r/Cursedcomments | what did you last eat?

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get one dollar for every where I know you been wait you guys are getting paid [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash cursed comments but before we get into the video today I do want to tell you guys about our /m k which is MK subreddit and it would mean a lot to us if you guys checked it out and subscribe to it the link should be somewhere for your convenience on screen or in the comments I'll be hanging around there and checking out posts and yeah could be us like the subreddit anyways on to your video brunswick family loses everything in a fire except a Bible it seems a little passive-aggressive if he God allows you a house to burn down and leaves his business card Gabe you call anytime cutting people to your phone's than giving them air pods that was epic cutting off the cutting off their legs than buying them a wheelchair the last thing you ate is what you have to name them granddad's ashes hey ho hold up hold up what hey Travis a shower is like a mini controllable storm and if you throw in a toaster you get lightning oh oh dear friend it's a short trip that only what you need me my dog yeah snacks are important people who sleep naked don't have any fear of emergencies well I sleep naked but it's more of a defense mechanism if someone breaks into the house all just running them naked and screaming and I'm sure they won't want to see that you know I keep a jar of pig's blood in case of break-ins I pour it all over myself and creep around while giggling in a whisper sweet lord yeah what are the signs that you're ugly when the guy in the van suddenly all out of candy oh whoops sorry we don't actually all float down here pretending you're the killer makes being alone in the dark not as scary that is a good tip I just stare the darkness will play on my said let those shadow people know that I'm ready anytime come on now hey come on over here come on Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries Guinness to Guinness but seriously how do you sneak out such a big and heavy book well that's the same way you get the record for largest anal cavity my dear book my girlfriend's dad anything you do to her I'll do to you me shares my girl with love and affection oh yeah eats my girlfriend's butt in front of them what's the last thing you said for losing your virginity stop stop barking Jesus fight Oh wish I could have a boyfriend like you why not me lol you know mom and dad would get mad at us well yeah I forgot about them lol lmao okay talk to you later big bro yeah see you later little bro hey hold up how do you get what you want pout little girl voice suckas fingers this is actually how I got a bigger loan at the bank this is a boot and an extra me and this is how Bernie could still win you do you want me to take out the 1% don't you mmm I'll decriminalize it I promise will to criminalize it your light has an OST everywhere you go appropriate musical play but only you can hear it why did boss music suddenly start playing uncle laughs from behind [Laughter] hey son we're in the game closet you want to play a risk since y'all know everything what's this well that's a [ __ ] coupon hey Dad I'm cold when I tell my dad I'm cold he just tells me I should have brought a bigger jacket when I tell my dad I'm cold usually burst into tears and says son please it's been seven years already we buried you why do you keep coming back being choked might be a turn-on for you but it's not for sea turtles so keep your damn trash out of the ocean it's awfully bold you to assume that no sea turtle has Danny issues bill Billy hi who are you Oh blushes I'm well let's just see I'm let's just say I'm here to see your blank is your blank hard hmm not at the moment no puts puts my long-long closer to your blank why not I'll make it hard if you want I'm not nastic sorry pushes you in the wall and pulls your panties down I'll make you oh you Oh yikes and no you won't my blank isn't hard why not baby girl because I'm a boy doorknob gives a fisheye view of room you're about to enter until you see a dad clapping your mama's cheeks on it I like the guy who's just standing there a posing in the door most helpful customer reviews whatever you do do not fill up a super big gulp Cup with 5-hour energy and chug the whole thing my heart has either stopped completely or is beating so fast that I can't feel my own pulse cons I haven't slept in 72 hours I can't feel my face and I peed this morning and I'm pretty sure was 99% blooded pros I've deep cleaned my entire apartment and I can read minds wife remarries her husband as she falls in love with him again after losing her memory I'm still worthy that's not cute you know how hard you had to punch someone for them to lose their memory hey come on now come on now but that is a very cute love story don't even think about it still pouring grease and cooking oils down the drain maybe this photo will convince you it's a bad idea seems like you would feel good not gonna lie macaroni sound intensifies no and you were the guy who posted it why are you saying remember dinosaur pasta this is it now you old yet now it's just as doable hey wait a minute wait a minute wait just one second hey do we make these in adult sizes Paul wait there's no need good morning to whoever has been enjoying my coffee Kumar all week surprised you've been drinking my breast milk hope you've enjoyed Cheers PS it's organic so no worries thanks but I'll drink the rest straight from the ball to assert complete dominance over the domain and my bones will be big and strong my girlfriend said if I get 50 likes we'll try anal so please don't like this comment cuz she has a huge dildo and it scares me nah get bent she was expecting a puppy when he told her to lay on the bed wait for a surprise but the husband told the wife to cover eyes and count from 10 forced OH before stabbing her in the throat nice the hardest choices require the strongest wills pitching a movie idea to Disney alright so there's an adorable dear Walt Disney tell his mom maybe he's a cute little lion instead kill his dad make him do his cousin while you're at your future self is talking crap about you joke's on him Alfred could ruin his life and joke's on him I'll do his mom wait wait grass fairy poison fire I steal that's the gallauer pokemon gym leaders confirmed they show us ghosts coward how about the wait a few years to see this for him oh I see you're a man of culture as well I'm a girl but thanks how far can you squirt not even a second wait huh literally within that two hour period this person responds with I'm a girl then your creepy uncle one just swoops up like a creepy Superman how far can you squirt he's a weird habit you have to put my hands on my genitals when I sleep I also like to put my hands on your genitals when you sleep hey wait a minute what