r/Choosingbeggars "PAY ME $600,000 TO DATE ME!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where we have the most expensive date on planet Earth hello guys I'm 21 years old and I have four kids they're six years old four years old one year old and five months I'm looking for a guy who's working and will support me financially also send my kids to private school thank you so out of curiosity I looked up the average cost of private school and did a little math on this the average tuition for private elementary school is nine thousand six hundred and thirty one dollars times six years of school times for kids comes out to two hundred and thirty one thousand dollars and the average tuition for middle and high school is fourteen thousand five hundred and seventy five bucks times seven years of school times for kids equals four hundred and eight thousand dollars added together we get six hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars that's how much this woman expects you to pay her for the honor of dating her our next reddit post is from pretences witty hello you're the lady who teaches swimming right I got your number from Sangeetha can you teach my son also yeah sure she said she offered to pay but it is free is that true I can't pay free right I can't pay I'm a single mom hello please reply huh hello hey yes they're free I'm in office I won't be able to respond right away wow that's rude I want to know what time today I should bring my son to the pool I'm sorry but today I already informed everyone that I wanted to swim alone today I'll message you the next time I'm teaching probably after three days I usually teach the kids from 3 to 5 p.m. can you come at 1:00 today and teach him 1 2 3 warmer than 3 to 5 I know you have flexible timing can you reply faster I can't teach it 1 because of work it's already past 12 and today I really feel stressed and need to blow off some steam I don't want to teach today I already told everyone that from next time I'll inform you also that's not fair I already told him he can go swimming today give him one good reason to tell him else he is gonna cry 1 I'm not teaching today - I already cancelled I can't uncanny lever e1 this late that's even better you can teach him alone those brats got free lessons for a month you need to make up for that with my son what I can't teach just for your son why not he has anxiety issues you have to teach him alone I am NOT a certified trainer I don't want to be responsible for the safety of a kid with anxiety in a pool with depth twice his size I think you should get someone else when I say anxiety I don't mean like that he just doesn't like other kids just teach him exclusively for one month after that you can put him with everyone they got more classes than him it is not fair so you should start teaching him from tomorrow at 1:00 it is better to be out of the pool by 3:00 that way no one gets sick also he doesn't have goggles bring an extra pair tomorrow or let him use yours until I buy one I can't swim daily if I go swimming today it will be at least two days before I swim again and I'm not gonna teach anyone exclusively wow you are such a selfish jerk he is just a kid don't you have any heart I am a single mom and I already told him so tomorrow at 1:00 I can see that you have seen my messages I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1:00 if something happens to him then you are responsible whatever you are probably a lousy teacher you are such a nasty a horrible person my son doesn't need this I don't know what I did to deserve this why is everyone so selfish and unhelpful these days you have flexible timing you work less hours than me you earn more than me those jerks are rich enough that they can afford to get a swimming instructor but no they want only free stuff that my son needs you are so privileged that you don't need money you effing refuse money that people are ready to pay they are ready to give money and you don't need money do you know how much I need that money I am a single mom you should get the money from them and give it to me you are privileged you should give it to me I need it more than you if you won't teach my son alone you should at least give the money to me reply me I can see that you read the message jerk this kid has anxiety you think the reason for that might be because her insane mother is planning on throwing the kid in a pool with no safety instructors yeah I think I'd have anxiety to our next reddit post is from vindictive barista and in this post Opie is trying to sell a MacBook for 1,200 bucks what do you mean how low the price is firm at $1200 I paid 2,800 for it originally so you're still getting a really good deal I was thinking 800 and I can also give you some jewelry I make an exchange I'm gonna have to pass things you don't realize how difficult it is to be a single mother around Christmas my kids have been begging for this all year and now I have to tell them that you let them down does it feel good knowing you ruined two kids Christmases I know it's a crazy concept but I don't give a flip about your kids Christmas instead of the Grinch stealing Christmas trees I think you'd have much more success going on Craigslist and taunting single moms our next reddit post is from crafty cat hey your blankets are amazing do you do commissions hello hi sorry I've been out of town with my fiance haven't been on Instagram much well that's not a very good business practice I beg your pardon not responding to potential clients I'm sorry as I said I was out of town with my fiance is there something I can do for you yes a commission that's why I messaged you in the first place okay I want a blanket in a Catherine's wheel stitch you do know what that is right light grey light blue and cream oh and I would like it