r/Choosingbeggars Buy Me a New Phone! It'd BETTER Be iPhone 11!

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welcome to our slice choosing beggars where a woman expects a brand-new iPhone for free hey can you upgrade the computer you gave to playing to 32 gigabytes memory and a new graphics card hi I'm sure we can sort that out I'll have to get prices on the components tonight and get back to you high prices you said that the computer was free for his schoolwork yes that's correct but the computer is pretty high SPECT it already has 16 gigabytes of RAM which should be more than sufficient for school that's over 300 bucks worth of upgrades you're asking for and that's just the cost of the components he needs to edit videos on it so can you upgrade today I can come now sorry but the computer was free and I'm happy to install the components for you for free but you'll have to purchase the components you want and then I can put them in for you I don't have $300 and you said it was for school and he needs it for media studies well I apologize and it's not up to what he needs it for but a GPU and 32 gigabytes of RAM aren't normal school requirements like I said happy to install the components for free if you provide them but I can't spend 300 bucks on a computer I gave you for free I'm gonna tell the admins that you wasted my time okay no problem you're welcome to return the computer for a full refund of the purchase price if you're not satisfied then we had this contribution from I'd rather be a vigilante down in the comments I sold my four-year-old washer and dryer for a hundred bucks when the buyer came to get it they dropped the dryer down the porch stairs literally six months later I got a message saying the dryer didn't work anymore and wanted me to fix or replace it people are wild man anyone got a spare phone I accidentally jab mine in the toilet and I really need one for my job I've got an old Android phone it's only a couple of years old but it should work for you if all you need is social media and basic calls and texting uh no thank you Android phones are trash vomit emoji you said you need a phone for your job I'm offering you a free phone I was even willing to drive to your house to give it to you did you really think you were gonna get an iPhone for free it's not like I was asking for a new one an old one would have worked but hull but I'm not gonna walk around with a sucky Android phone that looks like trash you literally live in a trailer park you're in medical debt you work at Target and you act like you're rich either take the lg phone from 2017 or don't even post on Facebook asking for a free iphone or better yet don't drop your effing phone in the toilet like a [ __ ] you're not perfect either I'm literally offering you a phone for free f off I'm always so bewildered when I see people freak out over Samsung phones and only one iPhones I've got a samsung s9 and honestly I love it that thing is so huge it's like having a tablet in your pocket do you buy into this choosing beggar belief that iPhones are for rich people and all other models are for poor people let me know down in the comments I gave away a house to a single mom and I don't recommend it I was working for a house flipper doing the actual renovations and he offered to sell me a property very cheaply that he had bought but didn't think it was worth flipping because it would never be worth much because it was small about 900 square feet and the neighborhood was not terrible but not on the way up any time soon I was thinking I might try renting it so I renovated it but all new appliances new floor new tub new toilet a/c heater new sewer line etc it took about six months of weekends to finish meanwhile I talked to a bunch of mom-and-pop landlords and realized that I just did not have the temperament to be a successful property manager plus my wife had just been diagnosed with Crohn's I looked into selling but anyone who was interested was pretty slimy and wanted to offer me substantially less than what I'd already put into it so I said f it I'm gonna give it to a family that really needs a house first we approached a local Jewish charity my wife's Jewish and they straight-up told me that they used to donate houses but had been so badly that they no longer did so and beware next place was a local branch of a huge national charity they were happy to take the house off our hands auctioning it off and then take 15% of the sale and donated to the local homeless shelter the remaining 85% was for quote administrative costs we declined a month or two later a friend of a neighbor approached us about a young single mom going to the local community college to become an ultrasound tech but just couldn't get her feet underneath her due to housing issues perfect but no and so I gave her the house for free after six or so weeks the new owner called and told me I needed to fix the plumbing I was like it's not my house did you call roto-rooter and then part of the conversation got chopped out so it continues further down I'd kept copies of the receipts for tax reasons so I copied them and brought them to her at the house I saw that none of the appliances at the house were the ones I bought except that the stove and the dishwasher and the washing machine combo were