r/Choosingbeggars I Got An Iphone 11 For X-Mas... I HATE MY FAMILY!

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welcome to r slash choosing beggars where a spoiled bratz christmas gets ruined can anyone spare a few dollars for groceries i have paypal cash up and sell i'm hungry and all my money has gone towards pets and then a neighbor replies i'm sure some might have some groceries to give you perhaps but why wouldn't money suffice why wouldn't food suffice which is what you said you need well said i'm more than happy to donate food in my pantry that i won't eat to those who need it but if i simply went out and handed everyone cash who says they needed i'd be broke there are charitable people who have money to spare if you don't have money to spare then the question doesn't pertain to you i'm sorry for making you guys upset if someone says they want money for food and then turns down offers for free food does anyone else just automatically assume that they really want money for drugs this tweet was posted on december 25th 2020 at 11 37 am so probably right after presents were unwrapped i really got an iphone 11 pro max when the 12 is out god i hate my effing family so much if i had a kid who did this i would take the iphone 11 back and tell them to buy their own iphone 12. selling 2008 sedan for four thousand dollars i'll give you 950 dollars right now no questions asked take it or leave it every second you wait on this offer i dropped the price by fifty dollars the ball's in your court then three minutes later op replies huh so your offer is already at zero no still 950 take it or leave it nope i only had 20 seconds to respond shoot guess i missed out is this choosing beggar giving anyone else dwight schrute vibes hello i really like your content and i was wondering if you would be interested in a paid shoutout i would post one of your pictures onto my page and then tell people to follow you in the caption i think your content suits the theme of my page well and would therefore do very well on my page and gain you lots of followers i hope you see the potential this has with my following of ten thousand people you're almost guaranteed to gain lots of followers so please consider i charge a feed post of thirty dollars and i accept payment through paypal hi choosing beggar thanks for your offer but i'd kindly ask you to f off if you're expecting me to pay you to share my pictures i hope you'll still enjoy my content signed op and down in the comments we have this story from the same but better my best friend paid his way through university doing photography food photography was a specialty in the past his work has appeared on boxes for farm foods moreson and iceland ready meals but he did other work as well one such example was taking pictures for a specialist furniture manufacturer he was wise to avoid getting ripped off and his contract made it very clear how they could use his photos basically they could use it in their own advertising and marketing materials and nowhere else also they were obliged to send him a monthly report detailing where the images were used well some design magazine wanted to feature the images and the furniture company supplied them to them and then they made the mistake of asking my friend to pay a fee to find out where the images have been used his response was to tell them to carefully read clauses xyz of the contract and realize why they now owed him close to seven thousand dollars as for things i know santa doesn't provide we need a heavy duty couch with one removable cushion a rocking chair with high arms that folds away from the wall a king-sized bid for extreme weight restrictions and a mattress that won't go bad in months our dream has been a tempur-pedic bed and last but not least a space-saving nordictrack elliptical these items i'll never be able to afford and never be able to convince santa so now i'm just praying for a miracle you can vinmo us but it won't even touch the price we love you guys who wish you could help i think we're just too far gone why is this grown adult talking about convincing santa to get her presents surely by this point she knows that santa isn't real right hey i saw your profile you design youtube profiles and all that i really like your work and i have a job for you my six-year-old granddaughter got a tablet for christmas and wants to start a youtube channel i want to surprise her with a cool layout could you do that sure thing i could absolutely do that while i don't usually cater to that kind of clientele i'm sure i'll be able to design something she'll be happy with are you okay with my pricing and payment options it's in my bio i just need to establish that before i get started on any work that's fine by me she likes roblox and fortnite so just try to make one like that and she'll be really happy smiley face okay i'll try to get started on it soon i have coveted at the moment so it could be a few days or a week before i could show you any sort of preview because i'm sort of under the weather you shouldn't have taken the commission if you knew you weren't going to be able to finish it it's her birthday on thursday have it done by then i apologize for the inconvenience ma'am i have really bad symptoms at the moment so i can't work right now i might feel better tomorrow but i can't guarantee i'll have it done by thursday i see how it is i have full screen caps of this conversation ready to send to the federal trade commission so you'd want to wise up quick before you scan me out of my ordered goods it's fine if you don't want to go through with this you haven't paid me anything yet so you can't try to get me in trouble for undelivered goods or whatever it is you're trying to attempt trust me pal i've worked in retail long enough to know the full reach of the long arm of the law if you can work at a discounted rate i might tolerate your tardiness sorry this story is really good my old boss got rear-ended in traffic on a major city freeway the guys in the car asked for 200 bucks and they said they would forget about it my boss replied no way you hit me okay a hundred dollars they responded how about 50 when the police showed up they were arrested for driving a stolen car so let me get this straight these idiots stole a car got into a car wreck and then instead of just running away they stuck around so they could argue with the guy they hit over a couple of hundred dollars and then down in the comments we have this story from the name of chef my best friend was driving back from a party as a designated driver the driver in front of him slammed her brakes when the light turned yellow their bumpers barely touched she saw a few drunk people in the car and thought she hid gold she asked for a few hundred euros for non-existent repairs or she would call the cops my friend said f that the cops arrived and the lady asked him to breathalyze the driver she was shocked when he pulled a 0.0 then the cops say miss you'll have to be tested for alcohol too it's the law she was so far above the limit they took her to the police station and had her car towed only a