made out of natural fiber like wool or alpaca none of that acrylic garbage what size and I'm going to need to know what type of fiber you want because there's a big cost difference in wool alpaca and acrylic garbage wool and it's going to be a blanket for the couch so it needs to be big enough for two people to be under so let's say 6 by 7 feet so you want basically a queen-size blanket give me a couple hours and I'll get back to you on a price okay are you wanting thick a regular yarn regular I don't want it super bulky okay I can make the blanket for 400 bucks I require a 50% up front and the other 50% upon completion it'll probably take me 3 to 4 weeks to complete are you for real yeah that is unanimity for an effing blanket I can literally go to Walmart and get a blanket for $15 then go to Walmart and get a blanket seriously how the f did you get that price for a blanket you want a blanket that's a hundred percent wool not acrylic or anything artificial a blanket the size you won is going to require roughly 42 hundred yards of yarn which would require me to buy 20 skeins of wool the wool is eight bucks per skein that would come out to a hundred and sixty then not 400 plus craft stores are always having sales so you could probably get the yarn for a lot less the other 240 bucks is for my time that's insane you're charging way too much you want a wool blanket that is essentially queen size made of wool you want a complex stitch that works up extremely slowly a blanket as large as you're requesting in such a slow stitch will take me a hundred and twenty to a hundred and fifty hours you're telling me that charging less than two bucks an hour is charging way too much other crochets can make it for so much cheaper then have it made by other crochet errs you are insane I can't believe you think $400 is a fair price I need this blanket made it's for my girlfriend she's super ill and I want her to have something nice that's unfortunate but it's still going to cost you 400 bucks you're insane you should give me a friends-and-family discount or something since you took forever to respond to me I charge friends and family more I'll tell you what here's what we are going to do you make the blanket get the yard on sale on se we'll only when it's completed I will pay you but when it's completed I'll give you 70 bucks which is more than generous no you pay me 200 bucks up front and 200 upon completion then you pay shipping why the F do I pay half up front huh because if you back out I'm not a hundred and sixty bucks in the hole on yarn no you're going to buy the yarn on sale of course I'm going to buy the yarn on sale but I'm so gonna charge you full price you're insane I gave you a really generous offer I'm going to report you I'll make sure everyone knows of your scam you are charging way too much way too much oh no nobody will ever ask me to do a commission again don't do that I'm begging you you're going to be going out of business oh my gosh Oh No whatever will we do now you don't believe me oh no I do I just don't care have you I will destroy your business look at all that F's I don't give dude I don't have a business I am an effing flight instructor crochet is just my hobby I take commissions on occasion but I don't do crochet for an income I don't even really want Commission's that much so if you want the dink blanket then that's what I'm charging you then you should do it for free you don't need the money tell you what I'll do it for 800 bucks who is this guy good or a port op2 like there's some national regulating body of CRO shares and the crow shares guild is gonna find this guy for not setting reasonable crochet prices what on earth our next reddit post is from my Z was odd hey mate you're a boilermaker right yes I am who is this I'm a friend of Sam's he said you're a boilermaker oh okay well yes I am I got this job that needs welding think you can do it uh not sure we don't really do foreign orders at my work I'm not foreign yeah yeah I mean like outside jobs you did Sam's job yes but I did it outside of work hours so can you do mine outside of work hours what's the job for I need a trailer made I don't really know but I'll see what I can do have you got material if not have a look at this URL I can help you with ordering why do I need to supply material so I can do your job you did Sam's for free yes but he supplied material well I don't want to buy metal well I can't help you sorry you did Sam's for free though yes again he supplied material can't you just take it from your work you probably got heaps no I don't want to steal from my work just help me out I really need this done I'm sorry but I can't steal from my work we order what we need for jobs and don't have much spare okay then Fu you Grunk you're probably garbage anyway cowboy smiley face emoji F grunt get effed I make more in a day than you do in a week then just buy a trailer with all your extra money f off blocked okay I've got a ask what on earth is a Grunk I've never heard that word before in my life I'm gay seeing this is an Australian term because the guy used the term heaps and I've noticed Australians use the word heaps a lot so is this Australian slang what does it mean I really hope that Gronk isn't some like ultra racial slur in Australia and I just gotten my video banned in that entire country anyways if you know what that word means please let me know down in the comments that was our slash using beggars and if you like my channel please hit that subscribe button and check out my merch store with the link down in the description
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,611,364
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: Mg2o1_MKOLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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