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welcome to r slash choosing beggars where free is way too expensive i set out little miniature bob ross paintings around my tourist town for people to find and i have an instagram specifically for the project i post about it in the town's tourist page and people frequently request paintings to be put on certain dates but this is a first for me hey can you put a picture out in front of the disney resort somewhere on august 7th i'll text you and let you know what time will work thanks oh i'm glad you like them but i prefer folks find them organically when i paint them it's completely dependent on my work schedule if you'd like to get too mailed to you one to keep and one to hide for someone else to find you can donate to one of my preferred charities listed on my featured story called get your own thank you so much for reaching out and i hope you enjoy your time here i'm not gonna pay for it i just want my kid to find it it will be organic i just need to make sure you put it out sometime when we'll be there and can run down and go grab it unfortunately that defeats the purpose of the project which is providing random art for unsuspecting individuals to find i do place clues as soon as the pictures are claimed you can also donate to one of the preferred charities and send me a receipt and i'll mail you to and cover the cost of shipping and all if you'd like to place one of those and lead your child to them you can my preferred charities are the black arts future fund or blank programs for exceptional people but you can choose your own as long as it's art centered you suck and why would i donate to a black charity all lives matter and that's the end of that have a nice day come on opie you can do much better than that instead of just shutting them down you could have said okay i've hid a painting really well where you asked for it happy hunting my family has a restaurant on a greek island we receive dozens of messages like these every year hello i hope you're well i recently heard about your restaurant from a friend of mine who mentioned you served greek dishes and vegan options i would love to come here with my friend in exchange for social media tagging i've visited greece quite a few times and one thing i struggle to find is places with veggie and vegan options i would love to speak about this to my audience i'll be in coast from july 18 to july 21st for the last three years i've been responding with the following we're very flattered that you chose our restaurant and we're very sure we'll make your dinner memorable the last few years we've launched a social responsibility policy with instagram foodies and influencers for every meal we sell to an influencer who posts our dishes on instagram we give a meal of the same value for free to someone in need a homeless person a refugee etc and that way we gain publicity from your posts and you improve your brand image by showing that you can return something to the community we always post the influencers that join the initiative and usually receive hundreds of positive responses please let us know your thoughts best regards and then op clarifies that no one has ever accepted to come under this condition that is to pay for their food even if i'll then offer free food of the same value to people in need most of the time they don't even reply and some even delete their original message dear influencers you're just making a fool out of yourselves by trying to create a fake cosmopolitan lifestyle based on begging hey man you do portraits right i'm thinking of surprising my girlfriend with one for a birthday which is tomorrow do you think you could do that for me sure thing man i'm gonna have to bump up the price a little bit since it's a rush for me here's a piece i finished today okay looks sick when can you start on it as soon as you send me the payment the full price is 40 euros my paypal is blank after payment you can send me some pictures to work off and i'll get to work right away uh i don't know about that man can you do 20 dollars i can remove the rush loading fee to make it 35 euros but i can't go lower than that f man you got me on my hands and knees here i'm really in a rough spot in our relationship right now and i badly need to save it i'll look like a real piece of garbage if i don't get her a present i can point you in the direction of some cheaper artists if you like the folks over on our slash slave labor would be happy to help you out no listen my girlfriend is a really big fan of this sort of art style and i need it just from you please man i'm really thinking of wiping her up i need this more than anything it's really tough to hear that but i can't do anything for you i'm sorry if you and your sucky jagged art anyway you literal human parasites your parents must really hate you with your sucky art school degree that won't get you anywhere okay i've reconsidered i can actually do it for ten dollars sorry about that i'm glad you've agreed to a compromise by it i meant this custom artwork thanking you for your business and then op sends him a picture that just says f you say hi to r slash choosing beggars that'll be tense macaroos please one thing i'd like to point out on this post that you may have missed is that this conversation takes place at 11 13 p.m which means that this guy waited until less than an hour away from his girlfriend's birthday to buy her a birthday present on this next post op is selling a galaxy s10 for 250 bucks the previous night op and the choosing beggar had agreed on 180 bucks and he said he only had 160. then the choosing beggar sends this i've got 75 bucks i'm in blank right now 75 yeah i'm in blank right now lol please i'm in blank we agreed on 180 yes but all i got is 75 dollars to my name you said you had 160. yeah that was before like three days ago i've got 75 if not i'm heading back home meet me at blank north broadway let me know when you get here and then about 30 minutes later where you at i'm here waiting for you at blank county jail meet me in the parking lot you need to go inside and turn yourself in for trying to rob me dude if all you've got is 75 to your name maybe you shouldn't be trying to buy a phone maybe you should be trying to get oh i don't know food this next post is an update to a previous post that i covered on this channel in the original post op is an artist and a choosing beggar contacted her and said that since his mom gave op a free haircut opie has to paint a 5 meter by 7 meter mural of him opie has to paint him a 5 meter by 7 meter mural for free and then op posted an update i'm emailing you to inform you that i will be suing you i was watching r slash the youtube channel hey that's me and i saw our email conversation on there that is completely unacceptable of you to post my private information and our private conversations online for people to stalk me your lawyer will be hearing from my lawyer about this as this is a breach of trust do not contact me again and then op replies okay so firstly i don't have a lawyer i'm 22. secondly yeah i saw it too haha i thought he captured your likeness pretty well but you're dumber than i thought if you think people are going to stalk you from that there's no information whatsoever on reddit or youtube so calm down i don't know who your lawyer is going to be contacting but we don't live in the