just gone plus it wasn't just her and her daughter living there her mom her mom's girlfriend and the girlfriends grown son were all living in that tiny place a few months later I found out she had taken a mortgage on the place but wasn't paying it because she called me and wanted me to pay the mortgage and then rent to own the place back to her I declined so then she left a bunch of trashy and threatening stuff my wife's Perea social media pages both personal and her work related sites eventually and stopped I was homeless as a young adult and thought it would be great to help someone in that situation but nope this story might sound too crazy to be true but we have an almost identical story from Beth ago Jay down in the comments almost the same story happened to me except it wasn't totally free but pretty close I had a house that was pretty beat-up I couldn't sell it outright because it wouldn't sell for what I still owed him the loan I had a friend's daughter approached me that I hadn't seen since she was a little girl her and her husband and three kids were in a tough spot and wanted to know if we'd sell the house to them I said sure ten thousand dollars and three hundred bucks a month until it's paid off I would have given it to them for our own mortgage loan in our side come about two months after they move in and they can't make the payments the father had just lost his job no problem lots of communication and they missed out on six months payments no biggie we were in a tight spot when we were first starting out to just pay what you can a few payments of fifty bucks a month for a couple of months then nothing again she was in a car accident which was true and needed to swing the payment for a drivable vehicle no problem I get it suddenly and no communication didn't respond to text anymore oh well maybe they're just too embarrassed to keep up with begging for time with not enough money I just wanted to get the place paid off and out of my own name so I could sign the place over to them I kind of just forgot about it so after a while I realized it had been close to a year without hearing anything check out our Facebook page to see they were moving into their new place then next week they have put in new windows and siding in the new house I sent a message saying hey what's up with you guys not confrontational or anything and just wanted to know the scoop instantly blocked from all social media took me ten months to get the house back into my name finally got them to show up to the lawyer to do a quick claim the house was trashed and I don't mean just the filth there was garbage bags packed halfway up every wall filled with baby clothes trash and pop cans the covers were still full of food from food pantries that they didn't take with them holes in every wall more than half the windows boarded up from being broken carpets just stained beyond belief broken furniture everywhere faucets removed and straight pipes running out of the walls so I decided screw it a few months later I decided I'm just going to sell it for a thousand bucks to let it be someone else's problem the old owner show up with a trailer to move their stuff out I told them to take a hike they'd signed over and left the keys with the lawyer more than two months before and this was after being moved out for more than ten months they broke into the house at some point took about half of our garbage and left all the doors and what was left of the windows I'd open a neighbor call to tell me she thinks a homeless guy was staying in there my own fault for not changing every lock I seriously thought they were done with the place and didn't need to found out later that they I'm assuming broke in again to try to steal the copper out of the walls the neighbor called to tell me the door was open again by the time I got there nobody was there and there were holes in the walls where they were locating pipes but nothing appeared to be removed at the time I'm now in the final process of selling it for $1 I tried to auction it off and the auctioneer walked through it and told me it wasn't even auction Abul she didn't think it would sell at all and I would be stuck with her bill $1,000 minimum or 10% plus advertising plus still having the home the new guy is a slumlord and I hate doing that to the neighbors but there's literally nothing else I can do just the thought of trying to be nice again and giving it away turns my stomach it's been such a nightmare that's dragged on for more than five years I totally feel your pain you can't be nice enough to people without them walking over every inch of charity you have then there's yet another story from Ginkel I once hired a down-on-his-luck contractor I explained that I would be hiring him for repeat jobs as this one was successful stress to him that I could be doing these jobs five or six times a year and netting him $50,000 or more yearly he worked hard at first then he just sort of stopped kept complaining that he needed more money up front and I foolishly kept paying him then when we hit the amount that we agreed to but the work wasn't finished he started asking for more I explained about our agreed-upon price and he kept saying he wasn't going to just work for free I gave him so many chances and finally I just told him to get the