suitable for a girl your daughter's age or allowed to say this to customers by the way usually when we tell parents about the contents in a book they either thank us for letting them know and not get the book or they say that they're fine with their kids reading it's got another story like that about Stephen King and a seven-year-old why are you trying so hard to stop me from buying this books are going out of business no they aren't but okay lady and you need my sales I'm not trying to stop you from buying anything I was taking you to over where there was manga that was more suitable for your daughter's age no you're trying to stop me from buying can I speak to someone who actually knows what they're talking about joke's on idle parent I was the only one working that evening that knew anything about manga or comic books my break was coming up and I really didn't want to fight her on this ma'am I'm just saying that the series gets dark if you're okay with your daughter reading that then you can buy I'm just doing my job letting you know that it isn't as innocent as it looks oh my god this is all just kid crap anyway mature adults don't read this type of crap the look she gave me made it clear that what she said was a personal jab at me I was 26 during this incident and while I might look young I do look to be out of my teens this business had the nerve to look down her nose at me for trying to help with her daughter's present and then says that oh hell no I felt the malicious compliance start to bubble within if you're okay with her reading it then I'm not stopping you from buying it if that's what you think she'll like entitled parent Huff's then proceeds to buy the entire series for her daughter I'm free from her and go up on my break telling boss-lady about the entitled parents and we laugh about it I finished my shift and go home my next shift boss lady finds me and tells me that the next day they got a call from entitled parent screaming at the poor person who answered the phone that her precious baby began crying when her favorite character died in an extremely violent way in that it was that stupid girl working who convinced entitled parent that the series was perfectly fine for her 11 year old daughter boss-lady tells the lady that she can return the books if she wants but reminds her that I tried many times to say that it wasn't appropriate for her daughter entitled parent gets all huffy says that she will tell everyone she knows how horrible we are and that she will make an already dying store dead boss lady and I had a good laugh and went down to help the cashiers as the line was wrapping around the store wow that's a pretty good story um yes books are not dead lots of people still read and yes you should really really listen to people when they're trying to warn you about something that you're going to give your kids I don't understand how in the world she thought oh yes I don't even know what this is called but this person who knows it by name and has literally told me things about it must not know anything about it that all yeah her kids traumatized now this story's called springtime festival always brings out the best in entitled parents yesterday we had a springtime festival hosted by my grandmother school it was a small thing with only about 100 people showing up but this was a concentrated mess of entitled parents an amalgamation of all the seven deadly sins lust gluttony greed sloth wrath envy and pride and today I'll share stories of all these happening in the span of eight hours but first more backstory the event was a small fundraiser for the school as well as a competition for pot geckos so many of the school students came along with families and family friends and most of us were in a pretty great mood I was stationed at the games area managing two different games namely a pop a balloon and ring toss most of the time just making sure kids paid played fair and got the prizes they deserved one other thing to note is that since there was a competition for the pot caicos people who wanted to vote for the best-tasting dish had to buy single-use meal ticket to get a serving of food votes and stayed a chance to win a prize raffle at the end of the event names will be standard as always entitled parents and me now on to the seven deadly sins lust this one in my opinion was one of the worst considering the event was held at a school with kids around entitled parent decided her and her partner needed some alone time and thought that my games tent would be the best place to do exactly that as it had a closing zip flap approaching me with her lover the following conversation happened hey there I was wondering if you could help us out sure thing what do you two need well our kids are having a ball and well hubby and I didn't have time for each other for a long time and we were hoping you'd tell the kids your clothes though we can use your tent do you want me to tell kids that the all day games booth is closed because some adults want some alone time it sounds bad when you say it like that just tell them we want to cuddle for a while I'll make it worth your while at this she reached into the man's pocket pulling out a crumpled $10 bill something that here is basically enough to buy a soda yeah no I think you'll have more luck trying the bathrooms and if you keep asking me to do anything I'll call a teacher to escort you out you're such a brat you know people like your white romance is dying if you think that cuddling in a tent in public is romantic I'm glad I killed that entitled parent turned and walked away with a huff strangely enough the guy was looking at me with a very sad oh-whee expression gluttony once it was about 1:00 in the afternoon an announcement was made that the games and entertainment would be temporarily closed to allow everyone to head over to the food stalls of the festival and get some food everyone seemed to be in good spirits and the smells were really great and this attracted people from across the street to attend the festivals as well everyone taking their portions of food from the chefs they deemed looked like first prize material and as always entitled parents had to make sure he got everything even if that meant nobody got anything he was a heavyset man thundering his way past other people and I'm pretty sure his gut knocked over a kid in the process he brought his own plates and it was more akin to a cake pan than a plate keeping up a large portion of rice as well as macaroni and five pieces of cornbread he helped himself to massive helpings of around five people's cooking most of them in pure shock as the food kept getting piled higher and higher that one cooking station I stood behind him and saw the stew levels dropped by about an inch while he served himself the entitled part of the story he never even finished his plate greed back to the gaming booth we have a wonderful example of a Cookie Monster will call Satan spawn the first Satan's spawn the first was a typical bratty kid trying to cut in line and trying his best to cheat without getting caught typical of an eight-year-old he say but Satan's spawn the first is special Satan's spawn the first was in ninth grade 15 years old every time he cut in line I ignored him until I reach the kid he could have gotten behind then just maybe I'd take his tickets and he can play it wasn't long until Super Saiyan 1 was banned from playing pop a balloon as he tried to throw a dart at me while I was setting up the balloons commanding me to go faster inner ring toss he wasn't far away from a band due to his major lack in listening to the rules standing with his whole body across the throwing line while leaving his one foot in there and claiming he was still behind the line I didn't care a