r/prorevenge | "Racist Boss gets Deported..."

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit are such Pro revenge so sit back relax and enjoy some reddit stories racist boss harassed Porto Rican employees and broke labor laws ended up getting deported I worked at a fairly well-known restaurant in a small northern New England City as an assistant manager the owners were very successful restaurant tears with several successful non chain establishments and spent maybe a day or two a month in our location the rest of the time there was a general manager in charge we'll call her Jan Jan was about as type-a as they come she was a middle-aged woman but beautiful and petite and she always looked put together and primped Jan had started with the owners a decade earlier in their first restaurant as a server and had worked her way up to general manager over the years at first I just thought she had extremely high standards which I respect it I have high standards as well and take pride in my work I had been impressed by how the kitchens were spotless the staff was immaculate like run a white gloved hand under the back of the oven and it comes back white kind of clean and the food was always top quality I had frequently been a customer and was thrilled that I got the job there I had been in the business for a decade and that restaurant was the place in our area I was so excited unfortunately I quickly learned why everything is so shining and perfect Jan was a tyrant she was the kind of boss who soured the mood of the entire staff like a storm cloud hovering over us that never went away nothing was ever good enough and the standards changed from day to day on a good day she would show herself up in the office and then leave early good days were very rare and could turn into bad days at the drop a dime on bad days you couldn't be perfect enough and she would come up with new rules and regulations just to punish people if a host called out sick they were literal children she would berate them on the phone and make them cry if a cook made a mistake on a play she would humiliate them in front of the staff accuse them of doing it on purpose and then give us all the silent treatment four hours after seriously if someone's cashout was off even by a few cents she would accuse them of theft and forced me to cut down their hours as a fellow manager I was mostly spared her awful behavior though I had to hear about her treatment from my staff almost every day all of this was just run-of-the-mill bad boss stuff until it came for our yearly staff evaluation meetings this is where Raul enters the story Raul was a hard-working dishwasher who had moved our state from Puerto Rico a few years earlier and spoke English with some difficulty whenever I had to go over anything official with him we would have a co-worker translate between us to be sure we're both communicating clearly Jan refused this courtesy to Raul this made his evaluation pretty difficult Raul managed to communicate to us that due to recent cuts in his hours he would be forced to get a second job to pay the bills something about this absolutely set Jan off she told him she would fire him if he dead I could see plainly on the intake paperwork in front of me that Raul had been hired with the understanding that it would be a full-time position so I pointed that out Jan was furious but agreed through gritted teeth that if Raul agreed not to get a second job she would bump his hours up to at least 35 hours a week it was stated clear as day and I documented it in my daily manager log work went on as usual after that and I didn't think much of this meeting again for a few months another time a while later while filing out information for tax returns Jan called me into the office I could tell she had pulled the tiny room apart looking for something all the information about our Porto Rican employees is gone she told me with a mixture of panic and suspicion I looked at the files in question and they all seemed to be in order so I was confused and told her I couldn't help a few minutes later I walked back into the office to find her arguing with Rosa our most talented chef and a Puerto Rican native Rosa was perfectly fluent in English no Rosa Jan was speaking to Rosa as if she was hard of hearing or mentally slow where is your green card what are you talking about Rosa was confused are you an illegal or something is that why one of you broke in here to hide the proof John wasn't yelling but her eyes were called and flashing with rage what Rosa was starting to get angry now it suddenly clicked for me so I interrupted Jan you do realize that Puerto Rico is a United States territory right of course I know that John snapped back okay so you know that Rosa has a social security number like any other American native oh right never mind Rosa you can go back to work Jan did not apologize for accusing Rosa of theft I was so done with this place after that Jan did all kinds of little things like that and she never apologized I had already gotten a job offer for a place closer to my house when the final straw came I was the closing manager one day and got in just before the dinner rush to Sirah all storm the back door he didn't speak much English but his cursing against Jan was very Claire Jan had lied about raising his hours to 35 per week so Raoul had gotten the second job he talked about when Jan found out she fired him but not before saying something about how all you illegals are the same she was really fixated on these American citizens being illegal aliens for some reason by this point I hated this woman too she once told me my clothing made me look poor in front of the whole staff I was wearing what she made me wear meanwhile she wore open-toed shoes behind the line which is against the health codes and once her fake nail fell off into the coleslaw and she wouldn't let anyone toss it out after she retrieved it this is just the tip of the iceberg but I have a life to live since I knew I would be leaving soon anyway I told Raoul he should go after our boss for wrongful termination since I had documented proof with Jan's signature that he had been promised more hours and that Jan had broken the agreement not Raoul the last time I saw Jan was on my way out of Rahl's lawyer's office after giving