eff off my property and don't ever come back when he came back it was at night to gut the place smash the walls and windows and break the pipe so the place flooded I now understand exactly why he was down on his luck because he's just a douchebag and people sometimes get what they deserve is your dresser taken can you deliver it to blank it's available but you have to pick it up because I don't have a truck me neither I need it today my address is blank I'm sorry other people are willing to come pick it up so if you can I'll let them have it I asked first yes but I'm giving it away for free so come get it or I'll give it to somebody else even if you have to come another day I'm willing to wait I need this today my address is blank - these boots come in size 5 I have a size 6 in a size 4 here's a picture the size 4 so the average is 5 here's a picture of the size 6 those are belong to my kids the sizes I have for sale are 3 4 and 6 ok can you make the size 6 red and the size 4 blue what do you mean make I don't make shoes I'm selling my kids snow boots oh you can't switch the colors no sorry ok do you think you could buy brand new ones in the opposite colors and sell them to me for the used price then down in the comments there was a discussion about how dumb this woman was Chicago guy says I knew a woman who was really this dumb she was a narcissist and her brain just didn't understand why reality didn't bend to be convenient for her this is completely the kind of thing she might say then tubby Marmot replies to him I worked at a pet store when I was younger one lady couldn't understand why a half salt half freshwater fish tank wasn't going to work she was only going to put salt on one side so yes people are this dumb I'm not saying the original post is in there troll but people like that do exist my family member and his girlfriend are homeless in their car not only are they homeless in an unregistered and uninsured car not only that but she also found out last week that she's pregnant I talked to my boss about it and he said they have an open position it would do me a favor of giving them a job to help out edit this job is two dollars above minimum wage with tips not a bad job at all I'm all excited to tell them call them and tell them I have a job lined up and they can start this weekend and they responded with no thanks Vanessa I worked a similar position 10 years ago while I was in high school and I didn't like it no offense to your boss but I can't see myself as kitchen help again like what they're coming to my place today to have a shower and do laundry and I'm actually repulsed and don't even want to help them anymore then we have this comment from Sarah down below I saw this post they also stole 400 bucks from their grandmother who's on a very limited budget they later asked Opie for pills another thing I'd like to point out is that this guy said the last time he had this job was 10 years ago in high school so assuming he had this job at the tail end of high school he would have been 18 which makes him like 28 close to 30 now this guy's almost 30 years old doesn't have a place to live has a pregnant girlfriend steals from his grandma and isn't willing to get a job Opie I think it's time to cut this person out of your life because they are a train wreck for context on this next one the choosing beggar had an office job then she quit and choosing bigger sister got the job then choosing Becker text her sister this does blank need anyone I'm not sure actually maybe a cook or someone out front I have one office job no office jobs available right now but you could text or call them can I just have your position and you work at blank uh no huh it was my position first I'm not doing this with you huh wow that's greedy what happened to the web site it'll be back up once I'm paid you're three weeks late sure it will nice effing scam just wait until blanks sees this you agreed to pay me 650 bucks to create a website for you I created the website you approved everything I put the website up for you and told you that once you paid I'd hand everything over you never paid me so now the website stays down until you do you already made the website so we can call it $85 it's too late to call it $85 when we already agreed to call it 650 dollars please man my website is going to make so much money and you're robbing me of that you gotta make money to spend money didn't you ever hear that so how am I gonna make your money when my effing site is down I really wish I had time for this but I don't we agreed you would pay upon completion of tasks not after you make them money back I'm not going to reply unless I see the invoice paid why the eff waste your time being a debt collector ever heard of 80/20 you spend all your time on little stuff and that's why you're broke hello hello how professional you'll be hearing from my $80,000 lawyer good luck something tells me if this guy can't afford 650 bucks for a website he can't afford 80k for a lawyer that was our slash using beggars and if you like this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 697,805
Rating: 4.9451652 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: 4cHkznpehd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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