r/Comedyheaven | Goodbye Larry

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the following media includes potentially sensitive content basic morning routine right oh not veggie tales how the hell did they corrupt you too [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk it's me your host robin you know the bird and today we're gonna be taking a look at r slash comedy heaven is it really heaven because i think it's hell okay let's get right on in there a cow with antlers atop a pole wikipedia contains other images and articles that are similarly shocking or utterly amusing [Music] my daughter gabrielle was angry about the birthday gift i got her so she flushed her great great grandmother's ashes down the toilet holy crap there's no way that is true and if it is you should probably flush your daughter down the toilet too i mean come on you can always make another daughter i know that you're 74 allegedly but come on 10 crazy things british gamers have done can we go talk to gizzy gazza really quick what would he have to say about this just told all of the kids on the plane that it was the battle bus they all jumped off wow i really love ninja religious beliefs oh dear oh no no no no no i don't think that's why anybody subscribed to you dude rap snacks notorious b.i.g cookout barbecue sauce potato chips i actually saw a different package of these in a 7-eleven recently they didn't look that great i may be blind but at least i'm not black oh man you no no no i'm not i'm not gonna touch this one okay where's that 50-foot pole blu-ray well yeah i guess you're technically correct on that one cool blueberry this is pretty insane oh yeah it most certainly is who took a bite out of it because i'm pretty sure the spray paint is gonna kill him beware of bob why why should i be aware of bob what's bob gonna do no seriously what the hell is this guy supposed to do to me huh every time i fight bosses makes me wanna crap my pants okay wait what grandma 11 missed calls is [ __ ] a restaurant oh no grandma no no no who told you that word but yes it is they have excellent ranch sauce and we have a reservation hey little man how's it going yeah what is this my new cat i thought it was a selfie what a wise guy i thought it was a picture of you in the nursery when you were born you just look like your mother damn okay don't get smart with grammy doug vs cheese doug versus a 10-pound wheel of cheese okay did doug win or did the 10-pound wheel of cheese become the victor please let me know click to end this chicken it's a 55 second long video i really doubt that i've ended the chicken by clicking on it what the hell's in that video oh man the curiosity's gonna be too much i'm gonna do it send me the chubbiest kitten i realize now this says kitten and not chicken oh well i'm not complaining i got new clothes uh i mean closes come on serena you've got one more try before your brain locks you out of your account sides zinger piece half liter [ __ ] jumbo [ __ ] one fifth leader [ __ ] or a cheese slice oh man i need me that jumbo [ __ ] whoa there is absolutely and i mean absolutely no way in heaven hell or this earthly plane of bullcrap that this is real this kid literally brought a jug of water to class and is just drinking out of it i hate college and i hate white people wow what are white folks gonna do next stay hydrated oh man those kooky white people whoever took a crap in the toilets at the polling station should be absolutely ashamed of themselves there are children crying in here damn boy what the hell did you eat what a date with me is like no no no no not with you that's a date with zach believe me i know i've been on several with him and this is exactly what it's like although his stare is a little bit more menacing if you could believe it oh my god little kids stop what are you doing he said bieber rocks and eminem sucks finish him nobody can say eminem sucks oh no no no i get it we actually are in hell guys no wonder it's so hot and smoky down here why people don't ever use this this emoji is a person too god that guy lost his mind so long ago she kind of fine good english tyler she kind of fine it's she's not she okay that's actually quite scary who the hell is that guy for pride month y'all should rename it to fall gays and add pride flag skins no shut the [ __ ] up man kisser all right well jesus christ i just thought it'd be kind of a funny idea you know like it's funny it's cute it's you get it you get it it's play on words a word word play you know we're just never mind um show me what you can do with your fingers oh hey i can do that maxim gilbert oh my god it's flat [ __ ] also known as flat ass in my book foliage color green yes purple what color is yes can someone enlighten me down below please hey you free today frick yeah i am oh i get caught he live in america and here in america it's the only free country in the world what are you doing step frog oh no oh no dude you need to get out of there now oh my god the film crew's already here no no no no no no no contracts have been written we got a union man victory lady fitness center cigar vape cbd kratom glass tobacco charitable gaming wait what charitable gaming how the hell does that fit in with kratom new profile pic hamster what is that we found giant hamsters on the streets of brazil well i mean yeah i guess they are giant hamsters right me and my pirate girlfriend holding hands me bb your hands are so cold her that's me hook oh [ __ ] dude no way start investing with as little as five dollars with easy equities australia platform fees nah minimum trades ah easy to use platform with access to australian and us shares absolutely finally an easy way to invest asmr you are an ipad you know i always felt like an ipad alright daddy peck me in the face the sopranos every kiss of respect on the cheek and forehead it really does belong on that website doesn't it everything is coming together folks alright jamie bull what are you trying to do looking to purchase a kitten under 10 must be in mint condition i have a black baby looking for a kitten but thanks lol it is a kitten well glenda you need to use your language a little bit more effectively sure through context clues i'm sure we could figure out what you meant that's easy enough but you have to realize that you did say something a little messed up watch germa 985 live i don't think i want to it makes me kind of uncomfortable germa you good dude what's going on man how you feeling or don't answer me that's fine too jerk please do not pee while lucid dreaming you will wake up with pee in pant okay i'm gonna tell you guys a little secret this guy is a hundred percent correct why totally not because i did it myself a few days ago no no no see i'm just really smart so i know that what he's saying is true shut up i didn't piss myself huff post oh boy here we go marge simpson fires back at trump advisor's kamala harris insult oh yeah that did happen didn't it man this timeline sucks ass markiplier reacts to world war ii holy crap i'm not even remotely gonna bother to check if this is real or not why because i have a reasonable suspicion that it is i mean it's markiplier i've met the man it's totally believable we're putting [ __ ] inside eminem's wait wha what'd you just say you're putting what inside m m's excu hey uh what type of m ms was i eating a minute ago what'd you get you got what oh god dang it no wonder it tasted so good whoa oh you see you see no absolutely not all right let's see we got a 59 mouse we have a 93 dollar mouse that looks identical and then we have a pregnant single rat all right what kind of dps you think i can get out of the pregnant rat though life could be a dream oh now that's a pelvis oh yeah it is isn't it damn all right please not my pepperoni why not there's plenty you can share look at how big that pizza is come on don't be selfish pizza roll only five hundred dollars a deep state of meditation which may lead to extraordinary states of consciousness i fell asleep and flying around my house it was awesome while i was flying i wanted to poop so i flew to my bathroom and poop when i woke up there was poop in my pant ps4 pro one terabyte black ah then why you showing me a picture of captain cheeseburger head flute or clarinet i am not sure well at least you priced it plenty low run okay uh for how long let's see who can drive what's the correct order all three at the same time but watch out when you see it oh no way no way look at that pixel in the bottom left oh my god can't believe it took me that long to notice yeah sex is great but have you ever been in a relationship with someone where sex isn't to focus at all and instead focus on developing a deep emotional connection rather than a physical one is it normal for my [ __ ] to be yellow father of 23 kids only had sex at night because he thought sperm was sleep he thought sperm was sleep i know it sound dumb but think about it they little humans just like us they gotta sleep dude is this an onion article like a really low level bad onion article he is suffering yeah but for 29.95 you could bring that suffering into your bedroom i felt pain when dentists took my tooth out oh i know uh am i missing something no pooping thank you yeah no problem what is it we can smell from a quarter of a mile away blood not toast no eugene i think i'm having a stroke oh god not again be bright together oh my god what did you do someone could not make up their mind in the skyrim character creation tool roadside trouble yeah it looks like it ah good old taco bell try try what you got something new for me to try are you asking me to step up on you cause look don't get me wrong i'll get up all in your face taco bell i'll take your ass down i mean eventually i will if you don't make the five layer burrito 89 cents again celebrating my one pound weight loss with 12 pounds of mcdonald's hey at least it looks like you got water or a thermos of vodka i am the wither send boob pics yeah i don't know if that's gonna work man although i'll give you an a plus for this one sunny d official said you the guy she told you not to worry about guys this ain't it robin looking at a cool leaf with the mk logo oh look how cute i am okay but for real though what tree does that leaf grow on i'm a little curious and just like that we have come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video then consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later you
Channel: undefined
Views: 577,386
Rating: 4.950098 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/comedyheaven, comedyheaven, comedyheaven emkay, emkay comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven emkay, r/comedycemetery, r/comedycemetery emkay, comedycemetery emkay, emkay comedycemetery, gilbert, surreal humour, so bad it's good, bonehurtingjuice
Id: 7GsLRQ5azVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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