Satan spawn the first couldn't throw for crap no matter how much he cheated the last time however as he was waiting his turn outside the line of course one of the smaller kids managed to pop five balloons consecutively winning him the best price a nerf Elite infamous gun sponsored by a toy store as the school was a longtime advertiser of the store Satan's spawn the first threw a fit basically screeching as he tore the gun from the small kid maybe about eight years old at the time and started running away thankfully one of the older kids managed to trip him and we got the gun back calling his parents to which the following occurred why is my son crying what did you do to him I explained the situation to her and told her that due to his behavior he was not allowed near the games booth again but what if he really wanted that toy why didn't you give it to him miss another kid has already won it fair and square if your son wanted it so badly he should have played better at the games well why don't you get my son that gun and the other kid could have this she points to an RC car in the second-place prize pool kneeling down to the kid to try and convince him he wants the car instead he wasn't taking the bait entitled parent got upset and tried to threaten the boy with getting him into trouble with his parents and he just starts out of her clutches into the crowd that boy stole our gun are you not gonna call someone to get it from him and she's pointing to me no because he won it as I said entitled parents looked at me and discussed and walks away with a bawling fifteen-year-old boy sloth this one is not as bad but still really trashy in my opinion one of the contestants for the competition would constantly be sitting on a chair drinking beers while either his son or his wife tends to the food with him barking out orders and whenever someone said something about his food complimenting it he was quick to say that it all came from a good amount of hard work yeah right wrath not much that I can say for this one one entitled parent thought that they were Gordon Ramsay and insulted everyone else's food hollering at customers when they didn't take food from him and threatening to punch me when I made a comment of him being crazy Envy this one ties into the story of greed as Satan's spawn the first makes a return appearance along with another stellar cast member Satan's spawn the second since Satan spawn the first was banned from the games booth following his nerf meltdown he resorted to using his little brother to get his new sod after prized a nerf Elite fire strike pistol the only kink in his plan was his brother didn't fare any better and he soon called his mom again to mediate a deal how much for that toy gun five points with the balloon pop and three rings tossed on the center pole but your son won't be winning it as he isn't allowed to play anymore no I mean how much can I buy it for with cash I think about $10,000 might do the trick this was purposefully an exaggeration as the gun cost around $400 here what you can't be serious what else do you want for that gun five points at the balloons three rings on the center Pole but you said my son can't play sorry miss he should have thought about what he did before he tried stealing another kid's prize after this tirade entitled parent in both Satan's pawns walked a short distance away as all of them glared at the kids slowly but surely pecking away at the larger prizes their faces becoming sour by every win it was satisfying to say the least I even gave them a little wave when a large prize is one pride the sin of pride reared its ugly head at the end of the day following the raffle in the final calls for the winner raffle was going smoothly and afterwards came the competition conclusion fourth third and second came and went the announcer keeping the light-hearted atmosphere as he joked with the contestants giving them their prizes and thanking them for their effort entitled parents from wrath then assumed he would naturally be first has of course Gordon Ramsay makes the best food and he took the mic from the announcer and thanked everyone for their votes saying how glad he was to win after a couple of minutes of stunned silence the entitled parent turned to face the announcer to ask if he did in fact when the announcer shook his head and to this entitled parents amazement another person in fact had won with a loud he tossed the mic to the ground and stormed off angry at the world a fun day overall save for the sins for each entitled parent there were ten other parents who appreciated the work we were doing and I've even gotten tips from some of them okay the writing in this story was really beautiful and very clever to use the seven deadly sins as as little sections and you know titles for each of the entitled parents a little suggestion would be to like you know for each entitled parent in each of the stories or I guess the subject of each of the stories give them the name of the section they're in so the entitled parent from the Wrath section would be called wrath anyways fun read let me know in the comments below any cool fare stories or you know festivals or whatever you want to call them for instance when I was a kid I was that was part of the cherry pie eating contest at the Cherry Festival in Idaho and that was a lot of fun given that my whole thing as a kid was that I loved pie and that was something that people knew about me you know I had a reputation at school for loving pie and be like I would drop ice on every one of my homework assignments and you know my tests and like it was even part of my fourth-grade signature you know you even have a signature when you're in fourth grade my freaking teacher baked five pies for a potluck just for me and you know it was pretty cool but anyways it's irrelevant but let me know in the comments any stories this story's called kid breaks backboard on school bass cual hoop parents refused to pay for damages so this will be a pretty short story as I didn't witnesses but oh well so in fifth grade my school had this thing called Friday clubs and these clubs were ran by the teachers basically every Friday we'd get out of class early to go do random crap one of these clubs was a basketball club led by mr. math he was my math teacher and one person in this club was Tim obviously not his real name and he was the biggest feminine hygiene product in the entire school so one day the basketball club was out on the blacktop playing knockout Tim ends up getting out so since he has a temper as short as danny davito hey he throws a rock at the hoop they weren't using shattering it word got around the school pretty fast and I knew this would happen at some point as I've seen this guy's mom Karen haircuts on her phone a crap-ton upper to upper-middle class mom you get the picture basically after his parents hear about this they refused to pay the damages of the backboard no one will upload this but I don't really care I just wanted to share boy were you wrong mr. 600-plus up votes that's screwed up though schools budgets are usually stretched thin as is and if you can afford it like which they apparently can if the dude's description was correct they should pay the damages no questions asked let's screwed up plus by not paying for the damages you're enabling your kid to be a jerkwad even more I think you should pay for it you know up front and then make your kid pay you back by doing work and all that crap teach him discipline through manual labor don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 47,880
Rating: 4.9110012 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 164
Id: Tnu4K3Gud1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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