r/Choosingbeggars "BUY ME DINNER! Eww... Not That"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where Opie describes the worst date in history dear are / ass breaded what was your worst experience on the market for a soulmate he an 18 year old guy brought his sister with him on the first date this wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't his older sibling 23 years old at the time I was 17 and we had met at a football game at his high school when he had asked me to meet him at an Olive Garden for a date she asked me to pay for her to eat with us and I declined as she was a literal stranger she ate all the bread and stole a random dirty soda cup off of an empty table when I asked her brother the person I was on the date with basic getting-to-know-you questions she would talk about how nosy I was while I was still at the table she tried to corner me at the bathroom to ask for money after I told her brother that I worked she took the appetizers someone else ordered off of their table while they were away when I decided to walk out on the date he punched a wall and his sister tried to fight me for $40 so she could pay your phone bill there was no second date I'm actually shocked that there was no second date our next read opposes from timber dog barks and I'm really sorry about the resolution of this screen cap it's almost unreadable but the story's so good I had to include it so a little bit of context here Opie is a tutor and his sister-in-law is the other person on the text message why can't you just dump your Wednesday lesson and free it for my daughter I told you the only days I can tutor Cassie are Tuesday and Thursdays five to six if you can't fit that window she'd have to join in with the rest I'm more than happy to help Cassie improve her grades because we're family but I'm not gonna dump paying clients who have been with me for so long causing me to lose money well you give me no choice I'll talk to my brother and tell him you Rafi used to help Cass and it's your fault when she fails her class drop your Wednesday classes you don't need the money anyway you're being unreasonable I'm willing to tutor your daughter for free because she's my niece I love her and want a helper but my lessons are already arranged this way I'm sorry but I can't stop tutoring on Wednesdays just because it's convenient to you and I do need the money okay WTF are you trying to make me feel guilty for not paying you we're family don't be rude and greedy a sin I'm willing to accept you coming to our house on Saturday morning at 8:00 to teacher make sure to come 15 minutes earlier to fix her breakfast cuz Saturday's we like to sleep til late and have her dressed and ready at 10:00 for Grammy to pick her up and take her to hers would you like me to mop the floors and clean the litter box when I finish wTF is your problem you're humiliating me and insulting my family I'm gonna call my brother right now and he's gonna dump your mongrel but you think you're above my family sitting on your pile of cash the richest jerk in the cemetery learn your place you house in word and Opie made another pose down in the comments which shines some more light on how crazy and racist this choosing beggar is when someone asked Opie if her husband would side with his sister Opie replies he's my husband his sister has disliked me from the day she met me because I'm black and a foreigner she's a racist and when she's angry it shows she resents the fact he chose me over his family his family is very racist and cut ties with him when we got married his parents haven't met our children yet because they're mixed-race and they don't want anything to do with us we kept in touch with his little sister because she's his little sister and she lives near us but she's always making sly comments and covert racist remarks towards me my husband has told her many times that as much as he loves her he won't tolerate her treating me like garbage just because my skin happens to be dark but she had never called me anything as bad as what she did today my husband was with me while I was texting with her and saw the messages he called her up straight away and told her she's did to him and doesn't want to hear from her ever again she cried her eyes out crocodile tears and said she'd apologized to me and didn't really mean what she said but her daughter is failing her classes and it's my fault because I don't want a tutor her she didn't mean it she's only crying because she got caught we have given her many chances but there's no cure for racism and stupidity and I already told her I have no problem with our daughter coming in for tutoring after school with the other kids I don't even charge her because I genuinely want to help her get better grades but I'm not gonna quit tutoring the other paying kids just because some are black and she doesn't want her daughter sitting in the same room as them funny because there are black kids in her class in school and she doesn't put up a fight because she knows she can't get away with being racist towards kids in a public school and they won't give her crazy demands the time of day the problem comes because her daughter has Zumba and other activities after school every day of the week except Wednesdays so because she wants me to tutor her exclusively she expects me to get rid of the other kids and spend the hour teaching her daughter alone how am I gonna dismiss my Wednesday's class just for her when her daughter is welcome to come anyway what am I supposed to tell the kids parents that I can't work for them anymore because their presence bothers my sister-in-law am I supposed to say no to that money to teach her daughter for free I don't mind teaching her for free but she has to compromise and bring her in with everybody else or you know give priority to her grades over Zumba quit Zumba and bring her in for tutoring oh and trust me I do need the money I have bills to pay just like everybody else but in her head we must be loaded because we go on holidays once a year and we enjoy eating out sometimes and going to the movies sorry for the long rant but I'm super pissed she had the guts to call me those things don't feel bad Opie if someone called me those things I'd want to rant too though to be honest I'm shocked that this choosing beggar understood your sarcasm when you said would you also like me to mop the floors and clean the kitty litter part of me was expecting her to be like yeah that'd be great thanks our next reddit post is from sad creative hey I'll buy the phone right now I can come to you in the next 15 minutes I'll pay 140 250 bucks 160 I have people offering 250 I can be there in five minutes huh no 250 only I am here where 250 I drove 45 minutes are you really gonna decline 160 yes I am you think I was gonna accept 160 don't use guilt to try and persuade me either I don't know you weird mother effer his stupid grunt go F yourself you lonely F you're a stupid piece of doodoo I'm around the corner if you're talking funny we'll see go to heck nerd have fun on your way home so this choosing beggar said they drove 45 minutes to get here but actually just a few text messages earlier they said I can come to you in the next 15 minutes honestly it's kind of pathetic our next reddit post is from rip trousers I used to work any little pizzeria and after a busy night we'd sometimes end up with a couple of mistake pizzas that we couldn't sell sitting on top of the oven like if the cook accidentally put on the wrong toppings or a slightly burnt pizza stuff like that well one night about 20 minutes before closing a lady comes in and proceeds to tell me a sob story about her son being stranded and hungry having nothing to eat all day and can I give her a free pizza you're in luck I actually do have a free pizza tonight and you can have it can I see it me taking the pizza box off the oven and showing her a perfectly fine and pepperoni and mushroom pizza ooh it's got mushrooms on it Mia's surprised she's being picky I guess so can you make me a different pizza not for free if you want a pizza to order I have to charge you for it but I don't have any money so take this free one then but I don't like mushrooms you can pick them off the lady making a disgusted face I don't want that one can't you give me anything else sorry this is the only thing I can give you for free then she makes an angry sigh and just walks out doesn't take the pizza I guess they weren't that hungry then we had this really interesting post from mass trip down in the comments when I used to work as a firefighter we had this one fan who would listen to our calls on a scanner he worked at a local Pizza Hut and if he heard us go on a serious fire the lasted a while he would wait until we got back to the station and then send us some mistake pizzas that people hadn't picked up or whatever he was our freakin hero to this day that same fire station always orders from that Pizza Hut I do too thanks dude you're remembered with fondness that was our sloshed choosing beggars and if you like my content hit that subscribe button and come back for more daily reddit videos
Channel: rSlash
Views: 932,929
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: Uy9XqS8M8EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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