r/Crappydesign | worst designs on the internet

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fleet to me is it all meat flavored meat beer mmm yes i realized that that meat is different than m-e-a-t for god's sake don't make the comment [Music] hey how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash crappy design my personal favorite type of design i don't want it looking good make it terrible make it make sense in a bad way all right let's get into it uh yes ass champagne my favorite wait the flavor or where it's for it doesn't matter i like it either way viggo bluetooth headset okay lets you make hands-free calls with noise cancellation but it's also an alert system and makes you blind in one eye ladies please note you're standing on a glass floor and guests can see up from below oh well at least there's a warning there why isn't there a warning for scottish people though that one could be a little bit more disastrous looked up the original image and she's wearing a bright pink shirt great what defunct soccer team's battleborn shirt whatever dude whatever man this yearbook seemingly entitled fubu's air that is the most horrifying thing i have ever seen oh god who put that monstrosity together biltieff in what though jesus christ it's also meant for a baby bounced shoes i don't know what that all moon shoes okay i guess i see what you're saying these are the versions that will destroy your ankles most likely breaking them why make the arrows different colors at all if you're going to assign them like this oh god oh god i really don't like being color blind i basically see nothing at this point i'd say a lot of advertisers and designers just absolutely don't give a rat's ass about colorblind people and it sure is great sweet peppers yes that's fantastic great ah three pack good yes advertise your car services on a broken down car good idea oh my god yeah that thing has seen much much better days what a great way to get my confidence in your mechanic abilities up sky high oh yeah what a great way to advertise your cool photo revealing pillow thing by wolverineing across the child's face that's great that'll sell plenty of pillows imagine cleaning a fan so well that you uncover two new blades now that is impressive teach me your secrets i always want to know how to clean better and more efficiently and this is the best way to do it sad and happy are the same color yeah they certainly feel the same sometimes these days dr okay i don't know what you're advertising and i don't really care my cupboard door can't fully open leaving a small dent out of the wall wow kind of reminds me of where i live now the guy that owns the place did all the work himself so it's really bad natural disasters in turkey earthquake landslide flood rockfall wildfire avalanche and then this completely unrelated pie chart it's just there for funsies apparently a smaller door was no option oh my god are you kidding me these people are licensed contractors god these smart board up down controls i have nothing to say whatsoever there's a drop off into a patio behind these oh so they're incredibly useful then i don't know try taking a selfie or something man i can't think of any solution here elsa what the hell did they do to you my god you got that peggy hill pageant makeup going on here dude exit only enter just stay to the right just stay to the god damn right two types of bolts here e and f great [Laughter] this is my alarm clock i can't push that cord all the way in and it easily falls out great what brand is this i mean i'm not planning on buying an alarm clock really ever in my life but i just need to know which brand to stay away from full f full falam custom apparel i can see why you guys are hidden away in this tiny little crappy retail space get a better name in the uk there's a website to help with gambling addiction called be gamble aware ever since ads started showing up above search results in google i've become a very bitter and angry goddamn person frostbite equals bad right hypothermia equals good not quite uh let's take a look here alright there are some warning signs of frostbite starts to get real bad ah keep warm signs of hypothermia ah yes it's very very good you would rather be freezing to death i have debts over six thousand pounds good news we can help i need support you ever see anything like this no they can't help they're not going to help you they're going to get you a different type of loan wow they didn't even try with that one did they i just give her the force or some [ __ ] you got to get this ad out asap my brother's mask each little dot is a hole oh cool so your brother's a [ __ ] that's awesome man weren't these the masks that the cdc said to stop wearing because they're literally worse than wearing no mask god damn it can't be this hard [ __ ] for the advertisement of this house for sale they photoshopped fake furniture instead of just showing the empty rooms or staging the house oh yeah it looks so good though you can really see how you can use the space i'm i stone love with you right kids duh thing home kit kids whatever yes i can read my parents decided putting these metal lower cupboard handles at knee height would be a good idea my knees are purple oh my god what a smart move you totally needed handles on those all right which floor are we going to m k i g e c or a god there is literally no rhyme or reason to these floors is there street lamp blocking garage door well my rent sure as hell better be lower for that mofo look if you're going to take some stuff away you got to give a little bit back here alright i only get half of my garage blue for high red for low yes that makes complete sense when we're talking about temperature who put this