r/EntitledParents | "YOU SHOULD ALL JUST LEAVE!"

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what's up guys welcome to voice II here this is your host captain Zack and today's subreddits RR slash entitled parents and our slash tales from retail don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called anti VAX entitled parent tries to order old-age prisoners out of the doctor's office okay had a run-in with an anti vaccin I was signing up with a new doctor I had to go in to get a check-up I had an appointment today it got to the General Practitioners on time and found a long queue it's flu season so a lot of people are getting their flu shots making it busy I'd been waiting for about 15-20 minutes when the entitled parent turned up let's call her Karen for obvious reasons with her tennis year-old son Karen was understandably upset to find someone in front of her at reception and made her feelings known with Hoffs evil eye stares and comments muttered on her breath about the old age prisoner talking to the receptionist finally having had to wait a whole 30 seconds Karen gets to speak to the receptionist about time the doctor needs to see Charlie right away okay do you have an appointment no but it's urgent he's got a temperature receptionist takes names checks computer please take a seat the doctor will see you as soon as he's free but it's about a 45-minute wait what the doctor needs to see Charlie right now he's burning up I took his temperature and it was almost 38 degrees that's about 100 degrees Fahrenheit for anyone from weird places that still use archaic forms of measurement for some strange reason okay rude I'm sorry mrs. Karen we're really busy today we do have a free appointment at 4:15 if you want we can book you in then you can come back later but charlie is sac I understand however we are very busy it's flu season and we have a lot of people coming in for their flu shots q Karen rant about the evils of vaccines she started explaining to the other patients and the receptionist that vaccines were just big pharma cash cows that they were dangerous caused autism caused diseases that it's just negative energy and the junk they mix in our food that makes you sick Karen then said this I'm trying to get it word-for-word you should all just leave don't get a dangerous vaccine that way you won't get sick and Charlie can see the doctor first he could thank me later the receptionist is trying her best to come caring down with limited success Karen inter turn starts yelling at the receptionist calling her a shill Karen then tries to order people who are mostly old age prisoners there for their winter flu shots out of the general practitioners waiting groom alternating between my boy needs is going first it's where your own good and I can't wait almost an hour so apparently their kid is important enough to need urgent care for a mild fever but not important enough to take up an hour of Karen's time this is about the time I get called in for my checkup I miss the fun stuff but apparently Karen gets asked to leave refuses threatened with the cops then starts throwing pamphlets around and tears a couple of posters off the wall post scriptum the kid seemed pretty normal as in he was obviously embarrassed by his mom he tried to calm her down dan hid behind his phone when she shouted at him you know what I'm gonna inject a little bit of opinion in here I think that vaccines should be mandatory until a certain age maybe 15 16 maybe even 18 that way if you're stupid enough to become anti VAX you can't force your kids to die by not getting a flu shot or whatever else like measles this story is called entitled parents think I'm about to stab because I wore hoodie in bright daylight so this happened about five days ago and I'm still stunned to the core here's the Cass entitled mom not entitled kid me shady murderer apparently and police lady so I was doing my usual Saturday morning thing went to a town I lived near to get some newspapers for my dad to fall asleep halfway through some lunch for later and some Reese's Pieces because why not it was raining this particular morning so I pulled out my red hoodie so I don't get wet I get to the shop and notice a woman with a kid give me the stink-eye I think nothing of it chain up my bike do the usual and tie my new stuff to my backpack I'm about to head home when I feel a tapping on my shoulder it stop training at this point and the woman was standing behind me this ensued what's wrong with you excuse me what don't play dumb you know what I'm talking about I have literally never seen you in my life why are you kids today so edgy what look lady I just want to go home and have my lunch I slowly take my key for my bike chain out of my pocket and start walking away she starts screaming like a crazy bat and slaps the key out of my hand my heart stops as it clinks down the pavement and just barely misses the storm drain what the Frick is wrong with you keep that knife away from you child born out of wedlock I'm calling the police and you'll be in prison for the rest of your life then I grab my key and sprint for the carpark I get there take my key out and start unlocking my bike and I put my collection of food on the back in a small basket I drilled onto the mud guard and I'm about to take off when a woman shouts hey you stop me thinking this day can't get any worse what now I turn around to see a police lady in a bright neon green jacket and a smug bench standing behind her that's the boy who attacked me with a knife come with me young man wait what what knife don't play intellectually disabled the one you pulled out on us arrest them now listen your crazy baseball picture I don't have any knives or swords or switch blades or katanas sir please empty your pockets I hope be the judge of that I start emptying my pockets some loose change a button for my shirt my wallet and a half-eaten packet of skittles was all I had he could be hiding in his bag sir if you please I opened my bag and all there is is a box of eclairs some pastries two Scotch eggs a liter bottle of lemonade and about three-quarters