a deposition about several labor laws she had violated at least the ones that I knew about apparently there were many others she had broken in front of the other employees she couldn't even look me in the eye the best part at my deposition I learned that Jan was actually the one who was illegally in the country her green card had recently expired she was Canadian she ended up being sent back to Canada as a result of this case and no one has heard from her since Raoul was granted six months of unemployment pay plus the restaurant had to pay his legal fees they closed that location not long after maybe they should hire their managers more carefully next time John if you're reading this I hope you get your stuff together I also hope you learn to wear closed-toe shoes behind a line you wouldn't want to end up a huge gigantic mess up due to your own negligence now would you that's like the stupidest thing I've ever heard she's literally complaining about illegal immigrants and she's an immigrant what put deployed maintainer x' in a lose-lose now you lose this happened a few years back while I was active duty as an aircraft maintenance our rotating shifts were about 40 people to get our aircraft it was about a 20 minute drive to pass two checkpoints and get on a flight line and it was not possible to walk through checkpoints in flight line were non walkable now when a unit deploys you get a grab bag officer and senior leadership this is either really good or really bad this trip was really bad we had an officer that was desperately looking for promotion and a senior that cared only about himself and making his leadership happy his job is usually to take care of his troops under him we had seven trucks to take us out of the aircraft and all of them were worn thin they'd been in a desert environment and worked hard their whole life and many had duct tape handles spliced wires torn up walls you name air on top of that the sand had permanently stained them into an ugly light brown color when they wouldn't run we turned them in to be fixed but everything else we'd make work to do the job one day the offices boss dropped in to visit the PN's he was bothered by the ugly color of the vehicles and disgusted by the cosmetic look of the interiors after talking to the maintainer x' he sell down and understood the situation the officer and senior were with him during the walkthrough and his complains and saw him relax and understand once he left we were all called into a meeting our leadership demanded we turn in our vehicles for any damage at all that they had even scratches and that he would personally give us paperwork for any section that had a damaged or dirty vehicle he wouldn't listen to reason as even our QA guys were fine with the vehicles and we had no liability Berndt ignored and chastised we walked out to get in the vehicles and catch the aircraft that was landing in 30 minutes senior followed us out with paper towels and cleaning products and demanded we make the vehicles white before we laughed we couldn't convince him otherwise and catching the jet was more important so everybody frantically tried scrubbing at the trucks nothing was changing they truly were permanently stained time was sure we had to leave that second senior started screaming at one of the maintainer x' and grabbed a rag and cleaner and stood on his truck trying to scrub it as we were rushing to go of the line the truck stayed and we had enough people to barely make it out and catch in bed down the aircraft while out on the line we all got together and wrote down every single scratch an issue on the remaining six vehicles I'm talking discolorations scratches smells everything each vehicle had a laundry list of 80 plus items our vehicle maintenance would take a week and a half to get a vehicle back to us for an oil change we knew we wouldn't see these again for six months some items would make the vehicle unusable such as broken windows that would enclose and broken a/c that we simply dealt with to meet the mission this means vehicle maintenance would not be able to release such returned them once turned in until they were fixed returning from the line we dropped all six vehicles off at vehicle maintenance and walked back to our unit sitting in the parking lot in a screaming match with the maintainer in the only remaining vehicle was our senior still holding a rag he'd been yelling and scrubbing for hours we told him we turned all the vehicles in and needed to turn that last one end we also let him know we were told not to expect the vehicles back for a few months due to the extensive work on them and the low priority on cosmetic damage he nearly had a stroke his face turned red and he ran inside to the officer as we were finishing up the list of damages on the last vehicle our officer and senior walked out senior looking like a beaten dog the officer apologized for the short-sighted threats and said he had tried to get the vehicles back but they could only release three the officer and senior had their own personal vehicles to get to work and could be driven on the flightline they had no choice but to give us the keys so we could get our guys to and from work and out to the aircraft for the remainder of the deployment officer and senior had to use the base buses and walk nearly a mile in the desert heat to get to work as their schedule was skewed two hours from ours I assume they didn't pursue another vehicle as they didn't want to look bad to the big boss who was fine with the cosmetic damage the maintainer took turns driving the nice cars her leadership gave us and seeing the senior show up half an hour late covered in sweat always raised morale that's some good malicious compliance there hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories I think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
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Views: 61,389
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Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, Storytime 2, FakeJake, Storytime2, life stories, prorevenge, pro, revenge, r/pro, r/revenge, reddit prorevenge, rslash prorevenge, r prorevenge, storytime prorevenge
Id: w2U7m-37qzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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