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I can't believe Joe did that wait who's Joe Joe mama thanks little NOS xtreme panini what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash comedy heaven challenge number 6 unfollow 3 people who's posts do not honor christ and that's a hefty challenge but listen if you got three people who don't own a christ in their posts the three people not worth keeping and that's when the word of god that's palms 3:18 I can't say that last time I quoted the Bible verse it turned out being something really bad so I'm not I don't want to do it again invite me to your house okay I mean you seem like a nice enough guy looks like you took it you look like you know how to make a nice dinner for me and the kids sit down watch click with Adam Sandler you know the works I like this guy seems like a real family man a real family guy sweet lord funny cool or just plain weird find uncommon artwork that smacks you in the heart it's smacking me somewhere I'll pay I have much Oh candy first then floss take it from me I'm a skeleton I'm all bones in memorium crazy frog singer activist if we can get some rest in peace crazy frogs in the comments that'd be fantastic for a fallen hero a fallen legend thank you very much I teach man lessons my wife teaches woman lessons I will teach your son how to fight bleed and gum she will teach your daughter how to Bell a long hand and pink chocolates before it's too late before it's too late okay it's a compelling business proposal my friend I am Drake ask me anything yes it is me Drake please ask me anything how I'm Drake why I'm Drake we're I'm Drake oh boy let's try and let's try and pronounce this Andrei's KO penis Dale janessa do Armenia is referring to jealous wait hold on if I'm understanding this correctly is he referring to the Armenian Genocide that's a thing right that was a thing don't tell nobody but there's a cat in the gay bar let him in he looks like he's out for a night on the town a serial killer with a big Delaware yeah okay BTS is animals a thread I'm gonna mispronounce this name I'm sorry BTS stands seokjin sugar glider thank you thank you for sharing dude sorry I can't take your call right now the pizza's sin is calling just kidding it's a fake don't smoke Bob I've got gates take it from me almost get in with human lungs I'll smoke sauce car vroom chia is with kuru dough cruza Maki sick congratulations to the newlyweds does anyone know what this is chair with an added footrest for you gamers out there needing to relax you little piggies I don't know who this guy is but it looks like he's made of cheese Oh Josh you simple-minded buffoon I love that notable moments in 1865 July 25th 1865 beary contracted dysentery and died that is the most notable moment of the poor Berry's life make it some rest in peace berries someone cosplaying the actual convention center that's a little meta I like that is there a cost is there a convention going on inside the cosplay of the convention that's kind of cool that's a lot of that that takes some creativity I actually really appreciate that hey look it's Tom Cruise I don't know what kind of food you're holding man well first of all I know that's not Tom Cruise second of all why are you holding I want to say I try it but I want to know what it is first before I agree to trying it whatever it is I hope it was tasty man death from laughter cruciferous allegedly died of laughter after witnessing a donkey eating his figs was that the funniest thing you've ever seen Chris suppose is this real that's kind of that's kind of oddly fascinating to me that's kind of oddly fascinating to me the idea of dying laughing I hope that's how I go out there's how a pickle then partially did pickle my camera how do you pickle a camera just a little this is a real video I kind of want to watch it source sauce name um disgusting dog ah my pee pee stuck in drawer and guys don't be alarmed but uh that's egg shearing pretty important guy this day four years ago I fisted this one chick almost to the elbow that's a memory you can't forget the elbow god bless sir god bless you meet the girl obsessed with cockroaches but it's cut off it's cut off in YouTube just thanks thanks for that we have everything and we got the red arrows we got the grossed out face we got the girl covered in cockroaches recipe for a banger video my doctor said if I don't get GF I'll die I'm not a liar see I've got a text from doctor get GF or die so please even my horse has the right to keep God in its life does it now I feel rather cynical o Lord O Lord that's is there audio with this hold on I gotta put my headphones on there's no audio to this that's completely totally silent what is what is the message and kind of intimidated I'm not gonna lie dia yo go down to the store pick up a couple of hexagons for two bucks $0.99 this just cushion cut into hexagons is that why it's flavorless oh when I mean really who the heck win honestly that stormtroopers looking kind of sexy let's say he takes the dub Hector Allen sends a I'm 12 yeah all right Hector I believe him that's the face of an 11 year old if I've ever seen one neck tattoo and all my dog get hit by a car today this is making me smiled though is he okay no he got hit by a car stupid idiot you tell me Orlando karate teacher sent nude photos to eleven-year-old boy in her class his reply okay I don't care of course it's a Florida thing only a Florida only a crazy Florida woman would be like well I do I sure do love my karate class so much so that I'm gonna say one of the underage kids on my karate class nudes you deserve whatever jail time you got and then some okay so a used Joseph for 99 cents only two minutes left on that bid two I'm gonna take that up I could do what a Joseph around the house dan kids juju on that beat accident was it the next thing because it looks like to me that dad just chokeslammed the hell out of his toddler gotten 7 point 5 million views so I guess it wasn't that bad but that kid is gonna have some serious damage i troll back to my last cigarette before I went to prison for two years and three months back in June 2015 before you went to prison or went back to prison my man I don't know about Gio but a guy hanging around in a trash can already seems down on his luck it's gonna Grouch what's going on here to those who hit jewel under 18 became addicted you can now seek significant financial compensation in a new lawsuit I don't think there's any financial compensation for that actually is that Austin he's a kangaroo and he's deceased a lot of dead things today can we did Neff and Chad frost Jesus the