Have You Ever Won A Lifetime Supply Of Anything? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who've won a lifetime supply contest how did you win and how is it going in college I frequented a specific jack-in-the-box that was walking distance from campus I'd occasionally talk with the manager who was a pretty cool guy and one of only a few people I knew who were into the World Cup one day he says you want a lifetime supply of milkshakes I thought he was joking so I was like sure and he handed me a huge stack of free milkshake coupons not so much a contest but I guess I won the prize for friendliness once won a year's supply of the Tropicana juice drink was awesome but you could only buy four cartons a month with dated vouchers so it never really felt as magical as I was hoping nine year old me wanted like a dedicated Tropicana faucet in the kitchen when I was a kid there was a phone in competition to rename a popular children's cereal it cost money to vote as it was a premium number but my mother let my younger brother vote for fun what we didn't know at the time was by voting you'd be entered to win a lifetime supply of this cereal and my brother won so they called up and our mother told them we didn't want it my mother ruined our childhood by telling Kellogg's we didn't want their lifetime supply of cereal I could be eating that right now 16 years later I could still be enjoying that cereal this was in the 90s my granddad won a lifetime supply of Reader's Digest he was the only doctor in a small village in India population 1,000 he started stacking them up in his clinic and the village kids would randomly browse through them as long as there wasn't a rush or they weren't being loud my granddad would let them sit there for as long as they wanted I spent my summer vacations in the village with my grandparents my parents had moved to a nearby city long before I was born and so it happened that every summer I'd come to the village to find my rural friends speak better English than anyone else in the village and in some cases better than my English school educated City friends and sharing jokes from the life's like that and laughter is the best medicine sections every time I think back on it I feel happy and proud of my granddad when I was in college a guy in my fraternity was featured in a Nike running commercial he was paid a fixed amount and they would randomly send him shoes throughout the two years I knew him after he graduated shoes still showed up at the house every quarter until I graduated the funny part of the story is that he was on the university cross-country team d1 and when he signed the paperwork it voided his scholarship the coach calls him in his office and the rapes him for a half-hour on how he freaked up his scholarship his response was priceless I have four more semesters and Nike paid me enough to cover in-state tuition for that time also I hate running but I'm good enough to have gotten a scholarship now I have school paid for and will never run again good luck to you although won a lifetime supply of knives I guessed correctly how many sheets of paper the knife could stab through after I broke the first two I was told my third was my last one apparently the knives were supposed to last a lifetime I went to school with a kid whose mom won a lifetime supply of aluminum foil they wrap everything in foil his whole lunch everyday was wrapped in foil sandwich fruit X and then they make one of those baking pouches and that's his lunch bag when we had like dessert potluck his cookies came wrapped in in foil I asked him about it once and he said they even rappelled their Christmas present in it and they still get too many boxes of it they give it away to friends and family I'm picturing this kid coming to school in his aluminum foil shoes carrying his aluminum foil lunchbox and eating his aluminum foil apples I'd totally be friends with this kid when maked brand Juice smoothies first came out in San Francisco I happen to be a homeless vagabond i sat there by the trolleys with a sign homeless hungry anything helps a nice lady was handing out free coupons to try out this new juice at Whole Foods she saw my plight and was probably sick of handing out coupons so she dumped hundreds of them in my heart I lived off off naked fruit juice movies every day I would walk into Whole Foods and redeem one of my coupons I had a seemingly endless supply in the honey hadn't put much information on them so they didn't expire someone grifted my bag though a few months later but I was so amped up on B vitamins and antioxidants that I chased him down he said sorry and shared a huge package of imitation crab with me I made a new friend and bought him some naked juice with my coupon I ended up losing the rest of my coupons by being an idiot but that's when I sort of had a lifetime supply of something my friend and I were in a competition at an arena football game to win free pizza and be a for a year the first person to kick a field goal from like 15 20 yards would win apparently their definition of a year's worth of pizza and beer is 1224 packs of beer and a large rocky Rock Koko's pizza per month for 12 months we had to pick up all 12 cases of the beer from a distributor at one time so we had a party obligatory not me but a friend a friend of mine won a lifetime supply of pizza from Pizza Hut they calculated his age the average pizzas a person consumes per year did some mathematical calculation and FedExed him a check for $37,000 in my bookie won for whatever reason I find the idea that I will supposedly spend 37 thousand dollars on pizza in my lifetime kind of depressing not me but this happened to a good friend back in 2010 he was wasted waiting in line for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon got asked if he wanted to do a skit involving punching balloons on air so he gets on air and they dress him and two other people up in karate uniforms the two other people