of earned brew the police lady is pretty convinced and lets me go I didn't hear what the police lady said to a titled mother as I was too busy pedaling like a madman to get the flip out of there okay this woman obviously has an insane phobia of keys okay so no one tell her about janitors this story's called crazy lady tries to steal an xbox before the store opens I work as a warehouse stock person in an electronics store basically I go around every shelf in the departments and make sure the products are in the place they should be especially since I clock in and clock out before the store opens so I never interact with customers but until today it was a pretty typical morning of checking off-the-shelf products when I heard someone loudly banging on the locked front doors and I could hear it all the way from the back of the store where I was rapping security tag onto an Xbox one X important for later while carrying the Xbox I walked into view of the door and see a 30-something year-old woman banging her fists on the glass I saw that she was wearing a jacket with the company color on it so I assumed she was a co-worker she stopped banging when she saw me and waved hello remember I only work before the opening shifts so I never interact with customers but I also don't know all of my other co-workers who do work during store hours I thought to myself oh she must be one of the sales reps because they often come in 30 minutes early if they have an opening shift and it was around 40 minutes until opening so it didn't raise any alarm with me I walk up to the front doors there are two sets of them with a vestibule in between the first set opens to the outside and lets you into the vestibule the second set opens to the vestibule and lets you into the store the lady is standing outside I take the Xbox I was holding and placed it on a register counter nearest the doors I unlock the second set of doors and step up to the first set and began pushing it open when the lady shoves her body through the opening of the doors I guess waiting two whole seconds for me to finish opening the door was too much for her she has already passed the second set of doors and walking into the store when I finished closing and locking both sets she wasn't walking to a register to clock in she wasn't directly walking to any department but all she did was quickly look around the store before turning back to me and says where's he game section I'm looking for a switch my heart dropped she was a customer that I let into the store before opening big no-no I start to internally panic a little but think to myself that all I need to do is get her out of the store I'm sorry man but we don't open for another 40 minutes I thought you were one of my co-workers when I let you in the crazy lady rolls her eyes and says the website says that you open at 8:00 a.m. it's 8:20 our website says 9:00 a.m. I'm telling you 9:00 a.m. you need to leave I only need to buy a switch I'll be 10 minutes she begins to walk further into the store when I stand in her path you can buy whatever you want at 9:00 a.m. but right now you need to leave the lady is getting annoyed and says I want to speak to your manager right now now I was the only one working in the warehouse that morning we are really understaffed but there was a supervisor in the back office doing paperwork the supervisor is a really understanding dude so I knew he wouldn't get mad at me for letting this crazy lady in by mistake but I made the idiot decision to deal with this myself I'm the only one here now leave this is a good time to tell you that I am a 5 foot 3 110 pound female who looks like a 15 year old when I'm really in my 20s I do not look intimidating in any way the crazy lady got this smirk on her face and said fie now go and when she started to walk to the doors I think that's the end of it until she grabs the Xbox off the counter and tries to unlock the doors but I rushed up to her and began to tug at the Xbox while yelling at her to let go and I will call the police the Xbox was wrapped in a security tag so the whole time this tug of war was happening the door alarms were blaring because of the tag my supervisor hears the alarm and comes out of the back office to find me wrestling with his freaking crazy Caron he comes over to help but not before the crazy lady punched me hard in the stomach I let go the Xbox to hold my stomach but she still doesn't have the door unlocked I ended up puking on her and the Xbox because she punched me so hard she drops the Xbox and goes to hit me again but I saw this one coming and mustered up all my strength and rage to kick her square in the chest I might not look strong but I can darn well be when needed but I only had the strength for that one kick I rolled into a ball and agonized over the pain afterwards my supervisor called the police while the woman whined in pain and was still trying to unlock the door she didn't realize that keys are used to open doors it finally happened guys our editor actually hit a Karen Wow I mean she was hit first but still we all need to take notes because that's how yeah that's how you take a Karen down that or you throw water on them and watch them melt Hey this story's called my first personal encounter with Karen this happened one week ago on Monday my worst day in over five years I'm a locksmith by trade and the job requires me to be up on ladders fixing doors and locks and whatever else is broken on a door I was working on the main entrance door to a large secondhand store sometimes I have to block off an entryway to fix the door and if I do I always try and find another option for customers to enter and exit the building I opened an emergency exit door off to the right maybe ten feet away of where I was working to make sure there was a door they could use I'm working away minding my own business up on my ladder listening to my audio book on my Bluetooth headset when entitled Karen and child's walked towards me excuse me I need to get in the store well this entry is that a warder right now but I I need it now you can't block the door yes well if you