r/EntitledParents - "GIVE ME YOUR BABY!!!!"

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[Music] this entitled mum thinks her daughter's baby is going to be hers you won't believe what creepy things she does after her daughter says that she wants no contact happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show so i'm a teenager with two little siblings i have a caring mother sometimes annoying too but i have an unlikable father he's also technologically outdated so we're also technologically limited but not an information technology what i mean is he refuses to use air conditioner and ops for a fan he refuses to use the car's air conditioner and opts for the wind blowing through the side window he refuses to use washing machine and ops to manually wash it hand by hand he refuses to use rice cooker and opts to use a stove to steam the rice he refuses to use microwave and opts for a stove-powered oven he refuses to use vacuum cleaner and opts for a broom my dad has a short temper and anger issues and if you're curious about his looks he has close resemblance to kane from command and conquer search it up bald goatee well sometimes he looks like vin diesel i want to describe how my dad yells at me and how it can be triggered if my dad notices a small discrepancy and details like seeing acne on my face that small detail could turn into full-blown yelling that will take hours to fade in the past talking back at him results in belt whips but now talking back at him will force you in to stop using your laptop regardless of whether i got a deadline or not because he summarizes everything as games crying is common even during arguments he will call me an idiot stupid well all kind of stupid synonyms insulting me into oblivion to win arguments however i've heard that too much that it can become irrelevant so i keep arguing with him and ignoring his insults to the point that he has lost it and then he keeps telling me that video games are the source of my problems let's say i need to do my job for the whole 12 hours and decided to take an hour break and played video games he has seen me doing my job and just moved along then he sees me playing video games that's how he will come into the wrong conclusion i told this to my higher-ups he laughed because he's actually a hardcore gamer he knows more about gaming than me and he's the creative supervisor the key is time management you've spent 18 hours on video games there is no one in this world that can play games that long it's only you i mean i didn't even play games for 18 hours long when i got a job it was during a break and also 18 hours is a peasant number hardcore gamers would play for days non-stop as long as they can still drink eat and bathe he always compares me when yelling how's your friend getting more subscribers than you you're literally in the same school and graduated together your friend can do this why can't you and when i said i don't like getting compared with my friend who is popular he does the opposite i will tell you loud and clear your friend is popular and successful and you're nothing to him says him he said he purposefully compares me to drive me to hard work no it doesn't drive me to hard work it drives me nuts same goes to my sister she doesn't like being compared now let me tell you where it all began let's begin with my adolescence around 6-12 it was a harsh physical treatment cries are common in those days in my family my mum and my siblings have understood a whole new meaning of later which translates to never so every time my dad says later then you must do that on your own without his permission so because of that sometimes when i asked my dad for a new toy when walking around in public when he says later i know that i must pickpocket some cash off him and buy it myself even if it means going too far from them i will admit that it's still my fault there's a quotable sentence when we had to play outside with other kids in the neighborhood every time dad is ticked my youngest brother will come outside and say punishment is back and usually when we go home after hearing that line dad will proceed with comparative yelling comparing me to others and extra beltwhip now to teenage years 13 to 18 the whip treatment fades away but this is a transition to something that is worse than a whip this is the moment i found my passion in animation my hobby was drawing since childhood which makes sense when i found a passion when i watched some animations in youtube videos because of that i want to enroll in a vocational high school in animation major unfortunately dad disagreed and wants me to major at computer networking which means logic math stuff that i don't understand at all things became dire when my dad went into the school himself without me for registration he made computer networking as a primary option while animation is a secondary option i was shocked the enrollment test begins and i take a computer networking test and i cannot enjoy the test because i need to deal with a bunch of logic that my brain cannot comprehend then i thought of an idea what if i get a bad score in computer networking time to revolt so i just randomly answer any question there to finish computer networking test then stormed out and entered the school's administration office telling them that i don't want computer networking as a primary test and ask them to switch them the administration explained that is not a case it's a test order which means you've finished computer networking continue to animation test then the admin showed the room where the animation test takes place so it begins i do everything in my power to get the highest score in animation it worked my purposefully bad score on computer networking was a good action because my animation test score surpassed it by large margin which begins my animation class for three years the side effect of my revolt is sometimes my name is not called in the class instead addressed with a wrong name there's a bit of a mix-up in the database due to my revolt one of my animation videos it's cringe now but still kicking on youtube went viral which allowed me to hit 10 000 subscribers and become eligible for monetization so i take it the income is small but it almost took me a year to reach 100 cap i told my mum about my adsense income she was happy that i became the youngest kid in their family to make money at the age of 16 when the first adsense payment rolls out unfortunately the news reached dad more on that later after three years i graduated from vocation high school as an animator and continues into college education despite a significant large gap of unemployment which means i have to stay with dad which is bad now into my adulthood 19 to present there are no cries no whips but it's the beginning of my financial battle the unemployment is over i got a job as an animator in one of the educational youtube channels but i had to use a software i never use in my animation days but got a grip on it that day this is where it gets worse if you asked me why i got a job and enrolled in the college i took them both because the college offers employed class or something which means you do your assignments online you only need to go to the college at saturday which is a day off on my work schedule i got a job as an intern for one month because my potential was completely unknown to them my dad was very skeptical about this thinking that i'm being used as cheap labor i ignored that but then due to my low communication skill i need to take another month of internship my dad became even more convinced that i'm just cheap labor another yelling in shoes thinking how i should quit my job but getting a proper job is not that easy it took me six months for them to respond to my job application ignore ignore ignore my patience paid off after two months of internship i got a full-time job as an animator there now i can enjoy full salary and the benefit they offer i was accepted there because i have a curiosity that allowed me to learn something new and also excellency in animation and how my skills are superior to the other animators a heads up my adsense income around this point increases tenfold to the point that i can reach one hundred dollar cap each