go and kind try and get some balloons but you can tell they are shy my buddy gets up there crap faced drunk and Jimmy asks him his name he tells them his name is shown off the Shogun of little town in Northeast to keep his privacy Questlove gets up from behind the drum kit and gives sho'nuff a hug my friend proceeds to ninja kick all the balloons and Jimmy tells him he just won a lifetime supply of soft taco kits the roots player theme song who the master sho'nuff I lived with him at the time and we seriously had two pallets of taco kits dropped off at our house we had them in the cabinets living room Enter payment center gave them away but you know 1000 boxes of taco kits is hard to give away we donated about 200 when we realized we wouldn't use them all flash forward to more years 2012 and he again got back on tell a story of how he woke up drunk in a casino elevator but sure enough the roots again play his theme song I cannot find the youtube link in the link we put up was taking down for copyright and cannot find it on Hulu my wife won a lifetime supply of pet food for our cat they didn't even bother sending product they just tacked another few thousand dollars onto the $10 K cash prize that was a nice little windfall the only weird thing was that it was paid as a stack of maxed out Visa gift cards you can't really pay things like mortgages and credit card bills with what amounts to a credit card so we ended up using the gift cards for things like groceries it's pretty amazing how far your paycheck goes when your bill for food and incidentals is effectively zero didn't win but received a lifetime pass for a music festival so far there have only been two years of festival but they just confirmed the third two of the best weekend's of my life would recommend when I was little I want a lifetime supply of apples by correctly guessing how many were in a barrel there were 110 and I guessed 109 the price was 110 apples at a time each month it was insane after the first delivery my parents begged them to stop it's impossible for a family of three to go through 110 apples before they rot and our neighbors stopped answering the door when they saw my parents standing there with bags of apples grandpa negotiated free cell service for life for him and his wife when the cell company wanted to put up a tower on his farm after a few years they started getting charged because the tower was bought by another company and they wouldn't respect the deal not sure if this counts but I got free cable from Cox communication because their equipment at the drop almost burned my house down they gave me every channel an Internet well some time passed and they sold to Suddenlink and I thought nothing of it well I got a bill two months later for $600 plus and was like WTF Suddenlink refused to honor our agreement with Coxon to this day I refuse to pay that bill and our internet is under my new wife's name that's harsh man traded in your wife for a new one just so you didn't have to pay a cable bill my mother won a lifetime supply of Pez on let's make a deal it was a few cases of dispensers and candy I'm really into competitions and although I've never won a lifetime supply of anything I've won a year's worth of cheese twice the first time was 12 vouchers but for the second one they actually send me to massive Frick off cheese wheels there were like 25 pounds each I cast them up and filled my fridge and freezer and the fridge and freezers of my friends with cheese it actually froze defrosted really well I'll be eating that cheese for ages a friend of mine one lifetime sonic on a radio contest every month he gets a sonic gift card for $200 and he takes everyone up there for a free meal and spends the rest buying random people's meals my friend won free chicken from Raising Cane's for life chicken finger chain in order to claim his chicken he had to present the card given to him after a few months off free chicken his wallet was stolen putting an end to his free chicken somebody was very happy when they saw that card in his wallet it wasn't a lifetime supply but I won free pizza for a year from this bomb mask place Pizza Rev I only got one Pete sir a week but most of the time I'd go with friends family or dates and they'd just give me the entire parties pizzas for free so really most weeks I got two for free pizzas and I never missed a week then you may buy name there and all new employees would greet me with hee wives free pizza guy I miss that free pizza one a lifetime supply of Chuck Taylor converse basically they sent me 12 vouchers for a free pair of Converse you could pick high or low top and the color I think I still have one of the pairs and the rest I gave to friends and family are elderly neighbors one a lifetime supply of sneakers we have a very large family parents plus 10 kids and the summer I was 7 my father was injured at work while waiting on workers comp to be paid our electric water and gas was all shut off our neighbors ran a house to our backyard for water an extension cord for a microwave and gave us dozens of cases of sneakers we lived the entire summer on candy bars and ramen I can't stand the stuff now I have a friend that did an Arby's commercial years ago they gave Lin the nobbies card that can be used for up to $20 or $25 a day it's like a gift card that gets topped off daily only bad thing is he can't save the credit to make a big purchase it has a cap of 25 dollars not so much one but my mother-in-law has free broadband for life company needed to run a line through her garden mill says sure but I want free Internet forever hasn't paid a cent in two years and the disruption to the back garden was minimal and easily fixed I want a year's worth of burgers from jack-in-the-box in college they gave us one hundred and fifty six card as it would literally work for any burger or sandwich on their menu I gained about 15 pounds and then I started to use them as trading tools to get my stoner