r/Crappydesign | BARCODE HAIR

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all right fine it says ice ream bakery lottery [Music] what what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i'm going to be critiquing some more posts from r slash crappy design because they're low hanging fruit and that's really all i can go after so without much further ado let's get right in all right and we're starting off pretty strong there seems to be a capital letter a in every corner of every single freaking keycap for some reason who in the world thought this was a good idea there always were only 25 letters in the alphabet right right that date is now marked every year by asl day uh uh most android owners don't know this do this now do what what are we what are we doing to this iphone what's happening my excitement's starting to fade that seems like a bit of a lawsuit magnet if you ask me this horse's butt on a memorial stone in france oh damn someone's got some junk to haul around in there me and my clones on the job oh my god i do not like that i feel like they did this to save money but did it really save them enough please make sure the headphone cord is fully connected to the headphone and the device otherwise the left and right voices may be unbalanced or silent gee thanks for swapping the colors there real helpful oh my god i'll give it a try all employees including techs will wear nitrile gloves gloves will uh uh each vehicle is serviced our waiting rooms are closed okay i got that one oh god no i'm sorry i gotta throw on the towel here this is awful for contactless payment press start i'm gonna say that one more time for contactless payment press start cvs trying to connect with the younger generation would you like to save 10 on your purchase today ask an associate for details they print this out on a little kodak photo printer too well it ain't gonna suck itself this dinosaur in one of the kids books at our school the 3d effect just makes it worse oh no the teeth why the teeth these tiles that are designed pre-worn and dirty ooh ooh that's awful how in the world did we discover a design worse than pre-ripped jeans please answer me that question this is awful i mean i know we're in the correct place for horrid things or rather horridly designed things i mean it's in the name but i wasn't expecting that vintage casserole yo that looks gross why what is up with designing things to look dirty or destroyed these stairs carpeted with a pattern that makes it hard to see the edge oh look more lawsuits incoming folks and a lot of broken ankles who the hell you think you're looking at like that man seriously stop it you're making me really uncomfortable he's undressing me with his eyes winter park autumn fart 2018 festival i give up although how fun would an autumn fart festival be phobia it is an excessive and irrational fear reaction if you have a phobia you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear that one wasn't as hard to read but seriously does nobody understand how to use strokes on text msi trying to put fibonacci in an official image of their creator's cases oh come on guys really that is the biggest stretch i have ever seen no no uh-uh see i don't want to go to fosbuck or fokiebuck or whatever else you want to call it it's my favorite time of year full yeah when all the leaves start to fall off of the trees and the temperature falls and the sun falls faster in the sky than it does during the summer i'm willing to bet there's at least a few people that wouldn't mind this but those are the types of people that we should have locked away for a very long time or they're smart and they've decided to self-isolate from society for the rest of their lives the rest of us however not really down with this plan somebody in loves me wow what a brilliant piece of merch let me guess since it's a drawstring hoodie it's what nine thousand dollars the made in india label should have been placed elsewhere warning made in india oh you don't have to tell me twice let's find a different one shall we open safe clean we're here for your family children's ult house located in nutmeg plaza what a lovely sounding place nutmeg plaza how cute really bad design job though the sign language lady hidden behind the tv logo can't see your gestures oh that's just bullcrap come on how did they not see this one coming for real so the light shines on the overhang not on the apartment numbers all right let's take a look here oh how useful thank you thank you very much really making my job a lot easier here the toilet door at my new workplace has its lock on the outside oh that's just right for the pranking am i right come on i would lock so many people i know in the toilet also gotta say the very first time i've ever heard the phrase toilet door used and i'm totally fine with using it from here on out always remember measure once cut several times or was it measured twice cut once no that couldn't have been it the far right setting is not high it's actually keep warm which is the lowest temperature setting guess whose meatballs were barely cooked after five hours oh let me guess let me guess yours oh that's right oh what you mean to tell me you couldn't tell the difference between straight lines and squiggly lines did you not study hieroglyphics in school squiggly line stands for keep your meatballs warm my toaster is slowly melting its own plastic off you might want to call the manufacturer and say hey give me my goddamn money back this