Warren's healing factor reverses circumcision well that's free food for life is Wolverine canonically circumcised I miss my Uncle Ben well for me it was my uncle Benjamin for me it was my father for me it was my best friend when you ask your homies how they lost their virginity nice look at that beautiful body such a vigorous shape in those eyes so hot yeah the girls cool too I guess hey wait both of these are bad naked pensioner caught having sex with cow is fine just eight dollars beef burgers with a touch of human mayonnaise nice my husband and I discovered you can get photo shower curtains now nobody will find the bodies anyway you make one dollar every day but the money appears at random places in the world so one can appear in someone's butt hole or in their circulatory system why didn't you think this hey he's just asking a question this is a kid baby human this is a kid baby goat B both scream for no reason there's no difference between them yeah but baby goats taste better Oh believe me I've tried a both I've seen pulled all the cuisine maybe flies are actually your reincarnated relatives attempting to get your attention well then I'll just have to kill him again Oh you know when I was a kid working at the pizza parlor and I dropped the whole piece on the table in front of this guy and destroyed his clothes he was so understanding about it and actually left me a tip as a restaurant manager this reaction from the guests are so relieving and heartwarming and I once ran over again my car and instead of screaming and calling me names he just lied that quietly I'll never forget this small act of kindness Oh over 100,000 confiscated weapons were used to create this twenty six foot tall knife angel statue that's nuts and you imagine a tornado passing through town oh why would you say leap your birthday boy finally marks his 18th after 72 years oh so he's legal wait every sexual fantasy you've ever had just came true has this changed your life well I go to jail Paul from boobs and butt what else do you think every lady should have access to safe abortion so we don't see trash like this I'd also like aligned nipples going up her back like a stegosaur you know this picture of Tom Howard makes you feel every single possible emotion at once even lust mostly lust I mean I get it man hi I got my account back just in case I ever get hacked again here's the only nude I've ever taken can't threaten me with it now get a life Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do hey it's completely understandable notify you and me both buddy huh geez Louise this painting is called the first moments in heaven oh I had a whole bunch of children just show up in heaven together Anakin a lady next to me on the plane started to freak out when she realized I was Pakistani I laughed so hard my grenades nearly fell out of my pocket okay I'm a Pakistani and this is bullcrap I keep my grenades in my turban oh I'm sorry when grabbing your penis it will now make a squeaky toy sound wait it's not supposed to do that already damn Mia ray nobody discovered my power and uses it a little bit dug runs towards me me no no no doubt go fetch boy fetch how do you want to die well not alone which is why I'm studying to be a pilot antenna for my earphones popping out pornhub is automatic pause mechanic my grandma's funeral watching porn in a funeral is like googling for google.com oh okay why is it open casket you want to go cop-a-feel you weirdo Wow now I can run over kids in 240 FPS thanks raiser car if dogs didn't exist what would man's best friend beef ropes or bleach my left arm has been gone for almost two months if you want to laugh and make jokes it's cool I'm so proud of my body damn if you're so special why don't you give yourself a round of applause you can't kanya that's just me hey cutting people's ear phones than given the MER pods running over the family dog then giving them a puppy seems like the same thing guys isn't sleeping in the bus considered fast travel the screen gets dark for a bit and suddenly you're in another city how high are you right now 186 centimeters why why do you ask you know I always try this on road trips sadly people always start screaming if I try this apparently it's not okay to do this as the driver but I'm a FEMINIST in the barn she told me about that Dwayne Johnson rule I should only say things to her that would be credible Saint Dwayne Johnson that sounded like a good rule so I told her your chest is freaking epic I know you don't know me but I've been watching you for years what sue animals either extinct or alive would you want to see Duke it out if possible a sea turtle vs. a Costco bulk sized pack of plastic straw you know the only open-minded presidents we've ever had yeah my favorite sex position is the JFK I splatter all over her while she tries to get out of the car Oh eating his own crap my dog eating a tasteless pill hidden in some cheese my dog hi eatin is crap hey go that's one way to do it single layer toilet paper my finger my butthole finger looking good no no no don't say made a strip club you shouldn't be here my sister on the pole neither should you you know I bet you get a family discount for the lap dance hey there you go save some money here's some fun facts the skit on the ellipse is the same as the skin for a butthole the skin inside your mouth cheeks is the same a set of Aegina a raccoon can fit in two holes four inches wide above hole can stretch up to eight inches without having permit damage don't piss off raccoons thanks Hey ladies how weird is it for a man asked to try breast milk not at all it's actually sort of strange of them at least express curiosity in my opinion I am assuming you're talking about your significant other though oh that's why that chick got so mad at the park a simple mistake happens all the time sex robots with coding errors prone to violence and constraining humans that's exactly what I paid for now that's customer service there you go we purposely made our cartridges taste horrible so nobody puts them near their mouth everyone yeah I swear to freakin Christ if you don't stop looking the switch games will coat them with cyanide and that brings us to the end of our slash curse comments I know I was in a lot of comments asking for this subreddit to come back so there it is but if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 4,614,853
Rating: 4.9475532 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments top posts, r/cursedcomments best posts, cursed comments, reddit cursed comments, r/cursedimages, r/blursedimages, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images top posts, blursed images best posts, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursed comments emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: evoCYdUFuVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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