drunk person would be stupid enough to call the cops on someone for drunk driving when they themselves are drunk driving our next reddit post is from newman years ago i made plans with a girl i met on plenty of fish to go to a movie i picked her up because she didn't have any money for gas and began driving to the theater at the nearby mall she says she's really hungry and hasn't eaten all day i had dinner already since it was a late movie and the plans were just to go to the movie but i said okay where do you want to go we were right next to a few restaurants the closest being tgi fridays how about fridays i asked okay sure she replies we get in and i order an appetizer for myself and i told her to get whatever she wants she scoffs and starts laughing lightly i ask her what's funny she says i can't believe you took me to a fridays on our first date absolutely dead serious my blood instantly boiled i sat there making small talk while she ate i paid the bill and we got back to the car i drove her home immediately and she was so confused as to why i cut the date short smart call op i think you dodged a bullet on that one yo what's good wanna be a designer for us is this a paid position or anything bruh why do all designers say that you sit there for like one to five hours on a piece of art and expect to be paid players sit there all day grinding clips and don't get paid yeah the audacity what kind of jerkface wants to get paid for their actual labor our next credit post is from its average the company i worked for announced a while back that there won't be a christmas party this year for obvious reasons this is my first year with the company but from what i've heard the party is a pretty good time so everyone was really disappointed at the event each employee receives a gift card to a local mall or business the amount varies but it's typically in the range of 50 nothing to sneeze at for sure anyway it was announced that in lieu of a christmas party the company was going to provide a gift box for each of us to contain a turkey some vegetables a pie and some other items to round out a nice christmas dinner most of us thought this was a nice gesture seeing as it would have been pretty easy to simply cancel the party site covered as the reason and save a bunch of money one co-worker the choosing beggar in question was not happy with this during our shift last thursday the manager phoned us up saying that our boxes were ready for pickup and that we could pack up early the choosing beggar blew up ranting on and on about how much of an insult this gift was how it's beneath him and how he wants a gift card or nothing keep in mind this is a grown man and there were people around it was a real embarrassing sight we tried to talk him down but he continued to say how insulting and demeaning this was and how he doesn't need a turkey well fair enough you're one guy and that's a lot of food a co-worker of ours who's a real sweet young lady but unfortunately not very well off asked if he could pick up his box and give it to her and her family the choosing beggar refused saying that he wouldn't touch it on principle the food bank was also out of the question he even phoned the manager back to tell him what he had just told us the manager was rightfully pissed and sent him home for the day telling him that by refusing to pick it up today he was forfeiting everything and he couldn't backtrack later on the choosing beggar agreed and stormed off so the rest of us went off to pick up our meals also out of the four of us who were working that day two of us had been forced to go to the food bank at least a couple of times in the past few years so listening to this guy go on and on about how a free meal wasn't good enough for him had us rather angry especially considering the state of the world right now back to the story we showed up at the shop and the gift box blew our expectations out of the water the gift box had a 22 pound turkey bags of vegetables an apple pie stuffing gravy and cranberry sauce all locally grown and handmade complete with a baking tray meat thermometer and instructions on how to prep and cook everything and for a little icing on the cake tucked into the corner of each box was the 50 gift card that choosing beggar was ranting on and on about choosing beggar's gift box complete with a gift card ended up going to the food bank after all oh stories like this just warm my hearts i would literally pay money to see this guy's face when he found out what was actually in that gift box selling playstation 4. is this still available yes it's available i'll pay 220 no thank you lowest 290 really not wanting to take anything less than 300. i'll do 250 if you bring it to my job everybody else is asking 250 for theirs but i like yours better just think you'd be giving my kids a present man that should soften your heart man no thank you it's corona time and things are hard brother i hear that man man 40 is not gonna make or break you not trying to be rude but i could say the exact same things you know thanks for looking but again no thank you then the choosing beggar sends op a bunch of pictures of what looks like jackets and ugg boots do you know anybody doing some last minute shopping let me know how much outfits are eighty dollars boots are a hundred dollars would you take forty dollars i know of all people you ain't talking i've given parents outfits for free i can't even count how many times but my blessings are not coming from you forty dollars shouldn't make or break you times have been tough you know well well well how the turntables turned warning if you want bad service and overpriced food this is the place for you the rewards program is a joke plus they charge you 50 cents per credit card transaction without telling you this is why corporations take over mom and pop stores lack of customer service response from the owner choosing bigger you came in at least three times a week for months with no complaints you receive free cheese and jalapenos each time and never had an issue when we didn't offer a reward program at all it was only after we decided to give something back as a reward to customers that it wasn't good enough for you anymore and you became extremely rude to a particular employee lots of places don't give any reward at all i'm sorry that any type of reward wasn't good enough for you and as for the cash discount program it's posted on both the door and the register where you pay selling magic refiner keyboard for 1500 mexican dollars which is about 80 us dollars hi i love this keyboard i would love to tell my friends about them on facebook and instagram if i tell my friends about the keyboard can you send it to me for free let me know sign choosing becker down in the comments mystic yo-yo says exactly what i was thinking he would love to tell his seven instagram followers of whom for our family shout out to grandma that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 378,473
Rating: 4.9512224 out of 5
Id: DS4-qss2Hcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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