together this cheese packaging makes it look moldy oh yeah i've seen these before absolutely disgusting i'm not going to buy your cheese and that's coming from a guy that eats cottage cheese for god's sake okay nail varnish that makes your nails look dirty that looks great and by great i mean really bad don't do that please what's the meaning of the cover of this notebook weekend loading it's shoe time the item for six nuggets also uses the same picture well it most certainly does doesn't it honestly this is one of those ones where we're getting kind of nitpicky who gives a crap honestly all you should care about is that you're getting five nuggets the only real problem here is that four nuggets and five nuggets are separate and they're the same dang price also dude six bucks where is this oh my god there is absolutely no way in hell this is actually supposed to be a cool design no way wow dude me personally i'd like the entire party to think i shat myself with the force of a thousand suns let's illustrate the volkswagen scandal with a hyundai photo someone didn't want to shell out for a photo of a volkswagen one is a pocket the other is for ventilation and goes straight down and out rip to pretty much all phones and small items that you accidentally put in the ventilation pocket welcome to the one aisle where shopping carts are not allowed that's right whether you think you can fit them down here or not you're wrong pedestrian crossing right in the middle of a car park exit great this is apparently a clean wash basin no no it's so isn't i refuse to believe the words that just came out of your keyboard smart and books toys party the dumbest sign for a smart store spaghetti you couldn't just put some spaghetti in there just a little bit how hard is it to take practical photos text under spongy reads try it once and you'll never forget it what the hell is this save up to five percent when you buy more love premium post a you plug what what am i buying am i getting the waffle maker am i getting the plug am i getting some waffles my house has many of these architect flaws i live in brazil one of them is the flaw in the ceiling of the living room stairs that makes my mom's bathroom have stairs see normally i think the stair thing is okay when the toilet is on top of the stairs cause you know it's the throne but it's a little bit weird when you're done taking a dump and you gotta walk up a step or two to wash your hands where in the hell do these go is this just a little study nook landing or something i'm highly confused i thought the winchester house was you know a private residence not what looks like a college campus this reflective tile lets you see into the stall from outside talk about crappy design oh yeah that's just weird man come on i'm going to guess that this is somewhere in the united states i really really really despise how we've handled public restrooms just in general after my visit to the uk we're doing it so unnecessarily and stupidly wrong it's just disgusting why are we doing this reminds me of when i went to middle school the stalls didn't have doors they just didn't they didn't think we needed doors on the stalls why are we doing this not only did they photoshop the light incorrectly they even put the personal sunlight when there's actual sunlight in the same image wait what what the hell personal sunlight for you or you could get actual vitamin d huh i have no idea what my local sushi place is called moopin my pen i don't know just know that it's probably decent food i was told this was a good place to post this the placement of this faucet is too far back and you basically have to press your hand against the sink to use it i actually have seen quite a few sinks in public places that are like this i don't get it i don't get most of this though what time is it oh shoot man i don't know boney's bar mega cocktail store what a mega cocktail store enjoy cycling station uh everyday mega happy hours price 12 02 pm until 8 22 pm and sometimes 22 58 until 2 a.m or 23 58 until 2 a.m literally no space to stand nor sit well at least it's got a proper privacy door advertising content you created in the trash folder on your site what light up stomp rocket i genuinely don't like the name of that product but what i'm most concerned about here is that fake shirt the way the volume keys are arranged on my new keyboard maybe it shouldn't be your new keyboard anymore sure you found a stock photo of a woman with that hideous jewelry on but you couldn't have a model just put the damn watch on their wrist not sure if this webcam from amazon is five inches or two feet long oh my god yeah that's a bit of a size disparity isn't it probably best not to go with this brand go with a brand that's real ah yes i can understand everything that's going on here yep complete clarity the road long is we on carry try to have fun right be so happy that when others look at they become you happy too sorry that tripped me up for a second this is just awful and just like that we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents but before we get going let's go ahead and take a look at today's fan art little mk drawing i made and i hope it will be in one of the videos if it does send me the link in the comments to remember how damien and robin were the reason i joined reddit oh that's just adorable i like the incorporation of the little alien guy what's his name again oh that's right snoo always remember ladies and gents if you even somewhat enjoyed this video to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 484,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Crappydesign
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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