r/Choosingbeggars "I Wish My Family Would DIE So I Could Get Their Money!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars we're a spoiled teenager wishes her dad would die of cancer so she could hurry up and get her inheritance I work in a hospital and I was pretty well known around our unit for the cakes I make everyone really enjoys them and I get requests often they take me a bit of time so I don't usually just give them away for free to people outside my family I had numerous people asking me to please make one for the unit for a holiday potluck and I agreed since it's the holidays I asked around about flavor preferences and food allergies and made one that seemed to meet all the criteria brought it in and left it with all the other potluck items people apparently pounced on it and several people took more than one piece it was gone in under an hour I was flattered by how quickly it went unfortunately one of the nurses who had pestered me the most to bring in the cake got there too late and it was gone she came to my office and asked where the cake was and I said it was eaten already she got so upset told me I should have cut a piece for her and saved it because she wanted it more than everybody I told her if she wanted it so badly she should have gone and grabbed a piece herself when we put food out she stormed off and I didn't really think more about it two days later I get called by my manager saying a safety report was filed by that nurse because I failed to supervise disbursement of the cake and allowed people to take multiple pieces of cake before others had a piece in the section for how could the safety events have been avoided she wrote that I should have baked multiple cakes enough to feed at least the number of people working times two to allow for seconds that would literally be around fifty to sixty pieces of cake stayed with the cakes until they were completely dispersed made multiple multiple announcements to inform people the case were available and lastly pre-cut the cake into acceptable size servings she then specified 2.5 inches square and saved pieces for those who most wanted cake I couldn't believe she used a hospital safety report for a freaking cake I informed my manager that this would never be a problem again because I will never bake another cake for the unit again Oh P if you're out there and you're watching this video I will gladly commission a cake from you no scratch that let's make it two cakes on the sole condition that you take the two cakes to work and give a slice to everyone who wants one except for this choosing beggar that'll be the best money I've ever spent our next reddit post is from add call hello I'm here for advice and to vent my dad sold his company for four million and recently was diagnosed with cancer he was told he would only have a few years to live he has chosen to go back to college to further his education before he passes a waste of money he has also booked a cruise around the world that is non-refundable I feel like he is blowing through all the money that I'm entitled to in my inheritance parents owe it to their children to leave a sizable nest egg after they pass and I won what's mine how should I stop him from blowing through all my money oh man you might have to go earn a living for Flip's sake your father earned what he has got good luck to him life is short so enjoy it while you got it wow really you're such a selfish grunt kids aren't entitled to anything I lost my beautiful mom last year and I'd rather have her than any amount of money you're absolutely vile my dad would never date any of you slobs dear daddy could you actually just died already Thanks honestly I hope that dad doesn't spend four million dollars I hope he spends five million dollars and leaves his daughter in debt our next reddit post is from chemical uprising this is part two of a story from an earlier video if you recall Opie made cookies for a baby shower and then the choosing beggar refused to pay saying that the cookies should be a gift for the baby shower hello Sharon funny that that actually rhymes with Karen I hope you've been well as per our last communication regarding the outstanding payment on your order I believe we need to come to some sort of agreement I have every right at this point to take this matter further you ordered my product have taken the product and have not paid what is owed you have committed the act of theft if you do not agree to pay me the 90 dollars you owe you will be hearing from the V cat the V cat is a tribunal in Australia what I am doing is simply giving you a chance to do the right thing I'm not out to make your life more difficult than it needs to be however you need to understand that what you're doing is illegal and will bear a consequence I am only trying to handle this in a civil way because you know I care about Denise as she's a good friend of mine if you were anyone else I definitely would not be so kind I have sent you the money to your account but not because of you because Denise was upset with me and I need a babysitter when the baby comes please do not contact me ever again we will not even be doing business ever again with you I refuse to give my money that I could use for my baby to you ever again my baby will now have nothing because of you I hope you get that you selfish prick it was a mistake to order from you when your product is not very good we all hated the cookies why did you even make them if all you wanted was my money that's all this is about money moneymoney you can't just do something nice for a change see this is why I've never gotten to know you better do not contact me again and delete my Instagram by then the choosing beggar links a photo which is a picture of Opie's cookies in the trash hi Sharon thank you for agreeing to pay the remaining amount on the order which you place with me over a month ago now in the future when you deal with small businesses or any for that matter please ensure you fully comprehend what you're getting into before you agree to purchase their goods or services this will save you from getting headaches in the future if you didn't pay I would have taken this further and gone to the police and taken you to court please be mindful that you were in the wrong in this situation as for your cookies I'm sorry you and your guests didn't enjoy them however given the fact