same country so i'm pretty sure nothing will come of this hope your mom had a good birthday so there we have it firsthand evidence that my voices of karen and kevin are actually 100 percent true to life accurate also mr choosing beggar if you're out there and you see this post too please email me i would love to hear from you and all the reasons why i'm helping people stalk you even though all your information is completely blurred out so i saved up enough money to buy my friend to river island back for her 16th birthday i think it was around 35 pounds or something like that because she was complaining her bag was broken and she really wanted a new one i was pretty happy to buy it for because we've been friends a long time and she needed it i was really excited to see the look on her face when she opened it because i personally loved the bag and it was such good quality i was gonna buy one for myself at a later date but anyway once she opened it her face looked so disappointed i waited for her to say something but she sat quietly for another minute or so then she said in a harsh tone why didn't you tell me what you were buying i would have told you what color to get i hate this color it's also too small i just won't use it at all in fact where's the receipt so i can take it back and get a different one i couldn't actually believe what she just said i thought she was joking but she wasn't i thought she would have loved the dark purple color because i remembered her admiring someone else's once before and the size shouldn't have really been an issue because her previous bag had been of a similar size and she couldn't fit a lot in it after about 30 seconds of her saying that i just said you're choking right and she just bluntly said no why would i be joking this bag is hideous i thought you were joking when you gave it to me all i did after that is calmly took the bag off her and said if you don't want it i'll have it i hope you find a better bag she did not like this and said is that it you're just gonna walk away and not offer to buy me a new one it's my birthday i said no i won't this is the bag i bought you and i don't have any money left to get another one i walked home almost in tears however i did get a fancy new bag out of it needless to say i think i dodged the friend bullet there and we haven't spoken to each other since and down in the comments we have this toy from mad lord punt it only cost you 35 pounds to save yourself a few years when you would eventually find out anyway that this person isn't a good friend i hope she never has kids they'll make you some hideous things just last week my daughter made me a bracelet with huge multi-colored beads i'm six foot one two hundred pounds and look like a biker long hair beard tattoo sleeves but do i often wear it you bet your butt i do because it makes her happy to see me wearing it my boyfriend is seriously an inconsiderate person i wish he can be more thoughtful he ordered me a cake for my birthday okay it was quite expensive so it shows he's got some sincerity however he asked me to go pick it up he's currently overseas temporarily for work like come on how cheap can you get just pay the 35 delivery fee why inconvenience me i expressed my dissatisfaction to him and he said it doesn't make sense to pay that much for delivery when the distance isn't even that far in the first place he said he's happy to pay my taxi two ways saying it'll be about 15 total at that point i was furious he wants me to sit in a taxi in rush hour traffic just to save money such a cheapskate you know i get that the boyfriend was really considerate to get a cake for her for her birthday even when he's out of the country but to be honest with you i kind of agree with this choosing beggar if it were my birthday i wouldn't want to sit in traffic either also if you're gonna pay 15 bucks for a taxi why not just pay the extra 15 bucks to have it delivered overall this post got a ton of upvotes over 26 000 so apparently a lot of people think that this is a great example of a choosing beggar so i'm really curious to hear your thoughts am i wrong and this choosing beggar is an entitled jerk or do you agree that she actually makes a good point let me hear from you down in the comments because i'm really curious hi united airlines i hate flying across the atlantic but i think a first class seat would ease that fear what does a girl gotta do to get her flight upgraded hi vanessa we're not able to offer upgrades here on social media but please feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance during your trip we'll be here for any questions or concerns you may have nope just want an upgrade no assistance other than an upgrade can i have an upgrade now i'll even take business class or economy plus hey vanessa the social media team is not able to issue complimentary upgrades we hope you have a great flight i won't because i'm flying in your cramped economy seats on an international flight with probably 46 screaming children next to me i just want a pod one time you can certainly pay for an upgrade by contacting a reservations team or by doing so at united.com or you guys could upgrade me and show off some good customer service just one time to save your already pretty sucky reputation with your loyal customers on this next post an entitled father writes this on a school's facebook page where can i submit my invoice to get my teacher pay since i'm teaching at home and the school replies hi ryan we don't pay parents or guardians for virtual learning teachers will still be providing lessons to those learning at home but if you're interested in being paid for educating and would like to see all the challenges teachers face during the pandemic please consider being a subforce the pandemic has made it very challenging to attract subs because most people don't want to face the challenges teachers currently face this dude honestly expects the school to pay him a full salary for watching his own freaking kids selling american girl doll collection for 115 dollars if no one will spend 115 dollars i'll come get it all for 25 everything for 25 yes if you can't sell it that's an extremely disrespectful lowball offer i have it pending to sell for a hundred dollars to someone currently well american doll went out of business not really so i wouldn't be shocked if you couldn't sell it 25 is better than zero dollars well okay people are so sensitive you legit got butthurt over that didn't you lmao not really lol by the way it's for my three-year-old 25 is realistic for that situation you got there lol good luck though on that so i looked it up and american girl is not out of business but if they were wouldn't that make the dolls even more valuable review 5 stars i'd love this app but the only thing that gets me is that the made with blank watermark can't come off unless you buy the premium version of it i would love to remove that watermark some of my viewers from youtube were asking me why there's a watermark and i told them i can't remove it it would be a whole lot better if you let me remove the watermark without buying the premium version that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 851,852
Rating: 4.9314141 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: hLjxXuwP6sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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