let me finish what I was saying you need to move out of my way I'm getting annoyed at this point there is a door over there you can go in there no this is closed arm I'm now angry look stop bothering me and go over there this is when Karen takes things to the next level and by next level I mean she gets arrested Karen had none of my yelling at her she grabs her son by the wrist who was standing by saying nothing and tries to climb under my ladder while I'm on it her large purse caught on the side rung of my ladder and pulled it over sending me my tools hand the motor of the handicap operator I was working on smashing to the ground I fell on my shoulder breaking my collarbone and dislocating my shoulder the motor hit the ground and shattered and the ladder fell on her and her son the cashier who saw the whole thing through the window rushed over to see if I was okay I said no something is broken I'm a bit in shock call the police and an ambulance they arrived and the police take statements and I tell them I want to press charges before I was loaded up in the ambulance and taken to the hospital the kid's father came to get the kid who is not hurt thankfully and she was taken away in handcuffs no word yet on a court date or anything since then I've been off work in pain all because Karen wanted some secondhand crap oh okay good good he's pressing charges okay he was just doing his job and this freaking crazy mmm censorship Zach this story's called free trials background I work at a customer service desk at a warehouse store where a membership is required to shop everyone who opens a membership has to come to the desk if only to pick up their store cards when they open the account online if not we process the new account in store every so often corporate sends out offers for a free 3-month trial membership these are part of a mass mailing list I've worked there for two years and I get them occasionally and the main goal is to get new customers in the door printed on every one of these mailers is new members only existing customers cannot open a trial but the flyer also includes a promo for a discounted renewal for existing members over half off here's the cast there's me angry guy manager on duty the story last Saturday I was working at the desk when an older gentleman came in he threw the flier down and asked me to open a trial hi I'd like to use this free 3-month offer sure have you ever been a member with us before no all right I just need an ID and I can start processing the account right away when people open memberships their driver's license number is entered along with name address etc because of this corporate asks that we check new members against the database to make sure they're not taking advantage of promotional offers like this now I enter his license number and an account shows up no surprise there people try to pull this all the time unfortunately there is already an account in your name I won't be able to process the trial because that offer is only good for new customers most people realize they've been caught in a lie in the I'll offer to renew the old account for a discount it's about half and half whether people do that or say nevermind angry guy was neither well there why did I get this flyer if I get this in the mail I expect it to be honored I do apologize but I don't have a way to put this through without my computer blocking it not technically true but I can get in trouble for overriding it also when corporate secret shops the store they check to make sure we aren't opening new accounts for existing customers well then I need to speak to the store manager because until you get your act together and take me off the mailing list I expect this to be honored sure just a moment I get on the radio and page the manager on duty to the front desk meanwhile my coworker who is with her own customer looks over at me and out of view of the customer mouths while we wait for the manager angry guy starts ranting to me about how he's never been a paid member and he will never become one which suggests he will continue to scream at employees until he gets his way the manager on duty arrives about a minute later he was on the opposite end of the store unfortunately for me he's brand new to the store and isn't in my department he's head of merchandising my direct manager who wouldn't have taken any of this had left sick for the day what do you need angry guy goes on a rant pretty much repeating everything he just said to me but emphasizing that I won't allow him to open another trial manager on duty not being familiar with our policies tells me that it's fine to bypass it for the day and angry guys attitude changes like a light switch he was so nice to me for the rest of the transaction that it was almost disturbing for what it's worth manager on duty did come back about 10 minutes later and apologized for making me put it through I guess he realized how it made me look and it hopefully won't happen again angry guy left with his new card but I wasn't done investigating searching by driver's license only turned up one account but looking up his name revealed that he had opened five free trials over the last three years and at multiple locations my guess is he screams enough until someone snaps and just does it for him but thankfully I left a very long note for the customer service manager along with a screenshot of every membership number he's ever had his driver's license and name have been flagged in our database for trial abuse hopefully the poor employee he screams that next time will see that and refuse the sale I don't know how many times this sort of thing has happened but usually what happens when this sort of thing does happen is that it usually ends up ruining things for those that actually follow the rules you know they don't try to abuse a trial system or whatever don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 101,211
Rating: 4.8712211 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 148
Id: nD3pXpU87tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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