that you've complimented them before I find this difficult to believe please do not contact me again I have no interest in doing business with you in any way shape or form if you do I will contact the authorities straightaway as I will not tolerate your disgusting behavior any longer Thanks have you and your Epping cookies I like the threat where she says her baby will have nothing because of this person I imagined this kid growing up and when she hits 18 years old she's like why are we so poor mommy well sweetheart it's because when you were born I had to spend $90 on terrible cookies and I was just never able to recover our next reddit post is from Barbara Ignis does this exist in Houston I wish there were modern places or like modern offices that were free where people can just come in and do work like a coffee shop in an office environment does this exist we works rents out modern office places in Houston but obviously it costs money free that's what the library is for just keep the noise down and answer calls outside unless they have private rooms man no wants to go to the effing library gtfo with that BS our next read of poses from jcz one seven three nine hey man thanks for the silver but can I have platinum please no why not help a man out did you like my post kind of I laughed then give me platinum hello Effie you prick actually I kind of sympathize with this guy I've put out dozens of videos and not one of you has actually given me YouTube platinum so I would appreciate it if you would stop being so cheap and actually buy me YouTube platinum thanks our next reddit post is from king salmon bill the PC with a budget of $2,000 and send it to me I want a PC now so you will build me one so I don't have to buy one is this our slash choosing beggars I've confused no I want a computer that can play for at night and you want someone to buy it and build it for you or just recommend parts yes that would be great thanks our next reddit poses from mud kick I worked for customer service for the mail service in my country a choosing beggar calls in tells me that he sent something very valuable in the mail and he's worried the package might have gone missing it's his wedding rings which he sent yesterday and he's getting married tomorrow I asked for his tracking number but of course he doesn't have one he sent two two thousand dollar wedding rings in low priority mail which can't be tracked nor is it insured I tell him this and that low priority mail takes up to five days to be delivered not one day he completely flips starts shouting and tells me how it should only take one day to be delivered because he's getting married he shouts at me saying if I don't find his untrackable letter and change it to high priority Express Mail I am personally responsible for ruining his wedding I tell him that I can try and have it change to priority Express mail but I can't guarantee that we're able to find such a small package during sorting plus he'd have to pay Express fees about 60 to 70 bucks for a 24-hour delivery if were able to change it he says he refuses to pay more money as he already bought delivery I tell him that if he can't pay I can't help him he says that if his soon-to-be wife finds out she will expose me personally make sure I lose my job and then I won't get another one because she works for a big newspaper he proceeds to call me a bunch of quote nice things so I hung up after wishing him good luck with his wedding later I checked his number and he called at least five more times that day our next reddit post is from not happy Jane I just I met this woman once at a wedding where we were both bridesmaids apparently the bride told her my gift was generous so she wanted me to be her bridesmaid too to cash in that's a hard pass I'm wondering now why her other bridesmaid dropped out hey girl what's up I got a snap from you but it got deleted before I could read it well sorry I don't know why that happened I just have a question so a bling dropped out of my wedding and I wanted to know if you want to be in it like as a bridesmaid are you serious I'm not trying to be rude I figure you'd ask one of your sisters or cousins we've only met once at blinks wedding yeah I was just thinking cuz bling told me how much you gave them for a wedding gift it was really generous and you were her bridesmaid Lowell I'm gonna have to say no but I wish you and Blanc the best of luck well we're registered at Bed Bath & Beyond if you want to get us anything love now when's the wedding hog is blank but we have so many people humming so we can't invite everyone sorry you know it kind of makes me wonder how many wedding invitations do Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates get every year our next reddit post is from cheap Swedish chair I bought my little brother a switch for Christmas I live in a different state from my mom and brother so I had it delivered to their address during Black Friday I tell my mom to make it a gift from me and her to him for Christmas Christmas rolls by and on the morning of she calls me asking me how much money I had in my bank and if I was willing to send her sixty bucks so my brother can go to the aquarium I remind her I spent $300 on a brand new Nintendo switch and that on top of that she already owed me money I'd lent her she tells me that the switch was a gift from Santa Claus out loud so my brother would hear and that the aquarium would be a separate transaction and that I should think about my brother more I told her no and hung up my little brother things I didn't send him anything for Christmas and it's all because my mom has a ten year old still believing in Santa Claus this happened over five days ago and I'm still fuming and upset we haven't spoken since this is a great way to end the year and start a new year Opie I've got bad news for you there's no way your mom said that the switch was from Santa Claus I'm positive that your mom said this switch was from her that was our slash choosing beggars and now it's my turn to beg for money if you enjoy my channel and you want to support more content from me then click the support me link down in the description
Channel: rSlash
Views: 989,756
Rating: 4.9396029 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: iGZLu0pdSdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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