isn't safe no really this is quite the fire hazard guy i need a little bit of help understanding exactly what i'm looking at here i see brain skull spine lungs heart kidneys so on and so forth but it looks like it's packaged into steve minecraft yes the steve minecraft he's just missing some limbs always look beautiful with cosmetic tattooing no no stop come on guys we're gonna go find nemo every orange child shirt matters day wait a minute i'm a little bit confused here even if i read it every child matters orange shirt day it's still a little confusing to me i mean every child matters really my mom's last aliexpress order geographically incorrect tags it works both for italy and france travel journals well i hate to be this guy but that's kind of what you get from ordering anything from aliexpress or from wish.com for that matter huh seems a bit hypocritical to me say goodbye to paper first of all you little [ __ ] would you look at that it's a highly illegal children's bouncy house and slide not a thing about this seems licensed ask me how i know ooh sign me right up guys i mean i don't know what you're advertising here but sign me up anyway you'd have to be a pretty skilled plumber to organize your pipes like a lot of people organize their cables what the hell is this what is this he's got a mouth he's got some buck teeth growing out of his nose this poor guy just put him out of his misery oh yes how helpful thank you make sure that you can bunny hop if you're in a wheelchair for this one a trump ad i just saw featuring some russian soldiers one is holding a pkm and another is holding a russian sniper and some very obviously russian jets flying over coincidence well i think not uh seniors 2021 horrible design guys go back to the drawing board before you graduate all right thank you what a perfect design now i can shoot the water all over the counter rub my hands on the wet counter and that's how we're gonna do things now children's clothing store named sin city that sounds a little bit messed up apparently six is the only number you need to know absolutely can confirm yes well i've gone my entire life without knowing any other numbers it's only been six the model isn't wearing the socks i have encountered this a couple of times in the wild and every single time all i can think is wow the company doesn't even like its product enough to make the model wear the product i guess we really all have fallen on hard times this year hang in there spidey it'll get better soon man i tell you what we sure have seen a lot of lawsuits waiting to happen today and i think this is the actual worst of them all even if this is inside your home someone's gonna sue using seven full stars to show 4.8 you got to admire the balls on these companies i say companies highly loosely for advertising their incredibly fake products with really strange rating scales look man more stars equals more better put more star oh my good god i don't know what to say i'm genuinely at a loss for words with what i'm looking at here whoever owns the house that this bathroom is in you're gonna get what's coming to you understand just you wait until god hears about this the taps in my engineering college were so far back that you can't actually wash your hands properly i would have thought that they would have noticed this you know since it's an engineering college well you put a little bit too much faith in the common man even if they have the title of engineer i mean i've held the title of customer service representative many times in my life i think you can take some guesswork from there that's right my customers went home looking like taps that were pushed too far back on the sink you know i never thought i would see a dial weirder than the ones we see on fans that go high to low but high low medium that's a new one thanos mask infinity glove latex headwear full head adult teens helmet halloween cosplay costume 50 bucks for that okay thomas you don't have to look all mad it's a job okay actually dangerous multi-tool the knife doesn't lock in completely while you have the pliers out luckily i haven't caught my hand on it too bad but i've had a couple of scares man more lawsuits in the making today jeez maybe the super short warranty should have tipped you off huh this illustration of a family in my indonesian 8th grade book tipos family yeah look at them go they really are t posing it up kinda cool i won't lie we come yes we do i guess wait no no don't not this year okay stay home three miles ahead i think i'll get sick now what the hell does this mean what does this mean eight five five wins who wins this guy what's his name we don't know what does that mean we can't call you this sign in my math class shows x cheating to win when o has already won ain't that absolutely something look man take it from me don't pay attention to anything on classroom walls you don't need it it's a whole other world that you needn't concern yourself with can anybody guess what my boyfriend's yearbook says no at least i can't i can't speak for everyone in the world but i can take a guess that no one's going to be able to decipher this one so hooray mk as chara oh ain't that just the sweetest little thing and just like that ladies and gentlemen we have come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 225,823
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Id: ehn3gr2QfTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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