games catch up Boehner go on grab a packet or two they're only two scooby-doo's wife walks into the kitchen and slams a pile of legal documents onto the tables goobie looks up and shocked reverse life status just checking in still crying by the giant pigeon i understand me too I got a big old bat hi bro hey what's up man boom that's what happens we got a big old bat has he come to save the world or destroy it manga Messiah nice they don't have any more tomatoes do you still want the same sandwich yeah it's fine thanks you okay yeah my bad all right boss stop thinking and you could speak microwave me okay democratic debate here's question from mr. burning Sanders will you make mind craft legal to play in class during school answer or coward at burning Sanders a five-star review minecraft is minecraft yes could ep it's Bobby shmurda is missing hat deep-fried and put on a sandwich hmm tastes like Sh morning good morning everybody we have canceled netball and soccer for today due to the rain if you were unable to collect your child at home time that you'll be taken taken we're taking win Obama looks gay running down the stairs Obama running down Air Force One stairs with gay hands and that's just a video I got a sea pee and poo pants if you truly want to be left alone nothing will keep people away like these pee and poo pants the front is designed to look like you were drenched in urine while the brown doubt bag said creates it even more eye-catching visual be left to your bidness with pee and poo pants hey speaking of being booyah BP poo poo on the side he bought the pants in 1965 stop looking at those phones while you're at the table but it was weird back then 35 minute drive one direction no pickles that's equivalent to a bar with no beer everything else was decent but no pickles hall I think got fire the person that does the ordering no fried pickles on Easter hmm fried pickles I think there's some more serious things to answer there buddy he threw a piece of bread at my head so I pushed him down hashtag I'm not he got a spaghetti all over his face yummy yummy yummy pizza hutt cheesy bites and Pan's Labyrinth which is equally as cheesy no no no no this sucks so much I'm screening so my parents with all the pain to me without Google Plus Google Plus Google Plus Google arts and culture Google photos kuku Brazil Google glass Google glass Google Russian please please please do not let Google Plus diet so many memories amen appreciate that dark Mewtwo right into dank memes huh you know I wish potatoes could talk I don't know why I don't want to know what those spud buds will be saying I'm a quick kid I don't have much time Obama's last name is and that's when he was taken out rest in peace Harambee The Whistleblower we never thought we deserved until now veggie tale fact the only true cringe-worthy interest is right-wing politics what do you guys say about that Rajesh Rajesh the thanks how about you rate my dinner hey why is there a Photoshop to fork I didn't want people to think I didn't have a fork you could have fooled me buddy he could have fooled me and this won't fool me though it's two kids hosing in front of gorillas but let's be real here those kids are photoshopped in that gorillas not even man even in the picture hey fellas it's me Honka though i always hit my target i know to always clean up after myself if i miss please respect others when using this bathroom what I'm trying to say is clean up your stinky piss arrested piece in advance I could see a cheetah there where there's a chair next to you buddy why hello it is I Gimbels nan Trumbo posts a job needed for science experiment you will give me your body while Gimbels needs it and what Gimbels needs Gimbels gets when now nearly pooed on myself at school well EDP 445 tell me go ahead to tell me friend what happened is got six pecks and look at him he really do he's a buff guy what's your workout routine man Sharon I'm trying to get buff for the for the winter air BnB sleep under my brother's horse horse warmth to keep you warm a bond will be fought I'll warn the only ones do not touch the horse and then this seems like prime pooping distance for that horse dude Maria 49 dollars a night I'm good why is there 20 reviews hey dudes a Smeagol rap stealing the precious and hiding in the grass we'll take and all staff and shove it up your bum that doesn't rhyme she command me and say I love you are you kidding my bf I say sorry sister I only GF high-standard girls hashtag swag my man swagged out the weak can never forgive forgiveness is an attribute of the strong schnitzel radda radda radda I found this note my statistics class left by some eighth greatest studies dead thanks surgery for my legs cuz I can't stand you huh oh donate Oh donate I like to hear so much I could just poop yeah we'll do it I dare you drop trou right now my teen self and today after work I need a cute teen girlfriend oh I think you're one receding hairline too old for this for this group Paul's gonna be honest with you man top artists crazy frog crazy frog crazy frog crazy frog and crazy frog top songs axel F that's all what you listen to this year man's listened nine million four hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred and thirty one table genre crazy frog that's fat I agree epic P P gamer hey don't worry about Dwayne he just needs some sloppy toppy tonight Dwayne looks like the kind of guy to grab a bit of a bit of a sloppy toppy if you know I'm talking about looking back cuz we can't move forward looking forward cuz you don't want me back lookin right cuz you left me looking left cuz you don't treat me right yeah is that right is that so and here's an awesome trick with lighters if you want to heat up your drugs door like this is awfully efficient why you deleting a youtube channel oh I got trolled I see ok ok asleep gotta get the Walmart is that so Shaq hey what is the cloud hopper and how are you tweeting from it that is my question vibe check crack sick vibe bro Wednesday some of us like Wednesday including me I love Wednesday and that brings us the end of our slash County heaven if you like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,467,678
Rating: 4.9478598 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven best posts, r/comedyheaven top posts, comedy heaven, reddit comedy heaven, r/comedycemetery, comedy cemetery, r/comedycemetery best posts, r/comedycemetery top posts, comedy heaven best posts, comedy heaven top posts, reddit funny, r/comedyheaven emkay, comedy heaven emkay, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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