friends to do stuff it started with if you run down to 711 and get me a Gatorade I'll give you one burger card then turned more into things like you drink that bong water I'll give you three burger cards it was glorious the cards definitely didn't last me a year not myself it's my aunt one a lifetime supply of donuts from Krispy Kreme in reality they just gave her a crap ton of vouchers for free dozen of donut boxes I don't remember how many but I know she got a box a week for at least a couple years last I checked she wanted by being first in line at a new store opening why she went I don't know since she wasn't like the donut queen or something one a lifetime supply of free coffee from a brew shop in town I guessed correctly how many beans were in a tall plastic cylinder shop closed five months later God how much coffee did you take didn't win it but once I was driving down this crappy dirt road and found a pile of thousands and thousands of AAA batteries no idea how they got there but they were pretty fresh no corrosion so I took a five-gallon bucket filled it up and went on my way four years later I'm about three gallons and inve still power my xbox controllers i won a year's worth of ice cream the deal is for one pint a month here's a kicker I live on the other side log the country from the ice cream shop my parents love it though I've heard of actors comedians celebs doing Taco Bell commercials they get a lifetime supply of Taco Bell they send them special Taco Bell currency after they run out usually enough four months worth of Taco Bell I want a lifetime supply of coffee beans for having guests how many beans were in the tall glass jar during a competition they arrived faster than I can use them but the beans are high quality and make fun gifts for friends who like to grind and bro happy birthday oh HHH another VARs of coffee beans thanks you shouldn't have and there's more where that came from birthday boy my aunt won a lifetime supply of rice-a-roni from The Price is Right she used to get in faster than she can use them but now understandably she is sick of it so she just stockpiles them in her rice-a-roni closet and donates hundreds of boxes of them at a time yes she has a full closet of rice-a-roni the neighborhood kids love her I get to mention my favorite aunt she passed away five years ago now and a lot of her competition wins were still active so technically were for her lifetime but really she was just the luckiest person I knew other than dying at forty five of breast cancer in the time I was aware of her competition entering she won a car a free cruise for two people for life lifetime supply of ice cream dog food and some type of chicken nuggets she won a Coke vending machine that would be refilled for free monthly for a year a year supply of spaghetti lifetime supply of dishwasher tablets multiple holidays a free landscaping of the yard plus tons of stuff I can't remember he absolutely loved entering competitions and actually had a dedicated room in her house for it she was actually pretty good with tactics tended to enter comps that required answering a question with more than 25 words because she said these were least likely to have lots of entries I miss a dilly she was so full of life and loved talking about her hobby as far as I know the lifetime supply of things she won actually continued after her death the ice cream and dish water tablets anyway not lifetime but my mom won free movie tickets for a year at a church bazaar turns out the donation was from a PR firm not a movie theater so we were put on the press list for screeners invites to pre-releases at the swanky theaters with parties with wine and cheese and gift bags super awesome the best was message in a bottle mo they gave everyone this gift bag with high-end bath accessories all in decorative bottles after the year ended I'm guessing nobody remembered why we were on the list as we kept getting tickets someone must have looked up what my mom does she owns a dog grooming salon and kennel as gradually the tickets started to only come for movies related to animals still it's been 15 years and we continue to receive screener invites to anything animal related so we aren't complaining my high school geometry touches Sun wanna contests where he was featured on boxes of kraft mac and cheese and also got a lifetime supply of it he had a picture of it a cutout of the box on his desk which was hysterical and all I remember was him complaining about how sick he was of mac and cheese I want a lifetime supply of Vegemite it was only two jars that's two lifetimes of Vegemite for me when I was a kid I won two free blockbuster rentals a month for life was awesome for a while now it's not going so well after coming and last with no money after appearing on college jeopardy one of my college buddies got a consolation prize of a lifetime supply of juicy fruit gum he shared it with the whole dorm and it lasted about two months more importantly he also got a pound off silly putty that he would shape into a phallus and hang out the front of his pants I've won a lifetime license for Cerebus a thief protector for Android smartphones they've stopped my lifetime license after nearly two years because they needed money what a group of suckers I won the lottery and I get $2,000 each month for the next 30 years not really a lifetime but I'll probably be dead before then you've been visited by the happiest dog out in the world he wants to share his happiness but only if you let him know type I love you happy Papa to get some of his happiness if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people you
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Views: 759,016
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, lifetime supply contest, winning lifetime supply contest, askreddit lifetime supply
Id: o4nYFVajXWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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