month then it stacks with my salary if you think that my adsense income and salary is enough you're gravely wrong my dad's working time somehow decreases significantly to the point that his income also decreases debts start piling up especially my college tuition fees because this is where he starts using my income i can tell because he's in healthy condition he refuses job calls while he's slacking off watching tv he also constantly opens my adsense analytics page to predict how much money it will make in the end of the month when he's unsure he wants me to open youtube analytics on the revenue tab and because of how my adsense affects my apparent performance on youtube my animation motivation reaches all time low all he does is constantly tell me to upload often which conflicts with my principle that i only upload youtube on something that i worked on passionately now it's filled with cringe garbage which doesn't even boost up adsense income when i told him that i'm working on a passionate animation with well-written stories polished up animation and pictures he's not impressed his only question was when will you upload this if you take too long adsense will drop that's just enough to drop my will to continue animating this to zero i can no longer trust him and can only tell my passion animation to my youngest brother and i can only work on it at midnight if they know it's bad i couldn't pay my college tuition fee that i must take vacation just to give me more time to bank up enough money to pay the fees it didn't work my dad keeps taking loans to pay debt again and again using my income for this that they're these those then loan to pay electricity alone i thought taking college vacation could help deal with loans it just doesn't work my mum my sister my brother knows what's happening and cannot complain about it because my dad has authoritative power over us he controls with fear he's already good in psychology since the beginning so we vent out anger at family reunions which my father tends to refuse the invitation i never get to enjoy my own money all of them get spent to death loop meanwhile my colleagues bought a switch some expensive figures toys gaming rig powerful pc i don't need those things but what i need is a phone my old phone is getting too old to the point i'm fighting with storage problems battery life and shared usage across the entire family it took me like 4 years since i asked for a new phone then i hit annual double salary bonus i keep telling him to give me my money for a new phone every day after the bonus arrived in my bank account because if i stay still doing nothing and being complacent all of my money will get spent it will take another year to get a new phone i got my desperately needed phone after arguments with my dad end of the past into the present situation no improvements we're still in a debt loop i need to take another six months vacation from college because i couldn't pay the fees dad's work time has improved but still taking control over all my money the moment of irony begins remember how my dad put animation as a secondary option he denounced animation because computer networking makes money easier when i proved him wrong he tries to pull my youngest brother into animation career which is ironic i don't even know what he's passionate about he likes drawing but when i asked him about animation he stated that he has no passion for it yet it's basically four verse one my family first my dad but my dad came out on top now to the positive side of my dad my dad has a strong physicality and strong mentality he had win streaks in shuttlecock badminton and soccer and he has strong relations with outside world to the point that the police officers can get deceived that he's their superior and too scared to pull him over to check his ids he can deal with debt collectors and intimidate them into oblivion i also have passion in music production and my dad has been in two bands in the past so he has excellent experience in music his feedback has proven useful in my musical skills the positive side of my dad also can be used in a negative way like gaslighting intimidating me during arguments my dad is likable to outside but a villain inside so i don't think he has more positives than his negatives now not everybody has a family like this but i know there are people who can relate it's really difficult when you have a passion about something and your parents just don't understand or they don't think it's valuable i'm really glad that they could basically prove them wrong by showing that their skills were valuable and worth it to the point where it's basically supporting the family i am currently pregnant with my first child and both my mom and step dad have been terrible to me my partner the entire time told us we'd be unfit parents because we aren't married yet legitimately screamed at my partner for knocking up their little girl even though we planned the pregnancy they would call him every day and harass him and showing up to his work trying to convince him to leave me so i'd have no choice but to move back in with them it got worse as the time went on i finally decided to cut contact with them having a child can already be a stressful time and having them around to make it worse was not something i was okay with my partner and i have gone through a lot with family drama the past couple years and having this baby has been one of the most exciting things for us if my parents can't be nice to my partner then they don't get to see our baby plus they are the kind of people who don't wear masks in public and actively choose to be in large gatherings with no social distancing so them seeing a newborn is out of the question one day i sent my mum a very detailed email of why she is not allowed to be a part of my life anymore and will not be seeing her grandchild to make things even better i also noted that we will be moving across the country shortly after she is born to be closer with other family members so not only is she cut off but we are literally moving far away and never coming back she responds by showing up at our house at 11 pm screaming outside our door about how it is her baby and she deserves to be there for it i tell her to get lost and eventually she leaves months go by and she will text me randomly asking about technical problems with her wi-fi router or something and she needs help little things like that don't mean much to me and i sent her the info she needed my cousin also had a virtual baby shower and sent my invitation to my mom's house accidentally so my mum came by to give it to me things slowly came to a point that we were fairly amicable with each other but i still stood my ground about our boundaries and nothing else had changed she knew this then she sends me a video today that blew my mind she redecorated her entire guest room to be a nursery crib changing table 400 worth of newborn clothes toy chest stroller a car seat for her car and the list goes on in the video she is in tears saying omg i can't believe my baby is going to be here soon this is where she will sleep where i will change her little diapers these will be her toys is she psychotic her baby sleeping and living at her house what so i call her up immediately and i reiterate that we are still moving across the country soon and that she'll have no contact with the baby before that her response oh okay we'll see about that genuinely confused what part of you will have no contact with the baby does she not understand or thinks she will change in the next few weeks when she is born is she planning on stealing her from us i'm at loss for words there must be something seriously going on there to just not understand that no contact means no contact and to set up the nursery and everything like that it's like what are you thinking are you thinking because you put the effort in well now they'll feel obliged like they have to bring her over it's just really strange and a little bit creepy submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 17,068
Rating: 4.9420891 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: 0CbdiMvP9Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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